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London Street Directory in 1843 - K3

This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.

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Key John & Co. wholesale stationers, l Maiden lane, Queen street, Cheapside
Key Benjamin, oil & colorman, 82 Drury lane
Key Charles Aston, surgeon, 18 St. Helen's place, Bishopsgate
Key David Alexander, baker, 6 Great Bath street, Clerkenwell
Key George, lead & color merchant & patent shot works, 8 Tooley street
Key Henry Garrett, merchant, 5 Tokenhouse yard
Key James, bookbinder, 9 Warwick square, Newgate street
Key James, oil colorman & blacking maker, 31 Great Prescot street
Key James, plumber, 13 Paul street, Finsbury
Key John, cattle salesman, 41 West Smithfield
Key John, who. slopseller, 21 Little Prescot street, Goodman's fields
Key Joseph, upholsterer & house agent, 18 Brook street, Grosvenor square
Key Thomas, baker, 10 Melton street, Euston square
Key Thomas, island lead works, Commercial road, Limehouse
Key Thomas, military musical instrument maker to her Majesty, the royal dukes and the army, 20 Charing cross
Key William, cheese agent, 1 & 2 Wharfs, City road basin, & cheesemonger, 15 John's row, St. Luke's
Key William, stockbroker, see Lloyd & Key
Key William, surgeon, &c. 51 Bridport place, New North road
Key William, warehouseman, 19 New street square, Fetter lane
Keyes Aaron, surgeon, 14 Duke street, Lincoln's inn fields
Keyes George Thomas, builder, 6 Gray street, Manchester square
Keyes Henry, wine & spirit merchant, 24 Frith street, Soho
Keyes John, Horse & Groom, Mare street, Hackney
Keymer James & Co. printers & commission agents, 32 Cheapside
Keymer John, printer, engraver & stationer, 8 Old Fish street
Keynton Samuel, fruiterer & coal dealer, 5 Great Sutton street, Clerkenwell
Keys George, sec. of Guardian Fire & Life Assurance ## 11 Lombard street
Keys John, publisher, 172 Fleet street
Keys John, wine merchant, see Maxwell & Keys
Keys Thomas, gas fitter, 6 Great James street, Lisson grove
Keysell Francis, wholesale cheesemonger, 7 Broad street, Bloomsbury
Keysell Sarah (Mrs.), oil & italian warehouse, 17 Museum street, Bloomsbury
Keyser & Co. wholesale boot & shoemaker, 13 George street Minories
Keyser Alfred, surgeon, 5 Burwood place, Connaught terrace
Keyser Henry, barrister, 1 Plowden buildings, Temple
Keyser Solomon, commission agent, 2 South street, Finsbury
Keyworth George, cutler & steel worker, 43 York street, Westminster
Keyworth James, cutler, 4 Leather lane, Holborn
Kiallmark Allen & Percy, booksellers & stationers, 55 Rathbone place
Kiallmark George Frederick, professor of music, 29 Percy street, Tottenham court road
Kibble Amos, currier, see Hemsworth & Kibble
Kibble Henry, spring truss manufacturer, 15 Blandford street, Portman square
Kibble James, baker, 11 High street, Camberwell
Kibble William, coal & potato warehouse, 9 Bloomsbury market
Kibbs Thomas, dining rooms, 68 Hoxton Old town
Kibby Henry, sail maker & outfitter, 116 Cock hill, Ratcliff
Kidd, Gemmill & Bemand, linendrapers & silk mercers, 120 Tottenham court road, & 32 & 33 Grafton street, Fitzroy square
Kidd David, merchant, 63 Mark lane
Kidd George, saddler & harness maker, see Wilkinson & Kidd
Kidd William, agent to Isaac Cookson & Co. Red Bull wharf, Upper Thames street
Kidd William, publisher & bookseller, 310 Strand
Kiddell William, sack & bag dealer, 20 Freeschool street, Horselydown
Kiddle John Lambert, chemist, 60 Lamb's Conduit street
Kidner George, butcher, 23 Bedford street, Bedford row
Kidner John, shipping butcher, 21 Bermondsey wall
Kidston William, medical shop fitter, l North street, Mile end road
Kier & Hannah, wine & brandy merchants, 7 Bridge street, Westminster ##
Kiernan Francis, surgeon, 33 Beaumont street, Portland place
Kift John, hairdressor, 19 Drury lane
Kightley & Hall, solicitors, 14 Panton square, Haymarket
