Culvert Arms, 63 Culvert road, Battersea SW11

Battersea East pub history index

This is listed as the Culvert Arms, 63 Culvert road in the 1871 census. It was closed by the Compensation Authority in 1908.

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address.

1871/Philip Holden/Bricklayer/67/Heywood, Staffordshire/Census
1871/Annie Holden/Wife/58/Golden Hill, Staffordshire/Census
1871/Elizabeth Holden/Daughter, Barmaid/24/Rouen, France/Census
1871/Isabella Holden/Grand Daughter/9/Pimlico, Middlesex/Census

1878/Eli Webb, beer retailer, 63 Culvert road/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/Jane Harriet Jeffries/Wife, Beer Retailer/29/Battersea, London/Census
1891/Elizabeth R Bowler/Domestic Servant/21/Westminster, London/Census

1896/Fras Newson/Beer Retailer/../../../Post Office Directory

1901/Charles Dunford/Beerhouse Keeper/55/Chirton, Wilts/Census
1901/John Carter/Potman, Barman/62/Horrabridge, Dev/Census
1901/Jane Carter/Housekeeper/61/Horrabridge, Dev/Census

1906/John Brazier/Beer Retailer/../../../Post Office Directory

London Evening Standard 12 June 1907 - List of premises to be considered by the Compensation Authority :
The Culvert Arms, 63 Culvert road, Battersea, Beer, John George Gillings

Licensing Act 1904 Notice of principal meeting to discuss by the Compensation authority on the 2nd day of July 1906.
The Culvert Arms, 63 Culvert road, Battersea, Beer on, John Thomas Brazier

Morning Post 29 January 1908
More Lost Licences. £323,342 awarded in six hours as compensation.
Licenses ordered for extinction under the Licensing Act, 1904 were:
Culvert Arms, Culvert road, Battersea £3612

1921/James Laws/greengrocer/../../../Post Office Directory

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