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London Street Directory in 1843 - B9

This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.

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Beetlestone Geo. printer, l Paul's Head court, Fenchurch street
Beeton Henry, baker, l Essex place, Mile end road
Beeton Martha(Mrs.), Prince Regent P.H. Globe road, Mile end road
Beeton Robert Francis, King's Head P.H. Broadway, Stratford
Beeton Samuel Powell, Dolphin P.H. 89 Milk street, Cheapside
Beetson William, brass & cock founder, 17 Brick lane, St. Luke's
Beevers William, stonemason, 3 Frederick place, Borough road
Beevor Charles, surgeon, 49 Berners street, Oxford street
Beevor Fred. Balders, solicitor, see Rhodes, Beevor & Lane
Begarnie Martin, tinplate worker, 1 President street east
Begarnie William, tinplate worker, 5 Canning place, Old street
Begbie & Youngs, corn factors, 27 Mark lane
Begbie Charles, solicitor, 6 Great Tower street
Begbie George Coryndon, accountant, 63 Coleman street
Begbie John, Grosvenor Hotel, 19 Bark street, Grosvenor square
Beger John D. Man in the Moom P.H. Colchester street, Whitechapel
Begg Thomas & Co. west india mercs. 8 St. Michael's alley
Beharrell Abraham William, tea & coffee merchant, 13 Fenchurch buildings
Behenna Isaac Head, patent lamp maker, 62 Jermyn street, St.James'
Behnes William, sculptor, 13 Ösnaburgh street, Regent's park
Behrends John George, consul for the free city of Frankfort, 12 Broad street buildings
Behrends JohnGeorge, merchant, 12 Broad street buildings
Behrens Joseph, jeweller & watchmaker, 236 High Holborn
Beiger Michael, clockmaker, 6 Leman street, Goodman's fields
Reighton Francis Glossop, wax chandler, 8 Great Marylebone street
Beisiegel Jacob, baker, 98 York street, Westminster
Bekenn William Fred; translator, 25 Little Bell alley, Bank
Reland George, baker, 58 Charlotte street, Whitechapel
Beland Henry, newsvender, 47 Rosamon street, Clerkenwell
Belch William, engraver & printer, 3 Three Crown square, Borough
Belcher & Gould, milliners & dressmakers, 6 Beak street, Regent street
Belcher & Swift, shoe agents, 127 St. John street, West Smithfield
Belcher Alexander B, official assignee, 9 King's arms yard, Coleman street
Belcher George, tailor & trimming seller, 29 Bow lane
Belcher Hannah (Mrs.), latter, 1 Stangate street, lambeth
Belcher James, baker, 8 Gray's place, Fulham road
Belcher Jane (Mrs.), leather dresr. 67 Snows fields, Bermond
Belcher John, architect, 3 Montague terrace, Trinity square, Borough
Belcher Joseph, linendraper, 55 Edgware road, Marylebone
Belcher Joseph, linendraper, 83 High street, Portland town
Belcher Richard, baker, 3 & 4 Poplar High street
Belcher Samuel, hatter, 4 London road, Southwark
Belcher Samuel, ready made linen warehouse, 276 High Holborn
Belcher William, baker, 51 Brunswick street, Blackwall
Belcher William, grocer, 131 St. Alban's place, Edgware road, & 2 Holles street, Cavendish square
Belgic Embassy Office, 9A, Weymouth street
Belgrave Literary & Scientific Institution, Botanic gardens, Sloane street
Belinaye Henry, physician, 41 King street, Golden square
Belk Edward, Kings Arms P.H. 18 Moor street, Soho
Belk Edwin, Mortimer Arms P.H. 111 Tottenham court road
Bell, Brodrick & Bell, solicitors, 9 Bow church yard, Cheapside
Bell, Brothers & Co. merchants, 164 Aldersgate street
Bell, Daniel, Son &Co. stockbrokers, 23 Birchin lane, Cornhill
Bell, Dodgson & Co. silk merchants, 50 Old Broad street
Bell & Grant, merchants, 15 Angel court, Throgmorton street
Bell John & Co. chemists & druggists, 338 Oxford street
Bell John & Co. coal merchts. Cambridge heath, Hackney road
Bell John & Co. tailors & drapers, 40 Ludgate street
