Search london history from Roman times to modern day
This is my wiki site about London which will also link to the current pub history site
In the Walls of the City, are these Gates or Apertures into the City :
I Ludgate.
2 Newgate.
3 Aldersgate.
4 Cripplegate.
5 Aldermanbury Postern.
6 Second Postern.
7 Great Moorgate.
8 Little Moorgate.
9 Bishopsgate.
10 Aldgate.
11 And the South Aperture into the City is Bridgegate.
There are also more remote Gates not in the Walls, as
12 Temple Bar.
13 Westminster
14 Cockpit, and
15 St. John's
Of the Antiquity and present Appearance of these Gates, I shall discourse as
follows :
There were formerly but four Gates, viz. the West or Ludgate, North or
Aldersgate, East or aldgate, and South of Bridegate, but afterwards for the
Conveniency of the citizens, the rest were built.
1 Ludgate,
Is an Aperture from the Hill into the Street of that Name, in the West part of
the City. It is said to have been built by Lud, a British King, about 66 years
before the Nativity of our Saviour. It was repaired Anno 1215 , and again,
beautified Anno 1260 : It was wholly rebuilt in the Year 1586, and the Images of
King Lud and Androgeus, and Theomantius, his 2 Sons were put up, all which was
done at the Charge of the City, and cost upward of 1500 l.
At present the Gate is spacious and strong, built of Stone; the West Side is
adorned with 2 Pilasters and Entablament of the Ionic Order; also 2 Columns and
Pediment adorning a Nich, wherein is placed a Figure (very well carved) of Queen
Elizabeth in her Royal Habiliments, with the Regalia ; above which is the
Queen's Arms betn the City Supporters, placed at some distance. The East side of
this Gate is adorned with 4 Pilasters and Entablature of the Doric Order ; the
Intercolumns are the said 3 Figures of King Lud, &c. each standing in a Nich in
their British Habit; and higher are the Queen's Arms, viz, France and England
quarterly, supported with a Lyon and Dragon ; and here is this Inscription in
gold Characters : Repaired and beautified Anno 1699 Sir Francis Child Lord
Here are 2 good Foot Posterns on the North and South sides of this Gate,’
2 Newgate.
A principal Gate, which openeth out of Hart street into Newgate street in the
Westerly part of London. It was so called, as built after the 4 principals (as
beforesaid) were reckon'd old ; and for the Conveniency of such as had occasion
to pass from the North West part of the City to Holbourn, &c, It was first
erected about the year 1100. The Prison here.
I find Newgate at present, Is a very strong, well built and beautiful Gate,
adorned on the Westerly with 3 Ranges of Pilasters, and their Entablement of the
Tuscan Order, over the lowest is a circular Pediment, and above that the Queens
Arms; the other Intercolumns are 4 Niches replenished, with as many Figures well
carved in Stone, standing in full proportion; and there is a Foot Postern on the
North side.
The East side is adorned with a range of Pilasters &c, as before; and in 3
Niches are the Figures of Justice, Mercy and Truth; and here is this Inscription
This part of Newgate was begun to be repaired in the Mayoralty of Sir James
Cambel, Knt, Anno 1630, and finished in the Mayoralty of Sir Robert Doric,
Baronet, April Anno 1631; and being damnified by fire in 1666, it was repaired
in the Mayoralty of Sir George Waterman, Anno Dom 1672.
Here are these Arms : Sabel a Fess Chequy Or and Azure with an Anulet for a
3 Aldersgate
A principal aperture out of Aldersgate street into st Martins le Grand, in the
North part of the City. It is probably so called from its Antiquity, as being
older than Oldgate, or Aldgate.
The North side of this Gate is adorned with the Figure of King James 1 on
horseback, done in Relievo between 2 Niches, wherin are the Figures of the
Prophets Jeremiah and Samuel, with References to Jerem 6.17 v 25 and 1 Sam 6.12
On the South side of this Gate is thus inscribed in Gold Characters :
Johannes Leman Miles Maior Civitatis Londini, Anno 1617.
