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London County Council in the Great War 1914 - 1918

LCC index

Tramways Department G2  - Note : The names of those who died while on active service are marked *

Godwin, Frederick Charles (1914-17) ; Private, 16th Lancers ; France 2 years 5 months.

Godwin, Herbert (1915-17); Trooper, Surrey Yeomanry.

Goff, Bartholomew (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 2 years 8 months.

Golden, John (1915-19) ; M.M. and bar ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 4 years.

Goldsmith, William (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps.

Goldspink, Bert Frank (1917-19) ; Private, Royal Scots; Russia 10 months.

Gooch, Alfred James (1918-19) ; Private, R. Sussex Regiment ; France 6 months.

Gooch. Maurice Alfred (1918-19) ; Private, Royal West Surrey Regiment

* Good, Sidney Charles (1914) ; Private, Dragoon Guards ; France ; Died of wounds, 2nd October, 1914.

Good. Walter Henry (1915-19) ; Private, Welsh Regiment; Egypt 3 months, Salonica 2 years 9 months.

Goodchild, John Alfred (1914-19); Private, M.M.P. ; France 4 years 8 months.

Goode, Isaac (1915-17); Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years.

Goodridge, Thomas (1914-16) ; Able Seaman, R.F.R. ; Naval Service 18 months.

Goodsell, Walter William (1914-17); Stoker, R.N. ; Naval Service 3 years 2 months.

Goodwin, Arthur Edward (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.E. ; France 16 months.

Goodwin, Edward (1915-19) ; M.M. ; Sergeant, R.G.A. ; France 3 years.

* Goodwin, John Alfred (1914) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France ; Killed in action, 26th August, 1914.

Goody, John (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France and Germany 3 years 3 months.

Goodyer, Frank (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.S.C. ; France 4 years.

Gorton, William Bristowe (1914-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R. W. Kent Regiment, and Cadet (Acting Sergeant), XII Officer Cadet Battalion ; France 15 months, Italy 4 months.

*Gossop, William Kelita (1914-16) ; Lance-Corporal, Northumberland Fusiliers; France 1 year 8 months ; Died, 27th December, 1916.

*Gostling, Henry (1914-15) ; Private, Middlesex Regiment ; France 2 months ; Killed in action, March, 1915.

Gostling, William (1914-19) ; Private, London Regiment ; France 8 months. Prisoner of war (Germany) 9 months.

Gotts, William (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years.

Gould, Michael Henry (1915-16) ; Gunner, R.F.A.

Gould, William James (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 2 years.

Graham, William Marcus (1914-19) ; D.C.M. ; Battery Quartermaster-Sergeant, R.G.A. ; France 2 years 6 months.

Granger, Harry (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.O.C. ; France 3 years 5 months.

Granger, Thomas (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt 2 years 1 month.

Grant, Arthur Henry (1915-19) ; Driver, R.E. ; France 2 years 3 months, Italy 6 months.

Grant, Robert (1914-16) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France.

Graves, Walter Thomas (1910-19) ; Private, Labour Corps.

Gray, Albert Ernest (1916-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 1 year 10 months.

Gray, Alfred Alexander William (1914-17); D.C.M. ; Sergeant, Machine Gun Corps ; France 2 years.

* Gray, Joseph (1914-15) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers ; Malta 5 months, France 2 months ; Killed in action, 10th May, 1915.

Gray, William (1914) ; Private, London Regiment

Gray, William Gerard (1916-19) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; India 2 years 6 months.

Greef, Edgar (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.V.C. ; France and Italy 3 years 11 months.

Green, Charles Edward (1916-19); Private, Labour Corps ; France 2 years.

Green, Frederick (1914-19) ; Leading Seaman, R.N. ; Naval Service 4 years 6 months.

Green, Frederick George (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 1 year 7 months.

Green, George (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.E. ; France and Italy 3 years 6 months.

Green, George Burt (1914-19) ; Battery Sergeant- Major, R.G.A. ; Gallipoli, Egypt and France, 4 years.

Green, Thomas Charles William (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.E. ; France and Germany 3 years 2 months.

Green, William (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.H.A. ; France 4 years 1 month.

Green, William Alec (1914-19) ; Private, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry ; France 3 years 6 months,

Greenfield, Edmund (1915-16) ; Private, 6th Reserve Regiment of Cavalry.

Greenfield, Frederick Oscar (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C.

Greenwood, Frederick (1917-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 3 months.

Greenwood, George Charles (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 4 months, Salonica 2 years 11 months, Rassia 3 months.

Greetham, James Arthur (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 4 months.

Gregory, Sidney John (1915-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 2 years.

Grey, Ernest (1914-19); Private, Labour Corps ; France 6 months.

* Greygoose, Francis (1914) ; Rifleman, King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 2 months ; Died of wounds, 23rd October, 1914.

Grice, Frederick James (1916-19) ; Private, Middlesex Regiment.

Grice, George Francis (1914-18) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 9 months.

* Griffin, Frederick George (1914-15) ; Lance-Corporal, Royal Fusiliers ; France 1 month ; Missing, 24th May, 1915.

Griffin, George Love (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; France 3 years 5 months.

Griffin, William John (1916-17) ; Private. Essex Regiment.

Griffiths, Henry William (1915-19); Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 years 7 months.

Griffiths, Joseph Henry (1916-19) ; Lance - Corporal, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment ; Egypt 1 year.

Griffiths, Thomas James (1914-16) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 1 year 5 months.

* Griffiths, William (1914-17); Private, Middlesex Regiment ; France 1 year 10 months ; Killed in action, 1st December, 1917.

Grigg, Henry James (1914-19) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France, Salonica and Palestine, 3 years.

Griggs, Frederick John (1916-19) ; Private, East Surrey Regiment ; India 1 year, Mesopotamia 18 months.

Griggs, Joseph William (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; Salonica 2 years.

Griggs, William (1914-18) ; Private, Norfolk Regiment ; India 2 years.

Grimes, Douglas Frederick (1914-19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.A.O.C. ; France 3 years 8 months.

*Grist, Robert George (1914) ; Able Seaman, R.F.R. ; Naval Service ; Killed at sea, 22nd September, 1914.

*Gristwood, Charles (1915-18) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France and Italy 2 years 1 month ; Died, 24th January, 1918.

Gritt, William John (1916-19) ; Private, Labour Corps.

Grokes, George Frederick (1914-19) ; Private, R.D.C.

Groom, James Charles (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.F.

*Groombridge, Frederick William (1914-17); Cyclist, Army Cyclist Corps ; France 9 months ; Died of wounds, 26th January, 1917.

Grose, Wilfred John (1914-15) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers.

Grout, Alfred (1915-19) ; Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 8 months.

Groves, Charles (1914-19) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; Egypt 3 years 4 months.

Groves, Edward (1917-19) ; Air Mechanic (2nd Class), R.A.F.

Grubb, William George Henry (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Corporal, R.E. ; Egypt, Dardanelles and France, 2 years 4 months.

Guerin, James (1914-19); Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 years 8 months.

Gunner, William (1917-19); Guardsman Grenadier Guards; France 2 months.

Gunning, Frank (1914-19); Private, Suffolk Regiment ; France 4 years.

Guntley, Edward William (1915-19); Private, Labour Corps ; France 2 years.

Gurden, Edward (1910-19); Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 8 months.

Guyott, Frank Horace (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 2 years.

* Guyver, George (1914-15); Lance-Corporal, 11th Reserve Regiment of Cavalry ; France 8 months ; Killed in action, 13th May, 1915.

Gyseman, John Albert (1916-19) ; Private, E. Riding of Yorkshire Yeomanry.

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