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London Street Directory in 1843 - A5

This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.

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Anderson John, baker, 35 Mansell street, Goodman's fields
Anderson John, Blue Posts P.H. 47 Southampton buildings
Anderson John, bootmaker, 13 Opera Arcade, Haymarket
Anderson John, china gilder, 21 Gloucester street, St. John street road
Anderson John, coffee roaster, 3 Worcester place, Upper Thames street
Anderson John, farina flour factor & commercial agent, 3 Haydon square, Minories
Anderson John, grocer, 46 Chapel street, Pentonville
Anderson John, horse dealer, 43A. Green street, Grosvenor square
Anderson John, Jews' Harp P.H. Edward street, Regent's park
Anderson John, livery stables, Lamb yard, 43 Lamb's Conduit street
Anderson John, oil & colorman, 12 Dean street, Holborn
Anderson John, soapmaker, see Barlow & Anderson
Anderson John Alexander, oil & colorman, Lombard street, Chelsea
Anderson John Hay, seedsman, see Hay, Anderson & Sangster
Anderson John Henry, solicitor, 80 Cornhill
Anderson John Laughton, grocer & cheesemonger, 47 Union street, Borough
Anderson Jonas, grocer, 8 Clark street, Commercial road east
Anderson Joseph, horse dealer, 108 Piccadilly
Anderson Joseph, merchant, 15 College street, Dowgate hill
Anderson Luke, tailor, 63 Oakley street, Lambeth
Anderson Mary (Mrs.), baker, l Northampton place, Old Kent road
Anderson Mary Ann (Mrs.), dyer &c. 2 Howland street, Fitzroy square
Anderson Peter, stockbroker, 6 Throgmorton street & 4 Austin friars
Anderson Robert, baker, 9 Coleman street
Anderson Robert,  barrister, 37 Southampton buildings, Chancery lane
Anderson Robert, watch motion maker, 3 Ironmonger street, St. Lukes
Anderson Robert, wharfinger, see Brander & Anderson
Anderson Rt. William, tallowchandler, 62 Marylebone lane, Oxford street
Anderson Thomas, baker, 2 High street, Marylebone
Anderson Thomas, bottle merchant & lintmaker, 7 Dorset street, Portman square
Anderson Thomas, Patterson, solicitor, see Beavan & Anderson
Anderson William, cabinet maker, 27 Circus street, New road, Marylebone
Anderson William, druggist, 178 Tooley street
Anderson William, Eldon Arms P.H. Queen square, Eldon street, Finsbury
Anderson William, fruiterer, 4 Grove terrace, Brompton grove
Anderson William, stationer & tobacconist, 372 Rotherhithe
Anderson William, surgeon, 21 Brompton row
Anderson William, surgeon, 12 Chadwell street, St. John street road
Anderson William, tailor, see Whitehead & Anderson
Anderson William, tobacconist, 164 Oxford street
Anderson William, vellum binder, 4 St. Benet's place, Gracechurch street
Anderton George Thomas, butcher, 98 Bermondsey street
Anderton Isaac, teadealer, 26 Old street & 60 Whitechapel road
Anderton James, solicitor, resident manager of the West of England Assurance Co. 20 New Bridge street, Blackfriars
Anderton William, tallowchandler, 27 Old street, St. Luke's
Andrade Benjamin, butcher, 1 New Newgate market
Andrade David, meat salesman, 7 New Newgate market
Andrade Solomon H. ostrich feather manufacturer, 63 Leadenhall street
André James P. & Sons, west india merchants, 12 Camomile street, Bishopsgate
André John, tailor, 30 Newman street, Oxford street
André Peter, hatter, 127 New Bond street
Andrew James & William, merchants, 25 Martin's lane, Cannon street
Andrew John & Co. cotton yarn manufacturers & dyers, 7 Goldsmith street
Andrew Charlotte (Mrs.), plumber, 36 Dowgate hill
Andrew Frederick William, plain & ornamental painter, 23 Northumberland street, Marylebone
Andrew Harry, butcher, 30 High street, Portland town
Andrew James, cheesemonger, 302 Oxford street
Andrew Joseph George, oil & italian warehouse, 8 New street, Dorset square
Andrew William, Isaac, pine & grapegrower, South Lambeth
Andrewes Henry, tinplate worker, see Barber & Andrewes
