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Robin Hood, 5 Robin Hood court, Shoe lane, Holborn EC4

Holborn index

This is not the same Robin Hood as at Leather Lane. Robinhood court joins Shoe lane at 67 Shoe lane.

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Holborn - St Andrew, London.

Residents at this address

1811/John Woolsgrove, the Robin Hood, Robinhood court, Shoe lane/../../Holdens Directory

1829/J Tims, Robinhood, Robinhood court, Shoe lane/../../Pigots Directory

1836/Henry Child/../../../Pigot’s Directory

1839/Thomas Morgan/../../../Pigot’s Directory **

1841/Thomas Cotterell/../../../P.O. Directory **

1843/Henry Busbridge/../../../Post Office Directory

1848/John Cann/../../../Post Office Directory

1851/John Stephens/../../../Kellys Directory

1851/John Stephens/Victualler/49/Plymouth, Devon/Census
1851/Jane Stephens/Wife/40/Lancaster/Census
1851/John Stephens/Son, Book Binder/19/Cornwall/Census
1851/Wm Stephens/Son/6/Exeter, Devon/Census
1851/Hy Stephens/Son/4/Ireland/Census
1851/Margaret Regan/Servant/16/Ireland/Census
1851/Bea Banchin/Lodger, Journeyman Glazier/43/Italy, British subject/Census
1851/George Cole/Lodger, Waiter/26/London/Census
1851/Charles Jackson/Lodger, Journeyman Butcher/19/London/Census
1851/Jno Savage/Lodger, House Jobber/70/Birmingham/Census
1851/Jno Johnson/Lodger, Farmer/64/Liverpool/Census
1851/Wm Black/Lodger, Journeyman Bell Founder/25/Birmingham/Census

March 1854/James Downe/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

March 1854/James Ashford/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

1856/James Ashford/../../../Post Office Directory

1869/James Ashford/../../../Post Office Directory

1874/T Bannister/../../../Licensed Victualler & Hoteliers Directory

February 1875/Thomas Bannister/Outgoing Licensee/../../London Evening Standard

February 1875/George Frederick Wier/Incoming Licensee/../../London Evening Standard

** Provided By Stephen Harris

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