Man Loaded with Mischielf

Roebuck, 130 Richmond Hill, Richmond TW10 6RN

Richmond pub history index

The Roebuck Tavern, the Terrace in the 1851 census. At Richmond Hill in 1878

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Surrey.

Roebuck Hotel - landlord T W Macnee, circa 1920

Roebuck Hotel - landlord T W Macnee, circa 1920

Roebuck, 130 Richmond Hill, Richmond - in January 2011

Roebuck, 130 Richmond Hill, Richmond - in January 2011

Both kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address.

1822/James Blizard/../../../Petty Sessions

1825/James Blizard/../../../Petty Sessions

1826/James Blizzard/../../../London Directory

1839/William Hare/Roe Buck, Richmond/../../Pigots Directory

1851/Mrs Frances Hare, Roe Buck, Richmond hill/../../Post Office Directory

1851/Frances Hare/Tavern Keeper, Widow/48/Egham, Surrey/Census
1851/Mary A F Hare/Daughter/18/Richmond, Surrey/Census
1851/William Hare/Son/21/Richmond, Surrey/Census
1851/Thomas Smith/Visitor/18/Rotherhithe, Surrey/Census
1851/James Blizard/Visitor/79/Petersham, Surrey/Census
1851/Henry B Reynolds/Visitor/40/London, Middlesex/Census
1851/Eliza Reynolds/Visitor/38/Hampshire/Census
1851/Mary Ann Walkden/Houemaid/17/Richmond, Surrey/Census
1851/Harriet A Westcoth/Kitchenmaid/24/Uxbridge, Middlesex/Census
1851/Andrew Sheridan/Waiter/29/Camberwell, Surrey/Census

1855/Mrs Frances Hare/Roebuck hotel, Terrace/../../Post Office Directory **

1867/E Quiddington/../../../Post Office Directory

1871/Margaret Quiddington/Hotel Keeper/40/Blakeney, Norfolk/Census
1871/Emma Starling/Deputy Housekeeper/24/Marylebone, Middlesex/Census
1871/Martha Wheeler/Barmaid/22/Malling, Kent/Census
1871/Harriett Todd/Cook/24/Hatley, Essex/Census
1871/Eliza Pike/Servant/19/Woolhampton/Census
1871/Thomas Sizeland/Waiter/29/Bandeswell, Norfolk/Census
1871/Samuel Tapling/Ubnder Waiter/18/Marylebone, Middlesex/Census
1871/William Chayce/Lodger, City Buyer/33/Wooton, Warwickshire/Census
1871/Frederick Greenwood/Lodger, Gentlean, Widow/41/Wooton, Warwickshire/Census
1871/Kate Greenwood/Lodger/19/Wooton, Warwickshire/Census

1878/Thomas Winslet/../../../Post Office Directory

1881/Thomas Winslet/Hotel Proprietor/49/Richmond, Surrey/Census
1881/Susanna Wootton/Partner, Hotel Proprietor/55/../Census
1881/Jane Thorley/Cook/45/Draycott, Stafford/Census
1881/Elizabeth Higgs/Housemaid/27/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/Fritz Milz/Waiter/25/Eicks (Not A British Subject), Germany/Census
1881/Frederick Beasley/Visitor/45/London, Middlesex/Census

1891/Richard Hutchinson/../../../Kellys Directory

1891/Sarah Ramsden/Sister, Manageress of Hotel/43/Wengsworth, Derbyshire/Census
1891/C A B Ramsden/Daughter/19/Leeds, Yorkshire/Census
1891/E W L Ramsden/Son/18/Leeds, Yorkshire/Census
1891/Horace D B North/Waiter/22/Lee, Kent/Census
1891/Louise Mily/Housemaid/21/Richmond, Surrey/Census
1891/H W Blackshaw/Page/14/Lewisham, Kent/Census
1891/Arthur Hinde/Boarder, Mining Engineer/54/Tamworth, Warwickshire/Census
1891/Barbara Hinde/Visitor/54/Bushbury, Staffordshire/Census

1896/Thomas Macnee/../../../Post Office Directory

1913/Mrs Emily Louisa Jessurun/../../../Kellys Directory

1918/Mrs Emily Louisa Macnee/../../../Kellys Directory

2018, The Roebuck, 130 Richmond Hill, Richmond TW10 6RN

** Provided By Stephen Harris

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