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This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.
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Jones Ellis, welsh flannel factor, 10 London wall
Jones Enoch, linendraper, 10 & 11 Finsbury terrace, City road north side
Jones Evan, boarding house, 1 Northumberland court, Strand
Jones Evan, carpenter & builder, 22 Cecil street, Strand
Jones Evan, St. Martin P.H. 13 Duke street, Adelphi
Jones Evan, ship & customhouse agent, 11 Idol lane, Tower street
Jones Evan, tailor & draper, 3 Little Tower hill
Jones Evan Burnell, surgeon, 5 Union street, Borough
Jones Francis, farrier, 3 Middle row, Knightsbridge
Jones Francis, Scott's sufferance wharf, Dockhead, Brinndsy
Jones Francis, wharfinger, 35 Thomas street, Horselydown
Jones Francis G. chemist, &c. 11 Silver street, Golden square
Jones Frederick, barrister, 80 Chancery lane
Jones Fred. dyer & scourer, 8 Douglas street, Vauxhall bridge road
Jones Frederick, feather merchant & hair factor,43 London wall
Jones Frederick, soap manufacturer, 83 Upper East Smithfield
Jones Frederick Charles, M.D. surgeon, 60 Blackfriars road
Jones Fred. Henry, teadealer, 69 Boston place, Dorset square
Jones Frederic Pembroke, metal broker, see Cotton & Jones
Jones George, carpet manufacturer, see Newcomb, Son & Jones
Jones George, cooper, 5 Dock street, Upper East Smithfield
Jones George, grocer, 16 Buckingham place, Fitzroy square
Jones George, grocer, 53 Charlotte terrace, New Cut, Lambeth
Jones George, hat & military cap manufacturer, 37 Great Guilford street, Borough
Jones George, wine merchant, 5 Haydon square, Minories
Jones George John, surgeon, 56 Conduit street, Regent street
Jones George William, furrier & straw hat manufacturer, 107 Oxford street
Jones Grace (Mrs.), lodging house, 52 & 53 Liverpool street, Bishopsgate
Jones Hannah (Mrs), furniture dealer, 8 Castle street, Long acre
Jones Hannah (Mrs), haberdasher, 1 Aldgate High street
Jones Hannah (Mrs), tobacco pipe maker, 56 Featherstone street, City road
Jones Harvey Bowen, solicitor, 22 Austin Friars
Jones Henry, billiard rooms, 17 Gilspur street, West Smithfield
Jones Henry, lace warehouse, 54 St. Paul's churchyard
Jones Henry, surgeon dentist, 7 Pall mall
Jones Henry, tailor, &c. 1 Derby street, Mayfair
Jones Henry, undertaker, 12 Church row, Upper street, Islington
Jones Henry, watch & water gilder, 34 Rahere street, Goswell road
Jones Henry Derviche, surgeon, 23 Soho square
Jones Henry Julius, solicitor, see Richardson, Smith & Jones
Jones Henry Pointer, Royal George P.H. 20 Carlisle street, Lambeth
Jones Henry Robert, coal merchant, Western wharf, George street, Adelphi
Jones Henry Tyrwhitt, special pleader, 4 Brick court, Temple
Jones Henry William, builder, 9 Little Vine street, Piccadilly
Jones Herbert George, serjeant at law, 1 Elm court, Temple
Jones Hugh, baby linen warehouse, 91 Newington causeway
Jones Hugh, Cherry Tree P.H. Backchurch lane, Whitechapel
Jones Hugh, house painter, 78 Great Portland street
Jones Hugh, Lancet coffeehouse, 56 Bartholomew close
Jones Humphrey, confectioner, 14 Norton folgate
Jones Isaac, cabinet maker, 37 Duke street, Aldgate
Jones Isaac, pork butcher, & East street, Manchester square
Jones Isaac, shape manufacturer, 17 Peerless row, City road
Jones Isaac, window glasscutter, 17 High row, Knightsbridge
Jones Isaiah, Purfleet lime, sand & cement wharf, Earl street
Jones Isaiah (Mr.), lime wharf, Hampstead
Jones Iven Charles, stockbroker, 6 Throgmorton street
Jones James, accountant, 139A, Cheapside
Jones James, annatto manufacturer, 12 New Gloucester place, Hoxton
Jones James, baker, 2 Chapel street, Tottenham court road
