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Enumerator description in 1871 census- South Hackney, District 6

District 2 , District 3  , District 4

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I thought it a little more interesting by following the enumerator along his or her steps as they listed the census for an area. Chosen is the District 6 of South Hackney in 1871. This is particularly to be able to list the relevant public houses, beer houses and taverns in Hackney; but more importantly to put the area of Hackney into perspective.

This is ongoing, and also helps to ensure all Public Houses are listed correctly, and ensure that road numbering changes that appear to confuse allow a better perspective of an area.

I think the enumerators description of this area is a good start - this relates to 69 census pages. I list a few of the entries along the way ........

"All that part of the District which comprises the north side of Victoria Park Road the the Hansby road west side, the east side of Mare Street to the north side of King Edwards road to St Thomas Road. Including the south side of King Edwards road to the Hansby Road, taking portions of Shore Road and St Thomas Road that lie between King Edwards road and Victoria Park road; also Victoria Street, Park Street and Albert Street. Public Institution. The home for aged Christians. "

Mare Street - even numbers 30 upwards to 60

32 Tea Dealer - Charles Deane

50 Blacksmith - Charles Booth

56 Schoolmaster - George J Knight

Cambridge Lodge Villas

Mare Street - even numbers 62

74 King Edward -  Frederick Allen

Northumberland Houses, King Edward Road

King Edward Road

11 Musician - William West

King Edwards Villas

Park Field Villas

Air Dale House,  Albion House,  Lombard House, Providence Villa, Albert Villa

Sussex Villa, Sandown House, Clare Villa, Hope Villa, Belgrave Villa

Fair Light Villas, Alexandra Villas, Blenheim Villa

Park Field Terrace 1 to 7

King Edward Road -  all numbers 24 to 1

9 Vicar of St Pauls Bethnal Green - Charles Nail

Victoria Park Road - odd numbers from 1 to 15

1 Wine Merchant - Thomas Bryant

Victoria Grove

1 Licensed Victualler [out of business] - Robert J Church

Victoria Park Road - odd numbers from 17

51 Officer of H M Customs - Frederick Baker

93 Wesleyan Minister - George J Morrison

129  Retired Victualler - Robert Punt

Hansby Road - odd numbers from 13 to 1

7 Omnibus Conductor - Herbert Collier

St Thomas Road - all numbers from 1 to 9

Coburn Villas, Westmoreland Villa, Stanway Lodge

Shore Road

Park Street - all numbers up to 29

Albert Street - numbers 1 to 6

Ewin Terrace

Victoria Street


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