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This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.
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Holloway Mrs. ladies' school, Stockwell common
Holloway Alfred, surgeon, &c., High street, Stoke Newington
Holloway Edwin, grocer & teadealer, 53 Bridge road, Lambeth
Holloway Ezekiel, oil warehouse, 36 Poland street, Oxford street
Holloway Henry, Adam & Eve P.H. 209 Hoxton Old town
Holloway John, wholesale straw hat manufacturer & milliner, 83 Chiswell street,
Finsbury square
Holloway John, tailor, 2 Featherstone buildings, Holborn
Holloway Jonathan, meat salesman, Leadenhall market
Holloway Marseille, engraver & printseller, 14 Henrietta street, Covent garden
Holloway Robert, cheesemonger, 11 Sale street, Paddington
Holloway Robert, union ale brewery, 21 East road, City road
Holloway Rt. jun., cook & confectioner, 88 Grand junction terrace, Edgware road
Holloway Stephen Joshua, tailor, 10 Park side, Knightsbridge
Holloway Thomas, music & musical instrument seller, 5 Hanway street, Oxford
Holloway Thomas, patent medicine warehouse, 244 Strand
Holloway William, barrister, 8 New square, Lincoln's inn
Holloway William, saddler, 36 & 37 Millbank street, Westminster
Holloway William, american merchant, 49 Lime street
Holloway William Henry, wholesale & retail confectioner, 76 Farringdon street, &
91 Crown court, Water street, Blackfriars
Hollway Joseph Rd. accountant & agent, 8 Albion grove, Barnsbury park
Hollyer Matthew & Son, plumbers & glaziers, 2 Warwick lane
Hollyer Samuel, printseller & publisher, 80 Chancery lane, & 21 John street,
Hollyman John, Oilman & tallowchandler, 20 Brooke street, Holborn
Hollywell Henry, furniture broker, 3 Windmill street, Finsbury
Hollywell John, hairdresser, 4 Arcade, Hungerford market
Holman Elizabeth & Co. wine & coalmerchant, Phoenix wharf, 248 Wapping
Holman William & John, biscuit bakers, 76 Lower Thames street
Holman Andrew, surgeon, 10 John street, Minories
Holman Christopher, tailor & draper, 14 Poultry
Holman James, millwright & engineer, 33 Baalzephon street, Bermondsey
Holman James, upholsterer, 31 Hatfield street, Stamford street
Holman John, wine & coal merchant, 145 Wapping High street
Holman John Baptist, solicitor, see Heathcote & Holman
Holman Samuel, coach & harness maker, 128 & 129 Long acre
Holman Samuel, undertaker, 67 York street, Westminster
Holman William, carpenter, 5 Bidborough street, Burton crescent
Holmbush Copper Mining Company (George William Harrison, sec.), 75 Old Broad
Holmden John George, musical clockmaker, 53 King square, Goswell road
Holme, Loftus & Young, solicitors, 10 New inn Strand
Holme William & Son, wholesale stationers, 25 Norton folgate
Holme Wilson, Sewell & Co. distillers, & wine & brandy merchants, 28 Upper
Thames street
Holme Hannah (Mrs.), dressmaker, 179 Blackfriars road
Holmer William, & Co. wholesale ironmongers, 189 Union street, Borough
Holmer George, solicitor, 24 Bridge street, Southwark
Holmes & Aubert, paper stainers, 18 Coleman street
Holmes Charles & Son, fishing tackle makers, 123 Fetter lane
Holmes & De Hagué, stockbrokers, see de Hague & Holmes
Holmes Edward & Co. warehousemen, 3 King street, Cheapside
Holmes & Folkard, navy agents, 3 Lyon's inn, Strand
Holmes J & J & Le Batard, shawl dealers, 171, 173 & 175 Regent street
Holmes John & Co. lace manufacturers & warehousemen, 36 King street, Cheapside
Holmes John & William, opticians & spectacle makers, 14 Red cross square,
Holmes & Pottle, newsvenders, 17 Finch lane, Cornhill
Holmes Alexander, carpenter, &c. 27 Wilson street, Finsbury
Holmes Alexander, Kings Head P.H. 36 Little
Queen street, Holborn
Holmes Allen, tobacconist, 149 Holborn bars
Holmes Catherine (Mrs.), boarding house, 3 Little Britain