And below that are these words:
This Gate was repaired and beautified at the sole charge of this City, in the
Year of the Mayoralty of Sir Samuel Sterling Knt, Anno dom 1670.
Toward the rebuilding of this Gate, Mr William Parker gave 1000 l. and the first
stone was laid May 26, 1617, by Sir william Cravon, Alderman.
4 Cripplegate
Is an Aperture into Wood street from Fore street. It is so called, from its
being formerly a place where Cripples used to ask Charity.
It is a Gate of great Antiquity, built before the Year 1010 (bút how long I find
not.) It was a Prison about the Reign of Edward I. was new erected at the Charge
of the Brewers of London, Anno 1244; and in 1491, was again rebuilt at the
Charge of Sir John Shaw, who left 400 Marks for that purpose. It is built of
Stone with Towers, and enriched with the City Arms. On the inner Front is this
Infcription :
This Gate was repaired, beautifed, and the Foot Postern new made, at the Charge
of the City of London, in the 15th Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King
Charles II. in the Mayoralty in Sir John Robinson, Kt. and Bnt, Lieutenant of
the Tower of London; and Alderman of this Ward, Anno Dom. 1663.
5 Aldermanbury Postern
Is a Gate in the City Wall, right against Aldermanbury, but it has nothing
remarkable about it.
6 Second Postern
Is another small Gate, in the North wall of the City, a little Ed from the last,
with this inscription:
Erected in the Mayoralty of Sir Christopher Packe knt, Anno Dom 1655.
7 Great Moorgate
This Gate was first built Anno 1415, and rebuilt 1472. It is an aperture into
the City from the West part of Moorfields, is a great lofty Building of stone (Rustick
work) adorned with Pilasters, entablature and circular Pediment, and enriched
with Festoons, the North and South sides being uniform, but on the North side is
this Inscription:
Begun in the Year 1673. Sir Robert Hanson then Lord Mayor, Finished in the Year
1674. Sir William Hooker, Lord Mayor.
Here are also 2 foot Posterns, one on each side of the Gate.
8 Little Moorgate,
Openeth intop the City out of the South West Angle of Moorfields. There is
nothing remarkable in the Gate.
9 Bishopsgate,
Openeth in the North Wall of the City, in Bishopsgate street, being Ed from
Little Moorgate. It appeareth built about the year 1200, and how long before
that, is not certain. It was rebuilt by the Hans Merchants, Anno 1479, which is
probably the gate yet standing, it being very old and Weather-wornn, as appears
chiefly in the 2 Figures of Bishops which are on the Gate (one on each side. On
the South side are the City Arms, and some other Enrichments,
10. Aldgate
This Gate openeth into the East part of the City, being one of the principal and
most ancient Gates, as its Name expresseth, Aldgate, Sc. Oldgate; and appears to
merit that Name, for we read of it in the time of Edgar the Saxon King, who
reigned about the Year 960. It was rebuilt from the Ground, and the Foundation
16 Foot deep, where the first Stone was laid by Martin Bond ( Surveyor of the
Work) March 10, 1607, in digging of which Foundation several pieces of Roman
Coins were found.
This Gate is built of Stone, and though old, looks strong and ornamental. The
East fide is adorned with the Figure of King James I. betn the Supporters of his
Arms, and a Chaplet is held over his Head by 2 Cupids ; and higher are 2
Demy-Figures of Men, one holding in his hand a Globe, intimating the great Power
of the King, and Trade of the City in the World, which is also illustrated by
the Figures of 2 Heads; all which are under the Figure of Fame, placed in a Nich.
The West side of this Gate is adorned with Pilasters and Entablature of the
Dorick Order, and under a Pediment the King's Arms (then of James I) and has the
Enrichments of the Figures of Peace, Charity and Fortune, looking toward the
City, intimating the Happiness of that City, whose Inhabitants live in Peace and
Love. And this Inscription is lower :
Senatus populusaue Londinensis - Fe
11. Bridgegate.
Is so called, as being situate on London-Bridge, on the South side of the City,
the only Gate by which that Liquid Wall, the Thames, is to be passed over, and
the City of London made accessable from Southwark on Foot. It was one of the 4
principal Gates of the City (as is aforeaaid) long before the Conquest.