Andrewes Thomas, wireworker, 17 Old Compton street, Soho
Andrews Ann & Henry, paperhangers, 3 Angel place, New road, Pentonville
Andrews & Borthwick, irish linen merchant, 1 1/2 Crown court, Cheapside
Andrews George & Co. tailors, 9 Cork street, Bond street
Andrews George William & Co. wine merchants, 62 Moorgate street
Andrews Hugh, Sons & Gee, calico printers, 55 Friday street
Andrews Messrs. booksellers & librarians, 167 New Bond street
Andrews Peter & Mary, catholic printers & publishers, 3 Duke street, West Smithfield
Andrews William & Co. helmet makers, 9 Pall mall
Andrews Andrew, chemist & druggist, 45 Kingsland road
Andrews Andrew, corn merchant, see Ambridge & Andrews
Andrews Ann (Mrs.), boarding house, 22 Ironmonger lane, Cheapside
Andrews Ann (Mrs.), milliner, 18 Foley place, Portland place
Andrews Ann (Mrs.), milliner, 36 St. George's place, Knightsbridge
Andrews Biggs, Q.C. barrister, 4 King's bench walk, Temple
Andrews Charles, coffee rooms, 3 Hartley place, Old Kent road
Andrews Charles, grocer, 3 Queen's place, Holloway
Andrews Charles, jeweller, 50 Brick lane, Spitalfields
Andrews Charles, stockbroker, see Parker, Scrutton & Andrews
Andrews Char.(Mrs.) military capmaker, 9 Macclesfield street, Soho
Andrews Edward, corn merchant, 48 Mark lane
Andrews Edward, tobacconist, 5 Beckford row, Walworth
Andrews Eliza (Mrs.), hatter, &c.3 Newman's row, Lincolns inn fields
Andrews George, artist, 3 Seymour place, Euston square
Andrews George, engineer, 18 Spencer street, Goswell road
Andrews George, wholesale perfumer, see Brown & Andrews
Andrews George Lawrence, merchant, Lloyd's
Andrews Harriet Miss, ladies' school, 5 Millman place, Bedford row
Andrews Henry, fishmonger, 14 Freeschool street, Horselydown
Andrews Henry, invalid's chair maker, 18 Foley place, Portland place
Andrews Henry John, hairdresser, 36 Water lane, Blackfriars
Andrews Hugh, merchant, 6 Claremont square, Islington
Andrews Jas. New Tanner's Arms. P.H. Grange road, Bermondsey
Andrews James, silversmith & polisher, 10 Bull & Mouth street
Andrews John, coal dealer, 96 Great Peter street, Westminster
Andrews John, tobacconist, 18 Hedge row, High street, Islington
Andrews John Goldwyer, surgeon, 4 St. Helen's place, Bishopsgate
Andrews John Richard, brazier, 71 Tottenham court road
Andrews John Richard, tea dealer, 316 Oxford street
Andrews Jonathan, tailor, 15 Adam street, Adelphi
Andrews Joseph, merchant, see Melville & Andrews
Andrews Joseph, surgeon, 1 Upper Belmont place, Wandsworth road
Andrews Joseph, teadealer, 3 High street, Kensington
Andrews Reginald, linendraper, 320 Albany road, Camberwell
Andrews Richard, surgeon, 96 Crawford street, Portman square
Andrews Richard, umbrella maker, 10 Storest. Bedford square
Andrews Robert, fruiterer, 99 Park street, Grosvenor square
Andrews Ruth.(Mrs.) White Horse & Keys P.H.72 Goswell street
Andrews Samuel, lodging house, 8 Lower Grosvenor place
Andrews Sarah (Mrs), wardrobe dealer, 51 Paddington street
Andrews Thomas, auctioneer & valuer, 34 Red Lion street, Holborn
Andrews Thomas, serjeant at law, 1 Serjeants' inn, Chancery lane
Andrews Thomas, Grapes P.H. 29 Little Earl street, Seven dials
Andrews Thomas, japanner, &c, 8 Castle street east, Oxford market
Andrews Thomas, oilman, 51 Penton street, Pentonville
Andrews William, merchant, 14 New City chambers, Bishopsgate
Andrews William, physician, 21 Golden square
Andrews William, saddler, 2 Compton street, Clerkenwell
Angas Geo. F. & Co. merchants, 2 Jeffrey's square, St. Mary axe
Angel James, fruiterer, 34 Compton street, Brunswick square
Angel Richard, bootmaker, 77 Great Tower street, City
Angel William, poulterer, 35 Compton street, Brunswick square
Angell & Cooper, solicitors, Warwick chambers, Beak street
Angell John & Sons, silversmiths, 1 Compton street, Clerkenwell
Angell Joseph & Son, silversmiths, 54 Compton street, Clerkenwell
