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LCC index
Education Officer's Department - Note : The names of those who died while
on active service are marked *
Teaching Staff M
*McAlister, Harry Percival (1914-17); Company Sergeant-Major, Rifle Brigade
; France 3 months ; Killed in action, 31st July, 1917.
Mo Arthur, William (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.G.A.
Macaulay, Dugald (1916-19); Sapper, R.E. ; France 9 months.
McCall, Alexander (1916-19) ; Warrant-Offlcer, H.M.S. Blenheim ; Malta 2 months,
Mudros 1 year 8 months, Brindisi 6 months. Black Sea 3 months.
McCall, Thomas Vincent (1915-19) ; Warrant-Offlcer, R.N. ; North Sea 3 years.
McCarthy, John William (1915-19); Private, R.A.M.C. : Salonica 6 months,
Palestine 1 year 11 months.
McCauIey, Vincent Joseph (1915-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Captain, R.G.A. ;
France 15 months.
McDiarmid, John Joseph (1917-19); Corporal, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F.
McDonald, John Tolmie (1916-19); Lieutenant, R.G.A. ; France 4 months.
McDonald, William James (1916-19): Sergeant, R.G.A. ; France 2 years 5 months.
McFarlane, Leonard (1916-19) ; Air Mechanic, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. ; France 1 year
9 months.
McGibbon, Reginald George (1915-19); Sergeant-lnstructor, Norfolk Regiment and
Army Gymnastic Staff.
McGuire, John Charles (1915-19); Corporal, R.A.S.C. and Norfolk Regiment ;
France 3 months.
McHaffie, Arnold Ewart (1915-19): Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 3 months.
McHarrie, Walter Cowley (1915-19); Staff-Sergeant, County of London Yeomanry and
Army Gymnastic Staff ; Palestine 1 year 7 months.
Machin, George (1914-19) ; Lance-Corporal, Bedfordshire, E. Riding, and
Middlesex Yeomanry.
Mclnley, Ernest Stuart (1915-19); Gunner, R.G.A. : Salonica 6 months, Palestine
18 months.
Mclnnes, Latimer (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 9 months.
McKee, James (1914-19); Corporal, Middlesex Rgt. ; Gibraltar 6 months. France 3
years 6 months.
McKeon, Ralph Frederick John (1916-19) ; 2nd Corporal, R.E.
*McKimmie, Alexander Ian (1914-17) ; Lieutenant, Seaforth Highlanders, W.
Yorkshire Regiment and R.A.F. : France 10 months ; Killed in action, 23rd May,
McKlmmie, John (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Middlesex Regiment.
McLaughlin, Neil James (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.V.C. ; France 2 years 8
McLeish, Peter (1917-19); Signaller, R.F.A. ; France 1 year.
McPherson, Graeme (1917-19); Corporal. R.E. and R.A.S.C. ; France 5 months,
Italy 12 months.
Macpherson, William (1915-16); Private, Royal Fusihers.
*Macrae. Farquhar Mathieson (1914-15) ; Private, London Regiment : France 4
months ; Missing, 9th May, 1915.
McVey, James Stephen (1915-19); Lieutenant, R.A.V.C. ami Machine Gun Corps;
France 12 months, Egypt 12 months, Salonica 4 months. Prisoner of war 7 months.
Maddock, Frank Arthur (1916-18); Sapper, R.E.
Maiden, Bertram Heath (1916-18); Lance-Corporal, N. Staffordshire Regiment.
* Maidment, Edwin Arthur (1916-l8) ; Private, R.G.A. ; France 15 months : Died,
I6th April, 1918.
*Maidment, Hubert George (1914-16) ; Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers ; Malta,
Gallipoli and Egypt 17 months, France 5
months : Killed in action, l5th September, 1916.
Major, Stephen James (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. ; France 10 months.
Makepeace, Bernard (1914-19) ; Corporal, King's Royal Rifle Corps, R.N.A.S. and
R.A.F. ; France 6 months.
* Maley, Robert James Hudson (1914-15) ; Private, London Regiment ; France 2
months ; Killed in action, 25th May, 1915.
