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This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.
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Brown Thomas, colorman to artists, 163 High Holborn
Brown Thomas, easy chair maker, 49 Curtain road, Shoreditch
Brown Thomas, Flask Tavern, Ebury square, Pinlico
Brown Thomas, glass & staffordshire warehouse, 47 St. Martin's lane
Brown Thomas, grocer, 18 Seabright place, Hackney road
Brown Thomas, goldsmith & jeweller, 6 Guildford place, Spafields
Brown Thomas, nurseryman, Bedford nursery, Hampstead road
Brown Thomas, nurseryman, York square, Munster street, Regent park
Brown Thomas, oilman, 199 Bethnal green road
Brown Thomas, painter, &c. 38 Markham street, King's road, Chelsea
Brown Thomas, paper stainer, 27 Dean street, Soho
Brown Thomas, physician, 6 Queen Anne street, Cavendish square
Brown Thomas, plumber, &c. 15 Red lion street, Whitechapel
Brown Thomas, soap manufacturer, 86 Old street road & 4 New Inn street,
Brown Thomas, solicitor, 33 Hart street, Bloomsbury
Brown Thomas, staffordshire warehouse, see Tidmarsh & Brown
Brown Thomas, statuary & mason, Camberwell green
Brown Thomas, staymaker, 75 Houndsditch
Brown Thomas, surgeon, 54 Fenchurch street
Brown Thomas, surgeon, 2 Little St. Mary axe & 31 St. Mary axe
Brown Thomas, tailor, 33 Charles street, Westminster
Brown Thomas, tailor, 3 Lisle street, Leicester square
Brown Thomas, tailor, 17 Tower royal, Watling street
Brown Thomas, wholesale straw hat manufacturer, see Munt & Brown
Brown Thomas Benjamin, artist, 42 Howland street, Fitzroy square
Brown Thomas Cowper, solicitor, see Brundrett, Randall & Co
Brown Thomas Norton, pawnbroker, 39 Fetter lane
Brown Thomas William, linendraper, 144 & 145 Ratcliff highway
Brown Walker, dairyman, 30 Rodney street, Pentonville
Brown William, accountant & agent, 16 Bucklersbury
Brown William, artist, 43 Chapel street, Edgware road
Brown William, baker, 19 Montpelier street, Brompton
Brown William, barrister, 10 Gray's inn place & 8 Theberton square
Brown William, Black Boy P.H. 121 Wapping
Brown William, bookseller, 130 Old street, St. Luke's
Brown William, bookseller, 104 High Holborn
Brown William, bookseller, see Royston & Brown
Brown William, butcher, 6 Commercial place, Old Kent road
Brown William, carpenter & undertaker, 13 Skinner street, Clerkenwell
Brown William, carpenter & undertaker, 73 Wardour street, Soho
Brown William, chinaman, 12 Gower place, Euston square
Brown William, coachsmith, 10 Earl street, London road
Brown William, cowkeeper, 32 Great Marylebone street
Brown William, cutler, 2 Beckford row, Walworth road
Brown William, egg importer, 21 Clink street, Borough
Brown William, engineer, 32 John street, Holland street, Blackfriars road
Brown William, fishmonger, see Gilson & Brown
Brown William, Fountain P. H. 41 Amwell street, Pentonville
Brown William, glass & bottle warehouse, 4 Jerusalem passage, Clerkenwell
Brown William, Greengrocer, 55 Rosamon street, Clerkenwell
Brown William, grocer & cheesemonger, 64 High street, Lambeth
Brown William, haberdasher & hosier, 20 Great Russell street, Covent garden
Brown William, hairdresser, 28 Sidney street, Goswell road
Brown William, Jolly Sailor P. H. Back lane, Shadwell
Brown William, linendraper, 20 Finsbury pavement
Brown William, New Wine Shades, 15 Clement's lane, Lombard street
Brown William, Norfolk Arms P.H. 10 Burwood place, Connaught terrace
