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London Street Directory in 1843 - B26

This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.

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Burn William, carman, 7 King's hill yard, Duke street, Lincoln's inn fields
Burnaby John Dick, barrister, 2 Pump court, Temple
Burmaby Sherrard B. D.C.L. advocate, 12 College, Doctors common
Burnand George & Co. stockbrokers, 12 Cornhill
Burmand Francis, stockbroker, 24 Change alley, Cornhill
Burnand Henry, underwriter, Winchester house, & Lloyd’s
Burnand Lewis, underwriter, Winchester house, & Lloyd's
Burnard Mary (Miss), milliner, 14 Edmund place, Aldersgate street
Burnard Thomas, teadealer, 32 Little Pulteney street Golden square
Burnay M.A.(Mrs) german hone importer, 8 Brooke street, Holborn
Burnboom William, sugar refiner, 12 Finch street, Whitechapel
Burne John, physician, 24 Brook street, Grosvenor square
Burnell Blomfield, solicitor, 58 Fenchurch street
Burnell Daniel, baker, 135 Houndsditch
Burnell Edward Henry, land surveyor, 122 Chancery lane
Burnell Henry, carpenter & builder, 25 Fetter lane
Burnell John, lantern leaf & horn plate maker, 131 Whitechapel
Burnell Thomas, glass & china dealer, 1 Coleman street
Burnell William, baker, 107 Old Gravel lane, Wapping
Burnes David, M.D. surgeon, 4 Vernon place, Bloomsbury square
Burmet Richard & Co. linendrapers, 2 Piazza, covent garden
Burnet Caroline (Miss), baker, 216 Upper Thames street
Burnet George R. oil & italian warehouse, 2 Beckford row, Walworth
Burnet William, baker, 59 Cromer street, Brunswick square
Burnett Fred & Joseph & Henry ship & insurance agents, 30 St Mary at hill
Burnett Sir Robert & Co. vinegar makers & distillers, Vauxhall
Burnett's Patent Office, Charles Jackson, sec. 4 Castle court, Cornhill
Burnett Andrew, cabinetmaker, 48 King street, Soho
Burnett Henry, wholesale oilman, 19 Bedford square east
Burnett Robert French, barrister, 10 New square, Lincoln's inn
Burnett Thomas How, tailor, 20 George street, Portman square
Burnett William Morley, warehouseman, see Boyd, Burnett& Boyd
Burney John, poulterer, 104 St. John's street road
Burnham Francis, Albion P.H. 35 Albion street, Hyde park
Burnham James, carpenter, &c. 4 Beauclamp street, Leather lane
Bnrnham Josiah, cheesemonger, 8 Mortimerst. Cavendish square
Burnham Susannah(Mrs.), Leopard coffee rooms, 211 Tooley street
Burnie & Dickson, merchants, 124 Bishopsgate within
Burnie William & Co. merchants, 124 Bishopsgate within
Burnie William, surgeon, 9 Claremont square, Pentonville
Burningham Benjamin, carpenter, 15 Bateman's buildings. Soho
Burnman John, Catherine Wheel P.H. 46 Great Windmill street
Burns Jas. bookseller & stationer, 17 Portman street, Portman square
Burns Jas. watchmaker & jeweller, 76 Lisson grove north
Burns Thomas, bricklayer, &c. 38 Wilson street, Finsbury
Burnside William, publisher, see Seeley & Burnside
Burnside William, wholesale stationer, see Hodgkin, Son & Burnside
Burr Henry, shoemaker, 1 Brompton place, Brompton road
Burr James, fishmonger, &c. 31 Pitfield street, Hoxton
Burr Robert, upholsterer, 18 Bentinck street, Manchester square
Burr Thomas, goldbeater, 33 Cannon street road, St. George's east
Burr William, shoe & stay mercer, see Waite & Burr
Burra James, solicitor, 18 Bread street, Cheapside
Burrage Charles, meat salesman, 17 Newgate market
Burraston George William, cabinet maker, 4 Chapman's place, Great Dover road
Burrell & Paterson, solicitors, 1 White hart court, Lombard street
Burrell (Salmon) Son & Foley, linendraps.13 Vere street, Cavendish square
Burrell Charles, cattle salesman, 17 West Smithfield
Burrell George, Duke of Ormond P.H. 17 Princes street, Westminster
Burrell Henry, shellfish dealer, 4 Butcherhall lane, Newgate street
Burrell James, tailor, 22 Sidney street, City road
Burrell James Fitchet, merchant, Baltic coffeehouse
Barrell John, tea dealer, 3 Warwick street, Belgrave road
Burrell Joseph, barrister, 21 Old square, Lincoln's inn