Bell Misses, hosiers, glovers, &c. 92 Mount street, Berkeley square
Bell & Pyman, receivers offee farm rents, 6 Gough square, Fleet street
Bell Robt. & Son, shoemakers, A Paddington street, Marylebone
Bell & Son, fish factors, 15 Lower Thames street
Bell Thomas & Son, bookbinders, 21 Laurence Pountney lane
Bell, Rannie & Co. wine merchants, 49 Pall mall, & at Leith
Bell & Steward, solicitors, 59 Lincoln's inn fields
Bell & Wood, university booksellers & publishers, 186 Fleet street
Bells' & Hughes, wine & spirit merchts. 164 Aldersgate street
Bell's Life in London weekly newspaper affice, 170 Strand
Bell's New Weekly Messenger newspaper office, 299 Strand
Bell's Weekly Messenger newspaper affice, 2 New Bridge street
Bell Adam, surgeon, 27 Walbrook
Bell Alexander, corn & seed factor, Winchester wharf, Clink street, Borough
Bell Alex. engineer & machinist, 1 Chapel place, Long lane, Bermondsey
Bell Alex. merchant, 12 Langbourn chambers, Fenchurch street
Bell Alexander, professor of elocution & for the removal of stammering & other impediments of speech, 58 Upper Norton street, Portland place
Bell Benjamin, tinplate worker, 81 York street, Westminster
Bell Charles, engraver, &c. 3 Richmond buildings, Soho square
Bell Charles, grocer, 17 Sidney place, Commercial road east
Bell Chas. mourning & wedding ring maker, 53 Compton street, Clerkenwell
Bell Charles, saddler, &c. 34 Wigmore street, Cavendish square
Bell Charles, solicitor, 36 Bedford row, Bloomsbury
Bell Charles, wharfinger, 11 South side Paddington basin
Bell David, stove grate maker, 3 Eldon street, Finsbury
Bell Edward, Crown P.H. 2 Thorney street, Bloomsbury
Bell Edward, fancy repository, 9 Burlington place, Old Kent rioad
Bell Elizh, M.(Mrs.) gold burnisher, 26 Little Smith street, Northampton square
Bell Elizabeth Matilda (Miss), corsetmaker, 63 Margaret street
Bell Fanny (Mrs.), grocer, 35 Millbank street, Westminster
Bell Frederick, carver & gilder, 2 Sekford st. Clerkenwell
Bell George, butcher, 6 oi. North street, Red Lion square
Bell George, carver & gilder, 4 Clerkenwell green
Bell George, salmon salesman, &c. 23 Jewry street, Aldgate, & Salutation court, Lower Thames street
Bell Henry, auctioneer & estate agent, 10 Oxford street
Bell Henry, currier, 15 Peter street, Saffron hill
Bell James, Nell P.H. 21 Pall mall
Bell Jas. Bricklayers Arms P.H. 31 Gresse street, Tottenhm court road
Bell Jas. fish factor & herring merchant, 34 Fish street hill
Bell Jas. newsvender, 11 Finch lane, Cornhill
Bell Jas, pocketbook maker, 19 Macclesfield street north, City road
Bell Jas. solicitor, 7 Lyon's inn, Strand
Bell James Thos. watchmaker, 131 Mount street, Berkeley square
Bell Jeremiah, Bagniuge Wells tavern, Bagnigge Wells road
Bell John, bootmaker, ll Hemining's row, St. Martin's lane
Bell John, bricklayer, 12 Foley street, Portland place
Bell John, carpet manufacturer, see Watson Wood, & Bell
Bell John, corn & coal merchant, 100 Upper Whitecross street
Bell John, currier & leather cutter, 54 Union street, Borough
Bell John, fishfactor, 116 Lower Thames street
Bell John, musical clockmaker, 8 Elin st. Gray's inn lane
Bell John, potato salesman, South row, Covent garden market
Bell John, solicitor, 28 Craven street, Strand
Bell John, solicitor, 15 Millman street, Bedford row
Bell John, statuary, 25 Buckingham place, Fitzroy square
Bell John Louis, grocer, 20 Bedford place, Commercial road east
Bell John P. quill & pen mak. 26 Abchurch lane, Lombard street
Bell John P. ship & insur, bro. 26 Abchurch lane, Lombard street
Bell John Thomas, looking glass & picture frame maker, 17 Old street
Bell John Thomas, picture frame maker, 5 Hatfield street, Goswell street
