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Charterhouse pubs history index
The One Tun has apparently been in existence since 1759, and has an excellent site related to the Pubs history, including a complete list of landlords from 1759 to date. *** The address is also commonly listed in directories as 125 Great Saffron Hill. *+
Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.
The One Tun, 125/6 Saffrons Hill, EC1 - in May 2007
Kindly provided by Stephen Harris
Residents at this address.
1759-67/William Edwards/ *
1767-73/John Fisher/ *
1768/William Seller/../../../Proceedings of the Old Bailey ***
1773-76/Mary Fisher/ *
1776-81/William Curtis/ *
1781-82/Mary Fisher/ *
1782-85/Clayton Brind/ *
1785-87/Mary Brind/ *
1787-97/William Kitchen/ *
1797-1800/Robert Potts & Thomas Parker/& Francis Rogers// *
1801-01/Spencer Williams & Thomas Hamilton *
1801-05/Thomas Hamilton// *
1805-06/Mary & Jane Hamilton// *
1806-11/Jane Hamilton// *
1811-12/George Payne/ *
1812-14/William Dixie/ *
1814-15/John Dixie// *
1815-45/William Dixie/ *
1832/William Dixie/../../../Robson's Directory
1839/William Dixie/../../../Pigots Directory
1841/William Dixie/Victualler/60/../Census
1841/George Dixie/Victualler/30/Middlesex/Census
1841/Mark Dixie/Victualler/20/Middlesex/Census
1842/W Dixie/../../../Robson�s Directory ***
1845-53/George & Mark Dixie// *
1851/George & Mark Dixie/../../../Post Office Directory ***
1853-61/George Garland/ *
1861-63/Charles Taylor/ *
1861/Charles F Taylor/Licensed Victualler/40/Shoreditch/Census
1861/Sarah Taylor/Wife/40/Froghall, Staffordshire/Census
1861/John Taylor/Son/15/St Pancras, Middlesex/Census
1861/Charles Taylor/Son/13/St Pancras, Middlesex/Census
1861/Mary Taylor/Daughter/12/St Pancras, Middlesex/Census
1861/Rebecca Taylor/Daughter/11/St Pancras, Middlesex/Census
1861/Joseph Taylor/Son/9/St Pancras, Middlesex/Census
1861/Ann Taylor/Daughter/4/St Pancras, Middlesex/Census
1861/Joseph Higgot Taylor/Visitor, Miller/60/Cromford, Derbyshire/Census
1861/Charles Freeston Taylor / Publican /../../London Gazette, 15 October 1861
September 1861/Charles Freeston Taylor/Outgoing Licensee/../../Morning Post
September 1861/Charles Walter/Incoming Licensee/../../Morning Post
1863-65/Charles Ford Walker/ *
April 1864/William Graham/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era Newspaper
April 1864/George Dixie/Incoming Licensee/../../Era Newspaper
1865-71/George Dixie/ *
1869/George Dixie/../../../Post Office Directory ***
July 1870/George Dixie/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era
July 1870/John Jones/Incoming Licensee/../../Era
1871-73/John Jones/ *
1871/John Jones/Licensed Victualler (Widower)/62/Devon/Census *+
1871/Ada G. Jones/Daughter/11/Woolwich, Kent/Census
1871/William J. Jones/Son/9/Woolwich, Kent/Census
1871/Henry A. Morby/Potman/36/Clerkenwell, Middlesex/Census
1871/Charlotte Petimint/General Servant/21/Clerkenwell, Middlesex/Census
1871/Emma E. Halse/Niece, Housekeeper/32/Exeter, Devon/Census
1871/James C. Halse/Nephew, Engineer/39/Exeter, Devon/Census
1871/Emily R. Halse/Niece/33/Lambeth, Surrey/Census
April 1872/John Jones/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era Newspaper
April 1872/Louisa Carter/Incoming Licensee/../../Era Newspaper
1873-75/Louisa Carter/ *
1875-77/William Harry Rayner/ *
1877-78/Alfred William Howard/ *
1878-79/John Keefe// *
1879-87/Thomas Keefe *
1879/Thomas O'Keefe/../../../Post Office Directory ***