Jones James, carpenter & packing case maker, 2 London wall
Jones James, dyer & scourer, 48 Bishopsgate without
Jones James, fishmonger, 10 Seymour place, Camden town
Jones James, grocer, 38 Long lane, Bermondsey
Jones James, grocer & cheesemonger, 4 Francis place, Mile end road
Jones James, hair cutter & perfumer, 12 Finsbury street
Jones James, ironfounder, 9 Brick lane, St. Luke's
Jones James, linendraper, 430 Strand
Jones James, optician, 25 Eyre street hill, Hatton garden
Jones James, staymaker, 235 Poplar High street
Jones James, stove maker, 13 Castle street & 9 Charles street, Long acre
Jones James, surgeon, 32 Norfolk street, Middlesex hospital
Jones James, surgeon, 70 Judd street, Brunswick square
Jones James, Two Brewers, P.H. 18 Redcross street, Borough
Jones James, Turks Head P.H. 71 Aldgate High street
Jones James, Waggon & Horses P.H. Newington butts
Jones James A. stationer & bookseller, 13 Chester place, Old Kent road
Jones James D, fruiterer, 4 Orange row, Kennington road
Jones James P. candle, &c. maker, see Pateshall, Brown & Jones
Jones James William, optician, 87 Goswell street
Jones Jane (Miss), boot & shoe maker, 98 High Holborn
Jones Jane (Miss), milliner, 60 Fore street, Cripplegate
Jones Jenkin, actuary of National Mercantile Life Assurance Society, Arthur
street west
Jones Jenkin, eating house, 46 Borough High street
Jones Jesse, linendraper, 2 High street, Pentonville
Jones John, academy, 45 Carey street, Chancery lane
Jones John, army clothier, 6 Regent street, Waterloo place, London, & 16
Batchelor's walk, Dublin
Jones John, auctioneer & house agent, 56 Bath street, City road
Jones John, baker, 26 Edmund street, King's cross
Jones John, baker, 6 Norfolk street, King's cross
Jones John, bookbinder, 6 Cooper's court, Great Windmill street
Jones John, bookseller & binder, 73 Princes street, Leicester square
Jones John, bookseller & stationer, 6 King street, Tower hill
Jones John, carpenter, 46 Cloth fair, West Smithfield
Jones John, carpenter, &c. 9 Portland street mews, Solio
Jones John, carpenter, 76 Great Portland street, Oxford street
Jones John, carpenter & builder, 20 City road, Finsbury square
Jones John, carpenter & undertaker, 40 Gloucester street, Commercial road east
Jones John, carver & gilder, &c. 12 Denmark street, Soho
Jones John, Cheyne house academy, King's road, Chelsea
Jones John, city carman, 20 Cooper's row, Crutched friars
Jones John, coal merchant, Clay cross coal wharf, Adam terrace, Hampstead road
Jones John, coffee rooms, 25 Cullum street, Fenchurch street
Jones John, coffee rooms, 26 Marylebone lane, Oxford street
Jones John, confectioner, 4 Felix terrace, Liverpool road
Jones John, cork cutter, 40 King street, Soho
Jones John, dairyman, 7 Bartholomew close
Jones John, dairyman, 1 Beauchamp street, leather lane
Jones John, dairyman, 3 Christopher court, St. Martin's le grand
Jones John, dairyman, 15 Middle street Clothfair, Smithfield
Jones John, dairyman, 9 Nag's head court, Gracechurch street
Jones John, Dog & Duck P.H. 18 Queen street, Soho
Jones John, Duke of Wellington P.H. 152 Bishopsgate without
Jones John, dyer & scourer, 33 Hanway street, Oxford street
Jones John, fancy cabinet maker, 2 Church street, Spitalfields
Jones John, filecutter, 8 Castle street, Saffron hill
Jones John, fishmonger, 232 Borough High street
Jones John, glass dealer, 7 Robert street, Grosvenor square
Jones John, hairdresser, 4 Opera arcade, Haymarket
Jones John, Hope Arms P.H. 51 Duke street, Manchester square
Jones John, hot presser, 1 George yard, Crown street, Soho
Jones John, grocer & teadealer, Little Chelsea
