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London Street Directory in 1843 - W21

This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.

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Wise & Nash, ever pointed pencil maker, 30 Coppice row
Wise William & Co. sawmills, North court, Cowper street, City road
Wise Alphonso Rt. book edge gilder, 18 Bartholomew close
Wise Charles, lapidary, 53 Wardour street, Soho
Wise Elizabeth (Mrs.), fruiterer, Long market, Covent garden
Wise Frances (Mrs.), lodging house, 1 Thanet place, Strand
Wise Henry, merchant, 75 Old Broad street
Wise James, bootmaker, 22 Leigh street, Burton crescent
Wise James, cowkeeper, 32 King's road east, Chelsea
Wise James, Red Cow, Princes street, Lambeth
Wise John, chair & sofa maker, see James & Wise
Wise John, cooper & grocer, 8 Broadway, St. Thomas’, Borough
Wise John Gifford, boot & shoe maker, 17 Queen street,  Cheapside
Wise Matthew, jun. fishmonger, 6 St. Martin's court, Ludgate hill
Wise Richard, harness maker, 6 Porters row, Holloway road
Wise Richd. house & estate agent, 9 Beauvoir place, Kingsland
Wise Saml.oil & colourman, 1 Cheltenham place, Westminster road
Wise Solomon, organ builder, 48 Regent street, Lambeth
Wise Thomas, cattle salesman, 17 West Smithfield
Wise Thomas, fruiterer, 1 Cowley street, Westminster
Wise Thomas, milkman to the queen, 6 Westbourne street, Pimlico
Wise William, engineer & millwright, l l Church lane, Commercial road
Wise William, ham & tongue warehouse, 48 Judd street, Brunswick square
Wise William, metal piercer, see North & Wise
Wiseman & Cole, coachmakers, 37 High street, Kensington
Wiseman John, academy, Grange road, Bermondsey
Wiseman Thomas, tailor, l Wilstead street, Somers town
Wiseman William Richard, butcher, 18 Star corner, Bermondsey
Wishart & Lloyd, tobacco manufacturers, 21 Coventry street
Wisker William, carpenter, &c. 2 Greystoke place, Fetter lane
Wiss Robert, patent water closet manufacturer, 38 Charing cross
Witchurch Mary (Mrs.), bacon dryer, 118 Goswell street
Witcomb Willian, tailor & glover, 54 Moorgate street, Bank
Witford Thomas, baker, 9 Queen's row, Pimlico
Withall William, attorney, 7 Parliament street, Westminster
Withall William, Chas. trimming man. 4 Featherstone street, City road
Witham Francis, solicitor, 8 Gray's inn square
Witham IIenry, barrister, 6 Old square, Lincoln's inn
Witham James, butcher, 44 Lombard street
Witham William, attorney, 8 Gray's inn square
Withem John, plumber, 55 South Molton street, Bond street
Witheman Joseph, carpenter, 16 Portsmouth street, Lincolns inn fields
withogown. Hen. law stat. 54 Parliament street, & 9 Birchin lane
Witherby Francis, stockbroker,7 Throgmorton street
Witherby Richard, merchant, 29 Nicholas lane, Lombard street
Witherell Elizh.(Mrs.), milliner, 38 New Church street, Lisson grove
Witherick Robert, confectioner, 15 Pickett street, or 250 Strand
Withers & Scorer, notaries public, 7 Nicholas lane, Lombard street
Withers, Woollatt & Co. wholesale coffee dealers, 4 Crown court, Philpot lane
Withers David, working jeweller, 71 Marylebone lane
Withers Edward, confectioner, 52 Blackfriars road
Withers Edward, teadealer & grocer, 9 Whichapel High street
Withers Esther (Mrs.), butcher, 6 Whitechapel High street
Withers George, baker, 4 High street, Camberwell
Withers George, coffee dealer, see Chaldecott & Withers
Withers George, confectioner, 23 George st. Portman square
Withers Henry, baker, 24 Beckford row, Walworth road; & brewer, 3 East side, Camberwell green
Withers Henry, hosier & glover, see Wills & Withers
Withers James, baker, 94 East street, Manchester square
Withers Samuel, brushmaker, 18 Union street, Somers town
Withers Thomas, seal engraver, 17 Princes street, Leicester square
Withers Thomas Chas. chocolate maker, 71 Blackfriars road
Withers William, attorney, 36 Titchhorne street,  Edgware, road
Withers William, Black Bull, 206 Borough High street
Withers William, butcher, 20 Park terrace, King's road, Chelsea
Withers William Carisbrook, currier, 36 Russell street, Bermondsey
Withey Samuel, baker, 13 Allen street, Goswell street
