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Public Houses, Inns, Taverns & Hotels & Pub directory in London in 1983

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in London.

I am using the site listings in the first instance, all supplied by Keith Emmerson - East London & City CAMRA.

The 1983 edition of the East London Beer Guide.

Postcode Index

EC1  EC2  EC3  EC4  E1  E2  E3   E4  E5  E6  E7   E8  E9   E10  E11   E12  E13   E14  E15   E16  E17   E18  


All the information on this page was gathered by the local branch (East London & City) of the Campaign for Real Ale in for the guide published in 1983.
All the information has been retyped from the guide Missed pubs have been added and noted. Only the data is included and not any articles or pictures that appeared in the guide. Because the guide was typed there may be some inconsistency with beer and brewery names 

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