Miller of Mansfield, 82 Snowsfields, Bermondsey SE1

Bermondsey pub history index

Existed from at least 1822. aka Old Miller of Mansfield; this has been rebuilt in modern times; and the early address is at 1 Snowfields. ** The modern address is at 96 Snowsfields, as it was rebuilt on the southern side of the street at a different site. The address is variably given as 83 Snowsfields in 1895 and earlier, and as 1 Snowfields in 1839; largely through street renumbering. *

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Miller of Mansfield, 82 Snowfields - in February 2007

Miller of Mansfield, 82 Snowfields - in February 2007

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address.

1822/John Stimpson/Miller of Mansfield, Snows fields/../../Licensed Victualler Recognizances

1825/John Stimpson/Miller of Mansfield, Snows fields/../../Licensed Victualler Recognizances

1826/John Stimpson/Miller of Mansfield, Snows fields/../../Licensed Victualler Recognizances

1839/John Balchin/../../../Pigots Directory

1848/James Went/../../../Post Office Directory

1851/James Went/../../../Kellys Directory

1851/James Went/Licensed Victualler/45/Ardleigh, Essex/Census
1851/Sarah Went/Wife/54/Portsmouth, Hampshire/Census
1851/Sarah Lock/Servant/12/Limehouse, Middlesex/Census
1851/William Sneed/House Servant/20/Yelling, Huntingdon/Census

September 1853/James Went/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

September 1853/William Mark Dawson/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

1856/William M Dawson/../../../Post Office Directory

1861/William M Dawson/Victualler/34/Lambeth, Surrey/Census
1861/Martha Dawson/Wife/38/Lambeth, Surrey/Census
1861/Amy Dawson/Daughter/2/Bermondsey, Surrey/Census
1861/Sarah Dawson/Sister/49/Lambeth, Surrey/Census
1861/Julia Avis/House Servant/18/Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire/Census
1861/Ellen Martal/House Servant/25/Bermondsey, Surrey/Census

1869/W M Dawson/../../../Post Office Directory

1871/Mark Dawson/Licensed Victualler/44/Lambeth Surrey/Census ***
1871/Martha Dawson/Wife/43/Lambeth Surrey/Census
1871/Mary Dawson/Dau Scholar/19/Lambeth Surrey/Census
1871/Amy Dawson/Dau Scholar/12/Southwark Surrey/Census
1871/George Dawson/Son Scholar/6/Southwark Surrey/Census
1871/Kate Dawson/Dau/2/Southwark Surrey/Census
1871/Mary Wood/Gen Servant Dom/24/Southwark Surrey Census

1881/Charles Smith/Licensed Victualler/44/Balborough, Derby/Census
1881/Ann Smith/Wife/50/Smithfield, Middlesex/Census
1881/Mary E Smith/Daughter/18/Holloway/Census
1881/William Wigmore/Barman/30/Lambeth/Census

1882/George Self/../../../Post Office Directory

1884/George Self/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Mrs Jane Van Colle/../../../Post Office Directory

1895/David Isaac Shuter/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/Hermann Rieckmann/../../../Post Office Directory

On January 7th 1906, Leslie George is baptised (born November 26th 1905). Edwin Charles Perry is a Public House Manager at 82 Snowfields. His wife is Charlotte Rosaline Perry.

On May 12th 1907, Elsie Charlotte is baptised (born February 28th 1907). Edwin Charles Perry is a Publican at 82 Snowfields. His wife is Charlotte Rosaline Perry.

By the 1911 census, Edwin Charles Perry is at the Hammersmith Palace, 82 King street, Hammersmith.

1910/Frank Miedier/../../../Post Office Directory

1911/Christian Franz Mieder/Licensed Victualler/51/Germany/Census
1911/Agnes Louise Mieder/Wife/44/Marylebone/Census
1911/Jims Jarvas/Potman/54/Euston Road/Census
1911/Margaret Hood/Cook/39/New York/Census
1911/George Shelton/Barman/23/Southwark/Census
1911/Maud Newstead/Barmaid/21/Peckham/Census

1915/Christian Franz Mieder/../../../Post Office Directory *

1921/Mrs Florrie Eastland/../../../Post Office Directory

1923/Florrie Eastland/Old Miller of Mansfield/../../Electoral Register

1934/Peter J Kennett/../../../Kellys Directory

1938/Peter J. Kennett/../../../Post Office Directory *

1940/Peter J. Kennett/../../../Post Office Directory *

1944/Downing & Lugg/../../../Post Office Directory

1943 - 50/W G Downing, Old Miller of Mansfield, 82 Snows fields SE1/../../BT Telephone Directory [HOP 3600]

I was interested in reading about the Millar of Mansfield. I lived there from 1946 and left in 1951; when my Dad, John David Gibson, was the licensee, but he was sacked due to ill health, by Mr Downing who still owned the pub. Dad was also a licensee at a previous pub, the Engineer's Arms. *+

I lived there with my three brothers and sister, who were all older than me. Sadly, only one brother, now in his late eighties, is still alive. I can still remember the layout of the old building. The big room on the fist floor was used for functions and the socializing of the Guys Hospital Rugby Club. *+

1953 - 54/W G Downing, Old Miller of Mansfield, 82 Snows fields SE1/../../BT Telephone Directory [HOP 3600]

* Provided By Ewan

*+ Provided By Shirley Smith (nee Gibson)

** Provided By Stephen Harris

*** Provided By Bev Howlett

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