Bell John Thomas, warehouse keeper, Fresh ws. Lower Thames street
Bell John William, insurance broker, Lloyd's
Bell Joseph, confectioner, 11 High Holborn
Bell Joseph, shoemaker, 9 William street, Manchester square
Bell Margaret (Mrs.), milliner, 73 Wimpole street, Cavendish square
Bell Richard, architect & surveyor, 3 Copthall buildings
Bell Richard, embosser & lucifer match manufacturer, 16 Basing lane, Bread street, & Wandsworth, Surrey
Bell Richard, manufacturer, see McDougal, Sambourne & Bell
Bell Richard, merchant, 8 South place, Finsbury
Bell Richard, oil & colorman, 133 Great Suffolk street, Borough
Bell Richard, undertaker, 5 George lane, Botolph lane
Bell Richard, undertaker & sexton, 12 White street, Borough
Bell Robert, lead, color, & glass merchant, see Nixon & Bell
Bell Robert, surveyor, 41 Howland street, Fitzroy square
Bell Robert, warehouseman, see Harrison & Bell
Bell Robert Chas. Opera coffeehouse, 8 Exeter street, Strand
Bell Rt. Crowther, wool brok, 2 Sambrook court, Basinghall street
Bell Sarah (Mrs.), ladies' wardrobe purchaser, 7 Moor street, Soho
Bell Sydney Smith, marrister, 6 New square, Lincoln's inn
Bell Thomas, baker, 42 Nelson street, Long lane, Borough
Bell Thomas, chronometer,watch & clock maker, 42 Lombard street
Bell Thomas, surgeon, 47 King William street, City
Bell Thomas, surgeon dentist, 17 New Broad street
Bell Thomas William, stock broker, see Ewart & Bell
Bell Walter, hairdresser, 170 Aldersgate street
Bell William, bootmaker, 11 Hemming's row, St. Martin's lane
Bell William, butcher, 17 Upper Dorset street, Bryanstone square
Bell William, engraver & enameller, 65 Dean street, Soho
Bell William, hosier & haberdasher, 25 King street, Portman square
Bell William, looking glass & cabinet maker, upholder, undertaker & appraiser, 20 Great Winchester street
Bell William, painter & glazier, 22 Francis street, Tottenham court road
Bell William, piece broker, 14 Duke street, Aldgate
Bell William, pork butcher, 265 Oxford street
Bell William, Red Lion P.H. 2 Hanway street, Oxford street
Bell Win. surgeon, see Powell & Bell
Bell William, surveyor & land agent, see Dickson & Bell
Bell William, tailor & clothier, 1 Church street, Borough
Bell William, who, potato dealer, 42 Strutton ground, Westminster
Bell William, Errington, coal factor, 16 St. Dunstan's hill
Bellamy & Smith, wine merchts. 42 Parliament street, Westminster
Bellamy Alexander, wine merchant, see Legh & Bellamy
Bellamy Charles, barrister, 6 New square, Lincoln's inn, & 4 Lamb o Temple
Bellamy Esther (Mrs.), furniture broker, 12 Old street, St. Lukes
Bellamy George, bootmaker, 5 Little Carter lane, Doctors' commons
Bellany John, boot ina. 5 Cumberland row, Islington green
Bellamy John, butcher, 7 Lumber court, Seven dials
Bellamy John, bootmaker, 25 Arlington street, Sadler's Wells
Bellamy Lewis Robert, solicitor, see Harrison & Bellamy
Bellamy Samuel L. druggist, 5 Bridgehouse place, Newington causeway
Bellauny Theophilus, bootmaker, 15 Brownlow street, Holborn
Bellamy Thomas, architect, 8 Charlotte street, Bedford square
Bellamy William, dining rooms, 1 Essex street, Strand
Bellasis Edward, barrister, 9 New square, Lincoln's inn and 7 Old Palace yard, Westminster
Bellchambers & Wilders,wine & hop merchants, 101 St. John street, Smithfield
Bellchambers Jonathan, bookseller, 10 King William street, Strand
BellefontaineAugustus,watchmaker, 59 Brewer street, Somers town
Bellenger Francis, Spread Eagle P. H. 303 Oxford street
Bellenie William, stonemason, 7 Fisher street, Red Lion square
Belietti Augustine, mahogany merchant, Fen court, Femchurch street
Belletti Joseph, timber merchant, 31 Clifton street, Finsbury
Bellew Francis John, railway& general agent, 13 Crosby hall chambers