Angell Joseph & Son, silversmiths, 25 Panton street, Haymarket
Angell Alfred, attorney, 23 Lincoln's inn fields
Angell Evan, carpenter & joiner, 6 Charterhouse lane
Angell Samuel, architect & surveyor, 18 Gower street, Bedford square
Angier Saml. & Co. ship & insurance brokers,& custom house, ship & forwarding agents, 14 & 15 Philpot lane
Angier Samuel, ship broker, Baltic coffee house
Anglish George, furniture broker, 13 Brokers' alley, Drury lane
Angliss John, pewterer, 6 Allerton street, East road, City road
Anglo Mexican Mining Association, 5 Broad street buildings
Anglo Mexican Mint Co. Gwal B. Londsdale, sec. 9 New Broad street
Angold John, timber merchant, 25 Tottenham street, Tottenham court road
Angus Alexander, surgeon & accoucheur, 66 Frith street, Soho
Angus Geo. tinplate worker, 66 St. John street, West Smithfield
Angus William, oil & color & italian warehouse, 15 Maiden lane, Wood street
Anichini John, dealer in metals, 5 Crosby hall cham. Bishopsgate
Amichini & Moate, metal brokers, 37 Fenchurch street
Animals' Friendsociety, Lewis Gompertz, hon.sec. 52 Mark lane
Ankerson Richard, teadealer, &c. 4 York street, Middlesex hospital
Anley William, boot & shoemaker, 15 & 22 Henrietta street, Manchester square
Annan William, lithograph. & letter press printer, 46 Watling street
Annand Margaret (Mrs.) confectioner, 101 Bridge road. Lambeth
Annand John, proctor, 20 Great Carter lane, Doctors' commons
Annand William, insurance agent, 4 Pinner's court, Old Broad street & Lloyds
Annandale William, surgeon, 3 Great Queen street, Westminster
Annesley & Reade, attorneys, 64 Lincoln's inn fields
Annett Lewis, Goat P.H. 41 Tash street Gray's inn lane
Anning Henry, curiosity dealer, 60 Cannon street, Ratcliff
Annis John, pawnbroker, &c. 121 Minories
Annis Thomas, tailor, see Biggs & Annis
Ansdell Samuel, bookbinder, 11 Adam street west
Ansell Abraham & Co. importers of foreign goods, 56 Wood street
Ansell & Hawke, medical glass & fixture dealers, 8 Great Queen street, Lincoln's inn fields
Ansell Hyam, & Co. merchants, 159 Fenchurch street
Ansell Abm. Bricklayer's Arms, P.H. 31 North street, Manchester square
Ansell Amos, beerhouse, 33 Rawstorne street, Goswell street
Ansell Ann (Mrs.), glass & china dealer, 61 Upper Ebury street, Pimlico
Ansell Charles, Horse & Groom P.H. 30 King street, Seven dials
Ansell Edward, wholesale trimming warehouse, 5 Clement's court, Milk street
Ansell James, leatherseller, 77 Long lane, West Smithfield
Ansell John, boot & shoe warehouse, 66 Barbican
Ansell Joseph, optician, 80 Leman street, Goodman's fields
Ansell Thomas, baker, 111 Bishopsgate without
Ansell Thos. camden nursery, Gloucester place, Camden town
Ansell William, brushmaker, 10 Great Ryder street, St. James'
Anslow Thomas, mahogany merchant, 17 Marlboro' street, Blackkfriars
Ansted Charles, merchant & insurance broker, 8 St. Benet's place, Gracechurch street
Ansted James, merchant, 8 St. Benet's place, Gracechurch street
Anstee Edward, butcher, 14 Oxford market
Anstee Thomas, boot & shoemaker, 26 Charterhouse lane
Anstey, Le Gassick & Guthrie, tailors, 18 George street Hanover square
Anstey Isaac, fur, cloth & leather cap maker, 4 Bridge road, Lambeth
Anstey John, grocer & teadealer, 42 High street, St. Giles's
Answorth Henry Warne, solicitor, 51 Lincoln's inn fields
Answorth Robert, law stationer, 1 Clifford's inn, Fleet street
Anthony & Graham, merchants, 29 Austinfriars & Hull
Anthony Elizabeth (Mrs.), tailor & mercer, 78 Chancery lane
Anthony Geo. surgeon, 14 Aldenham terrace, St. Pancras road
Anthony Henry, pork butcher, 28 Goswell road
Anthony John, tailor, 33 Kingsgate street, Holborn
Anthony John Galieb, merchant, 71 Cornhill
Anthony John Hollis, solicitor, 31 Nicholas lane
Anthony Rt. poulterer, 6 Ship tavern passage, Leadenhall market
Anthony Samuel Hollis, merchant, 29 Austinfriars
