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London County Council in the Great War 1914 - 1918

LCC index

Tramways Department I & J - Note : The names of those who died while on active service are marked *

Igglesden, George (1916-18) ; Private, Northumberland Fusiliers.

Imison, Montague (1915-19) ; Lance-Bombardier, R.F.A, ; France 1 year 11 months, Italy 4 months.

Imlach, James (1911-19); Private, R.D.C.

Impey, Rodney William (1915-19); Able Seaman, R.N. ; Naval .Service 3 years.

Ing, Robert Ralph (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years.

Ingram, Robert John (1916-19); Gunner, R.G.A.

Ingrams, William (1914-19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.E. ; Italy and France 1 year.

Ingrey, Charles David (1911-16); Private, Middlesex Regiment ; France 1 year 10 months.

Ings, Harry (1916-19) ; Lance-Sergeant, London Regiment ; France 2 years.

Innalls, Alfred Ernest (1914-19) ; Driver, R.A.S.C. ; France and Prisoner of war (Germany) 4 years.

Inns, Charles Henry (1917-19) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; France 9 months. Prisoner of war (Germany) 9 months.

Ireland, Arthur William (1915-19); Shoeing Smith, R.F.A. ; France, Salonica and Egypt, 2 years 9 months.

Irvine. Albert Charles (1914-19) ; Private, Dragoon Guards ; France 3 years 8 months.

Irving, James William (1915-18) ; Private, Labour Corps; France 18 months.

Isaacs, Samuel (1914-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 2 years 8 months.

Isted, George Henry (1916-18) ; Rifleman, London Regiment ; France 14 months.

Jackaman, George Edward (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C.

Jaokman, William George (1918-19) ; Stoker, R.N. ; Naval Service.

Jackson, Arthur James (1915-19) ; Sergeant, Bedfordshire Regiment ; France 1 year 8 months.

* Jackson, Harry (1914-15) ; Private, R. Scots Fusiliers ; France 10 months ; Missing, 16th June, 1915.

Jackson, Richard John (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; Dardanelles, France and Germany, 3 years 10 months.

Jackson, Thomas Charles (1914-19) ; Private, Bedfordshire Regiment ; Egypt and Palestine, 3 years 6 months.

Jackson, William (1914-19) ; M.S.M. ; Sergeant, R.E. ; Gallipoli 8 months, France 3 years 2 months.

Jack on, William James (1918-19) ; Sergeant, R. Sussex Regiment ; France 1 year.

Jacob, Alfred John (1915-19) ; Private, Welch Regiment ; Dardanelles and Mesopotamia 4 years 3 months.

Jacobs, Frederick (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 17 months.

Jagger, Henry Francis (1914-19); Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 3 years.

Jago, Alfred Edward (1918-19) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; France 5 months.

James, Albert Clifford (1915-19); Corporal, R.E.

James, Albert Edward (1914-15) ; Gunner, R.F.A.

James, Albert Edward Webber (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France and Egypt 3 years 10 months.

* James, George (1914-15) ; Private, R.W. Surrey Regiment ; France 9 months ; Missing, 25th September, 1915.

James, William Alfred Leverson (1916-19) ; Lance Corporal, R.W. Surrey Regiment ; France 1 year 9 months.

James, William Henry (1915-18) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 8 months.

James, William Thomas (1914-19) ; Regimental Sergeant- Major, R.A.S.C. ; Malta and France 3 years 6 months.

Jamieson, Edward Dalley (1914-19) ; Chief Petty Officer, R.N. ; Naval Service 5 years.

Jarvis, Charles William (1914-18) ; Corporal, R.F.A.; France 2 years.

Jarvis, Clapton Charles (1915-17) ; Private, Training Reserve Battalion ; France 6 months.

Jarvis, Ernest Thomas (1914-19) ; Private, R. Welch Fusiliers ; France, Salonica and Russia, 3 years 5 months.

Jarvis, William (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.E. ; France, Salonica and Palestine, 4 years.

Jaynes, Henry William (1914-18) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; Dardanelles and Egypt 2 years 9 months.

Jaynes, Herbert (1914-18) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France.

Jeffery, John (1915-17) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France, Salonica, Malta and Egypt.

* Jeffrey, Charles James (1914-16) ; Corporal, E. Kent Regiment ; France 1 year 7 months ; Killed in action, 30th September, 1916.

Jeffrey, Henry (1915-19) ; Sergeant, London Regiment

Jeffries, Walter (1916-19); Private, W. Kent Yeomanry

Jenkin, Percy Alfred (1914-15) ; Private, London Regiment ; France 3 months.

Jenkins, Edmvmd George (1914-19); M.M., Mentioned in despatches ; Corporal, Royal Fusiliers ; France 3 years 9 months.

Jenkins, Harry Benjamin (1918-20) ; Private, Manchester Regiment ; Italy and Egypt 16 months.

Jenkins, Henry (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 7 months.

Jennings, William James (1916-20) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers.

Jennings, William John (1916-19) ; Private, Welch Regiment ; France 2 years.

