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This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.
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Benzoni Charles dairyman, 17 Duke street, St. James's square
Beolchi Charles, LL.D. professor of italian, &c. 48 Upper Albany street
Berard Joseph, naturalist, see Revol & Berard
Berdoe Joseph, tailor, 70 Goswell road
Berdoe Walter, tailor, 69 Cornhill
Bere Montague, barrister, 5 Lincoln's inn fields
Berenberg John & Co. manufacturers of cigars, 1 Louisa street, Beaumont square
Berens, Blumberg & Co. importers of & dealers in French, German & British fancy
goods, 33 St. Paul's churchyard, & 60 Rue de Bondy, Paris
Berens, Longridge & Co. engineers & iron merchants, 8 Walbrook
Berens Richard Beauvoir, barrister, 2 New square, Lincoln's inn
Beresford James, newsvender, 20B Huntley street, Bedford square
Bergareche & Co. merchants, 33 Great Winchester street
Berger Francis & Co. merchants, 20 Mincing lane
Berger Lewis & Sons, colormakers, 7 Well court, Queen street, Cheapside
Berger Samuel & Co. starch manufacturer, Bromley, Middlesex
Berger Elizabeth (Mrs.) tallow chandler, 17 High street, Marylebone
Berger George, bookseller & publisher, 19 Holywell street, Strand
Berger James, merchant, 37 Fenchurch street
Berginstein Shoreham, watch maker, 112 Great Titchfield street
Bergmann John Chris. merchant, 13 Claremont place, Pentonville
Berkeley Charles, solicitor, 52 Lincoln's inn fields
Berkeley Charles, Clement, barrister, 5 New square, Lincoln's inn
Berkeley George Brackenbury, wholesale tea & coffee dealer, 1 1/2 Sise lane
Berkeley Maurice Henry, solicitor, 27 Lincoln's inn fields
Berkeley Thomas, solicitor, 2 Verulam buildings. Grays inn
Berkley & Dunell, color manufacturers, Star & Garter yard, Ratcliff
Berkley James Thomas, stockbroker, 18 Threadneedle street & Stock Exchange
Berkshire John, wholesale & retail coal dealer, 45 George street, Blackfriars, road
Berles & Co. merchants, 40 Commercial sale rooms, Mincing lane
Berlyn Abraham, wholesale shoe & slippermaker, 11 Church lane, Whitechapel
Bermes Adam, baker, 169 Drury lane
Bermingham George, surgeon, 1 Holmes terrace, Kentish town
Bermingham James, hatter, 138 Whitechapel High street
Bermingham John, bootmaker, 75 Long acre
Bermingham Mary Ann (Miss), staymaker, 67 Ratcliff highway
Bermingham Walter, bootmaker, 33 Sun street, Bishopsgate
Bernard Amelia (Mrs.), milliner, 18 Vere street, Cavendish square
Bernard John, fishing tackle maker & turner, 4 Church place, Piccadilly
Bernard John Frederick, solicitor, see Barnes, Winter & Bernard
Bernard Joseph Rochford, physician, 4 Halkin street, Belgrave square
Bernard William, baker, 43 Upper North place, Gray's inn road
Bernardy James, turner & brushmaker, & italian warehouseman to the Queen, 21 Hanover street, Hanover square
Bernasconi & Riddell, architectural modellers, & plain & ornamental plasterers,
21 Dean street, Soho
Bernays Adolphus, professor of German, 35 Essex street, Strand
Berncastel Albert & Co. furriers, 7 Great Dover street, Borough
Berni & Melliard, hat makers, 56 Great Guildford street, Borough
Bernie George, shipwright, 40 Wapping High street
Bernoulli E. merchant, 4 Austin friars
Bernstein Aaron, furrier & skin dealer, 5 Cutler street, Houndsditch
Berrall William, boot & shoemaker, 60 Marylebone lane, Oxford street
Berrecloth Henry, Crown P.H. 55 York street, Westminster
Berrell Peter, surgeon, &c. 53 Mount street, Lambeth
Berrey George James, barrister, 61 Chancery lane
Berricloth Joseph, tailor, 2 Woodbridge street, Clerkenwell
Berridge Richard, boot maker, 66 Chapel street, Pentonville
Berridge Joseph, sec. of Freemasons Association, office, 11 Waterloo place
Berridge Joseph, translator & accountant, 22 St. Swithin's lane
Berrier Fontaine Camille, physician, 3 Foley place
Berriman Thomas, haberdasher, 226 Shadwell High street
Berringer John, turner, 29 Gun street, Bishopsgate