* Mallpress, Victor Kenneth (1914-15) ; Private, London Regiment : France 2
months ; Killed in action, 25th May, 1915.
Malone, Joseph Thomas (1916-19) ; M.C. ; Lieutenant, Irish Guards and
Inniskilling Fusiliers ; France 14 months.
Mangold, Charles Frederick William (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 6
months, Salonica 6 months, Palestine 1 year 8 months.
Mann, Herbert Henry (1915-19) ; Sergeant, Essex Regiment; Gallipoli 3 months,
Egypt 14 months, Palestine 1 year 8 months.
Mansley, Edward John (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. : France 7 months, Salonica 7
months, Palestine 1 year 8 months.
Mapham, Neville (1914-19) ; D.C.M. ; Staff-Sergeant, R.A.V.C. ; France 3 years 9
months, Germany 4 months.
Maple, John James (1917) ; Rifleman, King's Royal Rifle Corps.
Marchant, James Albert (1917-19) ; Corporal, London Regiment
Marchant, Sidney Henry (1914-17) ; Private, Middlesex Regiment.
Margetts, Charles Ernest (1916-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; Salonica 2 years
6 months.
Markall, Edward Charles (1916-19) ; Bombardier, R.G.A. ; France 1 year 8 months.
Markham, Percy (1914-19) ; Company Sergeant-Major, London Regiment
Markland. George Berry (1916-19) ; Sec-Lieutenant, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Salonica 10
Marks, Alfred Pearce (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A.
Marks, Louis Charles (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E.
Marley, Arthur James (1915-19) ; M.S.M., Mentioned in despatches ; Regimental
Sergeant-Major, Yorkshire Light Infantry.
Marlow, Arthur Albert (1914-19) ; Rifleman, London Regiment and Rifle Brigade ;
British Burmah 4 years.
Marrington, Robert Harry Custance (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; East Africa 3
Marsh, William John (1916-19) ; Private, R.E. and Tank Corps.
Marshall, Faithful James Barratt (1915-18) ; Lieutenant, London Regiment
Marsland. David Clement (1916-19) ; Sec-Corporal, R.E.
Marston, Roscoe Frederick (1914-19) ; Corporal, Royal Fusiliers, R.E. and Labour
Corps ; France 2 years 1 month.
Martel, Ernest (1914-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Warrant Officer, R.N.
Division and R.N. ; Dardanelles 6 months, Cameroons 12 months. North Sea 12
Martin, Ernest William (1915-19) ; M.M. ; Battery Quartermaster-Sergeant, R.F.A.
; France 2 years 9 months.
* Martin, WilUara Edwin (1916-18) ; Corporal, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire
Regiment and Royal Scots ; France 10 months ; Died of wounds, 20th April, 1918.
*May, William John (1914-17) ; Corporal, R.E. ; France 2 years 7 months ; Died
of wounds, 6th July, 1917.
Maslen, James Robert (1914-19) ; Colour-Sergeant, Middlesex Regiment, Indian
Labour Company and Staffordshire Regiment.
Mason, Herbert William (1914-19) ; Acting Sergeant, Middlesex Regiment and
R.A.O.C. ; Gibraltar 6 months, Egypt (Western Frontier) 11 months, France 9
Mason, William Charles (1914-19); Lieutenant, R.A.M.C. and Middlesex Regiment ;
France 2 years 9 months.
Mather, John Henry (1916-19) ; Private, London Regiment ; Salonica 6 months,
Egypt 1 year 8 months.
Mattey, Sidney Batt (1915-19); Sec-Corporal, R.E.
Mathews, Frederick Wilham (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 8 months.
Matthews, Frederick John (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt and Palestine 3
Matthews, William Edward (1916-19); Sapper, R.E.
Maunder, Gilbard Coysh (1917-19): Corporal, R.A.O.C. ; Mesopotamia 4 months,
India (N.W. Frontier) 4 months, France 1 month, Egypt 1 month.
Mawbey, Henry Frederick (1915-16); Lieutenant, Army School of Musketry and Light
Maxfield, Sidney Thomas (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 2 years.
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