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London Street Directory in 1843 - C16

This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.

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Cormack & Oliver, florists, Bedford conservatory, Covent Garden Market & New Cross
Cormack Thomas, solicitor, 33 New Broad street & l Arundel terrace, Islington
Cormie & Taylor, hairdressers, &c. 3 Finch lane, Çoruhill
Corn Exchange (New & Old), Mark lane
Corn Meters' Office, 61 Great Tower street, City;
Corn Reporter Office (The Universal) 42 Mincing lane
Corn Edward, bootmaker, 10 Constitution row, Gray's inn road
Corn James, bootmaker, 29 Henrietta street, Covent garden
Cornaby Henry, tailor, 61 King street, Borough
Cornelius James, surgeon, 101 Goswell street
Cornelius William, coachmaker, 5 Devonshire mews east, Portland place
Cornell George, conveyancer, 66 Upper Norton street, Fitzroy square
Cornell Robert, linendraper, &c, see Kirkpatrick & Cornell
Cornell Thomas, carver & gilder, 72 Margaret street, Cavendish square
Cornell William, boot & shoemaker, 9 Frederick place, Hampstead road
Corner George Rd. & Charles C. solicitors, l Dean street, Tooley street
Corner George, stationer, 34 Clipstone street, Fitzroy square
Corner John, ladies' shoe manufacturer, 52 Paul street, Finsbury
Corner Richard, market coffee rooms, 46 Farringdon market
Corner Richard James, barrister, 2 Tanfield court, Temple
Corner William, Elgie, shipping butcher, 1 Lower Shadwell
Corney & Barrow, wine & brandy merchants, 65 Old Broad street
Corney James, refiner, wire drawer, &c.; see Barrett & Corney
Corney Thomas, cattle salesman, 11 West Smithfield
Corney Thomas, shipping agent, 17 Langbourn chambers
Corney William, cheesemonger, 55 Whitechapel road
Cornick John, builder, see Slipper & Cormick
Cornish Samuel & Co. booksellers & publishers; 126 Newgate street
Cornish Charles, bread & biscuit baker; 85 Fenchurch street
Cornish Henry, broker & appraiser, 33 Bell street, Edgware road
Cornish Henry, haircutter, 81 Baker street, Portman square
Cornish Henry, painter & glazier, 54 Charlton street, Somers town
Cornish James, bookseller, 1 Middle row, Holborn
Cornish John, builder, 2 Newcastle street, Strand
Cornish John, butcher, 79 Tottenham court road
Cornish John, mattings hassock maker, 54 Broad street, Golden square
Cornish John Robert, barrister, Cloisters, Temple
Cornish Thomas, wine merchant, 47 Great Marlborough street
Cornish Thomas Hartree, barrister, 1 Gray's inn place
Cornish William, ironmonger, 60 Tottenham court road
Cornman Philip, livery stables, 10 Whitechapel High street
Cornthwaite Daniel, solicitor, 3 Dean's court, Doctors' commons
Cornthwaite Peter, rice merchant, see Pritchard & Cornthwaite
Cornubian Mining Company, 44 Finsbury square
Cornwall Henry Cobb, attorney, 8 Barnard's inn, Holborn
Cornwall John, corndealer, 4 Belgrave place, Wandsworth road
Cornwall Thomas, baker, 55 Kingsland road
Cornwell Mark, alamode beef house, 239 Strand
Cornwill H. (Miss), milliner, 3 Wellington terrace, Clapham rise
Coroner's of Middlesex Office, 35 Bedford square
Corpe Alfred, tailor, see Rausch & Corpe
Corie Charles, surgeon, 47 Margaret street, Cavendish square
Corpe Edmund, ladies' shoe warehouse & india rubber worker, 126 Mount street, Berkeley square
Corpe Edwin, furniture warehouse, 11 Camomile street, Bishopsgate
Corpe George, solicitor, 3 Lincoln's inn fields
Corne John Westbrook, engineer, &c., see Bunnett & Corpe
Corpe Samuel, saddler & harness maker, 142 Houndsditch
Corporation of the Amicable Society for a Perpetual Assurance of Lives (T. o registrar), 13 Serjeants' inn, Fleet street
Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy, 2 Bloomsbury place
Corr Joseph, boot & shoemaker, 24 Sherrard street, Golden square
Correspondence Agency Office, 9 Earl street, Blackfriars
Corrie E. & Co. colonial brokers, 29 Mincing lane
Corrie MacAlister & Co. west india merchants, 4 Barge yard, Bucklersbury
