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This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.
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Denny Thomas A. commission agent, 15 Fish street hill
Dennys & Burt, wine merchants, 14 Savage gardens, Tower hill
Denoom Alexander & Co. merchants, 6 Adam's court, Old Broad street
Denston Michael, builder, 1 Earl street, Old Kent road
Dent John & William, & Co. glovers, 1 Friday street & at Worcester
Dent Thos. & Son, watch glassmaker, 50 Northampton street, Clerkenwell
Dent Charles, stationer, 6 Everett street, Brunswick square
Dent Edward J. chronometer, watch & clock maker to the Queen, 82 Strand & 33
Cockspur street, Charing cross
Dent George, grocer & teadealer, 55 Blackman street, Borough
Dent John, silkmercer, 30, 31 & 32 Crawford street, Portman square
Dent Joseph, bootmaker, 3 Bell yard, Temple bar
Dent Marmaduke, cheesemonger, 2 Marlborough place, Kennngtn cross
Dent Peter, cheesemonger, 57 London road, Southwark
Dent Rd. auctioneer, 28 Hayham terrace & 129 High street Camden town
Dent Thomas, brassfounder & gasfitter, 27 Curtain road
Dent William, butcher, 6 Blackmoor street, Clare market
Dent William, butcher, 35 Poland street, Oxford street
Dent William, dyer, 26 Everett street, Brunswick square
Dent William, grocer, 18 Buckingham street, Fitzroy square
Dent William, grocer, &c. 80 Tooley street
Denton & Serjeant, wharfingers, lightermen & stone merchants, Quebec wharf,
Denton Benjamin, general waggon office, Swan, 20 Whitechapel High street
Denton Chas. Hen. paper hanging maker, 28 Cross street, Blackfriars road
Denton Edward Yates, Old Dundee Arms P.H. 51 Wapping
Denton Henry, solicitor, see Kinderley, Denton & Kinderley
Denton Hughes Ridgway, barrister, 3 Middle Temple lame
Denton James, bottle merchant, 8 Allhallows lane, Upper Thames street
Denne William John, proctor, 2 Great Knightrider street, Doctors' commons
Denton James, shipwright &c. 183 Tooley street
Denton John, barrister, 3 Middle Temple lane
Denton John, Dyers Arms P. H. 55 Long alley, Finsbury
Denton John Bailey, land & house surveyor & agent. 9 Gray's inn square
Denton Robert, fruiterer, 66 St. Mary axe
Denton Robert, paperstainer, 89 Leadenhall street
Denton William, oilman, 6 Brunswick place, Old Kent road
Denyer John, dyer, 16 White Hart place, Lower Kennington lane
Denyer Barnard, coffee rooms, 11 Seymour place, Camden town
Denyer Joseph M. Crown & Anchor P.H. 1 Finsbury pavement
Denyer Thomas, woollen draper, 74 King Willian street, City
De Pass Daniel & Son, wholesale & export boot & shoe manufacturers, curriers &
leather factors, 20 Finsbury place north
De Pinna de Abráo, notary & official translator to H.M. High Court of Admiralty
of England, 3 Bartholomew lane, Bank
De Porquet Fenwick, printer & publisher, & english & foreign school agent, 11
Tavistock street, Covent garden
Depot Wharf, J. Henry & George Scovell, between 31 & 42 Tooley street west, Chelsea &
Grosvenor row, Pimlico
De Prati Joachim, physician, 421 Strand
Depree Charles Templer, solicitor, 7 Lawrence lane, City
Derbishire John, surgeon, 75 Margaret st. Cavendish square
Derby & Raven, attorneys, 2 Harcourt buildings, Temple
Derby William, artist, 12 Osnaburgh street, Regent's park
