Man Loaded with Mischielf

Barley Mow, 8 Dorset Street, London W1

Marylebone index

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Barley Mow, 8 Dorset Street, W1 - in March 2008

Barley Mow, 8 Dorset Street, W1 - in March 2008

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address.

1805/John Hannaford, victualler, 8 Dorset street, Manchester square/../../Holdens Directory

1811/Thomas Sadler, Barley Mow, 8 Dorset street, Manchester square/../../Holdens Directory

1827/David Prentice, Barley Mow, Dorset street/../../Pigot's Directory

1829/D Prentice, Barley Mow, 8 Dorset Street, Manchester Square/../../Robsons Directory

1833-34/William Enock, Barley Mow, 8 Dorset Street, Manchester Square/../../Pigots Directory

1839/Mary Enock/../../../Pigot's Directory *

1841/Thomas Edwards/../../../Post Office Directory *

1842/John Parker/../../../Robsons Directory *

1843/John Parker/../../../Post Office Directory *

Morning Advertiser 05 July 1847 - Transfers
Barley Mow, Dorset street, James White to George Kidnerg

1848/George Kidner/../../../Post Office Directory *

1851/George Kidner/../../../Post Office Directory *

1852/George Kidner/../../../Watkins Directory ***

May 1853/George Kidner/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

May 1853/William George Bradley/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

1856/William George Bradley/../../../Post Office Directory *

1862/Henry Anthony/../../../Post Office Directory

1869/Walter Q Roberts/../../../Post Office Directory

1870/Walter Q Roberts/../../../Post Office Directory ***

1876/Geo Saml Pummell/../../../Post Office Directory ***

1881/James Cooper/Licensed Victualler/40/Bridgenorth, Shropshire/Census
1881/Maud M Cooper/Wife/30/Colne, Essex/Census
1881/James W Cooper/Son/4/Brixton, Surrey/Census
1881/Benjamin Godfrey/Barman/24/Holborn/Census
1881/James Lane/Potman/17/Oxford/Census
1881/Jane Daniels/General Servant/24/Bedford/Census

1882/James Cooper/../../../Post Office Directory

1884/Thomas Craddick/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Frankling Harbett/../../../Post Office Directory

1895/Arthur Peddie/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/Arthur Peddie/../../../Post Office Directory

1908/Arthur John Peddie/../../../Post Office Directory ***

1910/Arthur John Peddie/../../../Post Office Directory

1915/Alfred William Brown/../../../Post Office Directory

1917/ Alfred William Brown/../../../Post Office Directory ***

In 1911 John Adam Lower is licensee at the The Man in the Moon Public House, 27 Plough Street, Whitechapel

1921/Christina Lower/../../../Hughes Directory

In 1921 at 8 Dorset Street, St Marylebone, London
Christina Lower, Licensed Victualler aged 45 years 1 month and born in Mile End, London
Charles George Lower, Son, Bar Assistant aged 26 years 7 months and born in Brixton, London
Christina Francis Lower, Daughter, Bar Assistant aged 19 years 3 months and born in Mile End, London
Christina Maud Hansom, Visitor, Shorthand Typist, Dowson Sankey Solicitor aged 24 years 11 months and born in Shoreditch, London

1938/George F. Walker/../../../Post Office Directory *

1944/Clarence Ernest Gudgeon Walker/../../../Post Office Directory

* Provided By Ewan

** Provided By Stephen Harris


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