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Three Merry Boys, Fore street, Lambeth SE1

Lambeth pub history index

The address in 1848 is at 15 Upper Fore street.

A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in the Lambeth parish, Surrey, London. This includes Kennington, Brixton, Lambeth, Norwood, Peckham & Waterloo Road.

Residents at this address

1789/John Peacock/victualler/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1806/Mr Whittle, Three Merry Boys, Fore street, Lambeth/../../London Brewery 1806 customer for supplying the public with genuine malt liquor

1825/John Higgins/Three Merry Boys, Fore street/../../Licensed Victuallers Association

1825/Mr & Mrs Higgins/Three Merry Boys, Fore street/../../Petty Sessions

1830/John Higgins/Three Merry Boys, Fore street/../../Licensed Victuallers Association

1839/John Higgins/Three Merry Boys, Upper Fore street/../../Pigots Directory

1848/John Higgins/Three Merry Boys, 15 Upper Fore street/../../Post Office Directory

1851/John Higgins/Three Merry Boys, 15 Upper Fore street/../../Kellys Directory

1856/Mrs S Higgins/Three Merry Boys, 15 Upper Fore street/../../Post Office Directory

September 1857/Charles Clark/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era 

September 1857/Thomas Higgins/Incoming Licensee/../../Era 

* Provided By Ewan

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