Derbyshire & Ritchie, coal merchants, Deptford bridge
Derick James Rd. bottle dealer, 16A, Shepherd's court, May fair
Derisley William, hosier, &c. 68 Bishopsgate within
Dermer Thomas S. hemp, rope, & rag merchant, 36 shad Thames
Dermody Leonard, coffee rooms, 1 Tyler's court, Golden square
Dermott Christopher, surgeon, 17 Pembroke place, Vauxhall bridge road
Dermott George D. surgeon, 15 Charlotte street, Bloomsbury
Dermocour John J. painter, glazier, &c. 39 Robert street, Hoxton
Derrett Ann (Mrs.), painter, 46 Molyneux street, John street west
Derry Clas, mathematical instrument maker, 7 Deigh street, Burton crescent
Derry Richard, Duke of Wellington P.H. Balls pond road
Derwent Mines Company, 2 Turnwheel lane, Cannon street
Desanges Fras. G.M. skein silk dyer, 32 Chicksand street, Brick lane
De Sausmarez James, barrister, 1 Figtree court, Temple
Desbois Daniel, watch & clock maker, 9 Gray's inn påssage
Desborough & Young, solicitors, 6 Sise lane, Bucklersbury
Desborough Henry, sec. to Atlas Assurance Co. 92 Cheapside
Deschamps Nicholas, bootmaker, 29 Burlington arcade
Descou Carina (Miss), milliner, &c. 11 Bruton street, Bond street
Desfontaines Julius, brush & toy warehouse, 58 Quadrant, Regent street
Desforges James, baker, 11 Jamaica street, Commercial road, Stepney
Deshons John & Co. hatters, 54 Threadneedle street
Desormeaux William, butcher, 10 Park place, Mile end road
Dessoulavy & Williams, importers of foreign waters, 4 Albemarle street,
Destitute Sailor's Asylum, Well street, Wellclose square
Dessurme Louis M. wine merchant, 14 Cooper's row, Crutched friars
Desvigues Elisé Hubert, diamond merchant, 26 olden square
Dethier Joseph & Co. Victoria & Euston Hotel, Euston grove
Dethridge George, brassfounder & gasfitter, 4 Strutton ground. Westminster
Detkins Eugene, bookseller, stationer, &c. 15 Dean street, Soho
Detroch Francois, merchant, 29 Fenchurch street
Dettmer. William, pianoforte maker, 50 Upper Marylebone street
Devas William, & Sons, manchester & linen warehouse, 24 Lawrence lane
Devaux Charles & Co. merchants, 62 King William street, City
De Wear Thomas & Son, curriers, 44 Lisle street, Leicester square
Deven & Daley, fur skin dyers, 15 Auchor yard, St. Luke's
Dever & Williams, printers, 1 Crown court, Threadneedle street
Dever Robt. cook, confectioner & venison dealer, 60 Cornhill
Deverell Misses Elizabeth & MaryAnn, milliners, 216 Oxford street
Deverell John, linendraper, 143 Oxford street & 1 Orchard street
Deverell John, solicitor, 4 Raymond buildings, Gray's inn
Deverell William, linendraper, 107 Oxford street
Devereux Lee, plumber & glazier, 99 St. John street, Smithfield
Devereux Stephen, grocer, &c. 157 Hoxton old town
Devereux Stephen M. baker, 113 Union street, Borough
Devereux Thomas, baker, 97 Shoreditch
Devereux Thomas, french polisher, 10 Eldon street, Finsbury
Devey William & Son, brass founders, lead merchants, pump, closet & cock
manufacturers, 8 & 9 Shoe lane, Fleet street
Devey Adam, merchant, 5 Catherine court, Tower hill
Devey Frederick Nicholls, attorney, 34 Ely place, Holborn
Deville James, lamp manufacturer, bronzist, gas fitter, oil gas apparatus, &
lighthouse lantern & reflector maker, & dealer in lamp oils, 367 Strand
De Wine Anne (Miss), umbrella manufacturer. 13 New Bond street
