Railway Tap, 150 Cambridge Heath road, Bethnal Green E2

Bethnal Green pub history index

Existed from at least 1856. The address is listed as 1 Pleasant Row, Cambridge Road in the 1856 directory (and as 2 Pleasant Row in the 1861 census). *

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

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Residents at this address.

1856/William Walker/beer retailer/../../Post Office Directory *

1861/Samuel Shephard/Beer House Keeper/30/Woodford, Essex/Census *
1861/Caroline Shephard/Wife/25/London/Census
1861/John Baker/Plasterer (Widower)/43/Devon/Census
1861/Thomas Branscomb/Visitor, Hatter/23/London/Census

1869/Mrs Caroline Shephard/Beer Retailer/150 Cambridge Road/../Post Office Directory

1871/Emma Nash/Beer House Keeper, Widow/36/Surrey/Census
1871/William Nash/Son/6/Bethnal Green, Middlesex/Census
1871/Martha Nash/Servant/16/Stepney, Middlesex/Census

1872/C Shephard/../../../Brabner’s Hackney Directory **

1876/Mrs C Shephard/Beer Retailer/../../Post Office Directory **

1880/Edmund Woodford / Manager, 150 Cambridge Heath Road/../../Proceedings of the Old Bailey **

1881/George Willey/Beer Housekeeper/36/Brentwood, Essex/Census
1881/M Shosberry/Housekeeper/36/Brightlinsea, Essex/Census

1882/George Willey/Beer retailer/../../Post Office Directory

1885/George Willey/Beer retailer/../../Post Office Directory ***

* Provided By Ewan

** Provided By Stephen Harris

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