Anthony William, restorer of paintings, 25 Southampton street, Covent garden
Anti Corn Law Office,448 Strand
Anti Dry Rot Company (Ryan's patent), 2 Lime street square & 4 Macclesfield street south, City road
Anti Coal Monopoly Company, 31 Charing cross
Antiquarian Society (Sir Henry Ellis & Nicholas Carlisle, secretaries), Somerset house, Strand
Antill Ann (Mrs.), orange merchant, 7 Borough market
Anton George, baker, l l l A, Jermyn street, St. James's
Antrobus Edmund, teaman to her Majesty, and to her majesty Queen Adelaide, 446 West Strand
Aitrobas William, writing master, 5 Duke street, Adelphi
Antwerp Steam Company (Lightly & Simon, agents), 123 Fenchurch street, & 67 Lower Thames street
Anwyl & Co. wholesale trimming warehouse, 22 Lawrence lane
Anwyl Owen, oilman & grocer, 20 Lower Belgrave street, Pimlico
Anyon Susan F. & Sarah, bookseller & stationers, 19 New street, Dorset square
Anyon Thomas, silk dyer to her Majesty, 44 Greek street, Soho
Aplin Benjamin & Co. wine merchants, 26 Bucklersbury
Aplin Robert & John, french toy dealers, 23 Lowther arcade, Strand
Aplin Benjamin, attorney, 5 Furnival's inn, Holborn
Apothecaries' Hall, R. B. Upton, clerk, Water lane, Blackfriars
Appach Frederick William, insurance broker, 18 Tokenhouse yard
Appel George, baker, 6 King's Head row, Old Brompton
Appelbee William sen. baker, 13 Great Chapel street, Westminster
Appelbee William Joshua jun. baker, Larkhail lane, Clapham
Applebee Edward, baker, 9 Union street, Bishopsgate
Appleby Henry, lodging house keeper, 7 Howard street, Strand
Appleby James, straw hat maker, 9 Cranbourne street, Leicester square
Appleby John, working cutler; 48 Banner street, St. Luke's
Appleby Samuel, solicitor, 6 Harpur street, Red Lion square
Appleby Thomas, straw, tuscan, & millinery warehouse, 17 St. Martin's court
Appleby Thomas William, tobacconist, 13 Bethnal green road
Appleford John Edward, city carman, 5 Idol lane, Tower street
Appleford William, tailor & draper, 145 Holborn bars
Applegarth Jane (Mrs.), shoemaker, 3 George court, Piccadilly
Applegate William, tailor, 146 Tooley street
Applegath Augustus, calico, &c. printer, l Bow clinrehyard
Applegath Elizabeth (Miss), artificial florist, 182 Oxford street
Applegath Thomas, lace cleaner, 108 Great Titchfield street
Appleton Charles S. Co. sydney merchants, 11 St. Benet's place
Appleton Daniel & Co. book exporters, 10 Little Britain
Appleton Henry & Son, coach lacemen, 22 Long acre
Appleton Francis, grocer, &c. 2 Cable street, Wellclose square
Appleton George, auctioneer, &c. see Newton & Appleton
Appleton George, auctioneer, &c. 13 Union court, Old Broad street
Appleton Henry, chronometer maker, 50 Myddelton square
Appleton James Metcalfe, M.D. & M.R.C.S. surgeon, 15 Curzon street
Appleton John, agent for Aitchinson & Co. brewers, Edinbro', Duchy wharf, Savoy street, Strand
Appleton John, auctioneer, estate & house agent, land surveyor & valuer, 31 Nicholas lane, City, & Harlow, Essex
Appleton John, oilman, 29 Compton street, Brunswick square
Appleton Mary Ann (Miss), coffee rooms, 236 Shoreditch
Appleton Mary (Mrs.), baker, 5 Weston street, Somers town
Appleton Philip, locksmith, &c. 21 Princes street, Drury lane
Appleton Thomas, coppersmith & worm mak. 69 Houndsditch
Appleton Thomas, Hercules Tavern, 119 Leadenhall street
Appleton Thomas Benjamin, surgeon, 10 Newington terrace
Appleton William, coppersmith & brazier, 100 Old street, St. Luke's
Appleton William, ironmonger, 81 Drury lane
Appleyard Robert L. & Son, solicitors, 1 New square, Lincoln's inn
Appleyard Henry, Magpie & Stump, P. H. 118 Newgate street
Appleyard Joseph, news agent, 47 Liquorpond street
Appleyard Sarah (Mrs), news agent & bookseller, 1 Duke street, Adelphi
Applin George, cheesemonger, 32 Upper Berkeley street, Portman square
Appold George, skin dyer, 23 Wilson street, Finsbury square

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