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London Street Directory in 1843 - P8

This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.

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Philips Joseph, special pleader, 4 Hare court, Temple
Philips Louisa (Mrs.), china warehouse, 4 Compton street, Brunswick square
Phillimore John George, barrister, 6 Pump court, Temple
Phillimore Joseph, D.C.L. advocate, 15 College, Doctors' commons
Phillimore Robert, D.C.L. advocate, 15 College, Doctors' commons
Phillip Hannah (Mrs.), George Inn, 25 Old Bailey
Phillippo James, dealer in horses, 44 Cross street, Finsbury
Phillipps & Graves, lighterman & custom house agents, 11 Rood lane
Phillipps & Rowell, customhouse & commercial agents, 5 St. Dunstan's hill
Phillipps & Tiplady, ship & insurance brokers, 3 George yard, Lombard street
Phillipps Alexander, carpenter & builder, 14 Smith square, Westminster
Phillipps Charles S. March, barrister, 3 Stone buildins, Lincolns inn
Phillipps Jeremiah S. stone & steel seal engraver, 14 Old street
Phillipps Leonard, arborist, &c. Wandsworth road
Phillipps William Phillipps, stock & share broker, Auction mart, Bartholomew lane, or Stock exchange
Phillips Brothers, watchmakers & goldsmiths, 31 Cockspur street
Phillips Chas. Hooper & Co. engineers, 11 Waterloo road, Lambeth
Phillips Christopher & James, poultry salesmen, 68 Newgate market
Phillips (Coleman Lyon) & Co. comb makers, 17 John street, Minories, & 9 1/2 Gould square, Crutched friars
Phillips & Elldred, linen factors, 22 Milk street, Cheapside
Phillips & Favenc, wine, spirit, & beer merchants, 57 Lower Thames street
Phillips Henry & Co. wholesale & cabinet, ironmongers and agents for the sale of hair seatings & curled hair: 30 Budge row
Philips John & Geo. fancy plaid & linen warehouse, 198 Regent street
Phillips King & Co. merchants, 8 Fowkes' buildings, Tower street
Phillips (Laurence) & Son, merchants & agents, 59 Old broad street
Phillips (Mrs.), & Son, letter cutters & engravers, 31 Rawstorne street
Phillips Peter & Son, tailors, 1 Pinner's court, Old Broad street
Phillips & Samson, tailors, 68 Lamb's Conduit street, Foundling
Phillips & Sandon, dentists, 96 Charlotte street, Fitzroy square
Phillips William Henry & Co. stove maker, 18 Charlotte street, Bloomsbury
Phillips Abraham, tailor, 42 Shadwell High street
Phillips Abraham, tobacconist, 64 Bath street, City road
Phillips Alexander, St. James's Tavern, 33 Duke street, Aldgate
Phillips Alfred, merchant, see Samuel & Phillips
Phillips Ann (Miss), circulating library, 46 James street, Oxford street
Phillips Barnett, jeweller, 8 Castle street, Houndsditch
Phillips Benjamin, F.R.S. surgeon, 17 Wimpole street
Phillips Benjamin, tailor, 106 Tottenham court road
Phillips Benjamin, tobacconist, 23 Great Russell street, Covent garden
Phillips Benjamin, undertaker, 166 Bermondsey street
Phillips Benjamin Samuel, berlin wool warehouse, see Fandell & Phillips
Phillips Charles, barrister, 49 Chancery lane
Phillips Charles, boot & shoe maker, 86 St. John street road
Phillips Charles, Fox & Anchor P.H. 18 Charterhouse lane
Phillips Charles, ivory & bone brush maker, 20 King street, Soho
Phillips Charles, oilman, 13 Earl street east, Lisson grove
Phillips Charles, patent wigmaker, 4 Sutton place, Crown street, Soho