Kightley Edmund Fred. cowkeeper & dairy 2 Lyall place, Eaton square
Kightley Edward Thomas Shorter, solicitor, 17 George street, Euston square
Kightley Elizabeth (Mrs.), cowkeeper, 5 London street, Fitzroy square
Kightley John, orange merchant, 15 Pudding lane, Eastcheap
Kightly Charles, fruit salesman, 6 Borough market
Kilbey Henry, cheesemonger, 35 Edwards street, Portman square
Kilburn William, Crown, 24 Redcross street, Cripplegate
Kilby Thomas & Co. colonial brokers, 132 & 133 Fenchurch street
Kilby James, carcase butcher, 63 Aldgate High street
Kilby Thomas, undertaker & green grocer, 2 Talbot court, Gracechurch street
Kilgour George Alex. solicitor, see Burchell, Kilgour & Parson
Killbe William, ship agent, 52 Lime street, City
Killby Andrew, meat salesman, Leadenhall market
Killby William, Rose & Crown, 89 Little Bartholomew close
Killett Eliz. (Mrs.), court dressmaker, 55 Newman street, Oxford street
Killhams George, furnishing undertaker, 44 East street, Walworth
Killick & Sadd, paper stainers, 16 Blackman street, Borough
Killick & Webb, hardwaremen, 9 Knightsbridge terrace
Killick George, merchant, 2 Brabant court, Philpot lane
Killick James, silversmith & jeweller, 21 St. George's place, Knightsbridge
Killick John, merchant, 3 Brabant court, Philpot lane
Killick John, warehouseman, 21 New street square, Fetter lane
Killick Richard, coal merchant, 43 Stamford street, Blackfriars road
Killick William, tailor, 252 Tottenham court road
Kilner Charles Thomas, brewer, Colchester street, Church lane, Whitechapel
Kilner James, trimming seller, 24 St. Martin's court, St. Martin's É.
Kilner Richard, wholesale confectioner, 4 Hanway street, Oxford street
Kilpack Thomas, cigar divan, 42 King street, Covent garden
Kilpatrick John, jeweller, 7 King's terrace, Bagnigge wells road
Kilpin William Barker, register of births &c. 32 Turner square, Hoxton
Kilsby Edward, timber dealer, Vauxhall walk, Vauxhall
Kilvington Israel & William, cabinet makers, 102 Norton street, Portland road
Rimbell Ann (Mrs.), furniture broker, 13 & 14 Wine street, Hatton wall
Kimbell Thomas, watchmaker, &c. 214 Tottenham court road
Kimber Robert, butcher, 45 Bell yard, Temple bar
Kimber Susan (Mrs.), milliner, 28 Crown street, Finsbury
Kimber William, Talbot Hotel & Tavern, 17 Montpelier street, Brompton
Kimber William Muncton, plumber &c. 95 Westbourne street, Pimlico
Kimberley Joseph, cabinetmaker, 18 Powell street east, King square
Kimberley William, builder, 28 President street east, King square
Kimble Edward, cheesemonger, 140 Goswell street
Kimble Frederick, Eagle, 12 Brecknock place, Camden new town
Kimble Jane (Mrs.), milliner & dressmaker, 11 Little Barlow street, Marylebone
Kimble Robert, shoemaker, 27 Great Marylebone street
Kimm Abm. mast, oar, block, pump, &c. maker, 274 Wapping
Kimpton & Tavener, linendrapers, 28 Oxford street
Kimpton Ann (Mrs.), Ship, 94 Shad Thames, Southwark
Kimpton Benjamin, bookseller, 8 Hand court, Holborn
Kimpton Edward, bookseller, 68 Great Russell street, Bloomsbury
Kimpton Edward Down, baker, 10 Upper Eaton street, Pimlico
Kimpton Richard, bookseller, 31 Wardour street, Soho
Kimpton Robert, jeweller, 2 Jewin crescent, Cripplegate
Kimpton Thomas, linendraper, 18 High street, Newington butts
Kimpton William Thomas, barrister, 46 Carey street, Lincoln's inn
Rinahan Daniel, whiskey agent, 25 King William street, Strand
Kincaid Sophia (Mrs.), Simpson's Tavern & Hotel, Ball court, 38 1/2 Cornhill
Kinchin William, lighterman, 28 Great Hermitage street, Wapping
Kindell Mary Jane (Mrs), baker, 89 Broad street, Ratcliff
Kinder & Sorrell, solicitors, 25 Jewry street, Aldgate
Kinder William & Son, varnish makers & painters, 14 Avery row, Lower Grosvenor street
Kinder Richard, printer, 2 Green Arbour square, Old Bailey
Kinderley, Dento & Kinderley, attorneys, 6 New square, Lincolns inn
Kindersley Rd. Torin, Q.C. barrister, 3 Stone buildings, Lincolns inn
