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LCC index
Tramways Department T2 - Note : The names of those who died while on active
service are marked *
* Tigg, Thomas Henry (1914-17); Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 4 months ;
Killed in action, 20th September, 1917.
* Tingay, Thomas Burgess (1914-18) ; Sapper, R.E. ; Accidentally killed, 23rd
August, 1918.
Tinker, Frederick George (1914-18) ; Corporal, R.D.C.
Tinworth, Alfred Edward (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; India 4 months, Mesopotamia
1 year 10 months.
Tisdall, William George (1914-19); M.S.M. ; Driver, R.H.A. ; France 4 years 2
* Titcomb, Ernest James (1915-16) ; Rifleman, London Regiment ; France 3 months
; Killed in action, 7th October. 1916.
Titmuss, Alfred Joseph (1914-19) ; Private, Remount Squadron ; France and Italy
18 months.
* Toby, John (1914-18) ; Private, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry
; France 6 months ; Died of wounds whilst a prisoner of war, 3rd April, 1918.
* Todd, James William (1917); Cadet, R.A.F. ; Accidentally killed, 28th September,
Todd, Robert (1916-19); Sergeant, M.F.P.
Tolhurst, Jacob Isaac (1914-17) ; Lance-Corpora!, R.D.C.
Tolland, Thomas Edward (1914-19) ; Gunner, R. Marine Artillery ; Naval Service 3
Tombs, Edward (1915-19) ; Private, York and Lancaster Regiment ; France 2 years 6
Tomlinson, Alfred George (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 1 year 11
Toon. Walter Harold (1918-19) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; France 5 months.
Topp, Cyril (1914-18) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 2 months.
Topp, George Ernest (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.); France 4 years 7
Topple, George Luke (1918-19); Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; France 4 months.
Torrance, Harry Thomas (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.D.C.
* Tott, John (1914-15) ; Private, Scottish Rifles ; France 5 months ; Killed in
action, 9th May, 1915.
Tow, Harold James (1915) ; Private, London Regiment
Townsend, Alfred William (1914-15) ; Gunner, R.F.A.
Townsend, James (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 4 years 5 months.
* Townsend, Stanley Henry (1914-15) ; Gunner, R.F.A. : France 1 month ; Killed
in action, 25th September, 1915.
Tracey, Ernest Edwin (1915-19) ; Private, London Regiment ; France 1 year 9
months, Salonica 6 months, Egypt and Palestine 1 year.
Tregent, William (1914-19) ; Rifleman Rifle brigade ; France 3 years 8 months
Trembath, George Henry (1915-19) Sapper, R.E. ; France 1 year 11 months
Trembath, William (1915-19) ; M.M. Sergeant, R.E. ; France 3 years 2 months
Trevanna, William Thomas (1914-19) Rifleman, London Regiment ; France, Salonica
and Egypt, 3 years.
*Trevett, Frank (1914-17) ; M.M. ; Lance-Sergeant, King's Royal Rifle Corps ;
France 1 year 7 months ; Killed in action, 17th February, 1917.
Tring. Henry (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 7 months.
Tripp, Ernest John (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 6 months, Italy
14 months.
Tripp. Charles Frank (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 3 months.
Tritton, Charles Elliott (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 6
Trodd, William Morrin (1914-19) ; M.M.; Sapper, R.E. ; France, Mesopotamia and
Italy 4 years.
Trubridge, Ernest Alfred (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.).
Trudgill, Charles (1915-19) ; Shoeing-Smith, R.F.A. ; France 3 years.
True, Ernest John Henry (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 4 years 3 months.
Truscott, William Lawrence (1914-19); Private, Dragoon Guards ; France 1 year.
Truss, Frederick (1915-18); Sapper, R.E. ; Gallipoli and France 2 years.
Trussell, Alfred John (1915-19); Private, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire
Regiment ; France 1 year.
Trusson, James (1915-19); Corporal, Labour Corps ; France 13 months.
Tucker, Harry (1915-19) ; Private, Dragoon Guards ; France 2 years.
Tucker, Walter Henry (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A.: France and Germany 3 years 6
Tulley, Charles Thomas Edwin (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 months,
Salonica 2 months.
Turnbull, Robert James (1918-19); Private, R. Sussex Regiment ; France and
Germany 5 months.
Turnbull, Stephen (1914-17); M.M. ; Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers ; France.
Turner, Alfred John (1915-19) ; Stoker, R.N. ; Naval Service 3 years 11 months.
Turner, Frederick William (1916-20) ; Private, London Regiment ; France 5
months, Egypt 2 years 1 month.
Turner, Herbert (1918-20) ; Private, R. Sussex Regiment ; France, Egypt and
Palestine 10 months.
Turner, John Forwood (1915-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 6 months,
Salonica 6 months, Egypt 1 year 7 months.
* Turner, Thomas William (1915-17); Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 2 years ; Missing,
21st September, 1917.
Turner, Walter (1914-19) ; Private, King's Hussars ; India, Mesopotamia and
France 4 years.
Turner, William Henry (1914-17); Sergeant, R. Berkshire Regiment ; France.
Turton, Edward Isaiah (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 1 year, Salonica 7
months, Malta 5 months.
Turton, Joseph William (1914-19); Private, Northumberland Fusiliers ; France,
Mesopotamia and India 5 years.
Tustin, Arthur George John (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.O.C.
Tuvey, Charles William (1914-15) ; Private, Middlesex Regiment.
Tuvey, George (1914-19) ; Private, Machine Gun Corps ; France 3 years.
Twichett, Alfred E2xa (1914-17) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 14 months.
Twiggs, Joseph Edward (1914-15) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 5 months.
Twiner, Arthur Edward (1914-17); Bombardier, R.F.A. : France 2 years 7 months.
Tyler, Frederick Arthur (1914-17) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; Italy and France 4 years 4
Tyler, Herbert William (1914-19); D.C.M., Mentioned in despatches ; Company
Sergeant-Major, Devonshire Regiment ; France 6 months, Salonica 2 years 3
Tyler, John (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.V.C. ; France 4 years 4 months.
Tyler, Richard Bernard William' (1914-19) ; M.S.M. ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France
2 years 10 months.
TyrreU, Albert (1918-19) ; Private, R. Sussex Regiment ; France and Germany 6
Tyrrell, Henry George (1914-19); Sapper, R.E. ; German East Africa 2 years 9
Tyrrell, William (1915-19); Gunner, R.H.A. ; France 2 months.
*Tysoe, Harry (1915-17) : Sapper, R.E. ; France 14 months ; Killed in action,
20th July, 1917.
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