Phillips Charles, stationer, 19 Old Paradise row, Islington
Phillips Charles, watch maker, 41 Upper Rosamon street
Phillips Charles Henry. engraver & printer, 19 Gracechurch street
Phillips Charles Henry. surgeon, 11 Cleveland row, St. James
Phillips Charles John, steam flatmills, 28 Parker street, Dtury lane
Phillips Charles Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 3 Cross street, Wenlock road
Phillips Cornelius, cabinetmaker, 5 Angel place, Islington
Phillips David, silver spoon, &c. maker, 12 Wilson street, Finsbury
Phillips Edm. irish & foreign provision merchant, 14 New East India chambers
Phillips Edmund, law stationer, 25A, Bedford row
Phillips Edward, birmingham & sheffield agent, 13 Great St. Thomas Apostle
Phillips Edward, boot & shoe maker, 11 Shoe lane, Fleet street
Phillips Edward Fox, attorney, 31 St. Dunstan's hill
Phillips Edward Rd. attorney, 76 Great Titchfield street, Oxford street
Phillips George, law stationer, 3 Cook's court, Carey street
Phillips George, linendraper, 153 Bermondsey street
Phillips George, locksmith & bellhanger, 172 Bishopsgate without
Phillips George, merchant, see Grant, Grant & Phillips
Phillips George, White Horse P.H. South row, Covent garden
Phillips George Richard, grocer, 57 Crawford street, Portman square, & 37 & 38 Aldersgate street
Phillips George Richard, grocer & teadealer, see Constable & Phillips
Phillips Henry, architect & surveyor, 17 Ironmonger lane, & 1 Paragon, New Kent road
Phillips Henry, bookseller, 264 Oxford street
Phillips Henry, leech merchant, 3 Shadwell High street
Phillips Henry, potato dealer, 2 Brewer street, Somers town
Phillips Henry, tailor, 19 David street, Marylebone
Phillips Henry, wholesale furrier, 19 Finsbury street
Phillips Horatio Nathaniel, general dealer 8 St.Thomas' place, Great Dover street
Phillips James, coach & house spring curtain maker, 30 Drury lane
Phillips James, calender & packer,0 King's arms yard, Coleman street
Phillips James, Dun Cow P.H. Northampton place, Old Kent road
Phillips James, fruit salesman, 69 Farringdon market & 8 Holborn bars
Phillips James, plasterer, &c. 11 London wall
Phillips James, solicitor to the board of guardians for Camberwell; ward clerk of Walbrook; and solicitor to General Maritime Assurance Company; 33 Clement's lane, Lombard street
Phillips Janes, tailor, 58 Margaret street, Cavendish square
Phillips James, watch & clock ma. 25 Coppice row, Clerkenwell
Phillips James Percy, solicitor, see Pearce, Bolger & Co
Phillips Jesse, glass warehouse, 27 City terrace, City road
Phillips John, carpenter & undertaker, 101 Old street, St. Luke's
Phillips John, corn merchant, 32 Wilton place, Knightsbridge
Phillips John, diamond cutter, 8 Union terrace, Bagnigge wells road
Phillips John, feather manufacturer, 4 Savoy street, Strand
Phillips John, furniture broker, 4 Great Chapel street, Westminster
Phillips John, land surveyor & fruiterer, 5 Torrington place
Phillips John, law stationer, 17 Chancery lane
Phillips John, ship chandler, rigger, &c. Blackwall cross
Phillips John, stationer, 23 Burlington arcade
Phillips John, surveyor, 15 Clayton place, Kennington road
Phillips John, tailor, 10 Warwick court, High Holborn
Phillips John, translator of latin records, 17 Chancery lane
Phillips John, White Horse P.H. 2 Chandos street, Covent garden
