Man Loaded with Mischielf

Dolphin Inn, 15 Bishopsgate street, Bishopsgate EC2

Bishopsgate index

The Dolphin and the Flying Horse are both close to St Botolph, and both disappear by 1799.

Bishopsgate street without in 1682 Morgans Map records

Bishopsgate street without in 1682 Morgans Map records 871 Magpye yard ; 872 Dolphin Inne ; 875 White hart Court ; 876 Flying horse Inne.

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address.

13 Jan. 1543, From Peter Mewtys, gent., Master of the Hospital of Our Lady of Bethleham without Bishopsgate, London and the Brethren of the same place to John Stryngfelowe of London, gent. Garden or garden plot with a house lately set up, in the parish of St. Botolph's without Bishopsgate, between the tenement of William Parker on the N. part, the great messuage called the Dolphyn on the S. part, the ground lately belonging to the Priory or new hospital of Our Lady without Bishopsgate (now dissolved) on the E. part, and the King's highway leading from Bishopsgate to Shoreditch on the W., late in the tenure of Agnes Tailour, wid. of John Taylour, late citizen and cloth worker of London. Rent 13s. 4d./../Records held at East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office

8 Dec. 1547, Feoffment from Christopher Campion to John Stringfelowe of London, gent.
Capital messuage called the Dolphyn and lands and tenements formerly held by Giles Hasberde of Southampton, brewer, in the parish of St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate, London and in the parish of Stepney [Stebinheth] co. Middx./../Records held at East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office

25 Apr. 1553 From (a) Henry Campyon, citizen and mercer of London, to (b) John Stryngfellowe of London, gent.
II Messuage called the Starr in Tottenham, co. Middx. and garden and close adjoining (4a.) including an orchard and fish pool. V Great messuage, brewhouse tenement or inn called the Dolphyn and house, and shops adjoining in the parish of St. Botolph's without Bishopsgate./../Records held at East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office

7 July 1554, I Great Messuage called the Dolphyn with tenements in the parish of St. Botolph's without Bishopsgate, London. Rent £17 10s.
II Messuage and 10a. of land in Tottenham, co. Middx./../Records held at East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office

6 Feb. 1557, From Christopher Campion, citizen and mercer of London and Agnes, his w., to Henry Campion, citizen and mercer of London. Premises as in DAN/1575./../Records held at East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office

28 Jan. 1581, From William Campion of Lincoln's Inn, co. Middx., gent., to John Lyff, citizen and carpenter of London. :
Messuage or inn called the Dolphine in the parish of St. Botolph's without Bishopsgate in London, with houses, stables, etc. used with the inn, by Augustine Campion (by virtue of a lease by Henry Campion, mercer), excluding the messuage in the tenure of William Campion, the younger, on the backside of the inn and one stable adjoining a backhouse, being the inheritance of William Campion and now in the tenure of St. John Goodwyne, kt. Rent £25 10s.
Proviso for the repayment of £100 in 1608./../Records held at East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office

1601 - 1604 , The property which included the Dolphin Inn, houses in St. Botolphs without Bishopsgate and lands in Tottenham was forfeited to the crown when John Stringfellow, collector of subsidies, became indebted to Henry VIII in £1,000. William Campion and John Dutton were leased the premises by Queen Mary until the sum had been repaid from the profits. In 1601 however, John Stringfellow's nephew and heir, John Stringfellow of Woodall, co. Yorks., claimed the premises as the £1,000 had been repaid. The court finally decided in favour of Campion and Dutton on account of their long tenure./../Records held at East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office