Brown William, oil & colorman, 25 King street, 7 Dials
Brown William, Salutation P. H. 8 Princes street, Upper Stamford street
Brown William, plasterer, 19 Alfred place, Bedford square
Brown William, plumber & glazier, 58 Chapel street, Pentonville
Brown William, plumber, glazier, &c. 6 High street, Newington butts
Brown William, potato dealer, 11 Hayes court, Soho
Brown William, poulterer, 17 Winter terrace, Trinity square, Borough
Brown William, poultry salesman, 62 Newgate market
Brown William, sealing wax & waf maker see Boatwright, Brown&Co
Brown William, staymaker, 59 Bishopsgate within
Brown William, surgeon, 29 Chester street, Grosvenor place
Brown William, surgeon, &c. 8 Upper East Smithfield
Brown William, tailor, see Olivier & Brown
Brown William, tobacco pipe maker, 42 New Peter street, Westminster
Brown William, wholesale & family chemist, 154 Sloane street, Chelsea
Brown William, window glass cutter, 6 Parsonage row, Newington butts
Brown William, wire worker, 19 Upper York street, Bryanston square
Brown William Henry, dining rooms, 207 Borough High street
Brown William Henry, King William IV. P.H. 33 Margaret street, Wilmington square
Brown William M. leghorn mercer, 18 Myddelton square, Pentonville
Brown William S. shipowner, 3 Brunswick terrace, Commercial road east
Brown William Thomas, cheesemonger, 29 Watling street
Browne & Cartwright, surgeon dentists, 22 Ludgate hill
Browne George E. & Co. custom house agents, wool warehousekeepers, 137 Upper
Thames street & 80 Coleman street
Browne James Kendle & Nephew, cornfactors, 80 Mark lane
Browne Joseph & Co. scagliola & marble works, 38 University street, Tottenham
court road
Browne Thomas & Co. wholesale ironmongers, 44 Eastcheap
Browne Tobias & John, surgeons, 7 St. George's place, Camberwell
Browne William & Jonas, merchants & agents, St. George's Grenada, and 123
Fenchurch street
Browne William & Son, linendrapers, 10 Clark's place, Islington
Browne & Williams, staymakers, 2 Exeter street, Sloane street
Browne & Wingrove, refiners, 30 Wood street, Cheapside
Browne Alexander, tallow chandler, 69 Wells street, Oxford street
Browne Asaph Ira, solicitor, 3 New Basinghall street
Browne Charles, Queens Head P.H. Lower street, Islington
Browne Charles, solicitor, 3 Hatton court, Threadneedle street
Browne Daniel George, wholesale confectioner, 36 Chiswell street
Browne Edmund, tailor, see Story & Browne
Browne Edward, east india & colonial broker, see Carey & Browne
Browne Edward Head, stockbroker, 12 Angel court, Throgmorton street
Browne Edward Hen. architect, 13 Beaufort builings, Strand
Browne Elizabeth (Mrs.),
White Hart P. H. 21 Gravel lane, Borough
Browne Frederick, solicitor, 23 Woburn place
Browne Frederick, wig maker & hairdresser, 47 Fenchurch street
Browne George, engraver & printer, 39 Crown street, Finsbury
Browne George, fruiterer, 34 Somerset place, Hoxton
Browne George, whalebone cutter, 10 Foster street, Bishopsgate
Browne George jun. alum & paper agent, Chamberlain's wharf, Tooley street
Browne George Latham, barrister, 11 Serle street, Lincoln's inn
Browne Heblet Kidnite, artist, 33 Howland street, Fitzroy square
Browne Henry, grocer & tea dealer, 22 Easton street, Spa fields
Browne Henry, surgeon, 7 Stanhope terrace, Regent's park
Browne Henry Nibbs, sugar refiner, Albert street, Shadwell & 35 Mansell street
Browne James, builder, 24 College street & Old Fish street
