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Delaware Arms, 504 Oxford Street, Marylebone W1

Marylebone index

Early address before renumbering in 1882 is at 220 Oxford Street

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address

1807/William Hollingsworth/victualler/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1827/Lawrence Roche/../../../Licensed Victuallers Association

1839/Lawrence Roche/../../../Pigot's Directory *

1841/Lawrence Roche/../../../Post Office Directory *

1842/Mary Roche/../../../Robson's Directory *

1848/William Blackman/../../../Post Office Directory *

1851/William Blackman/../../../Post Office Directory *

1856/James Moorman/../../../Post Office Directory *

1862/James Moorman/../../../Post Office Directory

February 1865/James Moorman/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

February 1865/David Saunders/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

1869/David Saunders/../../../Post Office Directory *

1882/G. G. Hartridge/../../../Post Office Directory *

1884/Charles Walker/../../../Post Office Directory

1895/Charles Walker/../../../Post Office Directory *

1899/Charles Walker/../../../Post Office Directory

1910/John Walker/../../../Post Office Directory

1915/John Walker/../../../Post Office Directory *

August 1915 National Registration Act Forms :
Delaware Arms, 504 Oxford Street – Louie Moseley, aged 27 – single – childrens nurse +

1921/Alfred Brown/../../../Hughes Directory

In 1921 census at 504, Oxford Street, St Marylebone
Alfred Brown, Licensed Victualler, S Brown, aged 64 years, and born in London
Esther Brown, Wife, aged 55 years, and born in London
Prince Martin, Son-in-law, Licenced Victualler Manager, aged 37 years, and born in London
Ray Martin, Daughter, aged 23 years, and born in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Ada Dean, Barmaid, aged 24 years, and born in London, London
Eva Hughes, Barmaid, aged 18 years, and born in London
Joyce Grogan, Housemaid, aged 18 years, and born in Ireland

1927/Alfred Brown/../../../Post Office Directory

+ Provided By Jenny Edwards

* Provided By Ewan

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