The Gate fell down in the Year 1436, but killed no Body, it was soon after
rebuilt again, toward which Sir Robert Large, Sir Stephen Forester, and some
others contributed very generously..
This Bridgegate is near the South end of London-Bridge opening into the City,
where is a strong Portcullis ; and on the South side it is adorned with the
Queen's Arms, and the Remains of 2 Figures of Humane Bodies, and on the North
side is the City Arms,
12. Temple Bar.
This Gate, between the East end of the strand, and West end of Fleet street,
opens not immediately into the City itself, but into the Liberty or Freedom
thereof, and is about 740 Yards Westward of Ludgate, in the West part of the
City. At this Gate the Freedom of London and Liberty of Westminster are
separated, and the Governments within, much different from that without, as will
appear a little farther
It is now an Ornamental piece of Architecture, well built of Stone, adorned
(uniformly), on each side with 4 Pilasters, their Entablature and arched
Pediment of the Corinthian Order; 4 of the intercolumns are as many Niches
replenished (viz. those without the Bar) with 2 Figures, being of King Charles
I. and Charles II. and the Figures on the Front, within the Bar, are King James
I. and his Queen. It is also enriched with Cornucopías, and has 2 fine large
Cartouches, by way of Supporters to the whole.
Here, on the East side of the Bar, is inscribed :
Erected in the Tear 1670, Sir Samuel Starling Mayor ; continued in the Tear
1671, Sir Richard Ford Lord Mayor; and finished in the rear 1672, Sir George
Waterman Lord Mayor.
13. Westminster Gate.
It is an ancient piece of Building, opening out of the Cockpit to King street in
the North part of Westminster. The Structure is old, with the Remains of several
Figures, the Queen's Arms, Roses, &c whereby it was enriched. It hath 4 Towers,
and the South side is adorned with Pilasters and Entablature of the Ionic Order.
There are also in Westminster, the Gates opening out of New Palace yard, and
Tuthill ftreet.
14. Cockpit Gate.
This is an extraordinary beautiful Gate, considering its Antiquity ; it is built
of square Stone, with small Squares of Flint Boulder, very neatly set. It has
also Battlements, and 4 lofty Towers, and the whole is enriched with Bustos,
Roses, Portcullises, and Queen's Arms, both on the North and South sides.
There are no Gates hung at present, but the Hinges shew there have been ; this
is an Aperture from the Cockpit into the broad part of Charing cross before
White-hall Gate.
15 St John's Gate
Belonging formerly to the Priory of St John of Jerusalem. There are these Coats
of Arms on the West side, viz. a Chevron ingrailed between 3 roundles, on a
chief a cross. These Arms are in 2 places, and between them are the Shield and
Cross of St George.
On the East side is the Word Prior, and the Date 1504; also in 2 places the Arms
before, viz. a Chevron ingrailed between 3 Roundles; and between these are the
Arms of England and France quarterly, between the Shield and Cross of St George
in 2 places.
This Gate is well built of Stone, with Towers and Battlements.
There have been seven principal city gates of London through time, along the London wall. Some are earlier, some later.
They include Aldgate, Aldersgate, Bishopsgate, Cripplegate, Ludgate, Moorgate and Newgate.
A sale of three of the City gates, on the 30th of July 1760, marked, in a
singular way, a dividing point between the old and the modern history of London.