Withnal Caroline (Mrs.),hairworker, 42 Northampton street, Clerkenwell
Withy Robert, attorney, 12 Buckingham street, Strand
Witt William, & Charles, wine merchants, 32 Norton folgate
Witt Chas, plumber & painter, 51 Liverpool street, Bishopsgate
Witt Charles, surgeon, 30 Spring gardens
Witt Gilbert, cheesemouger, 24 Chenies street, Bedford square
Witt Thomas, coffeehouse, 3 Lamb's Conduit passage
Witt William, dentist & cupper, 43 High Holborn
Witt Win. wine cooper, 62 Mark lane & 9 Collingwood street, Shoreditch
Witton D.W. & Co. merchants, 2 Crosby square, Bishopsgate street
Witton John, gunmaker, 82 Old Broad street, City
Witton Joseph, music reed maker, 10 Johnson's place, Thames bank
Witton Robert, grocer, 20 Strutton ground, Westminster
Witton Sam. Stevens, vinegarmaker, 35 Vincent square, Westminster
Witts Nathan, Lamb & Flag, 2 Crutched friars
Witty Francis, newspaper agent, 10 Bolt court, Fleet street
Witty George, baker, 4 Mansfield place, Kentish town
Witty Richard Henry, solicitor, see Campbell & Witty
Wix Charles & Sons, oil & italian warehouse, 22 Leadenhall street
Wix Edward, leather seller, 8 Basinghall street
Wix George, Mitre, Mitre court, Hatton garden
Wix Henry, bookseller & publisher, 41 New Bridge street, Blackfriars
Wix Frederick, turkey merchant, see Jellicoe & Wix
Wix Samuel, solicitor, see Watson & Wix
Wix William, steward, St. Bartholomew's hospital
Wixley Hor. Nelson, bonnet block maker, 14 Long lane Smithfield
Wohlgemuth Ferdinand P. wine merchant, 19, Great Carter lane
Wohlman George, painter, plumber &c. New road, South Lambth
Wohlman John, writer & grainer, see Boyde & Wohlman
Wolf Robert & Co. patent pianoforte & musical instrument makers, 20 St. Martin's le grand (late 79 Cornhill)
Wolf Charles, pastry cook, 28 Crosby row, Walworth road
Wolf Godfrey, baker, 69 Whitechapel High street
Wolf John, clothier, 40 Strutton ground, Westminster
Wolfe Brothers; stock & sharebroker, 23 Change alley, Cornhill
Wolfe Robert, bootmaker, l Northampton street, Clerkenwell
Wolff & Son, chiropodists, 133 Leadenhall street
Wolf Elias & Son, cretalavis inventors, 23 Church street, Spitalfields
Wolff Abraham, chemist, see Whitaker & Wolff
Wolff Simon, cap manufacturer, 37 Beech street, Barbican
Wolford William, plumber & glazier, 15 East street, Manchester square
Wollaston Frederick Luard, barrister, 2 Pump court, Temple
Wollaston Hen. Francis, merchant, 9 Great St. Helen's
Wollaston Richard, exchange broker, 68 Old Broad street
Wollastons George, architect, 4 Great Titchfield street
Wollen Ruscombe, attorney, 14 New Boswell court, Lincoln's inn, & 30 Bucklersbury
Wolley John, Goldsmiths Arms, 17 Little Sutton street, Clerkenwell
Wolley John, working jeweller, 12 Artillery street,  Bishopsgate
Wolstenholme Thomas, & Joseph, pawnbrokers, 16 Liquorpond street
Wolstenholme Dean, engraver, 22 St. Chads row, Gray's inn road
Wolston Augustus, solicitor, 8 Furnival's inn, Holborn
Wolter William, bookbinder, 52 Drury lane
Wombwell George, menagerie, 1 Warkworth terrace, Commercial road East
Womersley Mary (Miss), milliner, &c. 40 Theobald’s road
Womersley Robert, manufacturing chemist, 7 Osborn place, Spitalfields
Womersley Thomas, S. billbrokers, 10 &11 Lombard street chambers, Clement's lane
Womesley Sarah (Miss), milliner, see Eldridge & Womesley
Wonacott William, tailor, 55 Great Portland street, Oxford street
Wonnacott William, E. plumber, painter, &c. 62 Coleman street
Wontner Richard, woollen draper, 45 Cloth fair, West Smithfield
Wontner Thomas, jun. solicitor, 15 Skinner street, Snow hill
Wontner Win. Hoff, architect, &c. see Hermon & Wontner
Wood Ann & Sons, bootmakers, 101 Newgate street
Wood & Barrett, ironfounders, smiths, & stove & rangemakers, 247 Tottenham court road,& Green Dragon yard. High Holborn
Wood & Blake, solicitors, 8 Falcon street, Aldersgate
Wood Chas & Co. bedding warehouse, 154 High Holborn
Wood & Co. tailors, &c. [late of 19 Panton square, Haymarket, 9 Queen street, Golden square
Wood Edward & Co. coal merchants, Northumberland wharf, Strand, & Kentish town coal whf. & Cardiff, South Wales
Wood, Field & Wood, hop merchants, 25 Mark lane
Wood & Fraser, attorneys, 78 Dean street, Soho