Barrell Joseph F. patent medicine preparation, 9 Great Titchfield street
Burrell Thomas, cattle salesman, 17 West Smithfield
Burrell Thomas, veterinary surgeon, 13 Great Windmill street, Haymarket
Barrell Walter W. barrister, 5 Richmond terrace, Whitehall
Burrell William, butcher, 74 Long lane, Bermondsey
Burren James, Blakeneys Head P.H. 34 Little Bartholomew close
Burridge William & George, coal merchants, wharf, 13 Millbank street, Westminster
Burridge Henry, house painter, &c. 15 Grenville street, Brunswick square
Burridge John, merchant, 12 Union place, New Kent road
Burridge Richard, house painter, 7 Chenies street, Bedford square
Burridge Rd. Thomas, paper stainer, 17 Walcot place east, Lambeth
Burridge Thomas, hair dresser & perfumer, 71 Newgate street
Burridge William S. tailor & draper, 54 St. Thomas's place, Dover road
Burrill William, tailor, 31 Leigh street, Burton crescent
Burrin Thomas, grocer, 99 Norton street, Fitzroy square
Burrough Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 46.Jewin street, Cripplegate
Burrongh John, tailor, 24 Old Cavendish street, Oxford street
Burroughes & Watts, billiard table makers, 19 Soho square
Burroughes Randall Ellis, attorney, 35 Lincoln's inn fields
Borroughs Jemima (Mrs.), fruiterer, 3 Brunswick place, 0ld Kent road
Burroughs Jeremiah, merchant, 18 Addle street, Wood street
Burroughs Philip, tailor, 1 Queen street, Chelsea
Burroughs Robert, carpenter, 2 Grange road, Bermondsey
Burroughs Walter, carpenter, 2 Star corner, Grange road
Burroughs Zaccheus, tailor, 30 Liverpool street, Bishopsgate
Burrow George, surgeon, 266 Poplar High street
Burrow Thomas, Cow & Calf P.H. 36 Eastcheap
Burrow Thomas C. barrister, 3 Paper buildings, Temple
Burrowes Joseph, baker, 21 Skinner street, Somers town
Burrowes Philip, surgeon, 29 Lloyd square, Pentonville
Burrowes Thos. corn & seed merchant, see Hopkinson & Burrowes
Barrows & Parker, coal merchants, 14 Phoenix wharf, City road, basin
Burrows & Sons, wholesale confectioners, 130 Houndsditch
Burrows Arthur, barrister, 89 Chancery lane
Burrows Charles, plumber, &c. 52 Dorset street, Portman square
Burrows Charles, solicitor, 20 Lawrence lane, Cheapside
Burrows Daniel, Three Tuns P.H. 53 Red cross street, Cripplegate
Burrows Edward, watch & clock maker, 38 King's road east, Chelsea
Burrows George, lapidary, 8 St. John's lane, West Smithfield
Burrows George, physician, 45 Queen Ann street, Cavendish square
Burrows Geo. working silversmith, see Pearce & Burrows
Burrows Geo. Mann, physician, 460 Upper Gower street, Bedford square
Burrows Isaac, blacking maker, 5 Bow street, Covent garden
Burrows Isaac, soda water manufacturer, see Paul & Burrows
Burrows James, coal merchant, Chester wharf, 30 Lower Belgrave place
Burrows James, lodging house, 14 Fludyer street, Westminster
Burrows James, Rose & Crown P.H. 56 Lower Thames street
Burrows James G. accountant, 4 Gloucester place, King's road, Chelsea
Burrows Robert R. teadealer, &c. 23 Skinner street, Somers town
Burrows Thomas, greengrocer, 1 St. Martin's court, Ludgate hill
Burrows Thomas, fan & skylightmaker, 3 Hampden street, Somers town
Burrows Walter, surgeon, 5 Lower Charles street, Northampton square
Burrows William, carpenter &c. 7 Stanhope street, Hampstead road
Burrows William, manufacturer of metal conservatory greenhouse, fan & skylights, 37 St. John's lane, Smithfield
Burrows William, merchant, Commercial coffee house, Mincing lane
Burrows William, plumber, &c. 3. Leicester street, Leicester square
Burrows William, surgeon, 1 Park street, Islington
Burrup & Blight, stationers, 36 Lombard street
Burrup Richard, brush maker, 32 Castle street east, Oxford street
Burry Edward, woollendraper & manufacturing smercer, 101 Great Portland street
Burry George, Castle Tavern, 26 King street, Cheapside
Burry Sarah (Mrs.) Rose & Rummer P.H. 88 Paradise street, Rotherhithe
Bursby Henry, Bulls Head P.H. 16 Aylesbury street, Clerkenwell
Bursill Francis, house painter, 15 Cleveland street, Fitzroy square
Bursill Francis, painter & grainer, 33 Union street, Middlesex hospital
