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This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.
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Godfrey & Cooke, chemists, 31 Southampton street, Strand, & 30 Conduit
street, Bond street
Godfrey George & Co. boot & shoemakers to the Queen, 3 Conduit street, Regent
Godfrey James Charles. & Co. chemists, &c. 31 Edgware road
Godfrey Nathaniel & Son, vinegar merchants, 6 Bankside, Southwk
Godfrey Harriott (Mrs.),
Hampton Court Palace P.H. Francis street, Newington
Godfrey Charles, jeweller, 15 St. James's street, Clerkenwell
Godfrey Charles, lodging house, 10 Bell's buildings. Salisbury square
Godfrey Frances (Mrs.), dressmaker,17 Brownlow street, Drury lane
Godfrey Francis, White Lion P. H. 118 Drury lane
Godfrey George, butcher, 8 Oxford market
Godfrey George, ham dealer, G3 Paddington street, Marylebone
Godfrey Henry, commission agent, 5 Goldsmith street, Cheapside
Godfrey Henry, Crown & Sugar Loaf P.H. 14 Garlick hill, Upper Thames street
Godfrey John, cattle salesman, 41 West Smithfield
Godfrey John, cooper, 25 Widegate street, Bishopsgate
Godfrey John, Crown & Two Chairmen P.H. 32 Dean street, Soho
Godfrey John, oil & colorman, 56 Curtain road, Shoreditch
Godfrey Joseph Henry, pewter toy maker, 29 Artillery lane, Bishopsgate
Godfrey Louisa (Mrs.), corn dealer, 14 Lambeth lower marsh
Godfrey Nicholas, cabinetmaker, 26 King street, Clerkenwell
Godfrey Rebecca (Miss), embroiderer, 103 Strand
Godfrey Thomas, egg merchant, Norton street, Shepherdess walk
Godfrey William, Angel chop house, 16 Angel court, Throgmorton street
Godfrey William, marine store dealer, 74 York street, Westminster
Godfrey William, optical brazier, 72 Noble street, Goswell street
Godin Lewis, stockbroker, 25 Tokenhouse yard
Goding James & Co. brewers, Belvedere road, Lambeth
Godlee Rickman, barrister, 3 New square, Lincoln's inn
Godlonton Thomas, window blind maker, 162 Kingsland road
Godman James, confectioner, 27 Seymour street, Euston square
Godsall Henry, gun barrel maker, 86 1/2 Oxford street
Godsell Fred.& Edmund, wine & spirit brokers, 85 Great Tower street
Godsell James, ready made linen warehouse, 64 Oxford street
Godsell Thomas, Bengal Arms Tavern, 1 White Lion court, Birchin lane
Godsell William, solicitor, 6 Furnival's inn, Holborn
Godsmark James, grocer, &c. 15 Crosby row, Walworth
Godson Edward, ironmonger, 72 Aldersgate street
Godson Joseph, dairyman, 12 Melton street, Euston square
Godson Ralph, oil & color warehouse, 25 Fore street, Cripplegate
Godson Richard, Q.C. barrister, 11 King's Bench walk, Temple
Godson Stephen Holmes, barrister, 11 King's Bench Walk
Godwin & Lee, shipowners & merchants.112 Bishopsgate within
Godwin William, & Co. British plate manufacturers, 41 Ludgate street
Godwin Alexander, hairdresser, 7 Broadway, Westminster
Godwin Fred. auctioneer, valuer & agent, 3 Halkin terrace, Belgrave square
Godwin Charles, Horse & Dolphin P.H. 25 St. Martins street, Leicester square
Godwin Henry, trimming warehouse, 62 High street, St. Giles's
Godwin James, fruit & pea salesman, Covent garden fruit market
Godwin James, gold & silversmith, 304 High Holborn
Godwin James, Sloanes Head P.H. 16 New street, Brompton
Godwin John Henry, paper stainer, see Bowen & Godwin
Godwin Thomas, Duchess of Kent, P.H. 31 Strutton ground, Westminster
Godwin William sen., artificial florist, &c. 56 Myddelton street, Clerkenwell
Godwin William, jun. artificial florist, plumassier, and manufacturer of
preparations, 3 Wimpole street
Godwin William, silk mercer, High street, Stoke Newington
Goetze Noah, stationer & bookseller, 8 Wardour street, Soho
Goez Henry, wool merchant, 34 Basinghall street
Goff Daniel, tea & coffee dealer, 13 Baker street, Portman square
Goff Henry, broker, 13 Pleasant row, Pentonville
Goff James, Old Cherry Tree P. H. 41 Kingsland road
Goff James, plumber, 2 Salcombe place, Regent's park
Goff James Copeland, upholsterer, 20 Ebury street, Pimlico