Wood Hen. & Co. mathematical instrument makers, 1 Long lane, Smithfield
Wood Henry & Edward, butchers, 17 Sussex place, Old Kent road
Wood Henry & Thomas & Co. flannel, baize, blanket, drugget & carpet warehouse, Red Lion court, Watling street
Wood & Ivy (late George Wood), manufacturers & importers of musical instruments, &c. 50 New Compton street, Soho
Wood Jas. & Son, nursery & seedsmen, Nursery place, Old Kent road
Wood John & Co. wholesale trunk & cabinet manufacturers, 149 Minories
Wood, Jones & Hind, straw & chip hatmaker,78 &79 Newgate street
Wood Joseph Carter, & Co. brewers, 2 Artillery place, Westminster
Wood Matthew & Co. teadealers & grocers, 73 Old Broad street
Wood Nath. & David, dealers in birmingham, sheffield, foreign & fancy goods, 15 Whitechapel road & 56 Newington causeway, & 70 Tottenham court road
Wood & Owen, wholesale druggists, 25 St. Mary axe
Wood & Sharwoods', printers' brokers, 120 Aldersgate street
Wood & Simpson, colonial brokers, 8 Mincing lane
Wood Stephen William, & Jn. law stationers, 52 Carey street,  Lincolns Inn
Wood Thomas & Co. wine & spirit merchants, 30 Little Queen street, Holborn
Wood & Walker, worsted spinners, Bradford, Yorkshire (Abraham Best, agent), 90 Bermondsey street
Wood & Wickham, solicitors, 2 Corbet court, Gracechurch street
Wood William & Co. tea & coffee dealers, 94 Cannon street
Wood William, & Saml. curriers & leather cutters, 32 Bow street, Covent garden
Wood & Wormall (Mesdames), boarding house, 4 North street, Moorfields
Woods y Forests & Land Revenue, Works & Buildings, Office of her Majesty, 1 & 2 Whitehall place; hours of business 10 to 4
Wood Alexander, barrister, 12 King's Bench walk, Temple
Wood Alexr. carver & gilder, 9 Crombie's row, Commercial road East
Wood Alfred, warehouseman, 16 Basinghall street
Wood Barneywmon.imosiiirois. 173 Upper Whitecross street
Wood Benjamin, Red Lion, 5 Old Cavendish street, Oxford street
Wood Bennett, butcher, see Sharp & Wood
Wood Charles, builder,8Charles place, East street, Walworth
Wood Charles, glass engraver, 11 Crown court, Fleet street
Wood Charles, printer, 18 & 19 Poppin's court, Fleet street
Wood Charles, printer, 99 St. George's road, Borough
Wood Charles, tailor & draper, 19 Ivy lane, Newgate street
Wood Charles William, special pleader, 2 Paper buildings, Temple
Wood Charlotte (Mrs.), McNivens & Carters Tavern, Portugal street
Wood Daniel, awl blade maker, 47 Seward street, Goswell road
Wood Daniel, yeast merchant,3 Castle street east, Oxford street
Wood David, physician, 32 York buildings. New road, Marylebone
Wood Dinah (Mrs.), Ship,14 Artillery lane, Bishopsgate
Wood Drew, law & general stationer, 81 Basinghall street
Wood Ebenezer, carcase butcher, 25 Newgate New market
Wood Edward, carpenter & undertaker, 20 Long alley, Finsbury
Wood Edward, Grapes, 9 Bennett street, Fitzroy square
Wood Edward, rubbish carter, &c. see Spencer & Wood
Wood Edward, teadealer, 26 Great Marylebone street
Wood Edward, varnish maker & colorman, 5 Long acre
Wood Eleanor (Mrs.), pawnbroker, 65 High street, St. Giles's
Wood Eliza (Miss), dress maker, 33 Great Titchfield street, Oxford street
Wood Elizabeth (Mrs.), Scots Arms , Little Hermitage street
Wood Eliz. (Mrs.) stationer, 5 Elm terrace, Queen's elm, Brompton
Wood Elizabeth (Mrs.), umbrella maker, 75 Union street, Borough
Wood Fredk, architect & surveyor, 28 Queen street, Brompton road
Wood Frederick, bookbinder, 97 Cornwall road, Lambeth
Wood Frederick, bootmaker, 17 Kenton street, Brunswick square
Wood Frederick, pawnbroker & salsmn.90 Ratcliff highway
Wood Fredk. H. linendraper, 7 Brunswick place, Old Kent road
Wood Frederick William, barrister, 1 Hare court, Temple
Wood George, bootmaker, 31 Little Charlotte street, Blackfriars road
Wood George, deputy registrar, 144 Princes road, Lambeth
Wood George, livery stables, 32 Carey street, Lincoln's inn
wood George, Red Lion, 22 Portland street, Soho
Wood George, stockbroker, Stock Exchange
wood George Blamire Goodland, surgeon,4 Kennington row
Wood George William. surgeon, 18 Hunter street, Brunswick square

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