Search london history from Roman times to modern day
In 1826, a listing exists which covers Middlesex and its towns and villages within 12 miles of London. This actually includes parts of Essex, Surrey, Kent etc.
Index of London & Surrounds in 1826
Deptford & New Cross
Dover Castle, (head Inn & Posting House), John Martin, Broadway
New Cross, Wm Demee, New Cross
Red Lion, Saml Edwards, King Street
Anchor & Crown, Francis King, New Street
Ancient Druid, George Taylor, Church Street
Bee Hive, Geo Pritchard, Flagon Row
Bell, John Jones, Butchers Row
Black Horse, Jno Garner, Lower Road
Black Swan, Jno Wills, New Street
Bricklayers Arms, J S Brown, Lewisham Road
Britannia, Wm Myers, Grove Street
Brown Bear, Saml Smith, High Street
Bull & Butcher, Matt Berry, King Street
Crispin & Crispiana, Thos Roberts, Gravel Pits
Crown, John Sullivan, New Street
Dolphin, John Foster, Flagon Row
Duchess of Brunswick, Jane Dodd, Brunswick Square
Duke of York, Wm Ward, Grove Lane
Earl of Chatham, Jesse Hill, Hughes Fields
Earl Romney, Jn Dickenson, Green
Evelyn Arms, Thos Collins, Victuallin Office Row
Feathers, Chas Pritchard, Church Street
Five Bells, Ths Bishop, New Cross
Fishing Smack, Jn Ritson, King Street
Fishing Smack, Thomas Foreman, Stowage
Fox, Thomas Hunt, New King Street
Garricks Head, John Fairey, Lower Road
George, John Gilbert, Grove Street
George, Samuel Sarke, New Cross
Globe, Henry Speering, Lower Road
Golden Fleece, Sl Fletcher, Mill Lane
Griffin, Geo Jenkins, New King Street
King of Prussia, Josiah Crutchfoley, Union Street
Kings Arms, Timothy Riordan, New King Street
Kings Arms, Sml Addis, Church Street
Kings Head, Geo Higham, Grove
Kings Head, John Tregunno, Church Street
Lads of the Village, Christopher Seabrook, New kIng Street
Lion & Lamb, Joseph Addis, Green
Lord Duncan, Jos Salmon, Broadway
Lord Nelson, Thos Smith, Dock Street
Mansion House, Thomas Grey, Prospect Place
Marquis of Granby, Thos Friend, New Cross
Marquis of Granby, Anne Hedger, Thames Street
Masons Arms, Jn Godwin, King Street
Mitre, Thos Nash, Deptford Bridge
Navy Arms, Edward Jones, New King Street
Neptune, David Renny, Creek Street
New Cross House, Jas Purcell, New Cross
Noahs Ark, John Stroud, High Street
Old Centurion, F Fanchon, Broadway
Old Fountain, William Bigsby, Broadway
Old George, Rd Harris, Stowage
Old Gibraltar, Eliz Wigg, Lower Road
Oxford Arms, John Graveson, Church Street
Plume of Feathers, Sml Needham, Deptford Bridge
Prince of Wales, William Nash, Thames Street
Prince Regent, Alex Stewart, High Street
Princess of Wales, Geo Alchorne, Grove Lane
Queen Charlotte, Thomas Cole, Church Street
Red Cow, John Stratton, High Street
Red Lion & Wheatsheaf, John Ladson, High Street
Robin Hood, Jn Dowden, Church Street
Rodney, Jno Spicer, New King Street
Roman Eagle, Eliz Todd, Church Street
Ropemakers Arms, Wm Milne, New Street
Rose, Jane Hawkins, New Cross
Rose & Crown, Jas Smith, King Street
Royal Ann, Richd Osborne, Lower Thames Street
Royal Charlotte, Thomas Baker, Dowling Street
Royal George, Mercy Whiting, Tanners Hill
Royal Oak, Anthy Reed, High Street
Royal Standard, Thomas Fisher, Tanners Hill
Ship & Sailor, Jno Crouch, Effingham Place
Ship Chester, Jas West, Butcher Row
Ship Defiance, John Povey, Grove Street
Shipwrights Arms, Jos Robinson, Green
Sir John Falstaff, John Presland, Lower Watergate
Star & Garter, W Francis, Thames Street
Telegraph, William Washington, Broomfield Place
Three Compasses, J Foster, Church Street
Three Post Boys, Robert Aldred, New Cross
Three Tuns, William Shirley, Butcher Row
Tiger Cat, John Chapman, New Row
Timber Hoy, James William Richards, Creek
Trinity Arms, J Smith, Church Street
Two Brewers, J Morris, Griffin Street
White Hart, Wm Richford, Green
White Hart, G W Webb, Grove Street
White Swan, J Newbegin, High Street
Windmill, Jas Moore, Lower Road
Crown, Thomas Goodman
Greyhound, Wm Middlecott
Half Moon, John Webb
Prince Regent, Richd Maugham
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