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Mitre, 60 Golborne Road, Kensington W10

Kensington pub index

The address in 1871 is at Mitre terrace, Golborne road. Now in shop use. *

A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Kensington, London.

Mitre, 60 Golbourne Road W10 - in August 1969

Mitre, 60 Golbourne Road W10 - in August 1969

Kindly provided by Julian Harris

Residents at this address

1871/William Lindell/Licensed Victualler/42/Balsham, Cambridgeshire/Census
1871/Emma Jane Lindell/Wife/23/East Stoke, Dorset/Census
1871/William Herbert Fitzpatrick/Nephew/14/Balsham, Cambridgeshire/Census
1871/Lillian Scott/Nice/13/City London, Middlesex/Census
1871/Emily E Angell/Servant/16/Camden Town, Middlesex/Census

1881/John Morrey/Public House Manager/26/Bloxham, Oxford/Census
1881/Ellen Wise/Housekeeper/21/Bloxham, Oxford/Census
1881/Walter Godwin/Barman/30/Storeur, Dorset/Census
1881/Arthur Keddie/Barman/25/High Littleton, Somerset/Census

1882/George Penn/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/George Brown/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/Mrs. Fanny Ann Sly/../../../Post Office Directory

1910/George Seeley/../../../Post Office Directory

1915/George Cobley/../../../Post Office Directory

1921/G Cobley/../../../Hughes Directory

1938/Brown & Horner/../../../Post Office Directory

1944/Percy F Roberts & Stanley A Keefe/../../../Post Office Directory

1949 - 1958/I lived at the Mitre until 1958, before moving onto the Duke of Wellington, in Staines Road, Hounslow. **

* Provided By Tris

** Provided By Julian Harris


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