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London Street Directory in 1843 - W6

This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.

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Wastie Henry, surgeon & chemist, 2 Kennington cross
Wastie James, butcher, 26 Beckford row, Walworth
Wastie Joseph, upholsterer, 18 King street, Soho
Watchman newspaper office, 161 Fleet street
Watchhorn John Henry, New Dover Castle , 53 Bridge road, Lambeth
Waterer Michael, nurseryman, King's road, Chelsea
Waterfall Charles, umbrella maker, 47 Newington causeway
Waterfield Thomas, surgeon, 4 Charles street, St. James's square
Waterhouse, Hatfield & Co. sheffield plate warehouse, 3 Bolt court, Fleet street
Waterhouse George, watch & clock manufacturer, 55 Rupert street, Haymarket, & at 4 Rue Kleberg, Geneva
Waterhouse James William, solicitor, 10 Lincoln's inn fields
Waterhouse John, law stationer, 12 Carey street, Lincoln's inn
Waterhouse Joseph, cabinetmaker, 83 White Lion street, Pentonville
Waterhouse Richard, baker, 4 King's road east, Chelsea
Waterhouse Thomas, painter, 1 Star street, Edgware road
Waterloo Bridge Co. (George Powell, clerk), 8 Beaufort buildings
Wateriod Subscription Office; see National Debt
Watcrlow Jas. & Sons, law stationers & lithographic printers, 24 Birchin lane
Waterlow Charles William, carpenter & case maker, 40 Botolph lane
Waterlow James, law stationer, see Culsha & Waterlow
Waterlow Thomas, fruit salesman, Spitalfields market
Waterman's Hall (John Banyon, clerk), 18 St. Mary at hill
Waterman's Steam Packet Co. Adelphi pier, George street, Adelphi
Waterman, Wright & Kingsford, solicitors, 23 Essex street, Stränd
Waterman Charles, cutler, 40 Clerkenwell close
Waterman James, builder, 3 Winsley street, Oxford street
Waterman James, carpenter & builder, 8 Edward street, Hampstead road
Waterman James, hosier, glover, &c. 59 Threadneedle street
Waterman John, ladies' shoemaker, 54 Wardour street, Soho
Waterman Richard, turner, bench & hand screw maker, 79 Leonard street, Shoreditch
Waterman William, bricklayer, &c. 8 Mansion house street, Kennington road
Waterman William, solicitor, see Egan,Waterman & Wright
Waters Jonas & Sons, wine coopers & wine merchants, 1 & 2 Arthur street west, London bridge
Waters Samuel Reeve & Son, tailors, Coventry street, Haymarket
Waters & Steel, wharfingers, Northumberland wharf, Blackfriars
Waters Thomas, Methold & Co. wine & general merchants, 106 Fenchurch street
Waters Charles, coal dealer, 14 Stephen street, Tottenham court road
Waters Edmund Thomas, jun. stockbroker, 1 Warnford court
Waters Frederick, cheesemonger, 60 Goswell road
Waters George William, tanner, see Dakeyne, Jones & Waters
Waters James, baker, 96 Union street, Borough
Waters John, physician, 62 Torrington square
Watcrs John, sail cloth factor, 2 Sampson's gardens, Wapping
Waters John, shipping butcher, 85 Wapping wall
Waters Margaret (Mrs.), Kings Arms , 43 Parker street, Drury lane
Waters Peter, poulterer, 47 Lisle street, Leicester square
Waters Robert, baker, 197 Sloane street, Knightsbridge
Waters Thomas, tea & coffee dealer, see Baldwin & Waters
Waters William, baker, 44 Charlotte terrace, Lambeth
Waters William, baker, 16 Tysoe street, Exmouth street
Waters William, cattle salesman, 17 West Smithfield
Waters William, carpenter & undertaker, 12 Bridge street, Southwark
Waterson William, cabinet maker, 2A, Norfolk street, Middlesex hospital
Waterstreet Christian, soda water maker, 15 Wellclose square
Waterworth George & William, comb manufacturer, 2 Bishopsgate within
Waterworth Charles, surgeon, 5 Bengal place, New Kent road
Waterworth John, plumber, 171 Bishopsgate without
Waterworth William, plumber, &c. 16 Wormwood street, Bishopsgate
Watford John, butcher, 26 Windmill street, Finsbury
Wathen William & Co. hatters, &c. 173 Ratcliff highway
Wathen George Henry, architect, 12 Regent street
Wathen John Beardmore, solicitor, 28 St. Swithin's lane
Wathem Josiah Iles, solicitor, 47 Bedford square
Watherston & Brogden, wholesale jewellers; 16 Henrietta street, Covent garden
Watherston James Henderson, pawnbroker, 153 Brick lane, Spitalfields
Watkins George Rich. & John, fishmongers, 8 Norton folgate
Watkins & Hill, opticians & philosophical instrument makers, 5 Charing cross
Watkins & Hooper, attorneys, 11 Sackville street, ###