Browne John, saddler & harness maker, 5 King's cross
Browne John, selector of Broadwood's pianofortes, 27 Soho square
Browne John, shipowner, Freeman's wharf house, Tooley street
Browne John, solicitor, see Coode & Browne
Browne John Markham, solicitor, 2 Hinde street, Manchester square
Browne Mackley, parliamentary agent, 21 Parliament street
Browne Martin, solicitor, 8 Furnival's inn, Holborn
Browne Mary (Mrs.), window glass warehouse, 17 High row, Knightsbridge
Browne Philip, merchant, 1 Plough court, Lombard street
Browne Richard, (admiralty registry), 2 Paul's Bakehouse court
Browne Richard Anthony, coach trimmer, 47 Millbank street
Browne Richard L. barrister, 13 South square, Gray's inn
Browne Robert, corndealer, Church street Hackney
Browne Robert Fred. surgeon, 13 William street, Knightsbridge
Browne Rowland Jay, special pleader, 3 Hare court, Temple
Browne Simeon, linendraper, 199 High Holborn
Browne Thomas, grammar school, 14 Henrietta street, Brunswick square
Browne Thomas, grocer & cheesemonger, 25 King street, Soho
Browne Thomas, merchant, 44 Eastcheap
Browne Thomas, wholesale & retail haberdasher, hardwareman, &c. 29 & 30 Union
street, Bishopsgate
Browne Thomas Brame, solicitor, 2 Stafford place, Pimlico
Browne Tobias, surgeon, 7 Bethel place, Camberwell road
Browne W. M. actuary to Westminster & Gen. Life Assurance, 27 King street,
Covent garden
Brownell Joseph, coal merchant, Phoenix wharf, Clink street, Borough
Browning Charles & Henry, merchants, see Twiss & Brownings'
Browning James & William H. & Co. oil merchants, 113 St. John street Smithfield
Browning Thomas Richard & William, & Co. timber merchants, Waterloo bridge
wharf, Lambeth
Browning Thomas & Son, distillers, 6 Smithfield bars
Browning Ebenezer, linendraper, see Partridge, Ranwell & Co
Browning Edwin, mahogany merchant, 36 Little Windmill street, Golden square
Browning Henry, baker, 20 Spring street, Paddington
Browning Hen. Harris, tailor & draper, 17 Finch lane, Cornhill
Browning James, straw hat maker, 13 Shoemaker row, Blackfriars
Browning John, butcher, 22 Rosamom street, Clerkenwell
Browning Samuel, grocer & cheesemonger, 47 King street, Soho
Browning Thomas, boot & shoemaker, 5 Hartley place, Old Kent road
Browning Thomas, solicitor, see De Mole & Browning
Browning Thomas, stationer, &c. 121 Upper street, Islington
Browning Thomas, New Inn Tavern, 52 Old bailey
Browning William, ship carver, 37 Rotherhithe wall
Browning Robert, Morleys Hotel, 1 & 2 Trafalgar square
Brownjohn Ann (Mrs.), coal dealer, 15 Hosier lane, West Smithfield
Brownjohn Thomas, locksmith, 19 Hosier lane, West Smithfield
Brownless Anthony C. chemist, 22 Brunswick place, Barnsbury road
Brownley John, solicitor, 8 New Boswell court, Carey street, Lincolns inn
Brownley Richard, greengrocer, 204 Rotherhithe street
Brownlie James, cabinetmaker, l Richmond street, Leicester square
Brownlow Richard, silk dresser, see Dalton & Brownlow
Brownlow Robert, tobacconist, 2 Eagle terrace, City road
Brownly Mary (Mrs.), butcher, 213 Rotherhithe
Brownrigg George, butcher, 41 South Audley street
Brownrigg James, Sugar Loaf P.H. 40 Great Queen street, Lincolns inn fields
Brownrigg Samuel, boot & shoemaker, 90 Mount street, Berkly square
Brownrigg William, tailor, 16 Mary street, New road, Regent's park
Brownsell John, tripe dresser, 22 Little Earl street, Seven dials
Brownsett Sarah (Mrs.), china &c. dealer, 143 Edgeware road
