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This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.
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Batten Edward & Son, timber brokers, 11 Union court, Old Broad street
Batten & Edwards, ship & insurance brokers, & commercial agents, 66 Lower Thames
Batten Edmund, barrister, 25 Old square, Lincoln's inn
Batten John, hairdresser, 24 Upper Ebury street, Pimlico
Batten John, ship broker, 18 Arbour square, Commercial road east
Batten Norah (Mrs.),cheesemonger, 4 Ship tavern passage, Leadenhall market
Batterbee Robert, hosier & glover, 87 Bishopsgate within
Battersby John, shoemker, 133 Oxford street & 39 Tottenham court road
Battersby Thomas Mayo, ironmonger, 3 Notting hill, High street
Batterson Anne & Susan, hosiers, 165 Regent street
Batterson Henry, manufacturing furrier, 106 New Bond street
Battes John sen, upholsterer, 7 Hardwick place, Commercial road east
Batting William, watch case springer, 17 Camomilest. Bishopsgate
Battley Joseph & Co. lamp black manufacturers, 3 Courtney terrace, Kingsland
Battley Rd. chemist & druggist, 32. Whitecross street, Cripplgate
Batton James, grocer & teadealer, see Hart & Batton
Batt's Hotel, 42 Dover street, Piccadilly
Batty & Co. oil, italian & export pickle warehouse, 15 & 16 Finsbury pavement &
Providence row, Finsbury square
Batty, Melville & Co. wholesale stationers, 174 Aldersgate street
Batty Caleb, linendraper, 15 Portman place, St. John's wood
Batty Charles, oil & colorman, 272 Oxford street
Batty Joshua, currier, 10 Swan yard, Shoreditch
Batty Leonard Nelson, Bulls Head, 40 Vere street, clare market
Batty Thomas, coffee rooms, 3 Richmond street, Leicester square
Batty William, solicitor, 26 Charles street, St. James's square
Battye, Fisher & Sudlow, attorneys, 20 Chancery lane
Battye John, linen draper, &c. 8 Courtney terrace, Kingsland
Battye Thomas, surgeon, 16 New Broad street, City
Battye William, ironmonger, 7 Courtney terrace, Kingsland
Battyll Rd. Collier, flannel agent, 83 Wood street, Cheapside
Bauch Benj. Bakers Arms
, 48 Crescent street, Euston square
Baucher Elizabeth & Co. tobacconists, 128 Tottenham court road
Bancher Jas. Robt. cornchandler, 204 Brick lane, Spitalfields
Baud Ernest, carver & gilder, 29 Bedford street, Covent garden
Bauer Abraham & Co. merchants, 40 King street, Cheapside
Bauer William, laceman, 85 Oxford street
Banerman Hillery J. & Co. rag merchant, Beal's warehouse, Tooley street
Baugh William, hat manufacturer, see Stainburn & Baugh
Banghan Mary (Mrs.),wheelwright,5 Cockpit yard, Bedford row
Baughen Brothers, plush manufacturers, 68 Basinghall street
Baumann Alfred, fancy cap manufacturer, 22 London wall
Baumer Charles, merchant, 33 Great St. Helen's, Bishopsgate
Baumgart Charles, watchmaker, 31 Gerrard street, Soho
Baumgarten Chas. B. accountant, 8 Barnes place, Mile end road
Baverstock George, King & Queen
, 30 Norton Folgate
Baverstock James, dyer & embosser, 18 Dean street, Soho
Bavin Benjamin, sealing wax & wafer maker, 52 King street, Borough
Bavin William, lighterman, 14 Jewry street, Aldgate
Bawden William & John, boot &shoemaker, 8 Tyler street, Golden square
Bawden Margaret (Miss), milliner, see Wiltshire & Bawden
Bawden William, mine agent, 2 Bank chambers, Lothbury
Bawler Francis, fruiterer, 19 Harp Alley, Farringdon street
Bawn John, block & mast maker, 17 Emmett street, Poplar
Bawn John, Chequers, 16 Duke street, St. James's
Bawtree Thomas, fruiterer, 38 Bartholomew close
Bax Daniel, umbrella maker & mackintosh warehouse, 51 Fleet street
Bax Edward, mackintosh warehouse, 1 Charing Cross
Bax George, Hertford Arms, 14 Little Grosvenor street
Bax Samuel, mackintosh manufacturer, 38 & 48 Regent street
Bax Thomas, corndealer & seedsman, 143 Bishopsgate without, & 309 Wapping
Bax William, paperhanger, 37 Thanet street, Burton crescent
Baxendale, Tatham, Upton & Johnson, solicitors, 7 Great Winchester street, & 24
Lincoln's inn fields
