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211 Brick Lane, Bethnal Green

Bethnal Green pub history index

The address of 211 Brick lane is at or near the junction with Borham Street. 1 Tyssen Street is at 211 Brick Lane by 1891 following street renaming. The address is also given as 10 Tyssen Street in the 1871 census (possibly an error), and as 1 Turk Street in 1869 and earlier (but not to be confused with the Turk's Head also given as this address, but numbered separately on the other side of the street). * See the Alma

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address.

* Provided By Ewan

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  • And Last updated on: Thursday, 25-Jan-2024 09:32:19 GMT