Devine James, Temple dining rooms, 41 Bellyd. Temple bar
Devitt & Moore, ship & insurance brokers, 9 Billiter street
Devitt Joseph, confectioner, 130 Blackfriars road
De Vos Auguste, merchant, see Walther & De Vos
Devnall John, dairyman, 4 Derby street, May fair
Devoll William, fruiterer, 1 Great Distaff lane, Friday street
Devon Chas. translator of records, 36 Queen square, Bloomsbury
Devonald Erasmus L. surgeon, 71 Great Titchfield street, Oxford street
Devonshire Catherine (Mrs.), grocer, 10 Water street, Blackfriars
Devoy & Co. merchants & licensed custom house & shipping agents. 66 & 68 Lower
Thames street & 6 Rue de la Paix, Paris
Devy Eliza (Madame), milliner & court dressmaker, 73 Grosvenor street
Devy M. importer of foreign silks, &c. 73 Grosvenor street
Dew William Stephen & James Bernard, hosiers, glovers, flannel drapers, & cotton
manufacturers, 146 Cheapside
Dew Frederick, carpenter, 2 Lower Charles street, Northampton square
Dew John, customhouse agent, 8 St. Dunstan's hill
Dew Sarah (Mrs.), milliner, 7 Gower place, Euston square
Dew William, coal merchant, Eastern wharf, George street, Adelphi
Dewar & Culliford, insurance brokers, 16 New City chambers & Lloyd's
Dewar David, Son & Co. manufacturers of table linen, covers, &c. Dunfermline;
warehouse, 6 King's arms buildings. Wood street
Dewar Alexander, fruiterer, 21 High street, Marylebone
Dewar Alexander, scots timber merchant, see Nicoll & Dewar
Dewar John, stationer & bookseller, 3 Mile end road
Dewell William, A. watch gilder & springer, 13 Cowper street, City road
Dewer Ebenezer & Robert, smiths & ironfounders, 16 Old street, St. Luke's, & 2
Bevis marks
Dewey Edward, foreign & british lacewarehouse, see Clarke & Dewey
Dewey George, lace manufacturer, see Smith & Dewey
Dewey John, linendraper, see Christian, Adams & Dewey
Dewey John, tailor, 52A, Mortimer street, Cavendish square
Dewick Mary & Son, printers & stationers, 46 Barbican
De Wilde F. Augustus, ironmonger, brass founder & window blind manufacturer,
72&73 Wells street, Oxford street
Dewin Joseph, watchcase maker, 17 Red Lion street, Clerkenweli
Dewis Edw. fringe trimming. &c. maker, 146 Church street, Bethnal green
De Witte John Crutchley, merchant, see Thompson & De Witte
Dewsbury Christopher, livery stables, 2 Duke street, St. James'
Dewsbury Mary (Mrs.), grocer, 15 Crown court, Pall mall
Dewsnap Francis (Mrs), cutler, 315 Oxford street
Dewsnap William, table blade & cork knife manufacturer, metal & edge tool
grinder & polisher, 8 Castle street, Saffron hill
Dewson John, dairyman, 20 Little Alie street, Goodman's fields
Dexter Francis, sack, tilt & rope manufacturer, Mile end road
Dexter James, chemist & druggist, 2 Queen's row, Pimlico
Dexter John, cowkeeper, 15 Kinnerton street, Belgrave square
Dexter John Creed, pawnbroker, &c. 125 Whitechapel road
Dexter Thos. pawnbroker, &c. 1 & 2 Union street east, Spitalfields
Dey Robert, baker, 3 King street, Seven Dials
Dezoete Samuel & Son, stockbrokers, 80 Old Broad street
Dhobah Company (R Gardner, secretary), 46 Lime street
Diannond Charles, cheesemonger, 41 Carnaby street, Golden square
Diamond Hugh Welch, surgeon, 50 Frith street, Soho
Diamond James, merchant, 1 George street, Tower hill
Diamond Joseph, Crown & Anchor P.H. 107 Brook street, Ratcliff
