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In 1708 : A New View of London by Edward Hatton - A to J part 1

And also in 1708 : A New View of London by Edward Hatton - K to Y part 2
In 1708 : A New View of London by Edward Hatton

The relevance of this listing of inns and taverns is that they were all recorded in the View of London by Edward Hatton in 1708. This suggests that they were in existence after the great fire of London in 1666, either because they had survived or they had been rebuilt and reopened. There are just over 180 inns listed in the two pages, and links are being added to a separate page on each of these inns with relevant comment.
Angel inn, on the South side of St Giles Street near the Church.
Angel Inn, on the Backside of St Clements, by the East End of Witch street.
Antelope Inn, on the West side of West Smithfield.
Ax Inn on the East side of Aldermanbury, (near) against the Church.
Baptist Inn, on the South side of Holbourn, near great Turn stile.
Bear Inn, on the East side of St Johns street, close by Smithfield.
Bear Inn, on the East side of Basing Hall street, near the Middle.
Bell Inn, on the East side of Coleman street, near the North end.
Bell Inn, on the North side of the Strand near the end of Little Drury lane.
Bell Yard, on the North side of Fleet street, by Temple Barr.
Bell Inn, on the West side of the Yard last above.
Bell Inn, on the North side of Holbourn, next Furnivals Inn.
Bell Savage Inn, on the North side of Ludgate Hill.
Bell Inn, on the East side of Warwick lane, near Newgate street.
Bell Inn, on the East side of St Johns street, Near Hicks Hall.
Bell Inn, on the East side of West Smithfield, near St Johns street end.
Bell Inn, on the West side of Fryday street, near the Middle.
Bell Inn, on the West side of Old Fish street Hill.
Bell Inn, on the West side of Wood street, near the North end.
Bell Inn, on the East side of Aldersgate street, near the Barbican.
Bell Inn, on the West side of Walbrook, near Stocks market.
Black Horse inn,, at the North West end of Bow street, Covent Garden.
Black horse inn, at the North West side and near the Middle of Great Queen street.
Black Bull inn, at the North Side of Hatton Wall.
Black Bull inn, at the North Side of Holbourn, near Furnivals Inn
Black Swan Inn, at the South Side of Holbourn, near Fetter lane End.
Black horse inn, on the West side of Water lane, near White Friars.
Black Lion inn, at the South Side of St THomas Apostle, near Queen street, London.
Black horse inn in Finsbury fields, near Little Moor fields.
Black bull inn, on the Northerly Side of Aldgate High street, near the Middle.
Black Swan inn, on the East side and near the middle of the Borough of Southwark.
Blossoms Inn, on the West side of Laurence Lane, near the Middle. It is so called (says Stew) for that the sign is St Laurence the Deacon within a Border of Blossoms or flowers.
Blue Anchor inn, on the South West side of Chick Lane, near Little Britain.
Blue Boar inn, on the West side of King street, Westminster the fifth turning South from Gardiners lane.
Blue Boar Inn, on the North side of High Holbourn;
also another Blue Boar on the Northerly side of Aldgate High street, near the Bars.
Boars Head inn, on the East side and toward the North end of Borough of Southwark.
Bolt and Tunn Inn, on the South side of Fleet street, between White fryars and Water lane.
Bull Inn, on the South East side of Great German street, near St James's Market
Bull Inn, on the North west side of the Strand, a passage into Maiden lane, near Bedford square.
Bull Inn, on the North west side of Bloomsbury Market, a passage to Little Russel street.
Bull Inn, on the East side of Grays Inn Lane.
Bull Inn, on the Westerly side of Bishops Gate street within; a passage to Bread street.
Castle Inn, on the West side of St Johns street, near Smithfield.
Castle Inn, on the East side of Wood street, London; here is a passage to Addle street.
Castle and Falcon Inn, on the East side of Aldersgate street, just without the Gate.
Chequers inn and Yard , on the East side of Dowgate Hill, the Yard is a passage to Bush lane.
Chequer Inn, at Charing Cross by the end of St Martins lane.
Chequers Inn, on the North side of Holbourn, near Furnivals Inn.
Christophers Inn, on the East side of Moorfields, a passage to Long alley.
Christopher Inn, on the Easterly side of Barnaby street, Southwark, toward the Northerly end.
Coach & Horses Inn, on the East side of Wood street, London, near the middle.
Coach and Horses Inn, on the East side of Coleman street London, near the middle.
Cock Inn, on the Southerly side of Old street, near Rotten Row.
Cock and Dolphin Inn, on the East side of Grays Inn lane near the middle.
Cock Inn, at the West end of Tuthill street, Westminster and on the North side of the street.
Cross Keys yard, on the East side of St Martins lane near Long Acre.
Cross Keys Inn, on the East side of St Johns street, near Hicks Hall.
Cross Keys Inn, on the West side of Wood street, near Cheapside
Cross keys Inn, on the East side of White Cross street, by Cripplegate.
Crosse Keys Inn, on the West side of Gracechurch street
Crown Inn, on the North West side of Russel street Covent Garden, and just by it is Crown court.
Crown Inn, on the North side of Holbourn, near Furnivals Inn.
Crown Inn, on the East side of Warwick lane, by Newgate street.
Crown Inn, on the West side of Coleman street near the middle.
Crown Inn, the Northerly side of Aldgate High street near the Gate.
Dog and Bear Inn, on the Southerly side of London wall, near Winchester street end.
Dolphin inn, on the South West corner of West Smithfield.
Dolphin Inn, on the Easterly side of Bishopsgate street without, near the end of Houndsdith.
Eagle and Child inn, on the NOrth East side of Catharine street in the Strand.
Falcon, on the South side of Perpool lane, near Grays Inn lane.
Falcon inn, on the West side of the Borough of Southwark (near) against the Kings Bench Prison.
Flying Horse inn, on the East side of Bishopsgate street just without the Gate.
Four Swans inn, on the West side of Bishopsgate street just within the Gate.
Fox and Goose inn, on the South side of London Wall, between Coleman and Basing Hall streets
George inn yard, on the North West side of Piccadilly, near the end of Shug lane. Here is a Post House.
George inn, between Hedge lane West and the South end of St Martins street near Leicester Fields.
George Inn, on the South West side of Drury lane, by Little Drury lane, near the Strand.
George Tavern, on the North side of Snow hill, near Holbourn Bridge, a passage into Cow lane, near Higher lane end.
George inn, on the West side of West Smithfield.
George inn, on the South West side of Aldersgate street, a passage through to Little Britain.
George inn, on the East side, and South end of the Borough of Southwark.
Gerrards Hall inn, on the South side of Basing lane, near Bread street.
Golden lion inn, on the West side of Red cross street near Barbican.
Gray hound inn, on the West side of the Borough of Southwark.
- Grange inn, near Lincolns inn fields, between Cary street and Clements lane.
Gray hound inn, on the North side of Holbourn.
Gray hound inn, on the West side of West Smithfield.
Green Dragon inn, on the Westerly side of Bishopsgate street within.
Griffin inn, on the South side of Long lane, against St Georges Church, Southwark.
Half Moon inn, on the East side of the Borough of Southwark near the Kings Bench Prison.
Jacobs inn, on the East side of Red cross street, near the middle.
Ipswich arms inn, on the Easterly side of Cullum street.

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 12:51:13 GMT

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