Goff Mary (Mrs), boot & shoe maker, 28 High street, Kensington
Goff Sarah (Mrs.), straw hat maker, 25 Gloucester place, Grange road
Goff William, Saracens Head tavern, 6 Friday street, Cheapside
Gofton Willian, pawnbroker, 12 Gilbert street, Grosvenor square & general
salesman, 63 Farringdom street
Gogerty Robert, brass turner & instrument maker, 32 King street, Smithfield
Goggs, Heading & Co. wine merchants, 106 Fenchurch street
Goghan Thomas, baker, 12 York street, Hans place, Sloane street
Goider Frances (Mrs.), bookbinder, 12 Milbank street, Westminster
Golby Sophia (Miss), fringe & fancy trimmings, canvass, worsteds, &c., for
needlework, 14 Coventry street, Haymarket
Gold Henry & Chas, grocers & teadealers, 164 Borough High street
Gold & Rogers, outfitters & drapers, 5 Bridge road, Lambeth
Gold Frederick, baker, 5 Wentworth place, Mile end road
Gold Joseph, fruiterer, 18 Shepherd's market
Gold Peter, grocer, 114 & 115 Brick lane, Spitalfields
Goldby Robert, plumber, &c. 15 Princes street, Little Queen street, Holborn
Golden John C. coal merchant, 28 Sloane street, Knightsbridge, & 58 King William
street, City
Goldfinch Alfred, tobacconist, 6 Athol place, Pentonville
Goldfinch Henry Robert, barrister, 59 Chancery lane
Goldfinch John, fishmonger, 46 Old bailey, & 21 Charterhouse street
Goldfinch William, metal sash maker, 5 Acton place, Baguigge wells
Goldicott John, architect & surveyor, 39 Clarges street, Piccadilly
Goldie James, carpenter & joiner, Gun lane, Limehouse
Goldie James, distiller, 40 Brick lane, Spitalfields
Goldie James, tobacconist, 5 Scott's place, Lower road, Islington
Goldin Henry, pork butcher, 10 Hayes court, Gerrard street, Soho
Golding Benjamin, physician, 77 St. Martin's lane
Golding Charles, tailor, 23 Eldon street, Finsbury
Golding Geo. fancy cabinet maker, 9 City terrace, Old street road
Golding James, carman, 3 Box, London Dock gates, and 2 Christian street, St.
George's east
Golding James, oil & italian warehouse, 56 Strand
Golding Jerh. wholesale & retail boot warehouse, 3 & 4 Church street, Shoreditch
Golding John, basket maker, 4 Cock lane, Shoreditch
Golding John H. stockbroker, 10 Warnford court, Throgmorton street
Golding Joseph, carcase butcher, 73 Aldgate High street
Golding Peter, boot & shoe maker, 33 Ludgate street
Golding Sarah (Miss),
Kings Arms P.H. Bishopsgate church yard
Golding Thomas, Grapes P.H. 21 Jewin street
Golding William, fruit & pea salesman, Borough market
Golding William, gunmaker, 27A, Davies street, Berkeley square
Golding William, Red Lion P.H. 59 Grays inn lane
Goldingay Barnet Fred. plumber & painter, 275 Wapping
Goldner Stephan, preserved provision manufacturer, 137 Houndsditch
Goldney Henry G. & Co. warehousemen & commission agents, 39 King street,
Goldney Francis Bennett, lace warehouseman, 4 St. Paul's church yard
Goldney Samuel, stockbroker, Stock exchange
Goldring Robert, picture dealer, 11 Castle street east, Oxford street
Goldsbury John, tallow chandler, 9 Church lane, Commercial road east
Goldsmid, King & Thompson, agents to the Imperial Brazilian government, 37 Great
Winchester street
Goldsmid Aaron, stockbroker, 10 Warnford court, Throgmorton street
Goldsmid Francis Henry, barrister, 5 Stone buildings, Lincolns inn
Goldsmid Fredk. David, broker, see Mocatta & Goldsmid
Goldsmid Joseph, hardwareman, 8 Great Prescot street, Goodman's fields
Goldsmid Lamert, fruiterer, 49 Newington causeway
Goldsmid Nathaniel, barrister, 3 Figtree court, Temple
Goldsmith & Webster, scotch & manchester warehousemen, 53 Friday street
Goldsmith & Wilkin, hairdresser, 4 Spread eagle court, Finch lane
Goldsmiths' Hall (John Lane, clerk), Foster lane
Goldsmith George, barrister, 9 New square, Lincoln's inn
Goldsmith James, merchant, 12 Cloak lane, City
Goldsmith John, surgeon, see McCrea & Goldsmith
Goldsmith John, whipmaker, 67 Blackman street, Borough
Goldsmith Joseph, baker, 91 Ratcliff highway
Goldsmith Mary (Mrs.), hairdresser, 193 Drury lane