Jones John, iron merchant & agent, Iron bridge wharf, & 6 Bankside, Southwark
Jones John, linendraper, see Ade & Jones
Jones John, linen draper, 6 Marlborough road, Chelsea
Jones John, manufacturing goldsmith, 20 Red Lion street, Clerkenwell
Jones John, medical label printer, 2 Earl street, Blackfriars
Jones John, Old Cheshire Cheese P.H. 23 Addle street, Wood street
Jones John, pipe mould maker, 101 Kent street, Borough
Jones John, professor of dancing, 44 Thanet street, Burton crescent
Jones John, Queens Arms P.H. 21 High row, Knightsbridge
Jones John, Queens Head P.H. 3 Albemarle street, Piccadilly
Jones John, rope & rag merchant, King Henrys wharf, 244 & 130 Wapping
Jones John, russia broker, 78 Old Broad street
Jones John, sewing cotton maker, 11 Brown's lane, Spitalfields
Jones John, silversmith & jeweller, 338 Strand
Jones John, Star coffee rooms, 8 Oxford market, Oxford street
Jones John, straw hat maker, 7 Freeschool street, Horselydown
Jones John, surgeon, 5 Seymour place, Wandsworth road
Jones John, tailor, &c. 117 Drummond street, Euston square
Jones John, tailor, 20 Maddox street, Regent street
Jones John, tailor, 14 St. Benet's place, Gracechurch street
Jones John, Three Doves P. H. 23 & 24 Berwick street, Soho
Jones John, Three Gardeners P. H. 3 Rochester row, Westminster
Jones John, tinplate worker & packing case maker, 3 Old Fish street
Jones John, tobacconist, 2 James street, Oxford street
Jones John, umbrella manufacturer, 105 Oxford street
Jones John, veterinary surgeou,31 Worship street, Norton folgate
Jones John, White Lion P. H. 1 Talbot court, Gracechurch street
Jones John jun, wine & bottle merchant, & sole consignee for Barclay, Macdonald
& Co. Glenury whiskey, Stonehaven, Scotland; 1 Union place, New road, Marylebone
Jones John A. embroiderer, 21 Rathbone place
Jones John Edward, civil engineer, A.I.C.E. 8 Cannon row
Joucs John Harper, solicitor, see Armstrong & Jones
Jones John Hobday, teadealer, &c. 74 Drummond street, Euston square
Jones John Hulls, grocer, 49 Lisson grove north
Jones John Lee, solicitor to United Pilots' Society, 71 Mark lane
Jones John William, surgeon, 4 Eldon place, Upper Kennington lane
Jones Joseph, attorney, 107 Hatton garden
Jones Joseph, baker, 4 Hope cottages, Wandsworth road
Jones Joseph, bootmaker, 11 Henry street, Gray's inn lane
Jones Joseph, fruiterer, Borough market
Jones Joseph, watch tool warehouse, 54 Wellington street, Goswell road
Jones Joshua, dairyman, 10 Brazier's buildings, Farringdon street
Jones Josiah, tailor, outfitter & slopseller, 85 Tooley street
Jones Lewis, Coach & Horses P.H. 1 Fan street, Goswell street
Jones Lewis, dairy, 7 Bride lane, Fleet street
Jones Lewis, tailor, see Jarvis & Jones
Jones Margaret (Miss), milliner & dressmaker, 1 Maddox street, Regent street
Jones Mary (Mrs.), Bulls Head P.H. 94 Wood street, Cheapside
Jones Mary (Mrs.), grocer & teadealer, 97 Rosemary lane, Minories
Jones Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 27 Thavies inn, Holborn
Jones Mary (Mrs.), milliner, 24 Little Britain
Jones Mary Ann (Miss), oil & color warehouse, 69 New Church street, Lisson grove
Jones Mary Ann (Mrs.), staymaker; 32 Rathbone street
Jones Michael, grocer, &c. 48 & 49 Theobald's road, Red Lion square
Jones Newman, baker, 144 Edgware road, Marylebone
Jones Owen, architect, 11 John street, Adelphi
Jones Owen, Bull & Mouth P.H. 31 Hart street, Bloomsbury
Jones Owen, french polisher, 6 Westmoreland buildings, Aldersgate street
Jones Owen G. silk warehouseman, 125 Wood street, City
Jones Peter, operative chemist, 11 Norton folgate
Jones Peter, tailor, 3 Market street, Bloomsbury market
Jones Phoebe (Miss), milliner, &c. see Kerr & Jones .