Diamond William, Batchelor, surgeon, Weston street, Somers town
Diaper William, iron chest, door & bookcase maker, 29 Worship street, Norton
Davis David, merchant, 54 Great Prescot street, Goodman's flelds
Dibb William, pattern & cricket bat maker, 83 Friar street, Blackfriars road
Libben George, grocer, see Hill & Dibben
Dibbon Henry Edward, innholder, agent, & wine merchant, Gerard's hall, 3 Basing
Dibdin Thomas, artist, 33 New Bond street
Dibley Frederick, fur skin dresser, 9 Fann street, Aldersgate street
Dibley George, fur skin dress. Chequers P.H. 3 Saffron street, Saffron hill
Dibon James, tobacconist, 50 Museum street, Bloomsbury
Dibsdall Charles, cheesemonger, &c. 20 Little Marylebone street
Dice Stamp ôffice, Somerset house
Dicey George Augustus, printer, l Dyer's buildings, Holborn
Dicham John, grocer & cheesemonger, 17 Sidney street, Goswell road
Dick Walter & Peter & Co, shawl warehousemen, 13 Great Distaff lane
Dick Adam, baker, 43 Tufton street, Westminster
Dick Charles George, barrister, 2 Cloisters, Temple
Dick Henry, jeweller, 43 Kenton street, Brunswick square
Dick Jeremiah, ship & insurance agent, 3 Muscovy court, Tower hill
Dick John, dentist, 30 St. Martin's lane, Charing cross
Dick John, pianoforte manufacturer. 64 Newman street, Oxford street
Dick John, printer, see Luntley & Dick
Dick John, wigmaker, 11 King street, Cheapside
Dick Joseph, boot & shoe maker, 3 Skinner street, Snowhill
Dick Matthew, Blue Posts Tavern, 59 Haymarket
Dick Robert, baker, 23 Southampton street, Pentonville
Dick Robert, physician, 9 Upper John street, Golden square
Dick William, Bell P.H. 2 Newton street, Holborn
Dickason John, tailor, 41 Cambridge street, Edgware road
Dickens Richard, grocer & teadealer, 30 Judd street, Brunswick square
Dickens Thomas, tobacconist, 100 Chalton street, Somers town
Dickenson George, grosvenor brewery, 14 George street, Grosvenor square
Dickenson John, commission agent, 9 Laurence Pountney lane
Dicker Walter, cattle salesman, 59 West Smithfield
Dicker William, chemist & druggist, 235 Strand
Dicker William, pawnbroker, 82 & 83 Lambeth Lower marsh
Dickerson John, farrier, &c. 25 Wilson street, Finsbury
Dicketts Caroline (Mrs.), dairywoman, 2 Great Ryder street, St. James
Dicketts Thomas, tailor, 2 Great Ryder street, St. James's
Dickey, Shaw & Co. army clothiers, 3 Streatham street, Bloomsbury
Dickie James Rt. accountant, 9 London terrace, Hackney road
Dickin George & Co. wine & west india merchants, 29 Queen street, Cheapside
Dickins Frederick Owen, & Co. coal merchants & shipowners, Jamaica wharf, 13
Upper Ground street, Blackfriars bridge
Dickins, Smith & Stevens, linendrapers, 232 Regent street
Dickins Frederick O. ship owner, 5.1 Stamford st. Blackfrs. r1
Dickins John, Britannia P.H. 28 Nelson street, Long lane, Bermondsey
Dickins Joseph, butcher, 3 Scott's place, Lower road, Islington
Dickins Richard, chemist & druggist, 80 Holborn hill
Dickins Thomas, bricklayer, &c. 11 Northumberland street, Marylebone
Dickins William, lodging housekeeper, 2 Norfolk street, Strand
Dickins William, upholsterer, &c. 23 Norton street, Fitzroy sq
Dickinson George & Co. oil & italian warehouse, 88 Long lane, Smithfield
Dickinson John & Co. wholesale stationers, 65 Old Bailey