Goldsmith Michael, slopseller & oilman, 17 Upper East Smithfield
Goldsmith Thomas, hairdresser, 83 King street, Long acre
Goldsmith Thomas, plumber, 44 Cromer street, Brunswick square
Goldsmith William, glass & chinaman, 42 Judd street, Brunswick square
Goldsmith William, linendraper, see Taylor & Goldsmith
Goldsmith William, wine & spirit merchant, 31 Parliament street & 15 Cockspur
street, Millbank
Goldsworthy John, baker, 10 New street, Dorset square
Goldsworthy William, plumber, painter, &c. 10 Cowcross street
Goldthorp George, chemist & druggist, 144 Tooley street
Goldzieher Reuben, merchant & agent, 16 Austin friars
Gole James & Thomas, solicitors, 49 Lime street
Gole Abraham, emigration agent, see Capper & Gole
Gollin Benjamin, watchmaker, see Brinkman & Gollin
Gollings Henry, Nags Head, P.H. 3 Postern row, Towerhill
Gollop John & Co. patent rising hinge makers, 61 Greek street, Soho
Golton Charles, brazier, 332 Queen street, Ratcliff cross
Gomersall Charlotte (Mrs.), umbrella maker, 3 Theobald's road
Gomes Francis, physician, 49 George street, Euston square
Gomes Rebecca (Mrs.), coal merchant, 20 Bury street, St. Mary axe
Gomez Charles, bow maker, 15 Sussex street, Tottenham court road
Gomez Emilie (Mrs.), milliner, &c. &c. 12 Piccadilly
Gomm John, attorney & scotch agent, 31 Edwards street, Portman square
Gomme James, builder & undertaker, 49 Castle street east,0xford street
Gomme Stephen jun. architect, Arundel chambers. 65 Regent street
Gompertz Emanuel, clothes warehouse, 6 Porter street, Soho
Gonne, Lucas & Gribble, merchants, 20 St. Helen's place
Gonner Elizabeth (Miss), milliner, 13 Margaret street, Cavendish square
Gonzagnes Brunier, coffee rooms, 28 Panton st. Haymarket
Gonzales Charles, professor of italian, 113 Albany street, Regent's park
Gonzalez & Dubosc, of Xerez de la Frontera, wine merchants, 157 Fenchurch street
Gooch & Cousen, wharfingers & warehouse keepers, 126 London wall, & Steel yard,
Upper Thames street & Chequer yard, Dowgate hill
Gooch James & Joshua, bootmakers, 193 Compton street, Brunswick square
Gooch Edmund, hatter & tailor, 91 & 161 Poplar High street
Gooch Edward Frederick, stationer, printer, bookseller, & account book
manufacturer, 55 King William street, City
Gooch Henry, Kings Head P.H. 178 Tooley street
Gooch Matthew, turner & brushmaker, 43 Curzon street, Mayfair
Gooch Samuel, linen manufacturer, Lark hall lame, Clapham
Gooch William Tovey, stock & share broker, 3 Bartholomew lane
Good Henry & William, stationers & account book maker, 60 Moorgate street
Good Susannah & Son, stationers, 63 Bishopsgate without
Good & Swanston, plumbers, &c. 20 Coleman street
Good George Thomas, tailor, 10 Paddington street, Marylebone
Good Henry, wine & brandy merchant, 78 Queen street, Cheapside
Good Joseph Henry jun. architect & surveyor, 75 Hatton garden
Good Thomas, chemist & druggist, 47 Minories
Good Thomas, tailor & teacher of cutting, 18 Tabernacle row, Finsbury
Good William, turner, 27 John street, Fitzroy square
Goodacre Thomas, gold wire drawer, 2 Cherry tree court, Aldersgate street
Goodair Ann (Mrs.), milliner, see Stewart & Goodair
Goodall Charles & Son, card makers, 30 Great Pulteney street, Golden square
Goodall Daniel, button & trimming seller, see Carr & Goodall
Goodall Rt. Harley, stock & exchange broker, 10 Warnford court
Goodall William, dyer, &c. 36 Penton street, Pentonville
Gooday Edward William, solicitor, 12 Doughty street, Foundling
Goodbarne Thomas, chemist, annatto merchant & manufacturer, 13 Charles place,
Charles square, Hoxton
Goodbehere Edmd. wholesale hardwareman, 98 Wood street, Cheapside
Goodbehere George Thomas, wholesale hardwareman, 9 Wellclose square, & 5
Martin's lane, Cannon street
Goodbody George, wine cooper, 5 New inn Broadway, Curtain road
Goodhody Samuel, coach spring & patent axletree maker, 33 Charles street, Drury
Goodburn William, pawnbroker, 1 Commerce row, Upper street. Islington
Goodchap George, bakers' & general agent, 1 St. Vincent place, City road