27 Jan. 1613, Site, capital messuage, circuit and precinct of the late dissolved Monastery or Priory of Combewell, co. Kent; manor, manor house and site of the Manor of Combewell and messuages and lands in Goudhurst, Ticehurst, Lamberhurst, Flimwell, Cranbrook and Horsmonden, cos. Kent and Sussex.
Woods and woodlands called Ousage, Prestons and Hoggroves (191a.) in East Barnet, co. Herts. Messuage now in the occ. of Thomas Lord Darcy in the parish of St. Botolph's without Bishopsgate, London; messuage, tenement or inn called the Dolphin with all lands and tenements now in occ. of Robert Valence in the parish of St. Botolph's without Bishopsgate, London; one other messuage now in occ. of John Luck, citizen and carpenter of London, adjoining the Dolphin.
(a) is to stand seised of the premises to the use of William Campion, his s. and Elizabeth his w. for life, in survivorship, remainder to the male heirs./../Records held at East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office

12 Feb. 1652, Regarding an action of ejectment, James Smith v. Jane Collins, in the Court of Common Pleas, concerning 2 messuages in St. Botolph's without Bishopsgate. Verdict for plaintiff, costs £16 5s. against defendant./../Records held at East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office

10 Nov. 1662, From Dame Elizabeth Campion of Broyle Place, Ringmer, wid., late w. of Sir William Campion, late of Combwell in Goudhurst, co. Kent, to William Campion of Combwell, esq., eldest s. and heir of Sir William Campion. Great messuage, tenement or inn called the Dolphin late in occ. of Robert Valence, gent., Laurence Lee and [blank] Sanderson; 15 small messuages with shops, cellars, chambers, yards, etc., belonging to the inn, in the parish of St. Botolph's without Bishopsgate, London./../Records held at East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office

24 Oct. 1666, From William Campion of Combwell, co. Kent, esq., to Ralph Jones of London, gent.
Messuage or inn called the Dolphin in the parish of St. Botolph's without Bishopsgate, London, in occ. of Robert Saunderson, and late in occ. of Peter Gold; messuages in Bishopsgate Street in or near Houndsditch in the parish of St. Botolph's without Bishopsgate, London, now in occ. of Peter Gold, William Linton, Judith Linton, [blank] Blunt, [blank] Tarrent, [blank] Palmer, wid., [blank] Mills, [blank] Hollis, [blank] Dowse, [blank] Slade, wid., [blank] Woodham and [blank] Porter; part of a messuage and stable late in the occ. of Jane Collins, wid. [shown in attached plan]; all other messuages of (a) in the parish of St Botolph's without Bishopsgate, London, except a messuage in the occ. of Jane Collins, leased by (a) in 1666. (See DAN/1720.) Rent £190. The lease is to commence from Christmas 1671./../Records held at East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office