Dickinson John & George, builders, l Waterloo place, Commercial road east
Dickinson Edmund Allgood, solicitor, 57
Pall mall
Dickinson George, Hand & Flower P.H. 25 Vale place, Kensington
Dickinson George, veterinary surgeon, 5 Portman mews south, Portman square
Dickinson Henry William, solicitor, 3 Lincoln's inn fields
Dickinson James, barrister, 25 Old square, Lincoln's inn
Dickinson James, livery stable keeper, 146 Old street, St. Luke's
Dickinson John, tailor, 68 Seymour place, Bryanstone square
Dickinson John Nodes, barrister, 2 Hare court, Temple
Dickinson John Robert, solicitor, 33 Sidmouth street, Gray's inn rid
Dickinson Joseph, print & bookseller, 111 New Bond street
Dickinson Nelly (Mrs.), plasterers hair maker, Ewer street, Union street, Borough
Dickinson Robert, tailor, 55 Poland street, Oxford street
Dickinson William, boot & shoe maker, 83 Bethnal green road
Dickinson William, furnishing ironmonger, 8 Beak street, Regent street
Dickinson William, job master, 7 Curzon street, Mayfair
Dickinson William, surgeon, 37 Sloane street, Knightsbridge
Dickison Benjamin, spanish merchant, 18 Little Tower street
Dickison Benjamin, wine importer, see Vergera & Dickison
Dickman David, surgeon, 16 Cambridge street, Edgware road
Dickman Robert, furniture broker, 189 Shadwell High street
Dicks John, baker, 30 Union street, Whitechapel road
Dicks Thomas, bootmaker, 5 King's street, Covent garden
Dicksee Robert, portrait painter, 35 Gerrard street, Soho
Dickson & Bell, surveyors & land agents, 30 Bucklersbury
Dickson, Brothers & Co. merchants, 62 Moorgate street
Dickson George Fred. & Co. merchants, 1 Winchester buildings
Dickson & Overbury, attorneys, 4 Frederick's place, Old Jewry
Dickson Peter & Co. merchants, 9 Liverpool street, Bishopsgate
Dickson Adam, scotch bread & biscuit baker, 167 Strand
Dickson Alfred, wine merchant, 4 Southampton street, Fitzroy square
Dickson Commander, sec. to R.N. Benevolent Society, 18 Adam street
Dickson George, City of Hereford P.H.
1 Union street, Middlesex hospital
Dickson George Fred. consul general for Buenos Ayres, 1 Winchester buildings,
Great Winchester street
Dickson James, sodawater & gingerbeer maker, 7 Worship street
Dickson John, builder, Earl street, Horseferry road
Dickson Mary.J.(Miss), milliner &c, 21 Buckingham street, Strand
Dickson Robert, physician, 5 Curzon street, Mayfair
Dickson Robt. veterinary surgeon, 2 Adams mews, Grosvenor square
Dickson Samuel, physician, 38 Clarges street, Piccadilly
Dickson Thomas, carver & gilder, 13 London street, Fitzroy square
Dickson William, merchant, see Burnie & Dickson
Dickson William Henry, furniture dealer, 4 Crown street, Walworth road
Didot F. & Co. French publishers, 7 Amen corner
Didsbury Gilberi, bootmaker, 34 Poultry
Dietman Henry, baker, 21 Bath place, New road
Dietrich Auguste, wholesale silk hat manufacturer, 49 Friar street, Blackfriars road
Dietrichsen Lionel, east & west india merchant, 2 Wells street, Oxford
D'Iffanger Thomas (Mrs.), ladies' school, 50 Portman place, Edgware road
Digance Daniel & Co. hatters, 1 Birchin lane, Cornhill (late of Sweeting's
alley, Royal Exchange),
Digby Benjamin Joseph,
old bun house, 40 Grosvenor row, Pimlico
Digby John Marriott, grocer, 20 Cable street, Wellclose square
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