Baxter, Boult & Co. soapmakers, 88 Carlile street, Lambeth
Baxter Robert Michael & Chas. attorneys, 48 Lincoln's inn fields
Baxter Alexander, baker, 6 Folly, Dockhead, Bermondsey
Baxter Benj. boot & shoe maker, 9 Newland terrace, Kensington
Baxter Charles, artist, 42 Cornhill
Baxter Charles, poulterer, 12 Clement's inn passage
Baxter Edward, grocer, 61 Cromer street, Brunswick square
Baxter Edward, medical labeller, 26 Camomile street, City
Baxter Ellen (Mrs.), boarding house, 1 Haydon square, Minories
Baxter George, Canonbury Tavern, Canonbury square, Islington
Baxter George, chemist & druggist, 144 High Holborn
Baxter George, Crown & Anchor Tavern, 189 Strand
Baxter George, engraver, inventor & patentee of printing in oil colours, 3
Charterhouse square
Baxter Gilbert, greengrocer, 38 Berwick street, Soho
Baxter Hector, bookbinder, 49 Little Bartholomew close
Baxter Henry, wine merchant, 34 St. Mary at hill
Baxter Henry John, barrister, 5 Essex court, Temple
Baxter James, boot & shoemaker, 34 King street, Soho
Baxter James, Crown, 50 Kent street, Borough
Baxter James, grocer, 121 Praed street, Paddington
Baxter James, linen warehouse, 8 Bow lane, Cheapside
Baxter Jane (Mrs.), baker, 8 Lucas place, Commercial road east
Baxter Jefferson, tailor, 7 Nags head court, Gracechurch street
Baxter John, breeches maker, 11 Finsbury street, Finsbury square
Baxter John, coal merchant, 5 Circus, Minories
Baxter John, japanner, 13 Clerkenwell green
Baxter Richard, barrister, 3 Garden court, Temple
Baxter Richard, bird dealer, 6 Osborne street, Whitechapel
Baxter Robert, baker, 44 Penton street, Pentonville
Baxter Robert, Beehive, 4 Stevens place, New north road
Baxter Robert, british & foreign stockbroker, 8 Old Broad street
Baxter Thomas, russia broker, Baltic coffeehouse
Baxter Thomas, wholesale & retail ironmonger, 148 Minories
Baxter William, bookseller, &c. 68 Paradise row, Chelsea
Baxter William, fruiterer, 9 Newland terrace, Kensington
Baxter William, surgeon, 2 Middlesex place, New road
Baxter William Edmund, haberdasher, 21 Eyre street hill
Baxter William Thomas,
Marquis of Granby, 67 Union street, Borough
Bayes Henry, trunkmaker, 23 Park side, Knightsbridge
Bayes James, starch maker, see Giles & Bayes
Bayes Jane (Miss), straw hat maker, 142 Tooley street
Bayfield Sam. & Son, surgeons, 3 & 16 St. Thomas's street, Borough
Bayfield Henry, Bee Hive, 55 Brill row, Somers town
Bayfield William, pawnbroker,73 Charlotte terrace, New cut
Bayfield William, Hen. fishmonger, 1 Lower Duncan place, City road
Bayford John & James H. proctors & notaries, 12 & 13 Great Knightrider street,
Doctors' commons
Bayford Augustus Fred. D.C.L. advocate, 8 Bell yard, Doctors' commons
Bayford Henry, potato salesman, Clare market
Bayles William, stay manufacturer, 58 Amwell street, Pentonville
Bayles William John, tailor, 44 Newington causeway
Bayless Sarah (Miss), academy, 38 Coppice row, Clerkenwell
Bayley & Blew, perfumers to the Royal Family, 17 Cockspur street, Charing cross
Bayley & Janson, solicitors, 4 Basinghall street
Bayley Joseph & Richard, packers, &c. 34 Friday street, Cheapside
Bayley William & Co, silk manufacturers & agents, 65 Wood street, Cheapside
Bayley Alfred, stockbroker, 39 Lothbury
Bayley Catherine (Mrs.), boot & shoe maker, 9 Rotherhithe street
Bayley Charles, stockbroker, 10 Throgmorton street
Bayley Charles, smith & tinman, 24 King street, Clerkenwell
Bayley Christopher, cheesemonger, 9 Gwynn's place, Hackney road
Bayley Edmund, chemist, 12 Aldgate High street
Bayley Francis, barrister, 21 Old square, Lincoln's inn
Bayley John, bookseller, &c. 11 Kensington terrace, Gravel pits
Bayley John, boot & shoemaker,37Lowqueen street, Rotherhithe
Bayley John, engraver, 2 Fishmongers' alley, Billiter square
Bayley Saml. piece broker & list dealer, 8 Bedfordhury, Covent garden
Bayley Sir John, bart. barrister, 2 Essex court, Temple
Bayley Thomas, Bell Inn, 31 Long lane, West Smithfield