Jones Philip C. merchant, see Lediard, Jones & Mortimer
Jones Reeve William, builder, 12 Grenville street, Brunswick square
Jones Rice, silk mercer, linen draper &c. see Hamer & Jones
Jones Richard, brazier & tinman, 150 High Holborn
Jones Richard, brushmaker, 3 Cobourg street, Clerkenwell
Jones Rd. millwright & engineer, 6 St. George's place, St. Georges east
Jones Richard, Pumpkin P.H. 21 Seething lane, Tower street
Jones Richard, staymaker, 4 Commerce row, Upper street, Islington
Jones Richard, stay & shoe warehouse, 10 1/2 King street, Solo
Jones Richard, surgeon, 32 Wilton place, Knightsbridge
Jones Richard, tallow chandler & melter, 1 & 170 Lambeth walk
Jones Richard, veterinary surgeon, High street, Battersea
Jones Richard, woollendraper; manufacturer of wool, felt and the improved hammer
& damper cloths for the piano; forte trade; also concaved elastic gun , wadding,
and agent for sale of the patent woollen driving, belts, to supersede leather
straps for machinery, 27 Bedfordbury, Covent garden
Jones Richard, woollen draper, 5 Palsgrave place, Strand
Jones Richard, Brookholding, glaire merchant, see Mansell & Jones
Jones Richard Lambert, estate & house agent, 40 Little Moorfields
Jones Richard Minshull, solicitor, see Sherwood, Peace & Jones
Jones Robert, bricklayer, 48 Hastings street, Burton crescent
Jones Robert, builder, &c. 68 Ebury street, Pimlico
Jones Robert, builder, 19 Rosamon street, Clerkenwell
Jones Robert, Crown P. H. 75 Basinghall street
Jones Rt. granary keeper & lighterman, Pearson's wharf, 39 Shad Thames
Jones Robert, grocer & teadealer, 208 Borough High street
Jones Robert, grocer & teadealer, 303 Kent street, Borough
Joues Robert, laceman, 23 Paddington street, Marylebone
Jones Robert, linendraper, see Martin & Jones
Jones Robert, linendraper & haberdasher, Charlotte terrace, Newcut
Jones Robert, oilman, &c. 105 Lambeth walk
Jones Robert, Roebuck P. H. 72 Union street, Borough
Jones Robert, wire worker, 41 Belvedere place, Borough road
Jones Robert George, heraldic artist, 10 Cirencester place
Jones Robert Henry, attorney, 7 Weymouth street, Portland place
Southampton buildings, Chancery lane
Jones Rt. Owen, solicitor, 24
Jones Robert Philip, cornfactor, 8 Mincing lane
Jones Robert Samuel, grocer, &c. 18 Montpelier street, Brompton
Jones Rowland, grocer, 34 East street, Walworth
Jones Samuel, artist, 3 Bartholomew lane
Jones Samuel, bottle merchant, 6 Little Torrington street
Jones Samuel preserved fruit importer, 9 Goldsmith street, Cheapside
Jones Samuel, jeweller, 78 Cheapside
Jones Samuel, patentee of prometheans & lucifer matches, instantaneous lights &
other patent inventions, 201 Strand
Jones Samuel, tanner, &c. see Dakeyne, Jones & Waters
Jones Samuel, vellum, &c. manufacturer, see Bakoyne & Jones
Jones Samuel, whiting maker & coal merchant, Princes street, Fore street,
Jones Samuel, bookseller & stationer, 86 Kingsland road
Jones Sarah (Mrs.), straw hat maker, see Wood, Jones & Hind
Jones Sarah Maria (Miss), milliner & dress & court dress ##
Jones William, maker, 141 Regent street (from 23 Piccadilly) ##
Jones Sidney, surgeon & chemist, 49 Davies street, Berkeley square
Jones Slaney, grocer& cheesem.4 & 5,
Jones Stephen, manufacturers of english & foreign sealing wax, wafers & ink,
Talbot court, Gracechurch street & 16 range walk, Bermondsey
Jones Stephen, whip maker, 77 Gray's inn lane
Jones Theodore, consulting accountant, editor of Jones's english system of
bookkeeping, & author of Jones's exercises for teaching bookkeeping, 24 City
road. Finsbury square
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