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Morgans map of London in 1682 - City and Liberties of London part 1

Morgans map of London in 1682 map of London in 1682 index

There is a brilliant version of Morgans map of 1682 at the Layers of London site; you need to click to use the overlay, then use the sliders on the Overlay tools to get varying images. I also hide all pins.

The Morgan map depicts the city of London 16 years after the Great Fire. An original map survives in the British Library.
beginning with No 1 at Little Grays Inne Lane and reaching to No 330 Queens head Court in Newgate street.
References for City and Liberties of London part 1 is from Little Grays Inne Lane to (150) White hart Inne

The Key :
1 Little Grays Inne lane
2 Black Bull Inne - Grays Inne lane - Black Bull, 122 Grays Inn road, Holborn WC1X
3 Red Lion Inne - Grays Inne lane - Red Lion, 120 Grays Inn road, Holborn WC1X
4 Cock & Dolphin Inne
5 Cradle alley - Grays Inne lane
6 Kings Head Inne - Grays Inne lane - Kings Head Inn, Later Queens Head Inn, 39 Grays Inn Lane, Holborn WC1X
7 Spread Eagle Court - Grays Inne lane
8 Plow yard - Grays Inne lane
9 Bell Inne - Grays Inne lane - Bell Inn, 22 Grays Inn lane, Holborn WC1X
10 Angel alley - Grays Inne lane
11 Fox Inne - Grays Inne lane - Fox & Cock, 12 Grays Inn lane, Holborn WC1X
12 Dearings Rents - Leather lane
13 Cock alley - Leather lane
14 Rose & Crown Court - Perpool lane / Portpool lane
15 Bradshaws buildings - Perpool lane / Portpool lane
16 Parrs Rents - Perpool lane / Portpool lane
17 Hoop alley - Perpool lane / Portpool lane
18 Falcon Inne - Perpool lane / Portpool lane - Falcon, Portpool lane, Holborn WC1
19 Sugar loaf Court - Perpool lane / Portpool lane
20 Crown Court - Perpool lane / Portpool lane
21 Pump yard - Perpool lane / Portpool lane
22 White hart Inne - Perpool lane / Portpool lane & Leather lane - White Hart, 64 Leather lane, Holborn EC1N
23 Gravell alley - Baldwins Gardens
24 Baldwins Court - Baldwins Gardens
26 Leopard alley - Baldwins Gardens
27 Kings Head Inne - Leather lane - Kings Head, 26 Leather lane, Holborn EC1N
28 Chequers Inne - Leather lane & Holborn, north side - Chequers Inn, 129 Holborn, Holborn WC1
29 Crown Inne - Holborn, north side - Ridlers Hotel, 138 Holborn, Holborn WC1
30 Greyhound Inne - Holborn, north side - Greyhound, 28 Brooke street, Holborn EC1N
31 Whites alley - Holborn, south side
32 Black Swan Inne - Holborn - Black Swan Inn, 25 Holborn
33 White horse Inne - Fetter Lane - White Horse, 90 Fetter lane, Holborn EC4
34 Magpie Inne - Magpye Yard - Magpie & Stump / Shamrock, 56 Fetter Lane, Holborn EC4
35 Churchyard alley - Fetter Lane, west side
36 Red hart Inne - Fetter Lane, west side - Red Hart, 111 Fetter lane, St Dunstan in West EC4
37 Nevills alley - Fetter Lane, east side
38 Three Legg alley - Fetter Lane, east side
39 Belle Inne - Holborn, opposite Fetter lane - Old Bell Hotel, 123 Holborn, Holborn EC1
40 Black Bull Inne - Holborn, opposite Fetter lane - Black Bull Tavern, 122a Holborn, Holborn EC1
41 Whites alley - Holborn
42 Bartlets Court - Holborn
43 St Andrews Court - Holborn hill
44 Scroops Court
45 Plough yard - Holborn hill
46 Swan with Two Necks Inne - Holborn bridge - Swan Inn, Holborn Bridge, St Sepulchre EC1
47 Feathers alley
48 Black Bull Inne - Hatton Wall - Black Bull, Hatton Wall, St Sepulchre EC1
49 Ansloe Street - Onslow street
50 Vine Court - Onslow street
51 Castle Street - Castle Yard
52 Strangeway Street - Saffron Hill
53 Hatton Court - Saffron Hill
54 Lamb alley - Saffron Hill
55 Blew Court - Saffron Hill
56 Brewers Yard - Saffron Hill
57 George yard - Saffron Hill
58 Windmill Inne - Shoe lane, east side - Windmill Inn, Shoe Lane, Holborn WC1