Brownsmith Thomas G. worsted, &c. maker, 9 Lisle street, Leicester square
Brucciani Lewis, plaster figure maker 5 Little Russell street, Covent garden
Brucciani Nicolao, figure maker, 24 Wellington terrace, Waterloo road
Bruce, Buxton & Co. billbrokers, 34 Abchurch lane, City
Bruce & Gibson, The Dark House P.H. Newgate market
Bruce G. S. & Co. merchants, 16 Gould square, Crutched friars
Bruce, Hamilton & Co.(Teneriffe), merchants, 16 Gould square
Bruce Alexander, granite merchant, ship, & custom house agent, 54 Burr street,
Lower East Smithfield
Bruce Alexander, surgeon, 26 Montague street, Portman square
Bruce And, medical; & general fixture dealer, 24 St. Mary axe
Bruce Anthony, cheesemonger & purveyor to her Majesty, 19 Clarges street,
Bruce Henry Austin, barrister, 5 Old square, Lincoln's inn
Bruce hon. Fred. William, Adolphus, barrister, 7 New square, Lincplns inn
Bruce John, meat salesmen, 4 New Newgate market
Bruce John, pianoforte maker, 19 London street, Fitzroy square
Bruce Joseph, leather seller, 42 Great Titchfield street, Oxford street
Bruce Norman, printer, &c. 6 Peterborough court, Fleet street
Bruce Methven, baker, 1 Cardington street, Hampstead road
Bruce Rt. carpenter & undertaker, 62 Whitecross street, Cripplegate, City
Bruce William, baker, 7 Albany street, Regent's park
Bruce William, barrister, 4 Essex court, Temple
Bruce William, bootmaker, 50 Mortimer street, Cavendish square
Bruce William, medicine agent, 34 Southampton street, Strand
Bruce William, optical turner, 16 King's head court, Shoe lane
Bruce William Henry, Law & general stationer, 1 Trump street, Cheapside
Bruff Peter Schuyler, surveyor, 22 Charlotte street, Bloomsbury
Bruford Charles, upholsterer & cabinet maker, 47 Wellclose square
Bruford William, upholsterer & cabinet maker, 37 Wellclose square
Brufton Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 26 Surry street, Strand
Bruggemeyer Fred. M. interpreter & custom house agent, 17 Beer lane
Brugger, Beck & Co. watch &c. makers, 39 Blackman street, Borough
Brugger Bernhard & Joseph, clock makers, 32 Hampstead road
Brugger & Straubb, german & french clock & watchmakers, & dealers in organs,
musical boxes & weather glasses, 79 High Holborn
Bragger Alfred, clockmaker, 47 Great St Andrew's street, Seven dials
Bruin Thomas, dep.4auger of the port of London, 84 Lower Thames street
Bruin Thomas, Golden Lion Inn, 112 St. John street, West Smithfield
Brumbley Joseph, furniture broker, 143 Drury lane
Brumbley Joseph, wine cooper, 144 Drury lane
Brumby John, bookseller, 24 Haymarket, & 1 Panton street
Brumby Thomas glass & lustre manufacturer, 19 St. James's street
Brundrett, Randall, Simmons & Brown, solicitors; agents to Registrar, Supreme
court, Madras, 10 King's Bench walk, Temple
Brunel Francis & Co. merchants, 41 Crutched friars
Brunel Isambard K. civil engineer, 18 Duke street, Westminster
Brunet Alexander, professor of languages, 20 Haymarket
Brunies Borchet, whalebonework. 7 Arlington street, Sadler's wells
Brunker Thomas, cotton merchant & lancashire rush manufacturer, 7 Queen street,
Worship street, Finsbury
Brunskill Chas. & William, silk & ribbon manufacturers, 9 Paternoster row
Brunswick & Co. furriers to the Queen, 89 Cheapside
Brunswick Steam Wharf, Blackwall
Brunt Josiah & Co. silk manufacturers, 12 Milk street & Leek, Stafford
Brunt George, tar distiller, see Miles & Brunt
Brunt John Eldershaw, goldsmith, 14 Greville street, Hatton garden