Holmes Charles, butcher, 93 Fore street Cripplegate
Holmes Charles jun. fishing tackle maker, 2 Sydney alley, Leicester square
Holmes Charles James, solicitor, 163 Fenchurch street
Holmes Edward, barrister, 38 Lincoln's inn fields, & 5 Raymond buildings, Gray's
Holmes Edward, tailor, 20 Compton street, Brunswick square
Holmes Edward Carleton, solicitor, see Allen & Holmes
Holmes Edward James, china dealer, 137 Kent street, Borough
Holmes Eleanor(Mrs.), childbed linenwarehouse, see Hodson & Holmes
Holmes Elizabeth F (Mrs.), artificial feathermaker, 61 Charlotte street, Fitzroy
Holmes Francis, watch manufacturer, 48 Holborn hill
Holmes Fred. ham & beef dealer, 4 Princes street, Leicester square
Holmes George, furniture broker, 25 Brick lane, Spitalfields
Holmes George, music publisher, 340 Strand
Holmes George, wine & brandy merchant, 49 Lamb's Conduit street
Holmes George John, barrister, 28 Chancery lane
Holmes Henry, corndealer, 21 Theobald's road, Red Lion square
Holmes Henry, hairdresser & dressing case maker, 10 Mount street, Berkley square
Holmes Henry Grey, bookbinder, l New inn buildings, Strand
Holmes James, artist, 15 Wilton street, Grosvenor place
Holmes James, butcher, 16 John's row, St. Luke's
Holmes James, furniture broker, 10 Rose & Crown court, Finsbury
Holmes James, grocer, &c. 24 Wilmot street, Russell square
Holmes James, newsvender, 39 Hampstead road
Holmes James, printer, 4 Took's court, Chancery lane
Holmes James Biggs, pocket bookmaker, 43 Basinghall street
Holmes James Francis, tallowchandler, 180 Brick street, Spitalfields
Holmes John, seal engraver, 18 Long acre
Holmes John, secret springer, 26 Gloucester street, St. John street road
Holmes John Shaw, plumber, &c. 4 Church passage, Cateaton street
Holmes Joseph F. brewery accountant, 4 King's row, Walworth
Holmes Joseph Rd. ale & porter brewer, 213 Poplar High street
Holmes Lauret, statuary & mason, 1 John street west. Edgware road
Holmes Lawson, grocer & teadealer, 66 Ratcliff highway
Holmes Lazarus, carpenter, 11 Dorrington street, Leather lane
Holmes Matthew Steel, watchmaker, 48 Holborn hill
Holmes Owen Pape, solicitor, 6 Liverpool street, Bishopsgate
Holmes Patrick, teadealer & grocer, 132 Tottenham court road
Holmes Richard, solicitor, 12 Grays inn square
Holmes Robert, rag dealer, 1 Upper Bryanstone street, Portman square
Holmes Robert, saddler, &c. 47 Cromer street, Brunswick square
Holmes Robert, stockbroker, Stock Exchange
Holmes Robert, tailor, 44 Aske street, Hoxton
Holmes Samuel, Dukes Head, P.H. Orange street, Gravel lane, Borough
Holmes Samuel, solicitor, 3 Great Knightrider street, Doctors' commons
Holmes Thomas, furniture broker, 59 Broad street, Bloomsbury
Holmes Thomas, statuary & mason, 11 Belgrave street south
Holmes William, solicitor, 25 Great James street, Bedford row
Holmes William, bookseller, 31 Holywell street, Strand
Holmes William, cheesemonger, 30 Meredith street, St. John street road
Holmes William, hairdresser & wigmaker, 3 Old Compton street, Soho
Holmes William, hatter, 7 Hereford place, Commercial road east
Holmes William, Pewter Platter P.H. 86 Gracechurch street
Holmes William, tailor, 12 Kenton street, Brunswick square
Holmes W. Doubery, civil engineer, 17 Fludyer street, westminster
Holmsted Arthur, solicitor, 40 Bedford row, Bloomsbury
Holmyard Thomas, pianofortemaker, 28 New street, Horseferry road
Holohan Dennis, braid manufacturer, 44 Rose street, Covent garden
Holroyd Arthur Thomas, barrister, 10 Farrar's buildings, Temple
Holroyd John Spear, fishing tackle maker, 19 Fish street hill
Holroyd Elizabeth (Mrs.), dining rooms, 60 Old Bailey
Holste Henry, merchant, 5 North buildings, Finsbury circus
Holstead John, tailor, 33 Hampstead road