Corrie George, locksmith, 25 College street, Westminster
Corrie William, barrister, l Pump court, Temple
Corrock William & Co. robe makers, 29 King street, Cheapside
Corrotti James, alabaster warehouse, 28 Coventry street, Haymarket
Corry Charlotte(Mrs.), grocer, 10 David street, York place, Marylebone
Corry William, Horse & Trumpeter P.H. 1 Crutched friars
Corsan Thomas, watchmaker, l19 Wapping
Corsbie George, silversmith, watchmaker &c, 21 Bath place, New road
Corsby Charles, musical instrument maker, 9 Princes street, Leicester square
Corsby George jun. musical instrument maker, 28 Coventry street
Corsby Susan (Mrs.), silver string maker, 44 Greek street, Soho
Corser Robert & Co. grocers & teadealers, 152 Leadenhall street
Corsham George, brass manufacturer, 5 Brewer street, Pimlico
Corson Thomas, gunpowder lighterman, 8 Red Lion street, Wapping
Corss James, boot & shoemaker, 16 Shoreditch
Corss James, tailor, &c. 25 Shoreditch
Corsten Henry, florist & fruiterer, 19A Davies street, Berkley square
Corston Charles, Star & Garter P.H. 6 Newland place, Kensington
Cort Henry Hannam, chemist, 34A, Upper York street, Bryanstone square
Cortazzi Frederick, merchant, Baltic coffeehouse
Cortissos Charles Joseph, custom house agent, 4 Little Tower street
Cortissos Hen. B. indigo & cochineal broker, 4 Little Tower street
Corvan Anthony, baker, 16 Hampstead road
Cory William, & Son, coal merchant, New Barge house wharf, Commercial road, Lambeth
Cory & Williamson, cheesemongers, 177 Bishopsgate without
Cory Dr. Horace, chemical color works, Narrow street, Limehouse
Cory Edward Augustus, surgeon, 44 Cannon street road, St. Georges east
Cory Henry, barrister, 1 New square, Lincoln's inn
Cory William Hanrott, surgeon, 20 Earl street, Blackfriars
Cosens Elizabeth (Miss), milliner, see Chase & Cosens
Cosens George, turkey broker, 8 Lime street
Cosens George Henry, drug broker, 8 Lime street, City
Cosgreave Peter, surgeon, 34 Norfolk street, Strand
Cosgrove John, rope maker, 9 Raven row, Whitechapel road
Cosier Frederick & Charles, cheesemongers, 7 Stockbridge terrace, Pimlico
Cosier Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 20 Surrey street, Strand
Cosier William, hop merchant, 2 Three Crown square, Borough
Cosins Hen. furniture broker, 9 & 10 Portsmouth street, Lincolns inn fields
Cosins James, furniture broker, 16 Castle street, Long acre
Cosins William, furniture broker, 16 Great Earl street, Seven dials
Cosmorama Panoramic Exhibition, 207 & 209 Regent street
Cossart William, madeira wine merchant, 6 New Broad street
Cossens Lydia (Mrs.), milliner, 15 Little Queen street, Holborn
Cossens Thomas, bootmaker, 24 Back hill, Hatton garden
Cosser Walter & Son, timber merchant, Acre wharf, Belvedere road, Lambeth
Cosser Andrew, carpenter, 84 Bridge road, Lambeth
Cossington John, lighterman, 8tratford
Cosson Henry, Blue Last P.H. 113 Curtain road, Shoreditch
Costa Manuel, italian warehouse, 131 Jermyn street, St. James's
Costeker, Enoki & Costeker, woollendrapers, 63 Cornhill
Costeker John, cloth merchant, 5 Paragon, New Kent road
Costello John, plumber & glazier, 55 Old Bailey
Costello William Birmingham, M.D. surgeon, 10 Golden square
Coster James & Co. warehousemen. Fountain court & 4 Aldermanbury
Coster John, fruiterer, 48 Dorset street, Portman square
Costerd Edward C. law & general stationer, 119 Chancery lane
Costiff James, baker, 2 Saville place, Lambeth
Coston Matthew, stockbroker, 5 Bank chambers, Lothbury
Cotchett Thomas, grocer & butterman, 7 Trinity row, Islington
Cotes Charles, solicitor, l Vernon place, Bloomsbury
Cotes Nathaniel Hardcastle, bookseller & library, 130 Cheapside
Cotesworth, Powell & Pryor, merchants, between 16 & 17 St. Helen's place
Cotesworth, Pryor's Co. merchants, between 16 & 17 St. Helen's place
Cotgreave Robert, blacking maker, 27 George street, Grosvenor square
Cothay william & Co. merchants, 147 Fenchurch street
