Lord Clyde, 1 Auckland Street, Vauxhall SE11

Lambeth pub history index

At Auckland Street by 1884, and Upper Kennington Lane before this.

A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in the Lambeth parish, Surrey, London. This includes Kennington, Brixton, Lambeth, Norwood, Peckham & Waterloo Road.The Lambeth parish, Surrey, London Public House Trade Directory uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

Residents at this address.

December 1867 /Thomas Morgan/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

December 1867 /Henry William Thomas/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

1869/William Henry Thomas, Lord Clive Tavern, Auckland street, Upper Kennington lane SE/../../Post Office Directory

1874/A. B. Vicary, Lord Clyde, Auckland street, Vauxhall/../../Licensed Victuallers and Hotel Keepers Directory

1881/Amelia King/Licensed Victualler, Widow/54/Sudbury, Suffolk/Census
1881/Henry Mayes/Manager/24/Iodwick, Wiltshire/Census
1881/Edith Nixon/Barmaid/28/Pimlico, Middlesex/Census
1881/William Page/Barman/21/Weston, Somerset/Census
1881/James Clements/Barman/17/Westminster, Middlesex/Census
1881/Angelina Churchill/Cook, Widow/62/Halifax Nova Scotia, America/Census

1883/George Lloyd/../../../Post Office Directory

1884/George Lloyd/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/Frank Peter Reeland/../../../Post Office Directory

1910/Frank Peter Reeland/../../../Post Office Directory

Pall Mall Gazette 22 March 1918 :
Employer heavily fined for ignorance.
The licensee of the Lord Clyde public house, Auckland road, Vauxhall, John Stephen Horgan was charged at Lambeth today with failing to keep a register of his male employees. He had in his service an old man and a young Irishman.
Lieutenant Hardy, for the military authorities, said that it was believed that 40 percent of the employers in Lambeth did not keep these forms, and the authorities desired to make it known through the Press that in future cases they would press for severe penaltes.
For failure to deliver a list of his employees to the recruiting officer the defendant would be fined £50, and 40 shillings costs.

John Steven Horgan is at the Earl Spencer, 37 Battersea Bridge road SW11 by 1921, and earlier he was at the Eight Bells, Greenwich.

1921/George Taylor/../../../Hughes Directory

1938/Arthur Ewart Howells/../../../Post Office Directory

1944/Arthur Ewart Howells/../../../Post Office Directory

1971/../Lord Clyde/../../Post Office Directory

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