1881/Thomas Keefe/Licensed Victualler/35/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/Lydia Keefe/Wife/48/Stafford/Census
1881/Fanny Keefe/Niece, Barmaid/25/Benhall, Suffolk/Census
1881/Emile Guillaume/Boarder, Engineers Tool Maker/33/France/Census
1881/Jane A Guillaume/Boarder/38/Germany/Census
1881/Joseph Mahomet/Boarder, Artists Model/26/Egypt/Census
1881/George Cole/Potman/22/St Pancras, Middlesex/Census
1881/Louisa Smith/Domestic Servant/20/Exeter, Devon/Census
1882/Thomas O'Keefe/../../../Post Office Directory ***
1884/Thomas O'Keefe/../../../Post Office Directory ***
1887-88/Iliffe Waple *
1888-91/George Williams *
1891-92/Charles George Page *
1891/Chas Geo Page/../../../Post Office Directory ***
1892-93/Charles Hearne *
1893-98/Charles Gilbert *
1895/Chas Gilbert/../../../Post Office Directory ***
My Great Great grandfather John Bennett Booker was licensed Victualler, but I am
still trying to find out the duration he was at the Ship � my great uncle still
recalls this grandmother (John�s wife) telling him stories about Jack the
John Bennett Booker is at the Ship, 140 Hanbury Street in 1891,
whilst his father is at the Pauls Head,
1 Crispin Street, Spitalfields **
1898-1902/John Brooker Jnr. *
1899/John Booker jun/../../../Post Office Directory
1901/John Booker/Licensed Victualler/33/Camberwell/Census **
1901/Ellen Booker/Wife/32/Camberwell/Census
1901/Ellen Snodling/Related/55/Walworth/Census
1901/Jane Baker/Cook/45/Stepney/Census
1901/George Robinson/Potman/26/Waltham Abbey/Census
1901/Nellie Booker/Daughter/11/Bethnal Gree/Census
1901/Maud Harrison/Barmaid/18/Bethnal Gree/Census
1902-05/Thomas Brakes *
1905-15/Charles Edward Elphinestone *
1910/Charles Edwin Elphinstone/../../../Post Office Directory
1911/Charles Edwin Elphinstone/Licensed Victualler/59/London, Middlesex/Census
1911/Alice Elphinstone/Wife, Assistant/45/Stepney, Middlesex/Census
1911/Katie Elphinstone/Daughter, Assistant/16/Southwark/Census
1911/Walter Elphinstone/Son/6/Holborn, Middlesex/Census
1911/Alec Elphinstone/Son/2/Holborn, Middlesex/Census
1914/Edwin Elphinstone/../../../Post Office Directory ***
1915/Charles Edwin Elphinstone/../../../Electoral Register
1915-19/Thomas Oxley Wydell *
1919-20/Arthur Chas Bedwell *
1920-22/Howard Richard Newman/ *
In 1921 census at 125, Great Saffron Hill
Walter George Biden, , Licensed Victualler, aged 55 years 11 months, and born in Hoxton, London, Employer
Rosetta Biden, Wife, Licenced Victualler Assistant, W G Biden, aged 53 years 9 months, and born in St Lukes, London
Frederick Claud Wyatt, Barman, W G Biden, aged 33 years 4 months, and born in Cork, Ireland
Dorothy May Buttle, Barmaid Waitress, W G Biden, aged 19 years 6 months, and born in Lee, Kent
1922-27/George Biden Walter *
1927-30/Henry Levy & Percy Wm Rowe & George Wm Askey *
1930-32/Henry Levy & William Dixie & George Wm Askey *
1932-39/Thomas Henry Smythe/& Samuel Alfred Issacs *
1939-50/Archibold J Studholme & Cyril J Hickling *
1950-51/Joseph Tyrell *
1983/ONE TUN: 125 Saffron Hill EC1. Watney Combe. Pub dating from early Victorian times as mentioned in "Oliver Twist". One tun = 4 hogsheads = 216 gallons./../../Pub Listing
1991/ONE TUN: 125 Saffron Hill EC1. Grand Met-Watneys./../../Pub Listing
2018, The One Tun, 125 Saffron Hill, London, Greater London EC1N 8QS
* Provided By One Tun History
*+ Provided by Ewan
** Provided By Sara Shaw
*** Provided By Stephen Harris
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