59 Windmill alley - Shoe lane, east side
60 Molins Rents - Shoe lane, east side
61 Eagle & Child alley - Shoe lane, east side
62 Robinhood Court - Shoe lane, west side
63 Brewers yard - Shoe lane, east side
64 George alley - Shoe lane, east side
65 Rose & Crown Court - Shoe lane, east side
66 Cockpit Court - Shoe lane, west side
67 Browns Court - Shoe lane, west side
68 Falcon Court - Shoe lane, west side
69 Curriers alley - Shoe lane, east side
70 Harp alley - Shoe lane, east side
71 Kings head Court - Shoe lane, west side
72 Globe Court - Shoe lane, west side
73 Crown Court - Chancery lane
74 Flying horse Court
75 Clifford Inne lane
76 Middle Temple lane
77 Inner Temple lane - Temple Bar
78 Essex Court
79 Brick Court
80 Hall Court
81 Hare Court
82 Pump Court
83 Elme Court
84 Vine Court
85 Figg tree Court
86 Cloyster Court
87 Tanfield Court
88 Exchequer Court
89 Kings bench walks
90 Paper buildings
91 Hercules pillers alley
92 Falcon Court
93 Miter Court
94 Ram alley
95 Flower de luce Court - Fleet street, north side, western end
96 Two Crane Court - Fleet street, north side, western end
97 Red Lion Court - Fleet street, north side, western end
98 Norecrofts Court - Fleet street, north side, western end
99 Dunstans Court - Fleet street, north side, western end
100 Bolt Court- Fleet street, north side, western end
101 Dogwell Court
102 Essex Court - White Fryers
103 Ashentree Court
104 Black horse Inne - Water lane, west side - Black Lion, 11 Whitefriars Street, Whitefriars Precinct
105 Bolt & Tunn Inne - Water lane, west side - Bolt & Tunn Inn, Water Lane, Whitefriars Precinct
106 Watermans Lane
107 Hanging Sword alley - Water lane, east side
108 Hamging Sword Court - Water lane, east side & Fleet street
109 Hind Court - Fleet street, north side
110 Vine office Court - Fleet street, north side
111 White horse Inne - Fleet street, north side - White horse Inn, Fleet street, St Brides EC4
112 Peterborow Court - Fleet street, north side
113 White lion Court - Fleet street, south side
114 Bowmans Court - Salisbury Court, east side
115 Half paved Court - Salisbury Court, east side
116 The Wilderness - Salisbury Court, west side
117 Fishers alley - Salisbury Court, west side
118 George alley - Salisbury Court, east side
119 Water Street - towards the Thames
120 King Edward Street - towards the Thames, west of the Fleet
121 King Tudor Street - west of the Fleet
122 Gardens Rents
123 Black horse alley - north of Fleet street
124 Dickensons yard - Towns End lane
125 Adams yard - Hockley in the Hole
126 White Swan alley - Townsend lane
127 Bull head alley
128 New prison Walk
129 Red bull yard
130 Black Spread Eagle alley - Turnmill street
131 Cinnamon alley - Turnmill street
132 Brewers yard - Turnmill street, west side
133 Bitt alley - Turnmill street, east side
134 Frying pan alley - Turnmill street, east side
135 Rose alley - Turnmill street, east side
136 Block alley - Turnmill street, east side
137 White horse alley - Turnmill street, west side
138 Bell alley - Turnmill street, east side
139 Cock alley - Turnmill street, east side
140 Lowmans Rents - Turnmill street, east side
141 Bowling alley
142 Falconers alley - Turnmill street, east side
143 Dagger alley - Turnmill street, west side
144 Jacobs Court - Turnmill street, west side
145 Sharps alley
146 Cradle alley - Cow Cross, south side
147 Red Lion alley - Cow Cross & Greenhill Rents
148 White horse alley - Cow Cross, north side
149 Garden alleys
150 White hart Inne - St Johns street, east side, northern end - White Hart, 120 St John street, St Sepulchre EC4
[White hart Inne is Repeated on next page ]

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 16-Oct-2024 09:12:07 BST

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