Goodchap William, accountant, &c. 84 Hatton garden
Goodcheape Cath. (Mrs.), furnishing undertaker, 115 Aldersgate street
Goodcheape George, oil & colorman, 76 St. John street road
Goodcheape John, oil & italian warehouse, 44 Lisson grove north
Goodchild James, coffee rooms, 38 Queen street, Cheapside
Goodchild James, stationer, 52 Bartholomew close
Goodchild John, cigar merchant, 13 Wellclose square
Goodchild John, meat salesman, 27 New Newgate market
Goodchild John, surgeon, 21 Elm tree road, St. John's wood
Goodchild John E. draughtsman, 17 Powell street east, King square
Goodchild Joseph, Coach & Horses P.H. High street, Bow
Goodchild Joseph, ham dealer, 239 Shoreditch
Goodchild Joseph, window glass & lead merchant, 2 & 3 Tooley street
Goodchild Richard, Red Lion P. H. 27 Upper King street, Bloomsbury
Goodchild Thomas, architect & surveyor, 70 Warren street, Fitzroy square
Goodday Horatio, surgeon, 48 Baker street, Portman square
Gooddy John, Story's gate coffee house, 1 Princes court, Westminster
Goode Benjamin & Philip, attorneys, 44 Howland street, Fitzroy square
Goode & Lawrence, navy agents, 15 Surrey street, Strand
Goode Augustus, corkcutter, 40 Featherstone street, City road
Goode Benjamin, farrier, 20 Finsbury street, Chiswell street
Goode Charles, draper & mercer, see Gainsford & Goode
Goode Charles, locksmith, 2 Sandys row, Bishopsgate
Goode John, auctioneer, & appraiser, 83 Goswell road
Goode John Richard, tailor, 25 Church street, Spitalfields
Goode Joseph, silk fringe maker, 63 Tabernable walk
Goode Joseph, wine merchant, Old George yard, Snow hill
Goode Mary (Mrs.), pawnbroker & silversmith, 116 Goswell street
Goode Sarah (Mrs.), Black Boy P.H. 9 1/2 Mile end road
Goode Thomas, china & glass warehouse, 15 Mill street, Hanover square
Goode Thomas, printer, 8 St. James' walk, Clerkenwell
Goode Thomas, upholsterer, 10 Upper King street, Bloomsbury
Goode Timothy, grocer, 29 Windmill street, Tottenham court road
Goode Timothy, hairdresser, 27 Windmill street, Tottenham court road
Goode William, European cigar divan & chess ro. 39 Ludgate hill
Goode William, St. Lukes Head P.H. 8 King street, Grosvenor square
Goode William, willow square & shape mnufacturer, 8 Birdcage walk, Hackney road
Goodered William Henry, wine & spirit merchant, 6 Hemming's row
Goodes George & Samuel, cigar manufacturers, 24 Church street, Spitalfields
Goodes William, grocer, 5 Blandford street, Portman square
Goodeve Alfred, general warehouseman & ale merchant, 62 Aldermanbury
Goodeve Geo. potato salesman, 125 Lambeth Lower marsh
Goodeve Henry, bottle merchant, 4 Little Bruton street
Goodeve John, attorney, 1 Raymond buildings, Gray's inn
Goodeve Joseph, barrister, 9 Old square, Lincoln's inn
Goodey Joseph, linendraper, Pleasant place, Holloway
Goodey Richard, baker, 23 Cowcross street
Goodfellow William, Bell & Crown P. H. 133 Holborn hill
Goodfellow William Walter, boot maker, 5 Newman’s row, Lincolns inn fields
Goodford Henry, solicitor, see Frere, Forster & Co
Goodge William, Thomas, grocer, 40 Upper Lisson street, Lisson grove
Goodger William Frederick, surgeon, 13 Bentinck street, Manchester square
Goodhall Henry Edmd. merchant, see Smith, Goodhall & Reeves
Goodhart Emanuel, Son & Co. sugar refiners, Horseferry road, Limehouse; and
Hooper square, Goodman's fields
Goodhart Jacob & Sons, sugar refiners, 3, 4 & 5 Ratcliff highway
Goodhart Alfred H. surgeon &c. 12 Brecknock crescent, Camden town
Goodhart Emanuel George, woolstapler, Upper Russell street, Bermondsey
Goodheart James, desk & dressing case maker, 63 Snowhill
Goodheart William, fancy cabinet maker, 2 Charterhouse street
Goodhew William, Fox P. H. 58 Princes street, Lambeth
Goodhews (Miss) ladies' school, 25 Milner square, Islington
Goodhind Thomas, french polisher, 20 1/2 Clipstone street, Fitzroy square & 5
Lower Southampton street, Fitzroy square
Goodlaugh Amelia (Mrs.),baker, 2 Orange row, Kennington road
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