Watkins, Payne & Co. silkdressers, 10 Horse shoe alley, Finsbury
Watkins Sarah & Co. tailors, 17 Cork street, Bond street
Watkins & Hope, tea brokers, 133 Fenchurch street
Watkins William, & Co. chemists, &c. 1 Clement's inn passage
Watkins Alexander, surgeon, &c. 34 High street, ### ebone
Watkins Alexander, watch & clock maker, 14 Clark’s place, High street, Islington
Watkins Ann (Miss), milliner, 4A, Edwards street, Portman square
Watkins Charles, coal, coke & salt merchant, Paradise wharf, Chelsea
Watkins Daniel, copper plate printer, see Horwood & Watkins
Watkins Daniel, surgeon, 6 John street, Titchfield terrace, Regents park
Watkins Edmund, butcher, 1 Cumberland street, Middlesex hospital
Watkins Edw. oil & colorman, 2 Octagon place, Kennington common
Watkins Edward, racket maker, 122 Vauxhall walk
Watkins Elizabeth (Mrs), hosier, glover, &c. 308 Oxford street
Watkins Geo. William, oil & italian warehouse, 308 Oxford street
Watkins Henry, grocer, 30 Russell court, Drury lane
Watkins Henry, lodging house, 14 Queen street, Soho
Watkins James, Crown & Apple Tree , 37 Berwick street, Soho
Watkins James, diamond & pearl setter, 7 Queen street, Clerkenwell
Watkins James, grocer, &c. 12 Heddon court, Regent street
Watkins James, linendraper, &c. 63 Exmouth street,Spafields
Watkins Jas. tallow melter & candle maker, 127 Aldersgate street
Watkins James, upholsterer, &c. 57 Lamb's Conduit street
Watkins John, carpenter, &c. 45 Union street, Walcot place, Lambeth
Watkins John, chemist & druggist, Church street, Hackney
Watkins John, cupper, 21A, Saville row, Piccadilly
Watkins John, fishmonger, 31 Princes street, Leicester square
Watkins John, Hope , 90 St. John street, West Smithfield
Watkins John, surgeon, &c. 92 Newgate street
Watkins John, tan dealer, 4 Grange road, Bermondsey
Watkins John, Three Goats Heads , Wandsworth road
Watkins John, watch gilder & tool dealer, 2 Cross street, Clerkenwell
Watkins John, Wheatsheaf , 4 Upper Marylebone street
Watkins John Roger, shipowner, Pier head, Shadwell
Watkins Joseph, linendraper, see Smith & Watkins
Watkins Lorimia M. (Miss), bookbinder, 47 St. John's square, Clerkenwell
Watkins Maria (Mrs.), court milliner, 7 Baker street, Portman square
Watkins Richard, jun. tailor, 180 Regent street
Watkins Richd. whitesmith, 16 Lower Belgrave place, Pimlico
Watkins Robert, ladies' shoemaker, 54 Rathbone place
Watkins Sarah (Miss), lodging house, 20 Jewin crescent, City
Watkins Sarah (Miss), George , 2 St. Mary axe
Watkins Stephen, brickmaker, 1 Irongate wharf, Paddington, & 70 Edgware road
Watkins Thomas, button & trimming seller, 133 Regent street
Watkins Thomas, wholesale quill & pen manufacturer, 1 & 2 Cannon street
Watkins Thomas John, wine merchant, see Hastings & Watkins
Watkins Walter, grocer, &c. 50 Brick lane, Spitalfields
Watkins William, dyer, scourer, &c. 5 London terrace, Hackney road
Watkins William, locksmith, 10 Museum street, Bloomsbury
Watkins William, tailor, 7 Little Argyle street, Regent street
Watkins William, tailor, & coffee rooms, 32 Strutton ground
Watkins William, Henry, cattle salesman, 15 West Smithfield
Watkins Zachariah, button & trimming seller, 108 Regent street
Watkinson Alfred, scale maker &c. 41 Whitehart place, Lower Kent lane
Watkinson Edward, painter, &c. 2 White Horse lane, Stepney
Watkinson Henry, glass cutter, 6 Chalton street, Somers town
Watkinson James, hot press. & ribbon waterer, 26 Monkwell street
Watkinson Jane (Mrs.), cowkeeper, 19 Providence row, Finsbury
Watkinson Thomas, builder &c. see Taylor & Watkinson
Watkinson Thomas, Woolpack , 94 Minories
Watkinson William, slopseller, 10 Rotherhithe wall
Watkis Thomas, porkbutcher, 181 Poplar High street
Watling Arthur S. Co. agents to the Roslin gunpowder mills, 146 Leadenhall street
Watling Elizabeth (Miss), news agent, 409 Strand
Watling Henry, butcher, 21 Marchmont street, Brunswick square
Watling James, plumber, 15 Hemming's row, St. Martin's lane
Watling Lionel, cattle, salesman, 59 West Smithfield, & butcher, 31 Theobald's road, Red Lion square
Watling Philip, fishmonger, 105 High street, Camden town
Watling William, Pimlico dining rooms, 13 Victoria road, Pimlico
Watmore Charlotte (Miss), bonnet warehouse, 16 Cranbourne street
Watmore James, builder, 5 Fisher street, Red Lion street
Watmore James, confectioner, 7 Lower street, Islington