Bursill William, milk & butterman, 4 Great Marylebone street
Burslam William, hosier & glover, l Newman’s row, Lincolns inn fields
Burslem Jane (Mrs.), stationer, 224 Blackfriars road
Burstall Abraham & Son, builders, 38 St. Martin's lane, Charing cross
Burstall Robert K. builder, 38 St. Martin's lane
Burstall Thomas, plumber, &c. 7 Adam street, Manchester square
Burston Moses, statuary, &c. 11 Somers place west, New road
Burt & Potts, smiths & ironmongers, 65 York street, Westminster
Burt Ann (Mrs.), ham & beef shop, 71 Fore street, Cripplegate
Burt Ann (Mrs.), stationer, 15 Hardwick place, Commercial road east
Burt Arabella (Mrs.), straw hat manufacturer, 44 Holborn hill
Burt Charles James Tapp, solicitor, 18 Aldermanbury
Burt George, surgeon, 7 Crescent place, New Bridge street, Blackfriars
Burt George, surgeon, see Gibson & Burt
Burt Henry, solicitor, 1 Southampton street, Fitzroy square
Burt James, fishmonger, 44 Hedge row, High street, Islington
Burt James, portmanteau maker, 24 Buckingham street, Strand
Burt John, surgeon, 15 Church row, Newington
Burt Nathan, wine merchant, see Dennys & Burt
Burt Richard, grocer & cheesemonger, 42 Poplar High street
Burt Robert, Goat P.H. 103 Golden lane, Barbican
Burt Rosa (Miss), milliner, 3 Broad court, Long acre
Burt Thomas John, Northumberland Arms P.H. 77 Wells street
Burt William, appraiser & broker, see Crow & Burt
Burt William, builder, 5 Great Vine street, Regent street
Burtenshaw Henry, stationer & newsman, 31 Leicester square
Burtenshaw Thomas, oven builder, 15 Darlington place, Borough road
Burtenshaw William, teadealer, 15 East road, City road
Burton & Dent, plumbers & lead merchants, 21 Newcastle street, Strand
Burton & Fraser, attorneys, 12 Serle street, Lincoln's inn fields
Burton Jas. & Sons, engineers, 5 John's place, Holland street, Blackfriars
Burton Thomas & Sons, builders, 151 Aldersgate street
Burton Thos. & Son, plumbers & decorators. 173 Aldersgate street
Burton Ann (Mrs.), appraiser, 18 Brownlow street, Bedford row
Burton Anne (Mrs.), poulterer, 2 Gloucester, place, Islington
Burton Arthur, coal merchant, Ranelagh wharf, Commercial road, south Pimlico
Burton Daniel, coal merchant, John street, Cambridge heath
Burton Decimus, architect & surveyor, 6 Spring gardens
Burton Edward Downing, Kings Head P. H. 263 Strand
Burton Elizabeth (Mrs.), baby linen warehouse, 7 St. Martin's court
Burton Elizabeth (Mrs) , tobacconist, 55 Fleet street
Burton Henry, perfumer & hair merchant, 18 Greek street, Soho
Burton Henry, physician, 41 Jermyn street
Burton James, attorney, 3 Powis place, Great Ormond street, Queen square
Burton James, baker, 15 Charterhouse lane
Burton James, cabinetmaker, 18 Charles street, Manchester square
Burton James, cooper, &c. 6 High street, Bow
Burton James, optician, 25 Pleasant row, Pentonville
Burton James, wireworker, 54 Hackney road
Burton John, Adelphi Shades, 10 1/2 Adam street, Adelphi
Burton John, bookseller & stationer. 19 St. Martin's le grand
Burton John, carman, 8 Agar street, West Strand
Burton John, cooper, High street, Stratford
Burton John, ship & insurance broker & merchant, 122 Bishopsgate within
Burton John, upholsterer & furniture dealer, 55 Skinner street, Snow hill
Burton John Robert, spirit color maker, see Moore & Burton
Burton Joshua, bedstead maker, Whitfield street, Finsbury
Burton Parnell, Horns Tavern P.H. 3 Gutter lane, Cheapside
Burton Richard, silk & bombazeen warehouseman, 27 Wood street
Burton Richard Francis, surgeon, 12 Wade's place, Hackney road
Burton Thomas, cheesemonger, 37 Paddington street, Marylebone
Burton Thomas, fancy cabinet maker, 5 Galway street, St. Luke's
Burton Thomas, grocer, 12 Garden row, London road
Burton Thomas, milliner, 51 York street, Westminster
Burton Thomas, plasterer & slater, 13 Wilstead street, Somers town
Burton Thomas, wholesale teadealer, see Green & Burton
Burton Thomas James, chemist & druggist, 22 Wellclose square
Burton Thomas Stackhouse, solicitor, see Hodgson & Burton