Holstead Susannah (Mrs.), stationer, 58 Ossulston street
Holt John & W. S. marine brewery, 39 Broad street, Ratcliff
Holt Barnard, surgeon, 1 Broad sanctuary, Westminster
Holt Charles, attorney, 43 Lamb's Conduit street, Foundling
Holt George, Black Bull P. H. High street, Kingsland
Holt George T. tailor, 21 East road, City road
Holt George Trueman, tailor, 16 Singleton street, Hoxton New town
Holt Henry, packing case maker, see Hayles & Holt
Holt Henry, Wades Arms P. H. East India road, Poplar
Holt Henry Frederic, solicitor, 2 New inn, Wych street, Strand
Holt Henry, Fred. surgeon, 67 Grosvenor terrace, Horseferry road
Holt John, oil & colorman, 31 East street, Manchester square
Holt Joseph, embosser & chaser, 16 Broad street, Golden square
Holt Thomas, currier & leather seller, 8 Bermondsey
Holt Thomas, tailor, &c. 20 Sackville street, Piccadilly
Holt Thomas, woollen factor & draper, see Onyon, Holt & Nash
Holt Thomas Jefferson, cook & confectioner, 63 St. Paul's church yard
Holt William John, attorney, 13 Chatham place, Blackfriars
Holtby John, cheesemonger, 201 Blackfriars road
Holtham Thomas, baker, 4 Orchard place, Kingsland road
Holthouse Carsten, sugar broker & wine merchant, 84 Great Tower street
Holthouse Carsten sen, surgeon, 13 Keppel street, Russell square
Holtom John, butcher, 39 Great James's street, Lisson grove
Holton Francis, butcher, 22 Newport court, Soho
Holton Henry, tobacconist, 253 Oxford street
Holton Robinon draper, Portland row, High street, Camberwell
Holtzapffel & Co. manufacturers of engines, lathes, edge tools & cutlery, 64
Charing cross (manufactory, 127 Long acre)
Holtzmeyer Harman Hy, sugar refiner, John Street, Church 1ane, Whitechapel
Holwell Charles, baker, 33 Aldermanbury
Holwell Charles, hatter, 100 Bridge road, Lambeth
Holwill Caroline (Mrs.), lodging house, 6 Bath street, Newgate street
Holyland James, agent to Patterson & Co. stuff manufacturers, 23 Milk street
Holyman John, confectioner, 34 Great Russell street Bloomsbury
Holyoak Robert, cheesemonger, 26 Old Gravel lane, Wapping
Holyoake George & Co. needle & fish hook manufacturers, 106 Wood street, &
Redditch, Worcestershire
Homan & Herne, wholesale shoe & leather warehouse, 25 Skinner street
Homan John, greengrocer, 68 Wells street, Oxford street
Homan Robert, china & glass dealer, 16 Tothill street, Westminster
Homan Samuel, hatter, 79 Shoreditch, High street
Homan Simpson, printer & stationer, 86 New Gravel lane
Homan Thomas, tobacconist, 182 High Holborn
Home, Eager & Co. merchants, 25 Rood lane, Fenchurch street
Home Colonization Society, William Galpin, sec. 57 Pall mall
Home & Colonial Infant School Society (John S. Reynolds, honorary secretary), 12
& 13 St. Chad's row, Gray's inn road
Home Missionary Society, 4 Blomfield street, Finsbury
Home Henry Francis, wholesale druggist, see Hodge & Home
Home Patrick, merchant, 25 Rood lane, Fenchurch street
Horner Charles, artists’ colorman, 11 Warren street, Fitzroy square
Homer John, Gloucester Arms P.H. Mason street, Old Kent road
Homersham Brothers, woolstaplers, Market street, Bermondsey
Homersham Arthur R. woolstapler, 2 Crimscott street, Bermndsey
Homes James, butcher, 16 Silver street, Golden square
Homewood John, ironmonger &c. 4 Claremont place, Old Kent road
Homeyer Christian, tailor, 4 Mount row, Liverpool road
Homeyer Joseph, potato dealer, 12 Mount row, Islington
Homfray Henry Revel, solicitor, 18 Margaret street, Cavendish square
Home Daniel, hairdresser, 2 Castle street, Museum street
Hone James, coal merchant, Western wharf, George street, Adelphi
Home John, fringe manufacturer, 43 Newman street, Oxford street
Hone Robert, fruiterer, 60 Three Colt street, Limehouse
Honess Heury, Angel & Crown P.H. 36 Warwick street, Golden square
Honey & Skelton, hairdressers & perfumers, 17 Fleet street
