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Lee, Lewisham, Lewisham

Gentry in 1858

Public Houses in Lee

Traders in 1858 Melvilles Directory

Melvilles 1858 Directory of Kent.

LEE is a suburb of London, in the lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, Blackheath hundred, and Lewisham union. The population in 1851 was 3,552. The parish church is an ancient edifice. There is also a new church dedicated to St. Margaret, which is a very handsome building.

POST-OFFICE. - Sarah Cave, Postmistress, Lee Green. London letters arrive from Dartmouth Row station. The nearest Money Order Office is at Lewisham.

Police Station, Lee Green. - Henry Guy, Inspector.
Savings' Bank, Boone Street.


Christ Church, Lee Park. - Rev. William F. Simms, M.A., Incumbent
St. Margaret's Church. - Rev. George Lock, M.A., Rector.
Baptist Chapel, High road.
Baptist Chapel, Kingswood place.
Weslyan Chapel, Boone street.
National school, Church street. - Infants, Miss Davey, Mistress.

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