Phillips John, White Horse P.H. Lower Queen street, Rotherhithe
Phillips John, wine importer, 6 Bloomsbury place, Bloomsbury
Phillips John Aldam, merchant, 2 Riches court, Lime street
Phillips John Edmund. Golden Cross P.H. 3 Cross lane, Long acre
Phillips John George, working jeweller, 4 Cobham row, Clerkenwell
Phillips John Samuel, stationer, see Reed & Phillips
Phillips Jonathan, chinaman, 358 & 359 Oxford street
Phillips Joseph, carpenter & joiner, 15 Queen street, Oxford street
Phillips Joseph; Hercules Tavern & Stock Exchange Coffee house, Hercules court, Threadneedle street
Phillips Joseph, jeweller, &c. 26 Bevis marks
Phillips Joseph, silk & satin dresser, South place, Finsbury
Phillips Joseph, tea urn cock maker, 5 St. James's buildings, Clerkenwell
Phillips Joseph, wine & spirit merchant, 8 Black raven court, Tower street
Phillips Lawrence, tailor & habit maker, 28 Strand
Phillips Mary (Miss), lodging house, 26 Norfolk street, Strand
Phillips Mary (Mrs.), George Inns Hotel, 21 & 22 Aldermanbury
Phillips Moses, china warehouse 94 1/2 Whitechapel road
Phillips Moses, tobacconist, 2 Church row, Aldgate High street
Phillips Moss, bootmaker, 21 Camomile street, Bishopsgate, & 5 Hercules passage, Threadneedle street
Phillips Nathaniel umbrella maker, 24 King's road east, Chelsea
Phillips Paul, carpenter & undertaker, 17 Addle street, Wood street
Phillips Philip, cane dealer, 32 Sun street, Bishopsgate
Phillips Philip, fruit merchant, 21 King street, Aldgate
Phillips Philip, trunkmaker, 30 St. Martin's lane, Charing cross
Phillips Philip, watchmaker, 10 Bury street, St. Mary axe
Phillips Philip, watchmaker, 3 Steward street, Spitalfields
Philips Philip John, milliner, see Fletcher & Phillips
Phillips Philip John, plumber, &c. 18 Wells row, Islington
Phillips Philip S. Sponge merchant, 23 Wormwood street, Bishopsgate
Phill ps. Ralph, coffee rooms, 35 Bow street, Covent garden
Phillips Revell, barrister, 3 Harcourt buildings, Temple
Phillips Richard, auctioneer, appraiser, &c. 24 Chiswell street
Phillips Richard, jun. dairyman, 48 High street, Portland town
Phillips Richard, fishmonger, 30 Silver street, Golden square
Phillips Richard, grocer, 48 High street, Portland town
Phillips Richard, Old Will Somers P.H. 6 Lamb street, Spitalfields
Phillips Richard, surgeon, see Hill & Phillips
Phillips Richard, upholsterer, 5 Marylebone street, Piccadilly
Phillips Richard, wheelwright, 17 Addle hill, Doctors' commons, & 171 Upper Thames street
Phillips Robert, music seller, 205 Whitechapel road
Phillips Samuel, carpenter, &c. 13 Cecil court, St. Martin's lane
Phillips Samuel, merchant & importer of beads for the east & west india & african markets, 133 Fenchurch street
Phillips Samuel, saddletree manufacturer, 65 Bunhill row
Phillips Samuel, scale maker, 18 Wine street, Hatton garden
Phillips Samuel, tailor, 31 Newcastle street, Strand
Phillips Samuel, watch maker, 13 High street, Marylebone
Phillips Sim, furrier & cap maker, 30 Cutler street, Houndsditch
Phillips Solomon, cigar maker, 165 High Holborn
Phillips Solomon, optician, 231 Tottenham court road
Phillips Stephen, carpet warehouse, 62 Brook street, Hanover square
Phillips Stephen, merchant tailor, see Challis & Phillips
Phillips Stephen, timber merchant, 75 Old Broad street
Phillips Thomas, R.A. artist, 8 George street, Hanover square