Berrollas Joseph Anthony, manufacturer of horological monitors, 15 Spencer
street, Goswell road
Berry & Hearse, engravers, 82 Cornhill
Berry Henry & Co. sole patentees and inventors and manufacturers of the patent
portable inkstands, and instantaneous lights, with indian rubber, importers of
French wax, taper matches, &c. 134 Drury lane (late of Bedford street, Covent
garden), see Webster
Berry Hen.&Geo. & Co. agents. for Bass & Co.'s ale, 3 St. James street
Berry & Reid, linen drapers, 121 High Holborn
Berry Alfred, stationer, 40 Beech street, Barbican
Berry Ann (Mrs.), baker, 1 Felix terrace, Liverpool road
Berry Benj. Harcourt Arms P.H. 31 Harcourt street, New road
Berry Chas. flour factor; 14 Leman street, Goodman's fields
Berry Chas. plane & toolmaker, 6 Long lane, West Smithfield
Berry Cornelius, accountant, 132 Fenchurch street
Berry Daniel, confectioner, 16 Great Turnstile, Holborn
Berry Edward Unwin, surgeon, &c. 7 James's street, Covent garden
Berry Frederick, watchmaker, 2 Arcade, Hungerford market
Berry George, grocer, 3 St. James's street, Pall mall
Berry George, plane & toolmaker, 4 George's place, Old street road
Berry George Smith, engraver, 27 Church street, Soho
Berry Henry, cheesemonger, 7 Bedford street, Mile end road
Berry Henry, solicitor, 4 Trafalgar square, Pall mall east
Berry James, grocer, &c. 5 Shepperton place, New north road
Berry James, solicitor, see Gray & Berry
Berry James William, M. barrister, l Paper buildings, Temple
Berry John, butcher, 11 Shadwell High street
Berry John, linendraper, 64 New church street, Lisson grove
Berry John, meat salesman, Leadenhall market
Berry John, tailor & draper,34 London road; Southwark
Berry Kemp, flour factor, 44 Commercial Sale Rooms, and at Jack's coffeehouse,
Mark lane
Berry Richard, European coffeehouse, 2 Mansionhouse street
Berry Robert, glass & Chinaman, 34. Featherstone street, City road
Berry I, cooper, Three Oak lane, Horsleydown
Berry Titus, surgeon, 37 Chester terrace, Regent's park
Berry William, british coffee rooms, 8 Clerkenwell green
Berry William, flour factor, 2 Clark street, Stepney
Berry William, oil painter & colorman, 4 High street, Stepney
Berry William, poulterer, 32 King street, Portman square
Berry William, York & Albany Tavern, Gloucester gate, Regent's place
Berry Zephaniah Deacon, ironmonger, 3 Victoria road, Pimlico
Berryman Daniel blind maker, 14 Princes street, Little Queen street, Holborn
Berryman John, wood engraver, 11 Gough square, Fleet street
Berthold August, comb maker, see Zonzius & Berthold
Bertin James Charles, chairmaker, 39 Holywell lane, Shoreditch
Bertin Samuel George, chairmaker, 42 Hoxton Square
Bertolini John Dominique, Newton Hotel & French Restaurateur, 34 St. Martin's
street, Leicester square
Berton Numan, tailor, 18 Princes street, Hanover square
Bertram Elizabeh (Mrs.), upholder, 8 Devonshire buildings, Great Dover street
Bertram Henry, wine merchant, 18 & 25 Elizabeth street, Eaton square
Bertram Moritz B, soapmaker & perfumier, Crescent, Cambridge heath
Bertram William, upholsterer, 100 Dean street, Soho
Bertrand Henry L. surgeon dentist, 37 Camomile street, Bishopsgate
Bertrand Susanna (Mrs.), tobacconist, 23 Arlington street Saddlers wells
Berwick Alexander & Co. scotch ale brewers, Old Swan wharf, Upper Thames street
Berwick Steam Shipping Co. Leith & Berwick wharf
Berwick James, embroiderer, 7 Union street, Berkeley square
Besant Charles, bookbinder, 2 Marshall street, Golden square
Besant Mary A. (Mrs.), linendraper, 7 Oddys row, Islington green
Besch, Frederick, tailor, 11 Hanover street, Hanover square
Bescoby Francis, oilman, 15 & 16 Stanhope street, Clare market
Bescoby Henry, tallow chandler, 71 Milton street, Cripplegate
Besemeres John & Sons, clothiers, ready made linen warehousemen, outfitters &
contractors for equipments, 61, 62, 63 & 64 Houndsditch
Besemeres John & William, wholesale shirt makers, 11 Wood street
Besemeres William, surgeon, 13 Marlborough ps. Old Kent road
