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London County Council in the Great War 1914 - 1918

LCC index

Tramways Department S3 - Note : The names of those who died while on active service are marked *

Soper, Percy Charles (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.V.C. ; France and Egypt 3 years 5 months.

Sorrell, Albert Joseph (1914-19) ; Private, Middlesex Regiment: India and Mesopotamia 2 years 6 months.

Sorrell, Frederick Benjamin (1916-17) ; Private, London Regiment

Southgate, Alfred (1917-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 2 years.

Sparkes, George Augustus (1914-19) ; 2nd Sick Berth Steward, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years 10 months.

Sparks, Harry (1914-19) ; Private, 2nd Dragoon Guards ; France 4 years 1 month.

Sparksman. James (1915-19) ; Lance-Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 7 months.

Sparrow, Percy William George (1915-17) ; Gunner, K.F.A.

Spaull, Thomas Robert (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers ; France 9 months, Salonica 2 years 9 months.

Spearing, William Philip (1915-19) ; Company Sergeant- Major, R.A.S.C. ; France 10 months, Balkans 2 years 2 months.

Speer, William (1915-19) ; D.C.M. ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 3 years.

*Spicer, George Henry (1914-18) ; Sec-Lieutenant, Royal Fusiliers ; Killed in action, 6th June, 1918.

Spicer, Thomas (1914-19) ; Private, Essex Regiment; Gallipoli and India 4 years.

Spicer, William Henry (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C.

Spickett, Francis Owen (1915-19) ; Corporal, Hertfordshire Regiment ; France 2 years.

Spittlehouse, Frederick William (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.O.C. ; Salonica 2 years, Egypt 14 months.

Spooner, Frederick (1918-19) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; France 5 months.

Sprague, Walter Henry (1914-19) ; Stoker, R.F.R. ; Naval Service 4 years 6 months.

Springer, Henry James (1914-17) ; Sergeant, R.H.A.

Springett. Harry (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 2 years 3 months.

Springett, Harry George (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France, Salonica and Egypt, 3 years.

Springthorpe, William Frederick (1914-16) ; Private, Middlesex Regiment ; France 2 years.

Stace, Henry (1914-15) ; Wheeler-Driver, R.A.S.C.

Stacey, William Thomas (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 6 months.

Stagg, Sydney Horace (1915-17); Private, R.A.M.C.

Staines, Harry Stephen (1918) ; Private, R. Marine Engineers.

Standen, Thomas Frederick (1914-17); Corporal, Devonshire Regiment; France 10 months.

Standfield, James Charles (1915-17); Private, R.A.S.C.

Standivan, Albert Henry (1918-19) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers.

Stanford, Edward (1915-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 4 months.

Stanley, Leslie Ernest (1917-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 2 years 4 months.

Staples, Albert Victor (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.O.C. ; France 13 months, Italy 1 year 9 months.

Stares, Frank (1917-19); Private, Labour Corps ; France 1 year.

Starkins, Harry (1916-19) ; Corporal, Labour Corps : France 5 months.

* Steadman, Arthur Charles (1916-17); Private, Royal Fusiliers ; France 6 months ; Died of wounds, 13th May, 1917.

Steadman, Christopher John (1915-19) ; Bombardier. R.F.A. ; France 3 years.

Steadman, David Alfred (1915-19) ; Fitter, R.F.A. ; France and Germany 2 years 8 months.

Stedman, Alfred (1916-19) ; Driver, R.F.A.

Steel, Arthur Edwin (1915-19) ; Sergeant, Middlesex Regiment.

Steel, Ernest (1918-20) ; Private, London Regiment ; France, Gerniany and Egypt, 14 months.

Steel, Sydney Herbert (1916-19) ; Lance-Bombardier, R.G.A. ; Mesopotamia 1 year 9 months.

Steer, George (1914-16) ; Rifleman, London Regiment

Steer, Thomas William (1914-19) ; Lance- Corporal, Middlesex Regiment ; India and France 3 years.

Steggles, Walter George (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps.

Stenning, Charles Edward (1914-19); Lance-Corporal, R.E. ; France, Salonica and Egypt, 2 years 8 months.

Stephens, Edwin Harry (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.F.

Stephens, Francis Walter (1914-19) ; Able Seaman, R.F.R. ; Naval Service 4 years 5 months.

Stephens, Thomas Henry Bevan (1917-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 1 year.

*Sterry, Arthur William (1914-10); Sergeant, Norfolk Regiment ; France 2 years ; Killed in action, 4th September, 1916.

Stevens, Arthur Albert (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 years 3 months.

Stevens, Charles George (1916-19); Private, Labour Corps.

Stevens, Frederick (1914-19); Sergeant, Tank Corps ; France 2 years.

Stevens, George (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.A.V.C. ; Egypt, Salonica and France, 3 years 4 months.

* Stevens, Roland William (1914-18) ; Sergeant, Northamptonshire Regiment; France 10 months ; Missing, 27th May, 1918.

Stevens, Sidney Thomas (1910-19); Leading Aircraftsman, R.A.F. ; France 10 months.

Stevens, Thomas (1910-19) ; Private, London Regiment ; France 2 years.

Stevens, Walter William (1910-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. : France 2 years.

Stevenson, George Ernest (1914-19); M.M. ; Private, East Kent Regiment and Labour Corps ; France 6 months.

Stevenson, Leonard William (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.S.C. ; France 8 months, Egypt and Palestine 3 years 4 months.

Stevenson, Percy Walter (1914-15) ; Private, Border Regiment.

Steward, Charles George (1915-19); Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 8 months.

Stewart, John Edward (1914-19) ; Private, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry ; France and Italy 4 years 5 months.

