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London County Council in the Great War 1914 - 1918

LCC index

Tramways Department M2 - Note : The names of those who died while on active service are marked *

Matthews, Albert Edward (1915-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 6 months.

Matthews, Alfred James (1914-16) ; Private, Training Battalion.

Matthews, Frank Maurice (1915) ; Private, Grenadier Guards.

Matthews, George (1916-19) ; Private, R. Guernsey Light Infantry ; France 15 months.

* Matthews, James Ellis (1914-15) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Private, Middlesex Regiment ; France 8 months ; Killed in action, 19th July, 1915.

Mattick, William Charles (1916-18); Private, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry ; France and Salonica 10 months.

*May, Archibald William (1916-18) ; Private, R.W. Surrey Regiment; France 1 year ; Killed in action, 13th April, 1918.

Maycock, Alfred Charles Herbert (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France 1 year.

Mayers, George (1915-19) ; Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 2 months.

Mayes, John William (1914-19); Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 years 7 months.

Mayo, Thomas Richard (1916-18) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; France 13 months.

Mayze, Henry (1914-19) ; Private, Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders.

McCarthy, Daniel (1916-19) ; Driver, R.H.A. ; France 2 years 3 months.

McCarthy, Denis Jeremiah (1914-19); Shoeing-Smith, R.A.S.C. ; France, Salonica and Egypt, 3 years.

McCarthy, Patrick (1915-18) ; Private, R. Munster Fusiliers.

McCarthy, William Alfred (1917-19); Private, Norfolk Regiment ; France 3 months.

McCartney, Arthur George (1914-19) ; Leadiug Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years 8 months.

McColl, John (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Sergeant, E. Surrey Regiment ; France 3 years 4 months.

McCrossan, Thomas (1915-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Corporal, R.E. ; Dardanelles 5 months, Macedonia 3 years 2 months.

McDermott, Charles John (1914-19) ; Lance-Corporal, London Regiment ; Egypt 1 year 8 months, France 6 months, Salonica 7 months.

McDonald, Albert William (1915-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; Salonica 2 years 8 months.

McDonnell, Richard (1915-19) ; Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers ; France 2 years.

McDougall, Frederick James (1914-19) ; Gunner Signaller, R.F.A. ; Italy and France 3 years 6 months.

McEwen, Thomas (1914-18) ; Private, R.D.C.

McGowan, Herbert George (1914-18) ; Corporal, R.E. ; Mesopotamia 1 year 9 months, India 2 years 8 months.

McGrail, John (1914-19); M.S.M. ; Company Sergeant-Major, R.A.S.C. ; France, Egypt and Palestine 3 years.

McGuirk, James Patrick (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.).

Mcintosh, Alfred (1915-19) ; Private, R.W. Surrey Regiment ; France 2 months. Prisoner of war (Germany) 3 years 3 months.

McKee, Charles Alfred (1915-19); Lance-Corporal, R.E. ; France 5 months.

McKenna, Robert William (1917-18) ; Private, R.A.V.C.

McLaren, Le Roy (1914-19) ; Private, London Regiment ; France 2 years.

McMahon, William Matthew (1914) ; Private, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment

McQuade, Frank James (1914-19) ; Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France and Salonica 3 years 7 months.

Mead, Albert de Montpied (1914-19) ; Sec-Lieutenant, R.A.F.

Mead, George James (1914-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 4 years 1 month.

Mead, John (1915-19) ; Private, R.D.C.

Meagher, Michael Joseph Patrick (1915-16) ; Sergeant, R. Irish Fusiliers.

Meakins, .Henry Thomas (1914-19); Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 11 months.

Mears, Harry Martin (1914-17) ; Bandsman, Reserve Cavalry.

Meatyard, Robert Edward (1917) ; Private, Labour Corps.

Mee, Charles Arthur (1918-19); Gunner, R.G.A. ; Italy 9 months.

Mellars, Sydney Paul (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France, Salonica, Egypt and Palestine, 2 years 9 months.

Mells, Edmund Arthur (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 years.

Melton, Albert George (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.F.

Menday, Robert Charles (1918-19) ; Private, Royal Sussex Regiment ; France 3 months.