Bayley Thomas, corn & seed factor, 118 Fenchurch street
Bayley Thomas, jun. china dealer, 82 Hatton garden
Bayley William, cheesemonger, Church street, Hackney
Bayley Win. gold & silver beater, 14 & 15 Great Goswell street
Bayley William, grocer, 107 Shoreditch
Bayley William, tailor, 21 George street, Adelphi
Bayley William, Harley, barrister, 6 Pump court, Temple
Bayley William, Kennedy, barrister, 5 New squre, Lincoln's inn
Bayley William Mitchell, butcher, 4 St. Martin's court, Ludgate hill
Baylie Eli & Co. iron & tinplate merchants, ironplate workers & chain
manufacturers, 39 & 40 Rosamon street, Clerkenwell
Bayliff Mary & Amelia, bonnet makers, 12 Crown street, Old street road
Bayliff Jane (Mrs.) bookseller & stationer, 40 Old street road
Bayliff Richard, hat maker, 9 Vine place, Old street road
Baylis Henry F.& Co. print ink maker, 24 Old Montague street, Whitechapel
Baylis John & Co. crape manufacturers, 15 Gutter lane, Cheapside
Baylis Richard & John, orange merchants, 16 Botolph lane
Baylis Alexander J. vestry clerk, 22 Redcross street, Cripplegate
Baylis Alexander John, solicitor & superintendent registrar of births, &c. for
the East London Union, 1 Devonshire square
Baylis Charles, oilman, 149 Whitechapel road
Baylis Edward, actuary of English & Scottish Law Association office, 147 Strand
Baylis Edward, actuary of Anchor Life Assurance Co. 30 Sackville street
Baylis Edward, orange merchant, 23 Pudding lane, Eastcheap
Baylis Edward, pawnbroker, 8 Hampstead road
Baylis Elizabeth (Mrs.), fruiterer, 34 Park street, Grosvenor square
Baylis George, butcher, 23 Strutton ground, Westminster
Baylis George, tailor, 19 Little Queen street, Westminster
Baylis Jaunes, coal merchant, 52 Beaumont street, Portland place
Baylis John, clothes dealer, 50 East street, Manchester square
Baylis John, grocer, &c. 34 Sidmouth street, Gray's inn road
Baylis John, Kings Head , 29 Old Compton street, Soho
Baylis John Hutchins, surgeon, 13 Gibson street, Waterloo road
Baylis John William, linendraper, 61 Tothill street, Westminster
Baylis Joseph, baker, 73 Lisson grove north, Marylebone
Baylis Joseph, wholesale grocer, see Hicks, Baylis & Hicks
Baylis Joseph Rt. silversmith & pawnbroker, 41 Aldersgate street
Baylis Lucy (Miss), confectioner, 9 Bartholomew close
Baylis Mary (Miss), straw hat maker, 5 Sloane street, Chelsea
Baylis Mary (Mrs.), grocer, &c. 53 High street, Portland town
Baylis Mary (Mrs.), staymaker, 4 Youl's place, Old Kent road
Baylis Thomas, Griffin , 5 Liquorpond street, Gray's inn lame
Baylis Thos. Hen, special pleader, 11 King's bench walk, Temple
Baylis William, baker, 12 Exeter street, Lisson grove
Baylis William, baker, 11 Great North street, Lisson grove
Baylis William, jeweller, 9 Upper Rupert street, Soho
Bayliss Thomas, ironmonger, brazier & tinman, 273 Strand
Rayly, Son & Co. slate merchants, &c. 2 St. Mary-at-hill
Bayly Daniel Rodgers, Commercial coffee house, 85 Cannon street
Bayly George, sailmaker & shipchandler, Fountain stairs, Bermondsey
Bayly George, brushmaker, 146 Fenchurch street
Bayly Robert, barrister, 6 King's bench Walk, Temple
Bayly Thomas, baker, 41 Princess street, Lisson grove
Bayly Thomas, sen. bootmaker, 279 Bermondsey street
Bayly Thomas H. oxygenous aerated water maker, 8 Fitzry street, Fitzroy square
Bayly Willian, carver & gilder, 15 Marshall street, Golden square
Bayonan Thos. hand screw maker, 35 Old Gravel lane, Wapping
Bayu William, lodging house, 7 Holywell street, Millbank
Payne Joseph & Co. merchants. 16 Old London street, Fenchurch street
Baynes Frederick, ironmonger, 6 Marchmont street, Brnswk. square
Baynes Henry, bookseller, 40 St. John's square, Clerkenwell
Baynes Henry, wholesale station r & accnt. book maker, 9 Clement's lane
Bayues John, dyer &c.100 Blackman street & 6 Brooke street, Holborn
Baynes Richard, bookseller, 28 Paternoster row
Baynes Thomas, bookseller, 38 Bedford street, Covent garden
Bayntin Walter James, surgeon, 28 Lower Eaton street, Pimlico
