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This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.
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Rockall William, fruiterer, 54 Gloucester street, Queen square
Rockett Zachariah, coach lace maker, 18 Chapel street, Edgware road
Rockhill Stone Company (Crispin James C. manager), 31 Eastcheap
Rockley John, New Hummuns Tavern, 11 Great Russell street, Covent garden
Rockliff Charles, Royal Fort P.H. Fort place, Grange road, Bermondsey
Rocklist Fras. Sash & Cocoa Tree P.H. 4 Whitecross place, Wilson street
Rodborne Thomas, ostrich feather manufacturer, 7 Chiswell street, Finsbury
Rodd Horatio, picture dealer, 8 Great Newport street, Long acre
Rodd Thomas, bookseller & publisher, 9 Great Newport street Long acre
Roddis James, baker & corn dealer, 131 Kent street, Borough
Roden Edward, Boars Head P.H. 19 Exeter street, Strand
Roden John, engineer &millwright, 22 New road, St. George's east
Roden Roger, tailor, 11 Panton square, Haymarket
Rodger & Thomas, tailors, 36 George street, Hanover square
Rodgers John & Son, hosiers, brace & silk purse manufacturers, & patentees of
the lever buckles, & spring hooks & eyes, 39 & 40 Chiswell street, Finsbury, &
Broad street, Birmingham
Rodgers Joseph & Sons, manufacturing cutlers, 73 Hatton garden
Rodgers George, butcher, 99 St. John street, Clerkenwell
Rodgers Georie, ladies' wardrobe dealer, 44 South street, Grosvenor square
Rodgers Julian Edward D. surgeon, 2 Upper Ebury street, Pimlico
Rodgers Thomas, solicitor, 37 Ring street, Cheapside
Rodick & Daukes, stout agents, see Daukes & Rodick
Rodick Edward L. & Henry, silkmen, 2 Winchester house, Old Broad street
Rodick George, coal merchant, Rutland wharf, Upper Thames street, & 3 Exeter
street, Strand
Rodin Daniel, fruiterer, &c. 3 Surrey place, Kennington
Rodman William, tallowchandler & melter, 25 King street, Long acre
Rodman Stephen, wholesale irondealer, 10 Vauxhall bridge road
Rodocamachi Sons & Co. merchants, 25 Finsbury circus
Rodocanachi Giovanni M. merchant, 9 North buildings, Finsbury circus
Rodrigues Isaac, butcher, 29 Norton folgate
Rodway Jane (Mrs.), glass & china dealer, 4 Grafton street, Soho
Rodwell George, russia merchant, 157 Fenchurch street
Rodwell Henry, cattle salesman, 11 West Smithfield
Rodwell Henry, silk broker, Winchester house, Old Broad street
Rodwell Hunter, barrister, 1 New court, Temple
Rodwell John, bookseller, 46 New Bond street
Rodwell Rt. bookseller & stationer, 2 Surry place, Kennington
Rodwell Samuel Rushwith, bootmaker, see Laidlaw & Rodwell
Rodwell William, stockbroker, Stock Exchange, Capel court
Rodwell William, stockbroker, see Langdale, Son & Rodwell
Roe Edmund, currier & leather strap maker, 9 Air street, Piccadilly
Roe Francis, japanner, 78 Bunhill row, Chiswell street
Roe Freeman, importer of alabaster, 70 Strand
Roe George Hamilton, physician, 6 Hanover square
Roe James, brush maker, 10 Hare court, Aldersgate street
Roe John Wiggett, chemist, &c. 37 Red Lion street, Holborn
Roe Samuel, surgeon, 25 Duke street, Westminster
Roe Thomas, solicitor, Temple chambers, Falcon court, Fleet street
Roe Thomas, wholesale stationer, see Gibbons & Roe
Roe William, tailor & breeches maker, 34 Warwick street, Golden square
Roebuck Elizabeth(Miss), straw hat maker, 6 Manchester row, Holloway
Roebuck George Steuart, barrister, 3 Paper buildings, Temple
Roebuck James, coffee rooms, 2 Brewer street, Pimlico
Roebuck John Arthur, M.P. barrister, 3 Essex court, Temple
Roely Walter, wine merchant, 6 Felix terrace, Liverpool road
Roff Edmund L. & Henry L. fishmongers, 10 Billingsgate
Roff Phoebe (Mrs.), baker, 214 Hoxton Old town
Roffey Edward, emery paper maker, see Johnson & Roffey
Roffey William, & & corn merchants, 21 Walcot place east, Lambeth
Roffey George, baker, 21 Paradise street, Rotherhithe
Roffey Thomas, attorney, 18 Walcot place west, Lambeth
Roffway John, house decorator, &c. 9 Huggin lane, Wood street
Rogers Brothers, provision merchants, 61 Grey Eagle street, Spitalfield
Rogers Brothers, shirt makers, 2 Russia row, Milk street
Rogers Charlotte & Son, tin plate workers, 38 Bedfordbury
Rogers & Dear, upholders, 24 St. George's place, Knightsbridge
Rogers Henry & Son, auctioneers, 9 Fleet lane, Farringdon street