Besley Daniel, tailor, 19 Queen street, Soho
Besley Frederick, wharfinger, &c. see Nicholson, Besley & Co
Besley John, Sir John Barleycorn P. H. 15 Drury lane
Besley Robert, typefounder, see Thorowgood & Besley
Besley Samuel, surgeon, 67 Newman street, Oxford street
Bessan Augute, french warehouse, 30 Tavistock street, Covent garden
Besse Jeremy, watchmaker, 4 Richmond buildings, Soho
Bessell John, linendraper, 42 & 43 Goswell road
Bessell John, manufacturer of the glaziers' patent diamonds, &c. 131 St. John
street road
Besset Jacques, merchant, 8 Fenchurch buildings
Bessman Henry, engineer & manufacturer, Baxter house, Old St. Pancras road
Best & Son, tailors, 42 Rosamon street, Clerkenwell
Best Abraham, agent to Wood & Walker, worsted spinners, Bradford, Yorkshire, 90
Bermondsey street
Best Benjamin, coal merchant, 7 St. John street, Clerkenwell, & at City road wharf,
Regent's canal
Best Charles, printer, 24 Brooke street, Holborn
Best Charles Fred. upholder & house agent, 60 Berners street, Oxford street
Best Charlotte (Miss), milliner, 38 Maiden lane, Covent garden
Best Edward Payne, wine merchant, 8 Philpot lane, City
Best Elizabeth (Mrs.), boarding house, 3 North crescent, Bedford square
Best Elizabeth Miss, milliner, 11 Little Russell street, Covent garden
Best John, coffee room, 204 Shoreditch High street
Best John, plumber, 205 Shoreditch High street
Best John Dear, chemist, 14 Grosvenor street west, Pimlico
Best Maria (Mrs.), ironmonger, 54 Upper North place, Gray's inn lane
Best Richard, watchmaker, 3 Fountain court, Strand
Best Thomas, stationer & accountant bookmaker, 4 Milton street, Cripplegate
Best Thomas, surgeon, 15 Cecil street, Strand
Best William, dairy, 22 Henrietta street, Cavendish square
Best William, George P. H. 19 Queen Ann street, Cavendish square
Best William, jeweller, 16B, Wimpole street, Cavendish square
Best William, solicitor, 19 Lincoln's inn fields
Best William, tailor, 54 Upper North place, Gray's inn lane
Best William, Francis, furniture broker, 29 St. John street road
Best William, Mawdesley, barrister, 89 Chancery lane
Best William, Robert, straw hat maker, 15 Newington causeway
Best William Tram, boot, &c. maker, 36 York street, City road
Beste George, merchant, 2 Mincing lane
Bestow William, wholesale milliner & laceman, 12 St. John street road
Beswick Charles, tailor, 6 Moorgate street, Bank
Beswick James, coach wheelwright, 59 Great Titchfield street, Oxford street
Beswick James, millwright, see Easton, Amos & Beswick
Beswick John, White Hart P. H. Great Turner street, Commercial road
Beswick John Jas. undertaker, &c. 44 Stanhope street, Clare market
Beswick P. (Mrs.), Green Dragon P. H. Spring garden place
Beswick Thomas, leech importer, 6 Whitfield, St Leonard street, Finsbury
Bethan John, custom house & commercial agent Cox Quay, Lower Thames street
Bethel Richard, fruiterer, Centre row, Covent garden
Bethell & Co. oil merchants, Rutland place, Upper Thames street
I3ethell John, solicitor, 40 Gracechurch street
Bethell John, tar works, Battersea fields
Bethell Richard, Q.C. barrister, 3 Stone buildings. Lincoln's inn
Rethell Sarah (Mrs.), furnishing undertaker, 30 Farringdon street
Betson George, surgeon, 111 Wapping
Bettans Mary (Mrs.) dressmaker to the ueen, 84 Jermyn street
Betteridge Ezekiel, ivory & wood so." Craven street, City road
Betties John, boot & shoe maker, 39 Southampton street, Strand
Bettley & Bailey, mast, oar, & blockmakers, 114 Shad Thames
Bettley Jacob, glass & china dealer,90 Tottenham court road, & 128 High street,
Camden town
Bettridge John, papier maché maker, see Jennens & Bettridge
Betts John Thomas & Co. french brandy distillery; 7 Smithfield bars
Betts & Sons, sweepsmelters & refiners, 131 Long acre
Betts & Wood, wholesale & retail teadealers, 262 Oxford street
Betts Ann M. (Mrs.), lighterman, 4 Church row, Horsleydown
Betts Arthur, musical instrument maker, 47 Threadneedle street
Betts Henry, cupper, 70 Wimpole street