Stickling, Frederick Charles (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.O.C. ; France 1 year, Salonica 3 years 2 months.

Stiff, James (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 1 year 8 months.

Stiff, Joseph Alfred (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.S.C. ; Salonica and Egypt 2 years 7 months.

Stiff, Robert (1916-19); Lance-Corporal, Durham Light Infantry ; Salonica 2 years 6 months.

Stiling, Frederick John (1915-17); Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 2 years 7 months.

*Stiller, Edward Mark (1914-18) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 6 months, Salonica and Palestine 2 years ; Died, 14th December, 1918.

StUlman, Edgar John (1915-19) ; Private, R.W. Kent Regiment ; France and Italy 2 years 1 month.

Stimpson, Philip Brewster (1918-19) ; Armourers' Crew, R.N.

Stimson, Henry Samuel (1914-19) ; Lance-Corporal, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 2 years.

Stirling, John Henry (1914-19) ; Sergeant, London Regiment ; France 1 year.

Stirrat, John George (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.F. ; France 10 months.

Stock, Charles (1917-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A.

Stock, George Reuben (1916-19) ; Corporal, Norfolk Regiment; France 18 months.

Stock, John Charles (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.S.C. ; France 5 months.

Stock, John Edward (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 3 months.

Stock, Sidney James (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; East Africa 8 months.

Stockham, Henry Thomas (1914) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers.

Stocks, Maximilian (1914-17); Private, London Regiment

Stodgell, Charles Albert (1918-19) ; Private, Wiltshire Regiment; France 2 months.

Stokes, Alfred Frederick (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C.

Stokes, John (1917-19); Rifleman, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 5 months. Prisoner of war (Germany) 8 months.

Stokes, John Charles (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers ; France 10 months.

Stone, Albert Henry (1916-17) ; Private, Labour Corps.

Stone, Walter (1917-19) ; Private, London Regiment ; Egypt 1 year, France 14 months.

Stone, Walter Edgar (1915-19); 2nd Corporal, R.E. ; France 3 years 6 months.

Stone, William Richard (1916-19); Lance-Corporal, M.F.P.

Stopher, Edward Robert (1916-19); Private, Labour Corps ; France 1 month.

Storer. Edward William (1915-19); Company Sergeant-Major, R.A.S.C. ; Burmah 3 years, Mesopotamia 8 months.

Storrie, Robert (1915-18) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 2 months.

Stow, William (1914-18); Private, 11th Cavalry Reserve Regiment.

Stowell, John (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; Egypt, Palestine and Arabia, 3 years 3 months.

Strange, Bertie (1916-19) ; Private, Worcestershire Regiment; France 1 year.

Strange, Charles Henry (1916-17) ; Private, Labour Corps.

Strange, Charles Thomas (1917-20) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 8 months.

Strange, Frederick Arthur (1914-19) ; Driver R.F.A., and Private, Labour Corps ; France 4 years 6 months.

Stratford, Henry James (1915-19) ; M.M. and bar ; Company Sergeant-Major, Royal Fusiliers ; France 2 years 11 months.

Straw, Alfred George (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; Salonica and France 2 years 3 months.

Street, William Albert (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 2 years 6 months.

Stribling, Branwhite Gordon (1916-17) ; Private, Middlesex Regiment.

Strickland, John Herbert (1917-19) ; Private, Labour Corps.

Stritch, Patrick (1917-19) ; Aircraftsman (2nd Class), R.A.F.

Strong, Albert Arthur (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C.

Strong, Roland Randall (1914-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; Malta and France 3 years 6 months.

Stroud, Henry (1916-19) ; Private, York and Lancaster Regiment; France 8 months.

Stubbs, Robert John William (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 1 year 8 months.

Sturgeon, Christopher (1914-19) ; Private, R. Marine Light Infantry ; Naval Service 4 years 6 months.

Sturt, William (1918-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R. Sussex Regiment ; France 4 months.

Stuttart, Albert Edward (1914-17) ; Private, R. Berkshire Regiment.

Styles, Thomas Francis (1914-17); Rifleman, London Regiment, and Private, R.D.C. ; France 2 months.

?Suckling, Alfred James (1916-18); Rifleman, London Regiment ; France 1 year ; Died of wounds, 10th August, 1918.

Suckling, Arthur (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France, Egypt and Palestine 3 years 9 months.

Suckling. John Elvy (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 years 4 months.

Sullivan, John (1914-19) ; Private, R.D.C.

Summerhayes, Arnold (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R. E. ; France 3 years 3 months, Germany 6 months.

Sumner, Henry (1917-19) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; France 1 year.

Sumner, John Percy (1914-19) ; Driver, R.E. ; Gallipoli 9 months, France 1 year 11 months.

Sunnucks, Frank George (1917-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 11 months.

Susans, Alfred (1914) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade.

Swaby, John (1918-19) ; Private, R. Sussex Regiment ; France and Germany 6 months.

Swaker, William Leslie (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 years 6 months.

Swann, Sidney William (1915-19) ; M.M. ; Private, Machine Gun Corps ; Egypt and France 3 years.

Swarman, Frederick John (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 10 months.

Sweet, Hedley Arthur Thomas (1914-17 and 1918) ; Lance-Corporal, Labour Corps : France 2 years 4 months.

Sweeting, Alfred William (1915-19) ; Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 1 mouth.

* Swindells, Samuel (1915-18) ; 1st Private, R.A.F. ; Mediterranean 11 months ; Died, 18th November, 1918.

Symonds, Albert Edward (1915-19); Sergeant, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 8 months.

Symonds, Charles Robert (1915-19) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; France 3 months.

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