Earl of Moira, Shooter's hill Road, Charlton

Charlton pub history index

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in  Kent. The Kent listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

Residents at this address

1858/John Hankins/../../../Melvilles Directory

1862/Samuel Hammond/../../../Kellys Directory

January 1863/Samuel Hammond/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

January 1863/William Steward/Incoming Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

Kentish Independent. 25 August 1866 Annual Licensing Day
Earl Moira, Dover Road, Joseph Huxstep

1874/Joseph Huxstep/../../../Post Office Directory

1882/Joseph Huxstep/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/John Bass/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/John Bass/Publican/43/Deal, Kent/Census
1891/Emma Bass/Wife/40/Wilmington, Kent/Census
1891/Louie Bass/Daughter/15/Dartford, Kent/Census
1891/Percy Bass/Son/8/Dartford, Kent/Census
1891/Mabel Bass/Daughter/5/Shooters Hill, Kent/Census
1891/Hary Bass/Son/2/Shooters Hill, Kent/Census
1891/Charles Cornock/Ostler & Potman/18/Wooton unde Edge, Gloucestershire/Census

Kentish Mercury 12 May 1893
Earl Moira from John Bass to Thomas Sidney Champ

1896/John Bass/../../../Post Office Directory

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