Mercer, Douglas William Yates (1917-19) ; Lance-Corporal, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry ; France 5 months.

Merrington, William Henry (1917-18); Acting 1st Mechanic, R.A.F.

Merry, Henry John (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 2 years S months.

Merryweather, William George (1915-19); Driver, R.A.S.C; France, Italy and Germany, 3 years 11 months.

Meteyard, Leslie (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. (M.T.); France, Salonica and Egypt, 18 months.

Metson, James (1916-19); Sergeant, Hampshire Regiment ; Egypt and Sudan 2 years 8 months.

Meyer, Frederick John (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Essex Regiment ; Gallipoli and Egypt 3 years 11 months.

Middleton, George (1915-19); M.M. ; Battery Quartermaster-Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 3 months.

Miell, Frederick James Charles (1916-17) ; Private, R.W. Surrey Regiment.

Miles, Charles William (1917-18) ; Sapper, R.E.

Miles. Sidney Herbert (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 years 8 months.

Millard, Armagle William (1916-19) ; Lance-Corporal, E. Surrey Rgt. ; France 2 years 9 months.

Miller, Albert Arthur (1915-19) ; Pioneer, R.E. ; Dardanelles and France 1 year 9 months.

Miller, Arthur George (1918-19) ; Air Mechanic (3rd Class), R.A.F.

*Miller, Charles (1915-17); Private, E. Surrey Regiment ; France 18 months ; Missing, 21st September, 1917.

Miller, George (1914-17); Private, Training Reserve.

Miller, Henry Leonard (1914-19) ; Pioneer, R.E.

*Miller. Herbert (1914-16); Private, Middlesex Regiment; France 11 months; Killed in action, 18th August, 1916.

Miller, Jacob Albert (1917-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; Egypt 1 year 8 months.

Miller, John Frank (1915-19); Bombardier, R.G.A. ; France 3 years 3 months.

Miller, Reginald William (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Wiltshire Regiment ; Gallipoli and Mesopotamia 3 years 8 months.

Miller, William (1916-19); Private, Royal Fusiliers ; Egypt 2 years 7 months.

Millgate, Albert Edward (1916-18) ; Rifleman, London Regiment

Millgate, George John (1915-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 4 years 3 months.

Milling, William (1914-18) ; Shoeing-Smith, 3rd Hussars ; France 3 years 11 months.

Millo, Sidney George (1917-19) ; Corporal Mechanic, R.A.F.

Mills, Charles (1914-19); Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 9 months.

Mills, George (1915-19) ; Battery Sergeant-Major, R.F.A. ; France, Egypt, Salonica and Palestine, 2 years 8 months.

Mills, George Edwin (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 years 4 months.

Mills, George Henry (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 14 months, Salonica 13 months.

Mills, Harry William (1914-17) ; Sergeant, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France.

Mills, Herbert Valence (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.O.C.

*Mills, James Charles (1914-16) ; Sergeant, London Regiment ; France 16 months ; Killed in action, 15th September, 1916.

Mills, John Alexander (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.D.C.

Mills, Sidney Samuel (1914-16) ; Sapper, R. Marine Light Infantry ; Naval Service.

Mills, Thomas William (1914-19); Driver, R.F.A. ; France 14 months, Salonica 3 years.

Milne, Henry Malcolm (1914-15) ; Lance - Corporal, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 5 months.

Milne, William John (1915-18) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 6 months.

Milner, Walker Arthur Joseph (1916-18) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 13 months.

Milo, John (1915-19) ; Driver, R.E. ; France 3 years 4 months.

Milton, Alfred Thomas (1914-19) ; Driver, R.E. ; France 3 years 7 months.

Milton, Thomas Frederick (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, County of London Yeomanry; Egypt and Palestine 13 months. France and Germany 17 months.

Minahan. William Albert (1917-20); Private, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Egypt 2 years 3 months.

Minson, Albert Joseph (1918-19); Air Mechanic (2nd Class), R.A.F.

Mirams, Louis Stephen (1915-19) ; M.S.M. ; Staff Sergeaut-Major, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 4 months.

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