Rogers James & Charles, solicitors, 22 Manchester buildings, Westminster, & 12
Cannon row, Westminster
Rogers John & Co. wholesale hosiers, 103 1/2 Wood street, Cheapside
Rogers John, Nephew & Co. warehousemen, 91 Watling street
Rogers John & Son, tobacco & snuff manufacturers, 392 Oxford street
Rogers & Lee, who. & retail cheesemongers, 48 Farringdon street
Rogers, Olding & Co. bankers, 29 Clement's lane, Lombard street
Rogers Simon & Son,fancy warehousemen, 15 Sackville street, Piccadilly
Rogers Alex. east india merchant, 1 Riches court, Lime street
Rogers Ann (Mrs.), baker, 13 Union street, Borough
Rogers Ann (Mrs.), ladies' school, 5 Alfred street, Bedford square
Rogers Arnold, M.R.C.S. dentist, 290 Regent street
Rogers Charles, plumber, &c. 18 Devonshire street, Queen square
Rogers Colin, physician, 29 Dorset square
Rogers David, baker, 111 Chancery lane
Rogers David, chemist, &c. Kingsland green
Rogers David, Coach & Horses P.H., 16 Conduit street, Regent street
Rogers David, wine merchant, see Flower & Rogers
Rogers Elizabeth (Mrs.), tobacconist, 3 Westbourne street, Pimlico
Rogers Emily (Mrs.), plumber &c. 65 Whitehorse street, Stepney
Rogers Francis Newman (Q.C.), barrister, 4 Inner Temple lane
Rogers Frederick, mercer, see Hitchcock & Rogers
Rogers Frederick William, dentist, 5 Sackville street, Piccadilly
Rogers George, comp. ornament maker, see Buxton & Rogers
Rogers George, tobacconist & snuff maker, 58 High street, St. Giles's
Rogers George John, Queen Adelaide, 12 Gwynn's place, Hackney
Rogers George William, furrier, 30 Fleet street
Rogers Henry, butcher, 115 Goswell street
Rogers Henry, curiosity dealer, 64 Carey street
Rogers Henry, portrait painter, 2 Finsbury terrace, City road
Rogers Henry, surgeon, 77 Newman street, Oxford street
Rogers Henry, wine merchant, 23 Finch land, Cornhill
Rogers James, builder, &c. 24 Gloucester street, Queen square
Rogers James, grocer &c. 32 Windmill street, Tottenham court road
Rogers James, hairdresser, 101 Shoreditch
Rogers James, harp case maker, 37 Cleveland street, Fitzroy square
Rogers James, hat manufacturer, 60 Long lane, Bermondsey
Rogers James, linendraper, 3 Upper Marylebone street, Portland place
Rogers James, menagerie, 26 & 27 Anderson's buildings, City road
Rogers James, outfitter & draper, see Gold & Rogers
Rogers James, tobacconist, 23 Lambeth Lower Marsh
Rogers James, whip maker, 7 Leathersellers buildings, London wall
Rogers James Baker, linendraper, see Batchelor & Rogers
Rogers John, baker, l Charles street, Hampstead road
Rogers John, Blue Ball P.H. Horseshoe alley, Wilson street, Finsbury
Rogers John, bootmaker, 23 St. Martin street, Leicester square
Rogers John, cabinet maker, 3 East road, City road
Rogers John, hat manufacturer, 89 Broadwall , Blackfriars
Rogers John, jeweller & music seller, 84 Aldersgate street
Rogers John, nursery, seedsman & florist, &c. to her majesty & the royal family
(late of Eaton square, Pimlico), Battersea
Rogers John, painter & glazier, 31 Marylebone lane, Oxford street
Rogers John, ship & insurance broker & commercial agent, 2 White Hart court,
Lombard street
Rogers John, solicitor, see Smedley & Rogers
Rogers Joseph, tobacconist, 13 Dean street, Soho
Rogers Joshua, artist's colorman, 183 Bunhill row
Rogers Mary Ann (Miss), Jolly Farmers P.H. Cumberland. market
Rogers Matthew, picture dealer, 51 King street, Westminster
Rogers Nathaniel, surgeon, 3 Sussex terrace, Camden town
Rogers Nicholas, grocer, 115 Shadwell High street
Rogers Philip, Percy coffee rooms, 10 Rathbone place, Oxford street
Rogers Rd. boot top maker, 11 Great Warner street, Clerkenwell
Rogers Richard, bookseller, Stratford
Rogers Richard, fruiterer, 14 James street, Haymarket
Rogers Richard, fruiterer, 96 Poplar High street
Rogers Robert, baker, Notting hill High street
Rogers Robert, plumber, painter, &c.500t. Alie street, Goodman's fields
Rogers Robert, solicitor, 3 Pinner's court, Old Broad street
Rogers Samuel, attorney, 12 King's Arms yardm Moorgate street
Rogers Samuel, wholesale & retail cheesemonger, 26 Kingsland road
Rogers Stephen, timber merchant 7A, Cleveland street, Fitzroy square
Rogers Thomas, bootmaker, 18 Cranbourn street, Leicester square
Rogers Thomas, cabinet maker, 3 Brooks row, Bagnigge wells road