* Jewell, Charles John Louis (1915-16) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 8 months ; Died of wounds, 14th November, 1916.

Jewell, John Henry (1914-19) ; Saddler Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 years 6 months.

Jex, Leonard (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France and Italy 4 years.

Johncock, William Henry (1915-19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.E. ; Egypt and Palestine 4 years.

Johns, Arthur Ernest (1915-19) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; France 6 months, Egypt 2 years 8 months.

Johnson, Albert (1916-20) : Private, Labour Corps ; France 2 years 2 months.

Johnson, Archer Alexander (1914-17); Lance-Corporal, Royal Fusiliers ; France 17 months.

Johnson, Arthur Henry (1914-17) Sergeant, R. Sussex Regiment.

Johnson, Charles (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 11 months.

Johnson, Charles (1915) ; Platelayer, R.E.

Johnson, Charles Henry (1914-19) ; Stoker, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years 8 months.

Johnson, Charles James (1915-19) ; Private, Labour Corps ; France 3 years.

Johnson, Frank (1917-19); Private. Labour Corps ; France 1 year 11 months.

Johnson, Frederick (1916-17) ; Private, East Kent Regiment.

Johnson, George Alfred (1918-19); Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 months, Germany 8 months.

Johnson, Harold (1915-19); Gunner, R. F. A. ; France 1 month, Salonica 7 months, Egypt and Palestine 1 year 7 months.

Johnson. Herbert William (1916-18) ; Private, Middlesex Regiment.

Johnson, Jesse Harry (1917) ; Driver, R.F.A.

Johnson, John (1914-18) ; Guardsman, Coldstream Guards ; France 2 years 4 months.

Johnson, Saville (1910-19); Private, R.A.V.C. ; France 2 years 8 months.

Johnson, Sydney (1915-19); Private, Middlesex Regiment; France 3 years.

Johnson, William (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years, Italy 1 year.

Johnson-Steele, Thomas Edward (1914-18) ; Trooper, 12th Lancers.

Jones, Albert Edward (1918-19) ; Private, R. Sussex Regiment.

Jones, Alfred Ernest (1914-16); Rifleman, London Regiment

Jones, Edward (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; Salonica 2 years 6 months.

Jones, Edward Walter (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, R.E.

Jones, Frederick Arthur (1914-19); Corporal, Machine Gun Corps ; France 14 months, Mesopotamia 15 months, India 6 months.

Jones, Frederick William Cecil (1914-19) ; Senior Reserve Attendant, R. Naval Sick Berth Reserve ; Naval Service 7 months.

*Jones, George Henry (1915-18) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; Died while prisoner of war, 15th July-15th October, 1918.

Jones, Henry William (1914-19) ; Private, Bedfordshire Regiment.

Jones, John Charles (1916-19) ; Lance-Corporal, Cambridgeshire and Suffolk Regiments. ; France 9 months.

*Jones, John George (1914-15) ; Sergeant, London Regiment ; France 9 months ; Killed in action, 31st October, 1915.

*Jones, Richard (1914-18) ; Trooper, Dragoon Guards ; France 3 years ; Killed in action, 25th March, 1918.

* Jones, Samuel William (1914-15) ; Private. London Regiment ; France 5 months ; Died of wounds, 3Uth July, 1915.

Jones, Stephen George (1914-19) ; Private, E. Surrey Regiment ; France and Prisoner of war (Germany) 4 years 4 months.

Jones, Thomas William (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A.

Jones, Wallace Henry (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 1 year 8 months, Italy 14 months.

Jones, Walter Leonard (1914-19) ; Private, London Regiment ; France, Salonica, Egypt and Palestine, 3 years.

Jones, William Alfred (1914-19) ; Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 1 month.

Jones, William Anthony (1914-19) ; Regimental Quartermaster - Sergeant, Northumberland Fusiliers.

Jones, William Henry (1914-19); Private, Labour Corps ; France 3 years 7 months.

Jones. William Joseph (1918-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; Mesopotamia and India 10 months.

Jordan, Charles Ernest (1915-18) ; Sergeant, London Regiment

Jordan, Ernest John (1914-19) ; Guardsman, Grenadier Guards ; France 4 years.

Jordan, Frank (1916-19) ; Sergeant, Northumberland Fusiliers ; Malta 15 months.

Jordan, George Edward (1915-19) ; Driver, R.E. ; Gallipoli, Egypt and France, 3 years 7 months.

Jordan, Herbert Francis (1914-19) ; Private, R.D.C.

Jordan. Sydney (1917-19) ; Air Mechanic (3rd Class), R.A.F.

Joyce, John Robert (1914-15) ; Private, London Regiment

Judd, Ernest Gilbert (1917-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A.

Judd, Thomas James (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 9 months.

Judge, Roland Charles (1914-19) ; Petty Officer, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years 4 months.

Jump, Charles Richard (1914-19) ; Private, Machine Gun Corps ; France 4 years 4 months.

*Juniper, Charles William Henry (1914-15) ; Private, Essex Regiment; France 3 months ; Killed in action, 4th May, 1915.

Jupp, Henry Charles (1914-19) ; Leading Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years 6 months.

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