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Falcon, Portpool lane, Holborn WC1

Holborn index

Portpool Lane lane in 1682 Morgans Map records 13 Cock alley ; 14 Rose & Crown Court ; 17 Hoop alley ; 18 Falcon Inne ; 19 Sugar loaf Court ; 20 Crown Court ; 21 Pump yard and 22 White hart Inne.

Portpool Lane lane in 1682 Morgans Map records 13 Cock alley ; 14 Rose & Crown Court ; 17 Hoop alley ; 18 Falcon Inne ; 19 Sugar loaf Court ; 20 Crown Court ; 21 Pump yard and 22 White hart Inne.

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Holborn - St Andrew, London.

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Residents at this address.

The 1682 Morgans Map records a '18 Falcon Inne' in its index, which is in Portpool lane

John Lockie, a descriptive London Street Directory in 1810 describes - "Falcon Brewery, Portpool Lane, at 10, being that number of doors on the Right from 52, Grays inn lane."

John Lockie, a descriptive London Street Directory in 1810 describes - "Falcon Yard, Portpool Lane, at 15, being that number of houses from 53, Grays inn lane, and is on the South side of Meuxs brewery."

1827/Peter Hackett, Falcon, Portpool lane/../../Pigots Directory

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