Cother William jun, barrister, 20 Lincoln's inn fields
Cotman John Sell, artist, 42 Hunter street, Brunswick square
Coton John, cowkeeper, 19 & 20 New street, Brompton
Coton William, dairyman & porkman, 100 Sloane street, Chelsea
Cotsford Edward, auctioneer, Church row, St. Pancras road
Cotsworth Thomas jun. builder, 4 John's place, Holland street, Blackfriars
Cotsworth Thomas sen. builder, 11 Trinity street, Borough
Cott James, builder, 4 Whitehorse place, Mile end road
Cottage William, Duke of Northumberland P.H. 64 Worship street, Shoreditch
Cottam & Hallen, engineers, iron founders, agricultural implement makers, & wholesale ironmongers, manufacturers of hurdles, gates, fencing, &c. &c. smiths, pump makers, wire workers & hot house builders, 2 Winsley street, Oxford street; & Cornwall road, Lambeth
Cottam & Kelham, colonial brokers, 14 Commercial salerooms
Cottam, Mortan & Co. merchants, 9 Billiter square
Cottam Henry, pawnbroker, 26 Freeschool street, Horselydown
Cotter Thomas, broker, 11 Vere street, Clare market
Cotterell & Blincoe, auctioneers, 37 Hart street, Bloomsbury
Cotterell Jas. & Son, tallow chandlers, 32 High street, Kensington
Cotterell Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer, 8 Robert street, Grosvenor square
Cotterell James, London Apprentice P.H. 7 Margaret street
Cotterell John, locksmith,31 King street, Snowhill
Cotterell Samuel John, blindmaker, 42 High Holborn
Cotterell Thomas, pawnbroker, 163 Oxford street & 99 Shoelane
Cotterell William John, plumber &c.77 Manchester street, Gray's inn road
Cotterill James Ward, oil & colorman, 282 Poplar High street
Cotterill William Henry, solicitor, 32 Throgmorton street
Cottingham Joseph Orlibar, plumber, glazier, painter, &c. 12 Peter's hill, St. Paul's
Cottingham Lewis N. architect, 4 Basing place, Waterloo road
Cottle John, fishmonger, 23 Bermondsey New road
Cottle Robert, stockbroker, see Harrison & Cottle
Cotton & Benett, solicitors, 2 Raymond buildings, Gray's inn
Cotton & Barker, coin dealers, &c. Dorset place, Pall mall east
Cotton & Johnson, file, tool & metalware, 21 & 22 Grafton street, Soho
Cotton & Jones, metal & insurance brokers, 1 Riches court, Lime street
Cotton & Owst, coopers & wood & truss hoop merchants, Salisbury lane, near East India stairs, Bermondsey
Cotton William Henry & Samuel, solicitors, 76 Basinghall street
Cotton's Wharf, John Henry & George Scovell, 20 & 21 Tooley street
Cotton David, cabinet & bedstead, 49 King street, Borough
Cotton Francis, pawnbroker, 90 Shoreditch & 28 Hackney road
Cotton George, undertaker, 11 Church street, Blackfriars
Cotton Henry, basket & brush maker, 73 Tottenham court road
Cotton Henry Charles, architect & surveyor, 3 Islington green
Cotton Herminia Henrica (Mrs.), oil warehouse, 7 Great Bath street, Clerkenwell
Cotton John, oil & colorman, 3 College terrace, Chelsea
Cotton John, tailor, 20 Worship street, Finsbury
Cotton Joseph, hatter, 62 Red Cross street, Cripplegate
Cotton Michael George, russia merchant, 28 Great Winchester street & Baltic
Cotton Robert T, architect & surveyor, 2 North buildings, Finsbury circus
Cotton Thomas, watch spring maker, 37 Rahere street, Goswell road
Cotton William, cornchandler, see Barker & Cotton
Cotton William, plumber, &c. 63 East street, Manchester square
Cotton William, hosiery manufacturer, see Hammond & Cotton
Cotton William, wholesale cheesemonger, 4 Langley place, Commercial road east
Cotton William Augustus, tin & iron plateworker, 145 Minories
Cottrell Benjamin, braid, lacing & fancy trimming manufacturer, Abbey street, Bethnal green road
Cottrell Edward, baker, 1 Salmon lane, Limehouse
Cottrell Henry, last, boot tree, & clog maker, 125 Holborn hill
Cottrell James, coal & potato dealer, 92 Star street, Edgware road
Cottrell Thomas, Mother Red Cap P.H. Greenland place, Camden town
Cottrill John, toymaker, 24 Plumber street, City road
Couch Chas. watchcase gilder, 20 Wilderness row, Clerknwl
Couch George, lapidary & jeweller, 46 Clerkenwell green