Kindley M.A. (Mrs.), milliner, 16 Belvoir terrace, Vauxhall bridge road
Kindon James, floorcloth warehouse, Swan street, Old Kent road
Kine Edward, hop & seed factor, see Beale & Kine
Kine James, solicitor, 19 Gracechurch street
Kine John, carpenter & undertaker, 14 Sale street, Paddington
King & Attwaters, attorneys, 27 Queen street, Cheapside
King & Fearnley, coppersmiths & oilmerchants, &c 99 & 100 Houndsditch
King & Kensington, wine & spirit merchants, 24 Eastcheap
King & Melvil, corn factors, 28 Fenchurch street
King (Mrs. & Miss), school, 47 Old Broad street
King & Penny, plumbers & glaziers, 44 Chapel street, Pentonville
King, Robinson & Ouvry, solicitors, 13 Tokenhouse yard
King & Sheath, linendrapers & silk mercers, 264 Regent street
King Thomas & Co. shipbuilders, Nelson dock, l Lower Queen street, Rotherhithe
King Thomas & William, merchants, 37 Great Winchester street
King William, & Co. builders, 11 & 12 Wells row, Upper street, Islington
King William, H. & Henry David, coach builders, 119 Shoreditch
King William, Read & Son, solicitors, 11 Serjeants' inn, Fleet street
King William & Thomas K. irish chancery, exchequer and law courts commissioners, and for registry of irish deeds, 10 Southampton buildings, Holborn
King Abraham, carpenter & builder, 16 Great Winchester street
King Alexr. grocer & oilman, 11 Commercial place, Kentish town
King Alfred, chemist & druggist, 4 Gray's inn lane
King Alfred, oilman, see Glackner & King
King Ambrose, teadealer, 6 Upper Seymour street, Euston square
King Augustus, carpenter, &c. 5 Bowling street, Westminster
King Benjamin, brushmaker, 16 Charles street, Manchester square
King Benj. cowkeeper, &c. 54 Great Windmill street, Haymarket
King Berkeley, lithographic draftsman, 2 Francis street, Bedford square
King Charles, butcher, 40 Store street, Bedford square
King Charles, chemist & druggist, 232 Blackfriars' road
King Charles, statuary & mason, 13 Chenies street, Bedford square
King Charles, straw bleacher & presser, 1 Oxford market
King Charles, White Hart Tavern, 276 Oxford street & 21 Duke street
King Charles, wholesale mnufacturing goldsmith, 4 Owen's row, St John street road
King Charles Allen, solicitor, 7 Gray's inn square
King Charles M. inspector of Spanish transports, 6 Great St. Helen's
King Charles Morris, solicitor, 8 Billiter square
King David, plumber, painter & glazier, 2 Duke street, Aldgate
King Edmund, biscuit baker, &c. 16 Finch lane, Cornhill
King Edward, cheesemonger, 74 Hackney road
King Edward, general salesman, 54 Tothill street, Westminster
King Edward, solicitor, see Greville & King
King Edward T. wine merchant, see Kensington & King
King Elizabeth (Mrs), dyer & scourer, 44 Essex street, Strand
King Elizabeth (Mrs.), tobacconist, 4 Mayfield place, Kensington
King Francis, oil & colorman, 56 Wells street, Oxford street
King Francis, tailor, 34 Primrose street, Bishopsgate
King Frederick, stationer & news agent, 38 North Audley street
King Fred. wholesale stay & shoe maker, 45 St. John street, Clerkenwell
King George, builder, &c. 2 Cain place, Kentish town
King George, Coach & Horses, 72 Broad street, Lambeth
King George, Green Dragon, 102 Fore street, Cripplegate
King George, Red Lion, 31 Chamber street, Goodman's fields
King George, fishmonger, 92 Lower Lambeth marsh
King George, floor cloth & table cover manufacturer, 37 Goswell road
King George, wholesale brushmaker, 116 Bunhill row, Chiswell street
King Hannah R. (Miss), lace warehouse, 5 Sydney alley, Leicester square
King Harriet (Mrs.), soapmaker & tallow chandler, 44 Kingsland road
King Henry, baker, 62 Berners street, Oxford street
King Henry, baker, 106 Great Suffolk street, Borough
King Henry, cheesemonger, 1 Church street, Hackney
King Henry, oil & colorman, 162 Shadwell High street,
King Henry, special pleader, 9 King's bench walk, Temple
King Henry Booth, tailor, 12 Wilmot street, Russell square
King Henry William, surgeon, &c. Larkhall lane, Clapham
