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Bedford Arms, 1 Sandland street, Bedford row, Holborn WC1

Holborn index

The Horseshoe and Magpie, Bedford street in 1833 and also the 1850 and 1855 license transfers, 1851 and 1856. The 1861 census lists this address as the Magpie tavern.  At 1 Sandland Street by 1881 census

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Holborn - St Andrew, London.

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Residents at this address

1805/Robert Hartley, Horse shoe and Magpie, Bedford street, Bedford row/../../Holdens Directory

1829/W Hewitt/Horse Shoe & Magpie, Bedford street, Bedford row/../../Pigots Directory

1832/William Hewitt/Horse Shoe & Magpie/../../Robsons Directory

1833-34/William Hewitt/Horse Shoe & Magpie, 1 Bedford street, Bedford row/../../Pigots Directory

1841/W Hewitt/Horse Shoe & Magpie/../../Post Office Directory

1841/William Hewitt/Licensed Victualler/41/../Census
1841/Emma Hewitt/../28/../Census
1841/Sarah Hewitt/../18/Middlesex/Census
1841/Anne Hewitt/../16/Middlesex/Census
1841/Mary Allen/Female Servant/30/../Census
1841/George Brown/Male Servant/16/../Census

1851/Mrs E Hewitt/Horse Shoe & Magpie/../../Kellys Directory

August 1850/Emma Hewitt/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

August 1850/John Newstead/Incoming Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

1851/John Newstead/Licensed Victualler/40/Foston, Lincoln/Census
1851/Emma Newstead/Wife/38/Newark, Nottinghamshire/Census
1851/Ann Hewitt/Daughter/26/London, Middlesex/Census
1851/Edward Hewitt/Son/6/London, Middlesex/Census
1851/Henry Hewitt/Son/2/London, Middlesex/Census
1851/Thomas Murphy/Servant/20/Poplar, Middlesex/Census
1851/Jane Jones/Servant/26/London, Middlesex/Census
1851/Susan Shor/Servant/16/Dorking, Norfolk/Census

June 1855/John Newstead, deceased/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

June 1855/Emma Newstead/Incoming Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

1856/Mrs Emma Newstead/../../../Post Office Directory

1861/Mary Garner/Head, Widow/70/Bethnal Green, Middlesex/Census
1861/Fredk Garner/Son, Publican/30/Bethnal Green, Middlesex/Census
1861/Mary Collins/Servant/20/Southwark/Census
1861/John G Jones/Potman/24/Middlesex/Census

1869/John Empson/../../../Post Office Directory

July 1869/James Empson/ Outgoing Licensee /../../The Era

July 1869/Francis Pontecorboll/ Incoming Licensee /../../The Era

1871/Adelaide Arkett/Barmaid/21/Clapham, Surrey/Census
1871/Helen Shoobert/Barmaid/22/Gravesend, Kent/Census
1871/James Alexander/Barman/25/Soho, Middlesex/Census
1871/Mary McBride/General Servant/28/Ireland/Census
1871/Clifford Austin/Potman/22Bloomsbury, Middlesex//Census

1873/John Empson/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1874/Charles Parker Ayling/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1875/James Alexander & Sarah Alexander/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1876/James Alexander & Sarah Alexander/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1877/James Alexander & Sarah Alexander/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1878/James Alexander & Sarah Alexander/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1879/James Alexander & Sarah Alexander/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1880/James Alexander & Sarah Alexander/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1881/James Alexander & Sarah Alexander/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1881/James Alexander/Scale Maker, Widow/38/Ireland/Census
1881/Sarah Alexander/Sister, Licensed Victuallar/53/Ireland/Census
1881/Jane Alexander/Sister, Licensed Victuallar/31/Ireland/Census
1881/Francis John Alexander/Son/14/Southwark, Surrey/Census
1881/Mary Newman/Domestic Servant/18/Middlesex/Census
1881/Florence Makepeace/Barmaid/20/Middlesex/Census
1881/Henry Bray/Potman/25/Warwick/Census

1882/James Alexander & Sarah Alexander/../../../Holborn Petty Sessions

1884/Martha Alexander/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/John Chas Lorns/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/William Alfred Pearson/../../../Post Office Directory

1921/Isidor Goldstein/../../../Hughes Directory

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