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Hat and Mitre, 88 St John street, Clerkenwell EC1M

Clerkenwell pub history index

The address is given as 150 & 151 St John Street in some records, though the street has since been renumbered. *

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

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Residents at this address.

1791/Lister Symondson/brandy merchant/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1794/Thomas Salmon/victualler/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1797/John Clark/victualler/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1802/Elizabeth Mee/dealer in wine and spirituous liquors/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1810 John Lockie description :

"Mitre Court, St John Street, Clerkenwell, at 143, near 1/5 of a mile on the Right from West Smithfield.
Mitre and Hat Court, St John Street, Clerkenwell, at 150, about six doors North from the last"

1813/Arabella Tunnicliff/victualler/../../Sun Fire Office records held at the London Metropolitan Archives *

1827/Edward Hall, Hat & Mitre, 150 St John street/../../Pigot’s Directory

1829/H Jolly, Hat & Mitre, 150 St John street, Smithfield/../../../Robsons Directory

1832/William Whitehead, Hat & Mitre, 150 St John street, Smithfield/../../../Robsons Directory

1833-34/William Whitehead, Hat & Mitre, 150 St John street, Smithfield/../../Pigot’s Directory

* Provided By Ewan


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  • And Last updated on: Thursday, 18-Apr-2024 22:40:56 BST