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Brazen Head, 69 Lisson Street, Marylebone NW1

Marylebone index

Early address is at 1 Upper Lisson Street.

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Brazen Head, 69 Lisson Street, NW1 - in September 2007

Brazen Head, 69 Lisson Street, NW1 - in September 2007

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address.

1791/Richard Westgarth/victualler/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1805/_ Loveday, Brazen Head, Lisson green/../../Holdens Directory

Thomas Smead kept the Pub in February 1811; He had a first floor lodger/tenant named George Seabrook [a watchmaker]; according to the Old Bailey trial report number t18110220-5 dated 20 February 1811 **

1825/Mr Smeed, Brazen Head, Lisson green/../../Licensed Victuallers Association

1833-34/Thomas Smeed/../../../Pigots Directory

1836/Thomas Smeed/../../../Pigot's Directory *

1839/Thomas Smeed/1 Upper Lisson Street/../../Pigots Directory

1843/George Smeed/Brazen Head, 1 Upper Lisson Street, Lisson grove/../../Kellys Directory

1846/William Northcote/../../../Post Office Directory *

1848/William Northcote/1 Upper Lisson Street/../../Post Office Directory

1851/William Northcote/1 Upper Lisson Street/../../Kellys Directory

1851/William Northcote/Licensed Victualler/40/Bristol/Census
1851/Elizth Northcote/Wife/36/Shropshire/Census
1851/Emily Northcote/Daughter/10/Middlesex/Census
1851/Amelia Northcote/Daughter/4/Middlesex/Census
1851/Alfred Northcote/Son/6/Marylebone, Middlesex/Census
1851/George Northcote/Son/1/Marylebone, Middlesex/Census
1851/Mary Ann Boggis/Servant/24/Essex/Census
1851/Susan Pullin/Servant/16/Devon/Census
1851/John Pinke/Barman/18/Middlesex/Census
1851/James Lee/Potman/25/Sussex/Census

May 1853/William Northcote/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

May 1853/Edward Wynde/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

1856/William Robert Hayes/1 Upper Lisson Street/../../Post Office Directory

1862/William Butcher/1 Upper Lisson Street/../../Post Office Directory

Morning Advertiser 23 April 1863
Marylebone - Three desperate characters committed for conspiracy - William Veazey, George Cherry and Thomas Goddard, rough looking men, the two former having been transported, and the latter several times convicted, brought up on remand for conspiring to defraud several publicans out of liquor. Samuel Fitzjohn, landlord of the King Alfred, Lisson grove, said - I know the three prisoners. On the 8th of April they came into my house at half past three, with two other men. Veazey was like a labourer, with his shirt sleeves turned up and a flannel jacket hanging on his arm. He called for two pots of beer, and said "we are working up the Grove, and the governor has sent us to have some beer and he will be down to pay for it". I supplied the beer on the faith of that statement, and did not ask who the governor was. They drank the beer, and asked for two pots more. Cherry said "All right, the governor will be here to pay for it". I refused to draw anymore till the first two pots had been paid for. They became very abusive, and I ordered them out of the bouse, and they went one by one. When they said "Up the Grove", I understood they meant Lisson Grove. I have made inquiries, and find that there is no building work going on there. William Cook of the Exeter Arms, Exeter street, Lisson grove said. On the 8th instance, the three prisoners, with two others entered my house at a quarter to three. Veazey called for two pots of beer and a quarter of rum, and I asked who was to pay for it, and they said the governor was coming in and he would pay, as they were working up the Grove. I drew the beer and as they were about finishing the first pot I rather suspected them, and took the other pot away and the quartern of rum. I said I would let that remain until the governor came. William Butcher of the Brazen Head, Lisson street, Lisson grove, said the three prisoners, with two other men came to my house about half past four o'clock on the 8th, Veazey called for two pots of beer, which my barman served them with, and called me as they would not pay. I asked Veazey for the money, and he said he would pay directly, and pretended to put his hand in his pocket. Goddard said, if you have not the money, it is only a debt. I said "Pay me if you are going to pay". Cherry then said "draw me two pots more. I have the money here." and tapped something on the counter like a crown piece, but which I afterwards found was a medal, and I went and got a policeman. They had had two pots of beer, rum and bread and cheese to the amount of 2 shillings 7 pence. When the policeman came Veazey ran out and said "What the ___ do you want here, you have nothing to do with it.". Goddard and Cherry said the same. I told them to go out as they were a set of vagabonds, and Goddard turned round and dared me to put hands on him, and Cherry put himself in a fighting attitude, and struck me. Goddard at the same time, said "let me get at the ___ and I will murder him." Cherry offered to leave a medal with me, and I refused to take it. Edward Thomas Hibbert, barman to last witness, stated - the three prisoners came into the house about half past four, and Veazey called for some beer, bread and cheese, and rum. They had two lots of cheese and a half pint of rum. I asked them for payment, and Veazey said, "What are you frightened at," and pretended to get the money from his pocket when his master came out. They drank all the beer and rum. John Jones of the Rock, Lisson grove, said - the three came into my house at a little after three o'clock on the 8th, and Veazey called for two pots of beer. After they were served I asked for money, and Veazey said I must be a fool to ask for it, as it was only a debt; for they had had only drink, and nothing to eat. They called for two more pots, and said they would settle for the four together. I refused to let them have them till the first two pots were paid for. They became violent and abusive, and said they would have a game at bagatelle, or go into my bedroom, or even come behind my bar. Goddard took up a quart pot, and hammered away on the counter, and demanded two more pots of beer. As I was determined with them they went away. The prisoners were captured by Sergeant Webb, 11D, and House 97D, who added that all three had been before convicted. Mr Yardley committed them all for trial.

1865/Mr W Moody/1 Upper Lisson Street/../../Licensed Victuallers Association

1869/Charles William Neale/1 Upper Lisson Street/../../Post Office Directory

1881/George Craddock/Licensed Victualler/30/Bethnal Green, Middlesex/Census
1881/Mary A Harknett/Visitor, Domestic/38/Bethnal Green, Middlesex/Census
1881/Mary A Harknett/Visitor/13/Walworth, Surrey/Census
1881/Edwin Brooks/Domestic Servant/20/Marylebone, Middlesex/Census
1881/William Brooks/Domestic Servant/16/Berkhamsted, Hertford/Census

1882/Jacob Newport/../../../Post Office Directory

1883/Jacob Newport/../../../Post Office Directory ***

1884/Jacob Newport/../../../Post Office Directory *

1891/Jacob Newport/../../../Post Office Directory *

1895/Jacob Newport/../../../Post Office Directory *

1899/Jacob Newport/../../../Post Office Directory *

1906/Hammerton & Venner/../../../Post Office Directory *

1910/Henry Hobson Finch/../../../Post Office Directory *

1915/Henry Hobson Finch/../../../Post Office Directory

1921/H. H. Finch Ltd/../../../Post Office Directory *

1927/H H Finch/../../../Post Office Directory

1934/H. H. Finch Ltd/../../../Post Office Directory *

1938/H H Finch/../../../Post Office Directory

1940/H. H. Finch Ltd/../../../Post Office Directory *

1942/H. H. Finch Ltd/../../../Post Office Directory *

1944/H H Finch Ltd/../../../Post Office Directory

* Provided By Ewan

** Provided By Bernard Guignard

*** Provided By Stephen Harris

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