King Isaac, carpenter & builder, 20 St. Mary axe
King Isabella (Mrs.), Angel, 165 Old Gravel lane, Wapping
King Jacob, livery stable keeper & horse dealer, 29 Bridge street, Southwark, and at Addiscombe, Surrey
King James, brushmaker, 55 Carnaby street, Golden square
King James, builder, 5 Northampton place, Canonbury square
King James, engraver, 3 John street, Holland street, Blackfriars road
King James, lodging house keeper, 103 Jermyn street, St. James’
King James, millwright & engineer, 180 Wapping High street
King James, perfumer, see Kennedy & King
King James, picture dealer, 3 Bingley place, Pentonville
King James, wholesale coffee dealer, 22 Budge row, Cannon street
King James, wholesale glover, 4 Little Love lane, Cheapside
King James Saunders, London Hospital P.H. 207 Whitechapel road
King Jane (Mrs.), boarding house, 6 Clifford street, Bond street
King John, actuary of North British Insurance Co. 4 New Bank buildings, & 10 Pall mall east
King John, artist, 21A, Soho square
King John, auctioneer & appraiser, 3 James' place, Hackney road
King John, Black Swan, 27 Little Carter lane, Doctors’ commons
King John, coachbuilder, 119 Bunhill road & Portland road, Regent's place
King John, coach herald painter, Little Argyll street, Regent street
King John, conveyancer, l Woodland place, St. John's wood
King John, fishmonger, 2 York place, Westminster road
King John, fixture dealer, 30 Sydney place, Commercial road east
King John, grocer, 8 Everett street, Brunswick square
King John, leather cutter, &c. 7 Henrietta street, Manchester square
King John, lodging house, 4 Trinity place, Charing cross
King John, patent medicine vender, 72 Queen street, Cheapside
King John, pork butcher, 165 Drury lane
King John, printer, 17 College hill, Upper Thames street
King John, Queens Head, Keppel terrace, King's road, Chelsea
King John, surgeon, 10 Portland terrace, Regent's park
King John, teacher of mathematics, 15 Charles square, Hoxton
King John, upholsterer, 6 Charles street, Grosvenor square
King John, wholesale teadealer, 20 Great St. Helens
King John jun, meat salesman, 24 New Newgate market
King John B. carpenter & builder,47 Old Broad street
King John Bent, meat salesman, 19 New Newgate market
King John Buckton, stockbroker, 3 Bartholomew lane, Bank
King Joseph, fruiterer, 4 Swallow place, Hanover square
King Joseph, greengrocer, 42 Cornwall road, Lambeth
King Joseph, tassel & fringe mould turner, 11 Albion building, Bartholomew close, & 8 Hoxton square
King Joseph, solicitor, 3 Winchester buildings, Great Winchester street
King Joseph Curtis, teadealer, see Genge & King
King Lucy (Mrs.), newsvender & stationer, 25 Chancery lane, & 14 Great Turnstile
King Margaret (Mrs.), milliner, 1 Conduit street, Bond street
King Mary (Mrs.), grocer, 19 Upper Berkeley street west, Edgware road
King Mary (Mrs.), toy dealer & stationer, Church street, Hackney
King Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 18 Castle street, Falcon square
King Mary Ann (Mrs.), straw hatmaker, 65 Lower Sloane street, Chelsea
King Matthew, linendraper, see Fenwick & King
King Osmer, surgeon, 37 Bernard street, Russell square
King Richard, chair stuffer & upholsterer, 25 & 26 Old street road
King Richard, insurance broker, 8 New City chambers, Bishopsgate within
King Richard, mahogany & timber merchant, 50 High street, St. Giles's
King Richard, surgeon, 4 Piccadilly
King Richard Howard, baker, 20 Aldersgate street
King Robert, baker, 23 York road, Lambeth
King Robert, bookbinder, 21 Jewin street, Cripplegate
King Robert, east india & colonial broker, see Palmer & King
King Robert, herbalist, 153 1/2 Union street, Borough
King Robert jun, builder & undertaker, 78 High street, Camden town
King Robert Callous, butcher, 25 Goodge street, Tottenham court road
King Robert John, grocer & italian warehouse, Mortimer street, Cavendish square

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