Brunt Matthew, Red Cow P.H. 9 Park place, Mile end road
Brunton T. & W. ship tank makers, see Fuller & Smith
Brunton Archibald James, stockbroker, South Gallery Auction Mart
Brunton Charles, solicitor, 5 Barnard's inn, Holborn
Brunton James, baker, 44 Cheyne walk, Chelsea
Brunton James, Queens Head P.H. 1 St. John's lane, Smithfield
Brunton William, chemist, 7 Waterloo place, Commercial road east
Brunton William, saw mills & timber merchant, High street, Portland town
Brushfield Sarah (Mrs.), oil warehouse, 5 Whitehorse street, Stepney
Brushfield Thomas, oil & color warehouse, 28 Union street, Bishopsgate
Bruton Edward, gold chaser, 42 Coppice row, Clerkenwell
Brutton Robert, solicitor & superintendant registrar. &c. 18 Bethnal green
Bruxner Henry, merchant, Baltic coffee house
Bryan, Price & Co. tanners, coach & harness curriers, japanners, & army
contractors, 8 & 9 Dacre street, Westminster, & Willow walk, Bermondsey
Bryan & Ward, butchers, 5 Staverton row, Walworth road
Bryan George, oilman, 11 Great Chapel street, Westminster
Bryan Henry, hairdresser, 89 Drury lane
Bryan James, oil & italian warehouse, 72 Wardour street, Soho
Bryan James Pridmor, coal merchant, Somerset wharf, Beaufort buildings, Strand
Bryan John, bricklayer, &c. 6 Kinnerton street, Belgrave square
Bryan Joseph, baker, 34 Gilbert street, Grosvenor square
Bryan Stephen, watch case maker, 48 Rahere street, Goswell road
Bryan Thomas, baker, 14 Munster street, Regent's park
Bryan Thomas, brewer, see Laxton & Bryan
Bryan Thomas K. wharfinger, see Moss, Leman & Bryan
Bryan William, Fred. oil & colorman, 40 Regent street, Horseferry road
Bryan William L. Bee Hive P.H. Leadenhall market
Bryan William Thomas, boot & shoe warehouse, 28 Maiden lane, Covent garden
Bryant Adam Uriah, George & Dragon P.H. 13 Beech street, Barbican
Bryant & Davies, export wine, beer, & spirit merchants, & general merchants, 30
Nicholas lane, Lombard street
Bryant James & May, sole proprietors of the patent india rubber oil blacking, 15
Philpot lane, City
Bryant Thomas & Co. anchorsmiths, 43 & 327 Wapping
Bryant Edward, surgeon, 21 Wellington road, St. John's wood
Bryant Edward Newton, stockbroker, 16 Throgmorton street
Bryant Edwin, merchant, 1 Leadenhall street
Bryant Frederick William,
Haunch of Venison P.H. 1 Bell yard, Temple bar
Bryant Henry, trunk maker, 34 King's road east, Chelsea
Bryant Isaac, Prince of Wales P.H. 17 Beauvoir terrace, Kingsland road
Bryant James, surgeon, 173 Kingsland road
Bryant John, foreign & english bookseller & dealer in second hand books, 9 King
William street, West Strand
Bryant John, boot & Shoe maker, 18A, Cleveland street, Fitzroy square
Bryant John, butcher, 32 Queen street, Pimlico
Bryant John, saddler, 1 Chapel place, Belgrave square
Bryant John, M.D. surgeon, 50 Edgware road, Marylebone
Bryant John, tailor, 8 Addle hill, Doctors' commons
Bryant Mary (Mrs.), Plasterers Arms P.H. 9 Little Marylebone street
Bryant Robert, boot & shoe maker, 123 Tottenham court road
Bryant Robert, cooper, 99 Broadwall, Blackfriars
Bryant Thomas, dyer & scourer, 20 Wardour street, Soho
Bryant Uriah Adam, tinplate worker, 47 Beech street, Barbican
Bryant Walter J. surgeon, 9 Porchester place, Edgware road
Bryant William, livery stables, 108 Oxford street & 13 John street
Bryant William, tobacconist, 74 Drury lane
Bryant William Lamboll, dealer in paintings, 30 St. James's street
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