Phillips Thomas, butcher, 31 Rosamon street, Clerkenwell
Phillips Thomas, cabinetmaker & upholsterer, 18 Finsbury place south, Finsbury square
Phillips Thomas, carpenter, box maker, &c. proprietor of the patent porcelain stone & wood letter depĂ´t, 145 Fleet street
Phillips Thomas, custom house agt. & lighterman, Jamaica coffee house,. St. Michael's alley Cornhill, & Botolph wharf, Lower Thames street
Phillips Thomas, pewterer 86 West Smithfield
Phillips Thomas, bookbinder, 12 Plumber street, City road
Phillips Thomas, cheesemonger, 18 King place, Commercial road east
Phillips Thomas, dairyman, Wilson street, Drury lane
Phillips Thomas, teadealer, 84 Blackman street, Borough
Phillips Thomas Grace, surgeon, 44 Albion street, Hyde park
Phillips Thomas James, Red Lion P.H. 66 Old street, St. Luke's
Phillips Thomas Joddrell, barrister, 7 New square, Lincolns inn
Philips Unity (Mrs.), Dog & Duck P.H. 13 Princes street, Bedford row
Phillips Walter Thomas, Old Red Cock P.H. 18 Mill lane, Tooley street
Phillips William, auctioneer & appraiser, 73 New Bond street
Phillips William, brushmaker, 143 Minories & 1 Little George street
Phillips William, cattle salesman, 15 West Smithfield
Phillips William, haberdasher, 2 Ossulston street, Somers town
Phillips William, oilman, &c. 50 & 51 Strutton ground, Westminster
Phillips William, pewterer, 5 Coburg place, Borough road
Phillips William, quill merchant, &c., see Cooper & Phillips
Phillips William, saddler & harness maker, 26 Sherrard street, Golden square
Phillips William, steel letter cutter, 16 St. James's buildings,. Clerkenwell
Phillips William Augustus, pewterer, wholesale & toy manufacturer, 61 Whitecross street, Cripplegate
Phillips William Henry, solicitor, see Shaw & Phillips
Phillipson Montague Levi & Co. chemists, 22 Ludgate hill
Phillipson Beerend Jacob, cheesemonger, 55 Leman street
Phillips in George, Russell coffee rooms, 20 Great Windmill street
Phillipson John, teadealer & grocer, 60 & 61 Goswell street
Phillott Arthur, surgeon, 13 Bedford street, Bedford square
Phillott Robert, solicitor, see Elderton & Phillott
Phillpot Richard, sheriffs' officer, 13 Great Bell alley, Moorgate street
Phillpotts John, barrister, 11 Serjeant's inn, Fleet street
Phillpotts Thomas, merchant, 106 Fenchurch street
Phillpotts Thomas Griffin, solicitor, 6 Symonds inn, Chancery lane
Philo James, working jeweller, 12 Red Lion street, Clerkenwell
Philological School Society, 38 Gloucester place, New road, Marylebone
Philp & Finch, surgeons, Kensington house, Kensington road
Philp & Whicker (late Savigny & Co.), cutlers' & surgeons' instrument makers, 67 St. James's street, Pall mall
Philp John & Co. bootmakers, 3 Haymarket
Philp James, cutler, &c. see Everill, Philp & Whicker
Philp Thomas, butcher, 5 High street, Marylebone
Philp William, attorney & solicitor. 27 King street, Holborn
Philp William, smith & bellhanger, 6 Knightrider court, Doctors Commons
Philpot John & Son, attorneys, 3 Southampton street, Bloomsbury
Philpot Thomas & Co. tobacco & snuff makers, 18 Whitechapel road
Philpot George, fishmonger, 18 Bishopsgate without
Philpot Henry, chemist & druggist, 32 Praed street, Edgeware road
Philpot John, Three Crowns P.H. & navy agent, 3 Dowgate hill
Philpot Nathaniel, Adam & Eve P.H. Swan lane, Rotherhithe