Bellgrove George, grocer, &c. 7 Portsdown terrace, Kilburn
Bellingham Nat.& Son, tailors, 14 Southampton row, Russell square
Bellingham Henry, surgeon, 25 York street, Portman squaré
Beilinghain John, Rising Sun P.H. 21 Hackney road crescent
Bellingham Thomas, tailor, 25 Southampton row, Russell square
Bellingham William, cabinet maker, see Airey & Bellingham
Bellinghain William, brewer, 27 King's row, Shad Thames
Bellingham William, Flying Horse P.H. 22 Blackman street, Borough
Bellis John, proctor, 209t. Carter lane, Doctors' commons
Belliston John, harness plater, 4 Bowl yard, Broad street, St. Giles's
Bellman John Benjamin, painter, glazier, &c. 24 Palace street, Pimlico
Bellman Vincent, plasterer & scagliola manufacturer, 14 Buckingham street, Fitzroy square
Bellringer Henry, butcher, 317 Strand
Bellringer William, beer retailer, 6 Hartley place, Old Kent road
Belluomini Joseph, physician, 46 Great Marlborough street
Bellville John B. teadealer, see Robinson & Bellville
Bellworthy John, upholsterer, 5 Newland place, Kensington
Beloe Arthur&Co.who.stay&shoemanfrs. 38 & 39 Cateaton street
Beloe Arthur, clothworker, &c. 12 Marshall street, Golden square
Belotti Charles, plate glass manufactirer, See Gugeri & Belotti
Belsham John, boots shoemaker, 201 Little Pulteney street, Golden square
Belsham John Andrew, bootmaker, 39 St. John street, Clerkenwell
Belshaw George, Britannia P.H. 23 James street, Covent garden
Belshaw George, wine merchant, Piazza, Covent garden
Belshaw Thomas, plumber, &c. 2 London street, Fenchurch street
Belt William Charles, barrister, 7 Chancery lane
Belton Edward, linendrap. &haberdash.57 Lisson grove north
Belton Elizabeth (Mrs.), fruiterer, 19 Bryanstone street
Belton Peter, auctioneer & appraiser, 15 Leather lane, Holborn
Bolton Samuel Thomas, fruiterer, 9 King street, Portman square
Belton William, Bankof Friendship.P.H. Bancrofts place, Mile end road
Belton William, Samuel, stationer, 23 King street, Portman square
Belton Samuel William, fruiterer, 19 Bryanstone street, Portman square
Belward Richard, plumber & glazier, 4 Cloth fair, Smithfield
Beman Lucy & Son, tallowchandlers, 13 Down street, Piccadilly
Bemand Richd. linendraper, &c. 19 Albion terrace, Wandsworth
Bemand William, linendraper, &c. see Kidd, Gemmill & Bemand
Beminster Samuel, Lion & Lamb P.H. 35 Aske street, Hoxton
Bemman William, goldbeater.8 Lambeth road, Gravel lane, Borough
Benady Mark, merchant, 3 Copthall buildings, Bank
BenassitEmile&Co.sugar refiners, 11 Harpers place, Back lane, St. Georges east
Benassit Emile, wine merchant, 36 Mincing lane
Benbow Jas. eagle iron foundry, Bear garden, 32 Bankside
Benbow John, attorney, 26 Mecklenburgh square
Benbow John Henry, solicitor, l Stone builings, Lincoln's inn
Benbow Richard, printer, 93 Cornwall road, Stamford st
Benbrook & Brewer, carpenters & joiners, 262 Rotherhithe
Benbrook Edward, carpenter, 264 Rotherhithe
Bendal Nathaniel, coffee rooms, 114 London wall
Bendall Joseph Richard, grocer, 191 Lambeth walk
Bendall Stephen Parsloe, surgeon, 166 Lambeth walk
Bendell William, H. fishmonger, 18 Great Coram street, Brunswick square
Bending James, ladies' & gent's boot & shoema,94 Cheapside
Bending William, bootmaker, 2 King street, Holborn
Bendixen Sigfried, portrait painter, 42 Rathbone place
Benecke Christian Saml. butterman, 24 Elizabeth street, Eaton square
Benedetto Ventura A.(Signora) professor of music,13 King street, Seven dials
Benedict Jules, professor of music, 22 Queen street, Mayfair
Benett George, wine merchant, 93 Charlotte street, Fitzroy square
Benett William Morgan, solicitor, see Cotton & Benett

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