Baynton James, umbrella silk manufacturer, 17 Wood street, Spitalfields
Bayo & Stephens, merchants, 5 Jeffrey's square, St. Mary axe
Bayoud Antoine, fruiterer, 75 High street, Marylebone
Bays Ann Roberts (Miss), ladies' school, 13 Great Alie street
Bays Francis, cheesemonger, 57 Blackfriars road
Bazaar, furniture & bedding manufactory, 28 Leicester sq
Bazalgette Evelyn, barrister, 8 Old square, Lincoln's inn
Bazzoni Anthony, wax & composite doll maker, 128 High Holborn
Beacall William, dentist, 4 George street, Hanover square
Beach Thomas & Joshua, coopers, 4 Little New street Shoe lane
Beach William & Sons, white & oil leather manufacturers, Wright's buildings,
Grange road, Bermondsey
Beach & Edward, wax & tallow chandler, 37 Lime street
Beach George, ironmonger, 185 & 186 Poplar High street
Beach MaryAnn (Mrs.), oil & italian warehouse, 13 North Audley street
Beach Susannah (Mrs.), brush warehouse,92 Poplar High street
Beacham John, saddler, 2 Dover place, Old Kent road
Beacham John, saddler, 253 Whitechapel road
Beacham Thomas, linendraper, see Chirney & Beacham
Beachcroft Richard, solicitor, see Maltby & Beachcroft
Beachcroft Robert, wine & spirit merchant, 1 Dunster court, Mincing lane
Beachcroft Samuel, architect & surveyor, 75 Old Broad street & 83 Cadogan place
Beachim Thomas, butcher, Gilbert's passage, Clare market
Beadell William, cook & confectioner, 8 Vere street, Cavendish square & 20
Southampton row, Russell square
Beadle James Samuel, tailor, 2 Trinity street, Borough
Beadle William, confectioner, 75 Welbeck street, Cavendish square
Beadman Thomas, porkman, 164 Lambeth walk
Beadon Abraham, bookbinder, 41 Gloucester street, Queen square
Beadon William Frederick, barrister, 1 King's Bench walk, Teuple
Beagle James, upholsterer, 90 Bridge road, Lambeth
Beal's Wharf, Griffin & Hillhouse, between 53 & 56 Tooley street
Beal Charles, ironmonger, 29 Northumberland street, New road
Beal Hen. coach & cartwheelwright, 2 Bateman's row, Shored
Beal James, cooper, 78 Cowcross street, West Smithfield
Beal John, saddler, 8 Gresse street, Rathbone place
Beal Martin, watch & clock maker, 19 Gerrard street, Solio
Beal Rd. Royal Standard, Upper Dorset street, Bryanston square
Beal Thomas, cornfactor, Corn Exchange Tavern, Mark lane
Beal William, Ebenr. furrier,&c.12 Bolingbroke row, Walworth road
Bealby John, builder, carpenter & undertaker, 10 Little Queen street, Holborn
Beale & Complin, chemists, &c. see Complin & Beale
Beale John & Co. chemists, 108 Long acre
Beale William, John & Henry, oil brokers & agents. 4 Jeffrey's square
Beale Chas. hat manuf. 13 Bennett street, Stamford street, Blackfriars
Beale Edward, baker, Shepperton street, Islington
Beale Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), midwife, 13 Chapel place, Cavendish
Beale George, painter, &c. 6 Norfolk street, Middlesex hospital
Beale James, hosier, glover & shirtmaker, 131 New Bond street
Beale James, shoemaker, 34 Bridgehouse place, Newington causew
Beale James, wholesale tea & coffee dealer, 91 Great Tower street
Beale John, cooper, 10 Smith's buildings, City road
Beale John, grocer & oilman, 24 Osnaburgh street, Regent's park
Beale John Franks, butcher, 173 Union street, Borough
Beale Lionel, surgeon, 108 Long acre
Beale Miles, surgeon & apothecary, 141 Bishopsgate within
Beale Richard, grocer & cheesemaker, 87 Union street, Lambeth walk
Beale Samuel, cooper, 7 Chichester place, Gray's inn road
Beale Thomas, hop & seed factor, see Springett, Beale & Kine
Beale Thomas, surgeon, 30 Bedford square, Commercial road east
Beale Thomas Frederick, music seller, see Cramer, Addison & Beale
Beale William, furniture broker, 1 King street, New North road, Islington
Beale William Thomas, mathematical instrument maker, 10 Kings street, Princes
street, Whitechapel
Beales Edmond, barrister, 4 Stone buildings, Lincoln's inns
Beales Samuel, chemist, &c. 196 Bishopsgate without
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