Philpot William, stockbroker, 7 Tokenhouse yard
Philpott & Bullivant, wholesale teadealers, Abchurch yard
Philps Robert & Co. linendrapers, 51 & 52 Poplar High street
Phinn Thomas, barrister, 3 Figtree court, Temple
Phipps Hildebrand, apothecary, &c. 77 Hackney road
Phipps John & Co. wholesale stationers, 176 Upper Thames street
Phipps Hon. Edmund, barrister, 6 Figtree court, Temple
Phipps Harriet (Mrs.), school, 3 Chesterfield street, King's cross
Phipps John, architect, 3 Palace place, Great Scotland yard
Phipps John, Kings Head P.H. 7 Cumberland street, Middlesex hospital
Phipps Samuel, butcher, 2 Bowling street, Marylebone
Phipps Thomas, saddler, 243 High Holborn
Phipps Thomas, wholesale stationer, & agent for the Cramond iron & steel company, 1 Old Fish street Hill, Upper Thames street
Phipps William, butcher, 3 Cain place, Kentish town
Phipps William, grocer, 66 Paradise street, Rotherhithe
Phipps William, Downs, ladies shoemaker, see Buddell & Phipps
Phipson Thomas Weatherley, special pleader, 1 Hare court, Temple
Phoenir Fire Office, 19 Lombard street & 57 Charing cross
Phaenic Gas Light & Coke Company, 64 Bankside, Southwark
Physical Society (John Birkett, sec.), Guy's Hospital, Borough
Physick Edward G. jun. sculptor, 20 Upper Gloucester place, Dorset square
Physick Edward W.sen. sculptor, 16 Park terrace, Regent's place road ##
Phythian Thomas, grocer; see Eve & Phythian
Picard David, merchant, 24 Princes street, Spitalfields
Picciotto Daniel Jules & Co. merchants, 4 Coleman street buildings
Pick Ratcliffe, dining rooms, 66 Minories
Pickard John & Son, silk & ribbon dyers, embossers, waterers, & printers, 9 Fitchet's court, Noble street, Cheapside
Pichard Joseph, brass, ivory, & wood turner, & wholesale turnery & toywarehouse, 17 Broad street, Bloomsbury
Pickard William, grocer & cheesemonger, 2 Holland place, Kensington
Picken George, linendraper, &c. 20 Crosby row, Walworth road
Pickenson Ed. Crown & Anchor P.H. 72 Parson's street, Ratcliffe
Pickering Samuel & John, drug brokers, 33 Great St. Helen's
Pickering, Smith, Tompson & Pickering, solicitors, 4 Stone buildings, Lincoln's inn
Pickering George, attorney, 13 Tredegar square, Mile end road
Pickering George, jeweller, 7 Hayward's place, St. John's street
Pickering John, dyer of hosiery, 21 Wilson street, Finsbury
Pickering John, land agent, 2 Derby street, Parliament street
Pickering John, plumber & glazier, 39 Little Moorfields
Pickering John Swift, meat salesman, Newgate market, & 1 Union crescent, New Kent road
Pickering Jonathan, ship smith, Limehouse hole
Pickering Percival A. barrister, 2 Figtree court, Temple
Pickering Samuel, corn merchant, St. Ann's wharf, Earl street, Blackfriars
Pickering Thos. crown glass & lead merchant, 176 Kingsland road
Pickering Thomas, undertaker & window blind manufacturer, 3 Providence row, Finsbury square
Pickering William, bookseller & publisher, 177 Piccadilly
Pickering William, Golden Shears P.H. 84 Wood street, Cheapside
Pickering William, grocer, 3 Clarence place, Camberwell road
Pickernell Brothers, ship & insurance brokers, 159 Fenchurch street
Pickersgill Henry, artist, 17 Berner's street, Oxford street
Pickersgill Henry William, artist, 18 Soho square
Pickersgill John, merchant, 19 Coleman street

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