Betts James, Kings Arms P.H. 51 Sloane square, Chelsea
Betts John, butcher, 29 St. Georges place Knightsbridge
Betts John, i. agent, 5 Goldsmith street, Cheapside
Betts John, fishmonger, 32 Tothill street, Westminster
Betts John, bookseller & publisher, 7 Compton street, Brunswick square
Betts John, tailor, 38 Coleshill street, Eaton square
Betts Thomas, Marquis Lansdown P.H. Thomas street, Hackney road
Betts Thomas, tinplate worker, 82 Leather lane, Holborn
Betts Walter, chemist, 1 Westbourne street, Pimlico
Betts Willian, fruiterer, 44 Ratcliff Highway
Bettsworth Thomas, corn merchant, King's Arms wharf, Davis place, Chelsea
Bettyes John, coach joiner & blind maker, 18 David street, Marylebone
Beuler Jacob, engraver, 4 Bury place, Bloomsbury
Beurle Mark Ludwig, Royal Midshipman Hotel, 25 to 27 Skinner street, Clerkenwell
Bevan William & Co. house decorators, 255 Oxford street
Bevan Charles Dacres, barrister, 6 Pump court, Temple
Bevan Charles Stanley, bookbinder, 5 Chapel place south, South Audley street
Bevan Edward, wharfinger, &c. see Holl & Bevan
Bevan George, egg salesman, 224 Hoxton old town
Bevan John, agent for Watkin's Dublin stout, 5 St. Dunstan's hill
Bevan John C. De la Rue, oil broker, see Aylwin, Bevan & Cole
Bevan Nathaniel, glass mounter, 3 Gloucester street, Commercial road east
Bevan S. machinist, see Treffrys’ & Bevan
Bevan Thomas, physician, 20 Finsbury circus
Bevan Thomas Drew, currier, see Jones & Bevan
Bevan William, solicitor, 21 Old Jew
Bevans George & Henry,
Duke of Albemarle
P.H. .6 Stafford street, Bond street
Beven Thomas, jun. baker, 93 Bethnal green road
Beverton Sam. gasfitter & locksmith, 23 Lambeth walk
Beves Edward, builder & undertaker, 7 Southampton place, New road
Bevill Charles, solicitor, see Thornbury & Bevil
Beville Francis, upholsterer, 48 Wells street, Oxford street
Bevington Henry & Son, organ builders, 48 Greek street, Soho
Bevingtons & Sons, manufacturers, of morocco, spanish, roan & skiver leather,
dressers of kid & lambskins, cape, sheep,0il gloving leather & woolstaples.
Neckinger mills, Bermondsey
Bevington Alexander, insurance broker, see Coventry & Bevington
Bevington Alfred, glue maker, Neckinger road, Bermondsey
Bevington Timothy, furrier, leather seller, & lapland wool rug manufacturer, 67
King William street, City
Bevington Timothy, seal, nutria & mock sable skin dresser & dyer, Weavers lane,
Tooley street; wareho.67 King William street, City
Bevington Timothy, lapland wool rug & cavalry skin mans. 103 Bermondsey street;
warehouse, 67 King William street, City
Bevins Daniel William, brass & cock finder. 10 Church street, Blackfriars road
Bevir Edward James, barrister, 23 Old square, Lincoln's inn
Bevis Daniel, silk broker, 69 Basinghall street
Bevis George, jobmaster, &c. Spur inn yard. 97 Borough High street
Bevis Harriet (Mrs.), straw hat maker 22 Mount street, Berkeley square
Bew Charles, surgeon dentist, 40 Bury street, St. James's
Bew, William, picture dealer. 13 Great Russell street, Covent garden
Bewlay Thomas, tobacconist & snuff manufacturer to the royal family, wholesale &
retail, 49 Strand
Bewly Thomas, painter, 63 Great Suffolk street, Borough
Bewsher Thomas, bootmaker, 11 Museum street, Bloomsbury
Beyer Martin, bootmaker, 65 Burlington arcade, Piccadilly
Beyer William, confectioner, 122 Chalton street, Somers town
Beyerman Andrew, tunnel coffee rooms, 209 Wapping high street
Beyfus Phillip & Solomon, importers of french goods & manufacturers of steel
pens, & birmingham & sheffield warehousemen, 71 Houndsditch, & 6 Rue Neave, St.
Marc, Paris
Beynon, Jones & Beynom, herald chasers, 78 Margaret street
Beynon & Stocken, tobacco manufacturers, 106 Gracechurch street
Beynon David, Bull & Gate P.H. New Chapel place, Kentish town
Beynon James, china & glassman, 123 Upper street, Islington
Beynon John, cowkeeper & dairyman, 17 New street, Cloth fair
Beynon John, straw bonnet warehouse, 15 Newington causeway
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