Honey Ann(Mrs.) Peacock P.H. 13 Maiden lane, Covent garden
Honey Edward, baker, 4 Adelaide place, Grange road, Bermondsey
Honey James, woollen draper, 2 Holywell street, Millbank
Honey William, coffee rooms, 14 Broad street, Bloomsbury
Honeyman Thomas, stationer, 2 Wentworth place, Mile end
Honeyman William, toy dealer, 27 Sydney place, Commercial road east
Honiball James, quilting & valentia warehouse, 149 Cheapside
Honnor Henry, Blacksmiths Arms P.H. 110 Brook street, Ratcliff
Honnor Thomas, tailor, 67 Leadenhall street
Honychurch Richard sen. carpenter, 24 Leonard street, Shoreditch
Honyset Edw. Henry, engraver & stationer. 137 High street, Camden town
Hood Thomas & Charles, iron merchts. 18 Earl street, Blackfriars
Hood, Ward & Hood, ribbon manufacturers, 117 Wood street, Cheapside
Hood Charles, Bulls Head P.H. 80 Leadenhall street
Hood David, baker, 29 Park terrace, Regent's park road
Hood David, wire blind manufacturer, 3 Little Alie street, Goodman fields
Hood Edward Theophilus, barrister, 60 Chancery lane
Hood George Sulley, marine decorator, Commercial road, Limehouse
Hood Jacob, livery stables, 3 Portland street mews, Soho
Hood James Horatio, bookbinder & stationer, 25 Red Lion square, Holborn
Hood John, commission agent, 9 Goldsmith street, Wood street
Hood Peter, surgeon, 15 Lower Seymour street, Portman square
Hood Richard, vellum binder, 12 Bartholomew close
Hood Thomas, carver & gilder, 27 Meredith street, Clerkenwell
Hood Thomas, coachmaker, 118 Curtain road, Shoreditch
Hood Thomas, hatter, 40 Old Bond street
Hood Thomas, surgeon, 22 Panton street, Haymarket
Hood William, jobmaster, 2 Kinnerton street, Belgrave square
Hoodles Charles, boot & shoe maker, 3 St. Ann's court, Dean street, Soho
Hook Charles, bootmaker, 9 St. James's street
Hook Charles, linen & woollen draper, 141 St. John street, Smithfield
Hook Frederick, hatter, 79 New Bond street
Hook Henry, The Number Seven P.H. 7 Newgate street
Hook James Clark, artist, 58 Newman street
Hook John, builder, 54 Welbeck street, Cavendish square
Hook John, ladies' shoemaker, 32 New Bond street
Hook Joseph, carman, Nine elms, Wandsworth road. North side
Hook St. Pierre B. solicitor, 11 Tokenhouse yard, Lothbury
Hook Thomas, ornament, steel worker, 3 Archer street, Windmill street
Hook William, Princess Amelia P.H. 181 Oxford street
Hooke Charles Frederic, baker, 146 Lambeth walk
Hooke Edward Browne, solicitor, see Gilbert, Hooke & Street
Hooke Francis, baker, 16 Edward street, Hampstead road
Hooke Francis, baker, 50 Red Lion street, Holborn
Hooke Henry, baker, 93 Fetter lane, Holborn
Hooke James, baker, 15 Little Bell alley
Hooke James, butcher, 90 Gray's inn lane
Hooke James Edwin, baker, 55 York street, City road
Hooke John, baker, 9 Old Rochester row, Westminster
Hooke John, boot & shoemaker, 24 George street, New road
Hooke Joseph, baker, 48 Beech street, Barbican
Hooke Richard, baker, 75 Shoe lane, Fleet street
Hooker George, fruiterer, 47 King street, Westminster
Hooker Henry, smith & farrier, Nine elms
Hooker James, attorney, 8 Bartlett's buildings, Holborn
Hooker James, baker, 13 Brick lane, Spitalfields
IIooker John, cheesemonger, 18 Brick lane, Spitalfields
Hooker Joseph, hair & flock merchant, 72 Bermondsey street
Hooker Philip, timber merchant, Raven row, Whitechapel road
Hooker William, pianoforte maker, Martin's place, 85 Old street
Hookey Joseph & Co. hatters, 25 Bread street, Cheapside
Hookham Thomas, bookseller & publisher, 15 Old Bond street
Hoole James & Co. fender & fire iron warehouse, 14 Addle street, Wood street
Hoole Henry, teadealer & grocer, 44 London road, Southwark
Hoon Henry, umbrella maker, 12A, Lisson grove north, Marylebone
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