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Seven Stars Tavern, 243 Goldhawk Road, Shepherds Bush, Hammersmith W12

Hammersmith Index

The Seven Stars, Starch green in the 1858, 1862 license transfer & 1874 LV directory. The Half Moon & Seven Stars in 1878. This pub is now renamed Grand Union. (2011) **

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

The Half Moon & Seven Stars, Goldhawk road

The Half Moon & Seven Stars, Goldhawk road

Seven Stars Tavern, 243 Goldhawk Road, Shepherds Bush, W12 - in June 2011

Seven Stars Tavern, 243 Goldhawk Road, Shepherds Bush, W12 - in June 2011

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address.

West London Observer. 16 January 1858 - Transfer of Licenses
Seven Stars, Starch Green, to Mary Ann Jarvis, widow and executrix of W Jarvis, the late proprietor

February 1862/Mr Thomas Prendergast/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

February 1862/Mr Henry Beale Higgs/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

1874/J L Upham/../../../LV Directory

1874/John Lancelot Upham/../../../Middlesex Post Office Directory

1878/John Lancelot Upham/../../../Middlesex Post Office Directory

1881/Frederick Bartlett/Publican/38/East Clandon, Surrey/Census
1881/Eliza Bartlett/Wife/40/Wookey, Somerset/Census
1881/Mary Ann Lee/Niece, Barmaid/15/Stoke, Somerset/Census
1881/Elizabeth Cole/Visitor, Retired Nurse/61/Frant, Sussex/Census

1896/John James Augustus Grumley/../../../Post Office Directory

1901/John J A Grumley/Licensed Victualler/62/St Peters Port, Guernsey/Census
1901/Susannah Grumley/Wife/68/Bethnal Green, London/Census
1901/Bertha M Grumley/Daughter/29/Limehouse, London/Census
1901/Johanna Harwood/Cook, Widow/66/Welburton St Agnes, Cornwall/Census
1901/Emily K Hencher/Barmaid/18/Westminster, London/Census
1901/Mabel Lawrence/Barmaid/18/Shepherds Bush, London/Census
1901/Edith M Howell/Barmaid/21/Petersham, Surrey/Census

1904/John James Aug. Grumley/../../../Post Office London Suburbs Directory **

1908/J J A Grumley/../../../Post Office Directory

1919/Ralph Woodman/../../../Post Office Directory

1934/Jn Isaacs/../../../Kellys Directory

1938/Jn Royer/../../../Post Office Directory

1944/Cecil Aug Mallard/../../../Post Office Directory

** Provided By Stephen Harris

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