Couch Richard, barrister, 7 Mitre court chambers, Temple
Couchman Edward, engraver & printer, 10 Throgmorton street
Couchman Edward, undertaker, 11 Throgmorton street
Couchman Isaac, builder, 8 Mayfield place, Kensington
Couchman William, haberdasher, 80 Tothill street, Westminster
Coulborn Joseph, boot & shoemaker, 37 Ludgate street
Coulden John, jeweller, 7 Gough square, Fleet street
Coulden Joseph, working cutler, 6 Red Lion court, Spitalfields
Couldery Thomas, tailor, 23 White street, Borough
Couldery Joseph, mathematical instrument maker, 26 St. Thomas's street east, Borough
Couling Henry, measuring tape manufacturer, 6 Hayward's place, St. John street
Couling Maria (Mrs.), pianoforte maker, 9 Castle street, Long acre
Couling Samuel, music seller, 70 St. Join street road
Coulsell William, mathematical instrument maker, 0 Castlest. Borough
Coulshaw William, tailor, 8 Cripplegate buildings
Coulson (Jukes) & Co. export ironmongers, engineers & millwrights, 11 & 12 Clements lane, Lombard street
Coulson Daniel, mathematical instrument maker, 58 Charles street, City road
Coulson John, mason & letter cutter, 15 Northumberland street, Marylebone
Coulson Robert, Coulson's Hotel, 45 Brook street, Grosvenor square
Coulson Sam sen. goldsmith & jeweller, 71 Duke street, Grosvenor square
Coulson Sam jun. working jeweller, 27 Broad street, Golden square
Coulson Thomas, boot & shoemaker, 38 Seckford street, Clerkenwell
Coulson Walter, barrister, 7 New square, Lincoln's inn
Coulson William, surgeon, 2 Frederick's place, Old Jewry
Coulston Peter, City Arms P.H. 22 King street, Aldgate
Conltas Charles, Wheatsheaf P.H. 12 Lower Grosvenor place
Coulthard & Clark, tyne bottle warehouse, 34 Great Tower street
Coulthard Edward, attorney, 4 Gray's inn square
Coulthard Joseph, chain cable & anchor warehouse, 278 Wapping; office, 34 Great Tower street
Coulthard Joseph, paper, alum & chemical agent, 34 Great Tower street
Coulthard Joseph, merchant, 34 Great Tower street, City
Coulthurst H. Utrick, solicitor, see Walter & Coulthurst
Coulthurst Nicholas, solicitor, 13 New inn, Strand
Coulthurst Thurston, butcher, 35 Upper Park place, Regent's place ##
Coulton Charles, auctioneer & appraiser, 52 Union street
Coulton Robert, butcher, 9 Queen street, Pimlico
Coumbe John, butcher, 24 Upper North place, Gray's inn road
Coudun James, boot & shoemaker, 8 Holland street, Kensington
Coumbe Richard, butcher, 124 Crawford street, Portman square
County Chronicle newspaper office, 5 Warwick square
County Fire Office, 50 Quadrant, Regent street
County Herald newspaper office, 5 Warwick square, Newgate street
Countze George, coach & harness maker, see Pearce & Countze
Coup Sarah (Miss), milliner, 8 Little Queen street, Westminster
Coupar John, baker, 50 Stanhope street, Clare market
Coupland & Gilbert, wholesale stay maker, 1 George yard, Bow lane
Coupland Mary (Miss), wireworker, &c. 370 Oxford street
Coupland Michael, engineer, &c. Pond yard, New Park street,  Borough
Courage & Donaldsons', brewers, Shad Thames
Courrier de l'Europe newspaper office, 1 Finch lane, Cornhill, & 10 Wellington street, Strand
Course of Exchange newspaper office, 13 Copthall court
Court of Review, Registrar's office (William Barber, registrar; William Scrope Ayrton, deputy registrar); Quality court, Chancery lane
Course & Gudgen, oil & colorman, 44 St. John street, Clerkenwell
Court Gazette newspaper office, 12 Catherine street, Strand
Court Journal newspaper office, 19 Catherine street, Strand
Court Henry & Co. ironmongers, 201 Oxford street
Court Henry, printer, 14 Brooke street, Holborn
Court John, cooper, 37 Chalcroft terrace, New cut, Lambeth
Court William, fancy steel manufacturer, 16 Thavies inn, Holborn
Court William, tailor, 17 Great Pulteney street, Golden square
Court William Grimes, chemist & druggist, 282 Regent street & 5 Bathurst street, Hyde park

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