The 1682 Morgans Map records a '872 Dolphin Inne' in its index, which is in Bishopsgate street, and virtually opposite White Hart Court
8 Apr. 1702, Copy Marriage Settlement (Deed to lead the uses of a fine)
Between (a) William Campion of Combwell in Goudhurst. co. Kent, esq. and Frances Campion, his w., Henry Campion, their only s., Elizabeth, Ann, Barbara, Frances and Catherine, their daughters; (b) Peter Courthope of Danny in Hurstpierpoint, esq., Timothy Burrell of Cuckfield, esq. and Barbara Courthope, only d. of Peter Courthope; (c) Richard Bridge of Comb, esq., Peter Burrell of London, merchant, Thomas Lake of Goudhurst, esq., Thomas Rider of Boughton Monchelsea, co. Kent, esq., George Courthope of Whileigh in Ticehurst, esq. and Peter White of Lewes, gent. Consideration £5,000.
I House or site of the late dissolved monastery of nuns of Thetford, and messuages and lands belonging in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk; Manor of Snareshill near Thetford, warren of coneys near Thetford called Snareshill Warren with lodge, messuages and lands of (a) in Snarehill and Thetford and elsewhere in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk.
II Capital messuage of the late dissolved monastery or priory of Combwell, co. Kent; Manor of Combwell; messuage called Stonecrouche and lands at Goudhurst, Ticehurst, Lamberhurst, Flimwell, Cranbrook and Horsemonden, cos. Kent and Sussex; Manor of Chingley, with houses, cottages and lands in Goudhurst.
III Capital messuage, farm and lands in Canewdon or Crixea, co. Essex called Bernmarshe (700a.), marsh called Castle Marsh, lands called Broomhurse lands, and one oyster land in Canewdon, Crixea, Burnham and Hockley, co. Essex. Manor of Lambourne Hall in Canewdon, co. Essex and lands in Canewdon, Crixea, Burnham and Hockley, co. Essex; messuage and inn called the Dolphin in St. Botolph's without Bishopsgate London and other messuages in Bishopsgate St. near Houndsditch, and messuage and stable once in occ. of Jane Collins, wid. ; messuage on N. side of Dolphin Inn in St. Botolph's without Bishopsgate, London; piece of ground adjoining the S. side of the Dolphin Inn in the shape of a wedge; piece of land in or near Newgate Street near Newgate in the parish of Christ Church, London and in Phoenix Court adjoining the yard belonging to Newgate Prison called the Pressyard on the W., 14 messuages lately erected on the piece of ground, 7 of which are situate in Phoenix Court and the other 7 are fronting on Newgate Street.
In consideration of the prospective marriage of Henry Campion and Barbara Courthope, and the marriage portion of £5,000, (a) agrees to levy a fine of the property to Peter Courthope and Timothy Burrell. Premises I and II are to be to the use of William Campion for life, remainder to Frances Campion, his w., for life as jointure, remainder to Henry Campion for 99 years, remainder to Ricahrd Bridger, Peter Burrell and Thomas Lake during the life of Henry Campion, remainder to the male heirs of his marriage, remainder to Thomas Rider, George Courthope and Peter White for 500 years subject to annuities, remainder to the heirs of Henry Campion for ever. Premises III are to be to the use of Henry Campion for 99 years, remainder to Barbara Courthope for life as jointure, remainder to the male heirs of the marriage, remainder to Thomas Rider, George Courthope and Peter White for 500 years on trust, remainder to the male heirs of Henry Campion, remainder to the use of William Campion and his heirs for ever. Provides for portions for the daughters of the marriage./../Records held at East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office

15 Dec. 1716, Case and opinion in connection with a dispute over paying for a new wall between the Dolphin Inn and Crockson's house in Bishopsgate Street./../Records held at East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office

John Strype Survey of London in 1720 - Bishopsgate Ward lists '66 Dolphin Inn'.

29 May 1738, Lease for 21 years.
(a) Lucretia Collins of West Ham, co. Essex, wid. and William Wilcox of the same place, gent.; (b) Mary Podmore, w. of Robert Podmore, citizen and merchant tailor of London; (c) William Maxwell, citizen and innholder of London.
Capital messuage called the Dolphin on the E. side of Bishopsgate Street, near Houndsditch in St. Botolph's without Bishopsgate, London, with all warehouses, coach-houses, stables, etc.; 2 messuages on the N. side of the passage leading into the inn, one of which was let to Sir Joseph Lawrence and the other was formerly tenanted by Richard Winch, barber and now by Edward King, barber. The lease is from (a) to (b) at the request of (c) and is to begin from Michaelmas 1741./../Records held at East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office

The 1746 Rocques Map records a Dolphin Inn, which is in Bishopsgate street at about number 15

29 May 1762, From William Campion of Danny, esq., to Elizabeth King of St. Botolph's without Bishopsgate, London, wid. Capital messuage or inn called the Dolphin Inn situate on the E. side of Bishopsgate Street, near Houndsditch in the parish of St. Botolph's without Bishopsgate London, and messuage on the N. side of the way leading to the inn, now in occ. of [blank] Pain Barber except one tenement on the N. side of the passage now in the tenure of William Townsend. Rent £9.29 May 1762/../Records held at East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office

5 Feb. 1780, Memorandum of agreement Between Sarah Box, Robert Marshall and Edward King, assignees of Thomas Cutler a bankrupt, and Philip Philpot of Hampstead, victualler, for a lease for 4 years of the Dolphin Inn in Bishopsgate Street./../Records held at East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office

17 June 1788, Insured: Francis Mattinley, at The Dolphin Inn, Bishopsgate Street Without innholder, /../Records held at London Metropolitan Archives

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