Burton William, cheesemonger, 28 Bow lane, Cheapside
Burton William, hairdresser, 3 Union street, Bond street
Burton William, milliner, &c. 3 Lower street, Islington
Burton William, plumber, &c. 7 Wilstead street, Somers town
Burton William, tobacconist, 24 Greville street, Hatton garden
Burton William, upholder, &c. 28 King street, Soho
Burton William, Ford, gunpowder manufacturer, 25 Broad street buildings
Burton William, Samuel, ironmonger, see Rippon & Burton
Burton William Warwick, solicitor, 3 Gray's inn square
Burtt Charles & Son, limewharf, Canal wharf, Camberwell
Burtt _, boarding house, 12 Liverpool street, Bishopsgate
Burtt Eleanor (Mrs.), York Arms P.H. 87 High Holborn
Burtt John, tinman, 17 Poplar High street
Burtt Thomas, book lock & clasp maker, 45 Northampton street, Clerkenwell
Burtwell Charles, plumber, 3 Youl's place, Old Kent road
Burtwell Charles, plumber, &c. 2 Brighton place, Hackney road
Burwash David, notary, 26 Birchin lane, Cornhill
Burwash Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 17 Surrey street, Strand
Bury John, engraver, 4 Christopher court, St. Martin's legrand
Bury John, hairdresser, 205 Sloane street, Knightsbridge
Bury John, law stationer, 15 Took's court, Chancery lane
Bury John William, attorney, 20 Devonshire street, Portland place
Bury William, sec. to Hope Life Assurance Co. New Bridge street
Busain.James, military caps belt maker, 8 Gerrard street, Soho
Busbridge Henry, Robin Hood P.H. Robin Hood court, Shoe lane
Busbridge James, corn & coal dealer, 1 Charles street, Commercial road
Busby Charles, butcher, 57 Freeschool street, Horselydown
Busby Julian, barrister, 3 Paper buildings, Temple
Busby Michael Horton, window blind, garden seat & flower stand maker, 8 Anderson's buildings, City road, & 2 Union place, Lower road, Islington
Busby Sarah (Mrs.), ready made linen warehouse, 174 Oxford street
Busch Edward & Co. general merchants, 18 Mark lane
Buschman.Joseph & Co. metal & commission agents, 46 Lime street
Busfield Joseph, chairmaker, 139 Union street, Borough
Bush & Co. manufacturing chemists, Bow common
Bush & Mullens, solicitors, 7 St. Mildred's court, Poultry
Bush George Henry, upholsterer, 112 Edgware road
Bush James, watch & clockmaker, 104 High street, Shoreditch
Bush John (firm, Bush & Mullens), solicitor to the Association of London Bankers, 7 St. Mildred's court, Poultry
Bush John, wiredrawer, 12 Grafton street east, Tottenham court road
Bush Joseph, sawmaker, 1 Somerset street, Aldgate
Bush Robert, bookbinder, Church street, Hackney
Bush Thomas, hop & seed merchant, London bridge foot, Wellington street
Bush Thomas, tobacconist, 15 Jewry street, Aldgate
Bush William, grocer, 33 White Lion street, Pentonville
Bushby, Willson & Garnick, warehousemen, 64 Aldermanby
Bushby Joseph, merchant, St. Peter's chambers, Cornhill
Bushell Charles, house painter & decorator, 193 Whitechapel road
Bushell John, chemist, &c. 12 Hall place, Kennington lane
Bushell Robert, hatter, 114 Shoreditch
Bushell Thomas, Coach & Horses P.H. 324 Strand
Bushell Thomas, surgeon, 117 Crawford st. Portman square
Bushell William, Cross Keys P.H. 84 Marylebone lane, Oxford street
Busher Charles oilman, &c. 34 High street, Bow
Busher Edward, coach & harness maker, 212 Piccadilly
Busher Henry, confectioner, 6 & 7 Postern row, Tower hill
Bushill Fred. William, architect, 3 Mortimer street, Cavendish square
Bushman & Johnson, milliners, 289 Regent street
Bushnell David, cook & confectioner, 38 Ludgate hill
Bushnell Joseph, rope & bed sack maker, 42 Oakley street, Lambeth
Bushnell Joseph, tailor, 48 Gibson street, Waterloo road
Bushnell Robert, baker, 64 Broad street, Ratcliff
Busigny Charles Edward, surgeon, &c. 20 Botolph lane, Thames street
Busk Hans, barrister, 1 Figtree court, Temple
Busk Henry William, barrister, 16 Old square, Lincoln's inn
Busk Jacob Hans, merchant, 9 Great St. Helen's, & Baltic coffee house
Buskin George, tallowchandler, 170 Ratcliff highway

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