Rogers Thomas, coffee rooms, 93 York street, Westminster
Rogers Thomas, grocer, 5 Howards place, Hackney road
Rogers Thomas, grocer &c. 5 Pleasant place, Holloway
Rogers Thomas, modeller & plasterer, 31 John street west, Edgware road
Rogers Thomas, tailor, 23 Windmill street, Tottenham court road
Rogers William, architect, 20 Pratt street, Lambeth
Rogers William, artificial florist, &c. 16 Newman street, Oxford street
Rogers William, barrister, 2 Stone buildings, Lincoln's inn
Rogers William, boot & shoemaker, 43 Tothill street, Westminster
Rogers William, builder, 24 Bow street, Covent garden
Rogers William, cabinet maker, 12 Upper Cleveland street, Fitzroy square
Rogers William, Camden Head P.H. 241 Bethnal green road
Rogers William, grocer, &c. 9 Anchor & Hope alley, Wapping
Rogers William, Green Man P.H. 6 Little George street, Westminster
Rogers William, Horse & Groom P.H. 8 John street west, Edgware road
Rogers William, Lion & Lamb P.H. Margaret street, Wilmington square
Rogers William, Rose Inn, 57 Old Bailey
Rogers William, shawl & silk warehouse, see Bodenham & Rogers
Bogers William, surgeon, see Knaggs & Rogers
Rogers William, White Hart P.H. 101 Drury lane
Rogers William, Gibbs, carver & gilder, 3 Great Newport street Long acre; show
rooms, 155 New Bond street
Rogerson John, cattle salesman, 8 West Smithfield
Rogerson John, solicitor, 24 Norfolk street, Strand
Rogerson John, stonemerchant, Old barge house wharf, Upper Ground street,
Blackfriars & Victoria wharf Pimlico, & at Bramley near Leeds
Rogerson Joseph, printer, 24 Norfolk street, Strand
Roget Peter Mark, physician, 39 Bernard street, Russell square
Rohde Samuel, accountant, 3 Crosby square, Bishopsgate, & coal agent, 15 South
wharf & 21 Grand junction wharf, Paddington basin
Rohrweger Julius c. merchant, 62 Mark lane
Rokes & Webster, furnishing undertakers. 2 Blackman street, Borough
Rokewode John Gage, barrister, 10 Old square, Lincoln's inn
Roland Charles, tobacconist, 46A, Old Compton street, Soho
Roland Daniel, tailor & habit maker, 31 Frith street, Soho
Roland Joseph, professor of fencing, 54 Great Queen street, Lincolns inn fields
Rolandi Peter, foreign bookseller, 20 Berners street, Oxford street
Roles Joseph, Wheatsheaf P.H. South Lambeth
Rolfe Francis & Co. tailors &c. 35 Great Marlborough street
Rolfe & Edmunds, solicitors, 12 South square, Gray's inn
Rolfe & Sons, patent pianoforte makers; warehouse 61 Cheapside, manufactory 31 &
32 London wall
Rolfe Daniel, coffee rooms, 4 White Horse street, Piccadilly
Rolfe George, carpenter &c. 18 White street, Little Moorfields
Rolfe James Burdett, currier &c. 13 Marlboro’ square, Chelsea
Rolfe John, tailor & habit maker, 110 Leadenhall street
Rolfe Robert, clock manufacturer, 42 Coppice row, Clerkenwell
Rolse Thomas, wine cooper & fining maker, 10 Great St. Helen's
Rolfes Henry A. dealer in cigars, 8 Fenchurch buildings
Rolfes William George, tobacco broker, 8 Fenchurch buildings
Roll Edward Chas. engraver & printer, 6 Artillery street, Bishopsgate
Rolland, Oliver & Co. parisian corset makers, 20 Mount street
Rolls Court: Term time, Westminster Hall, upstairs; Vacation, Hall adjoining
Rolls chapel, Rolls yard, Chancery
Rolls (Bevor) & Co. plumbers & glaziers, 89 Cannon street
Rolls Edw. & Co. varnish makers, St. James's road, Old Kent road
Rolls John & Co. curriers & leather cuts. 160 Aldersgate street
Rolls Edward Thos. academy, 8 New North street, Red Lion square
Rolls Francis, lighterman & coal merchant, l Lower Fore street Lambeth
Rolls James, floor cloth & table cotton manufacturer, & oil-cloth painter &
japanner of silk & linen, Lower Kennington lane, late of the Canal bridge, Old
Rent road
Rolls James, varnish &c. manufacturer, see Noble & Rolls
Rolls John, Marlborough Head P.H. 3 North Audley street
Rolls Josiah, manufacturer, by appointment to her Majesty, of floorcloth,
painted table covers; silk,linens, &c. japanned, oiled & painted for the army &
navy, Canal bridge, Old Kent road
Rolls Thomas, plumber, glazier & painter, 98 Wapping
Rolph Thomas, builder, &c. 5 Shepherd's court, Upper Brook street
Rolt John, barrister, 50, Chancery lane
Rolt Peter, timber merchant, see Brockelbank & Rolt
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