The English metropolis, like most large and important cities in the middle ages,
was bounded by a wall and a ditch; and in this wall were openings or gates for
the passage of foot and vehicle traffic. Beginning from the east, this fortified
boundary commenced with the famous Tower of London, itself a vast assemblage of
gates and fortified posts. Advancing thence nearly northward, the wall extended
to AEld-gate or Aldgate, which defended the approach by the great highway from
Essex. This was probably the oldest of all the City gates. In 1215, during the
civil war between King John and the barons, the citizens aided the latter in
entering London by Aldgate; and soon afterwards, the gate, being very ruinous
and dilapidated, was replaced by one strongly built of stone. This new one (a
double gate with portcullis) remained till the time of Queen Elizabeth, when it
was replaced by another more ornamental than warlike. This was one of the three
gates finally removed in 1760. The wall extended nearly north-west from Aldgate
to Bishopsgate, which guarded the great road from Cambridge. This gate was not
among the oldest of the series, but is supposed to have been built about the
reign of Henry II. At first there were no means of exit from the City between
Aldgate and Aldersgate; and this extra gate was opened rather to furnish
additional accommodation, than for any defensive purpose. The gate was in a
ruinous state from the time of Edward VI. to that of James I., when it was
replaced by a new one; and this latter was finally removed early in the last
century. The wall stretched westward from Bishopsgate to Moorgate; of which Stow
says: 'I find that Thomas Falconer, mayor about the year 1415, the third of
Henry V., caused the wall of the city to be broken near unto Coleman Street, and
there builded a postern, now called Moorgate, upon the moorside, where was never
gate before. This gate he made for ease of the citizens that way to pass upon
causeys [causeways] into the fields for their recreation; for the same field was
at that time a marsh.' Indeed, all the country immediately outside the city,
from Bishopsgate to Aldersgate, was very fenny and marshy, giving rise to the
names Moorfields and Finsbury (Fensbury). Moorgate was rebuilt in 1472, and
pulled down about "the middle of the last century, the stones being used to
repair the piers of London Bridge. The next gate was Cripplegate, a postern or
minor gate like Moorgate, but much more ancient; it was many times rebuilt, and
was, like the other gates, used as a prison. The name, Stow says, 'so called of
cripples begging there.' This was one of the three gates finally pulled down in
1760. The City wall extended thence to Elders-gate or Aldersgate, one of the
oldest of the series, and also one of the largest. The ancient structure,
crumbling with age, was replaced by a new and very ornamental one in the time of
James I.; and this latter gave way to the street improvers early in the last
century. The next gate was Newgate. In the Anglo-Norman times, there were only
three City gates— Aldgate, Aldersgate, and Ludgate; and no person could leave
the city westward at any point between the two last-named gates. To remedy this
inconvenience, Newgate was built about the time of Henry I., the designation
'new' being, of course, only comparative. After being rebuilt and repaired
several times, Newgate and its prison were burned down by Lord George Gordon's
mob in 1780; the prison was replaced by a much larger and stronger one, but the
gate was not rebuilt. The City wall extended from Newgate to Ludgate, which was
the oldest of the series except Aldgate and Aldersgate, and the one with which
the greatest number of historical events was connected. After many rebuildings
and repairings, Ludgate was one of the three which were pulled down in 1760.
It must not be supposed that Dowgate, Billingsgate, and St John's Gate were
necessarily City gates; the first and second were landing-places on the
river-side, the third was the gate belonging to the Hospital of St John of
Jerusalem. As to the Bars — such as Temple Bar, Holborn Bar, and Smithfield Bar
— they were subsidiary or exterior barriers, bearing some such relation to ' the
City without the walls,' as the gates bore to 'the City within the walls,' but
smaller, and of inferior strength.
The announcement in the public journals, concerning the destruction of three of
the gates on the 30th of July 1760, was simply to the effect that Mr Blagden, a
carpenter of Coleman Street, gave £91 for the old materials of Cripplegate, £148
for Ludgate, and £177, 10s. for Aldgate; undertaking to have all the rubbish
removed by the end of September. Thus ended our old City gates, except Newgate,
which the rioters put an end to twenty years later. [The Book of Days, 1984]
As a quick aside to this, my earliest memories of visiting London were in the early 1970s on a Red Rover bus pass, with my school friends. Followed by later train visits in the mid-70s as I began work, when the rein of terror of the IRA was at its peak. I also remember the train crash at Moorgate station in about 1980, I had no idea it was a London gate.
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