Watney & Bovill, cornfactors, 72 Great Tower street
Watney Daniel, distiller, Wandswortli
Watson, Byers & Co. woollen & manchester warehousemen, 26 Skinner street
Watson & Chambers, ship & insurance broker, 10 Commercial sale rooms
Watson & Broughton, solicitors, 5 Falcon square
Watson & Cooper, silvermiths & platers, 29 King street, Soho
Watson Eliza J. & Ann, Angel Inn, St. Clements, Strand
Watson & Harvey, packing case maker, 44 Wood street & 33 Monkwell street
Watson John & Co. furniture printers, 56 Holborn hill
Watson John & Co. linendrapers, 55 & 56 Holborn hill
Watson John & Son, manufacturers of silver plated goods (Richard Reading, agent), 21. Salisbury street, Strand
Watson John & Joseph, saw mills, near Battersea bridge
Watson, Loder & Co. provision merchants, ## Crown court. Piñspot lane ###
Watson & Metcalfe, wharfingers, Watson's lower wharf, St. Katherine's & Brown's quay. Hermitage, Wapping
Watson & Palmer, chemists, 25 St. George's place, Rightsbridge
Watson Samuel & Sons, attorneys, 12 Bouverie street, Fleet street, & at Hammersmith
Watson & Son, carpet manufacturers, 6 Castle street, Holborn
Watson Thomas & William, hosiers & lace manufacturers, 20 Milk street
Watson William George & Co. colormaker, 27 Poultry,S:Narrow street, Limehouse
Watson & Wix, solicitors, 2 Winchester buildings, City
Watson, Wood & Bell, carpet manufacturers & importers of turkey carpets, 35 & 36 Old Bond street
Watson's General Telegraph Office, 83 Cornhill
Watson Adam, Scotch agent, 7 Ironmonger lane
Watson Alexander, baker, 6 Beak street, Regent street
Watson Andrew Kippis, barrister, 2 Plowden buildings, Temple
Watson Ann (Mrs.), straw bonnet maker, 21 Queen street, Soho
Watson Ann W. (Mrs.), milliner, 9 St. Agnes terrace, Tabernacle square
Watson Augustus, boot & shoe maker, 50 St. John street, Clerkenwell
Watson Barclay Farquharson, attorney, 36 Lincoln's inn fields
Watson Barnard L. superintendent of telegraphs, 83 Cornhill
Watson Benjamin, fruiterer, 21 Great Queen street, Lincolns’ inn flûs
Watson Carrol, barrister, 4 Pump court, Temple
Watson Charles, grocer, 380 Rotherhithe
Watson Charles, jeweller, watchmaker, silversmith, hardwareman, cutler, &c. 41 & 42 Barbican
Watson Charles, stockbroker, 17 Throgmorton street
Watson Charles, surgeon, &c. 11 Prospect place, Kingsland road
Watson Charles, watchmaker & jeweller, silversmith, hardwareman, paper tea-tray maker, & manufacturer of albala plate, 16 Norton folgate
Watson Daniel, solicitor, 8 Gray's inn square
Watson David, tobacconist, 59 Borough High street
Watson Edmund B, linendraper & haberdasher, 24 Greek street, Soho
Watson Edmund Temple, cornfactor, see Rosling & Watson
Watson Edward, watchmaker, &c. 6 King street, Cheapside
Watson Edward F. carver & gilder, 201 Piccadilly
Watson Edward N. Marquis Granby , 83 Castle street east, Oxford street
Watson Edward, Thomas, painter & glazier, 13.John st. Minories
Watson Elizabeth (Mrs.), baker, 7 Knightsbridge terrace
Watson Elizabeth (Mrs.), milliner, 30 Georgest. Hanover square
Watson Elizh.C. (Mrs.), ladies' school, 10 Virginia place, Great Dover street
Watson Ellis, harness maker, 20 Old Compton street
Watson Francis Pagett, accountant, 8 Thavies inn, Holborn
Watson George, cabinetmaker, 19 Mansell street, Goodman's fields
Watson George, furniture broker, &c. 46 Portugal street, Lincolns inn fields
Watson George, ironmonger, &c. 38 Rupert street, Haymarket
Watson George, linen draper, 2 New street, Dorset square
Watson George, professor of music, 42 Mansell street, Goodman's fields
Watson Harris, stove & range manufacturer, 16 Oxford street ; 35 Whitecross place, & 21 Wilson street, Finsbury square
Watson Henry, surgeon, 4 Half Moon street, Piccadilly
Watson Humble, baker, 19 Bedford place, Commercial road
Watson Jacob, Barley mow , 111 Drury lane
Watson James, Angel , 7 Great Chapel street, Westminster
Watson James, baker, 167 Fleet street
Watson James, barrister, 50 Lincoln's inn fields
Watson James, bookbinder, 53 Long acre
Watson James, bookseller, 15 City road, Finsbury square
Watson James, bookseller, 5 Paul's alley, Paternoster row
Watson James, fruiterer, 9 Middle Queen's buildings, Knightsbridge
Watson James, patent sash line maker, 66 King street, Soho
Watson James, tailor, 81 Whitechapel High street

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