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LCC index
Education Officer's Department - Note : The names of those who died while
on active service are marked *
Teaching Staff H
Haddy, Alfred John (1916-19) ; LanceCorporal, R.E.
Hadida, Jacob (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 2 sears 9 months.
Hague, Charles Hoardon (1914-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.E. ; France and Italy 4
Hague, Frank Thomas (1916-19) : Lance-Corporal, R.A.O.C.
*Hale, Reginald Alfred (1916-18) ; Lance-Corporal, Surrey Yeomanry and R.
Berkshire Regiment ; France 7 months ; Killed in action, 3rd October, 1918.
Hales, Bernard Claud (1914-19) ; D.C.M.; Company Sergeant-Major, London Regiment
; France 12 months, Salonica 7 months, Palestine 12 months.
Haley, Frederick John (1916-19) : Sapper, R.E.
Haley, Harold Percy (1915-19) ; Company Sergeant-Major, Army Gymnastic Staff.
Hahfax, Henry Christopher (1918-19) : Sergeant, London Yeomanry and Yorkshire
Hall, Edward Cecil (1914-18) ; Lieutenant, London and Dorsetshire Regiments ;
France 11 months, India 6 months, Palestine 2 years.
Hall, Frank Gardner (1915-19); Mentioned in despatches ; Captain, R.F.A. ;
France 17 months, Italy 5 months.
Hallam, James (1914-19); Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, London Regiment ;
France 6 months.
Halhwell, George Albert (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A.
*Hamer, WaUer Henry (1916-17) ; Lance-Corporal, Royal FusiUers ; France 2 months
; Killed in action, 2lst May, 1917
Hamilton, Frederick William (1916-19) : Sapper, R.E.
* Hammond. Arthur Joseph (1914-15) ; Private, London Regiment ; France 3 months
; Killed in action, 25th May, 1915.
Hammond, Sydney Alexander (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Sergeant, London Regiment ; France
3 years 3 months, Germany (Prisoner of war) 9 months.
Hampton, Frank (1914-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 1 year, Salonica 3 years 6
Hancock, Ernest Thomas Gordon (1915- 19) ; M.C. ; Lieutenant, R.G.A. : France 17
* Hancock, John Leonard (1916-17); Corporal, Royal Fusihers ; France 5 months ;
Killed in action, 16th June, 1917
* Handley, Herbert Eustace (1914-15) ; Sec-Lieutenant, London Regiment ; France
2 months ; Killed in action, 25th May, 1915.
Handley, William Luke (1915-19); Lance-Corpora], R.A.M.C. ; Egypt 1 year 11
months, Palestine 16 months.
Hansen, Harry (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years.
* Hard, Wilham Thomas Stanley (1914-18) ; Lieutenant, Middlesex Regiment and
Royal Fusiliers ; Gibraltar, Egypt and France 1 year 8 months ; Killed in
action, 23rd March, 1918.
* Harden, William Frederick (1916-18) ; R.N.V.R. ; Service at sea ; Missing,
blowing up of H.M.S. Giatton, 16th September, 1918.
Harding, Wesley Eldred (1914-18) ; Lieutenant, Durham Light Infantry and
Gloucestershire Regiment ; France 6 months.
Harding, William Victor (1917-19) ; Sergeant, R.G.A.
Hardy, Edgar Charles George (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 3 months.
*Harland, George (1914-17): Sergeant, Middlesex and London Regiments ;
Gibraltar, Ecrypt and France, 2 years 3 months ; Killed in action, 3rd May,
Harlow, Richard (1917-19) ; Regimental Sergeant-Major, London Regiment.
Harman, Thomas Alexander (1916-19) ; Lance-Corporal, R.E.
Harper, David (1916-18) ; Private, Staffordshire Regiment.
Harper, George Alfred (1910-17); Private, London Regiment
Harris, Frank (1910-19) ; Corporal, King's R. Rifle Corps and Macliine Gun Corps
; France 8 months, Mesopotamia 16 months.
Harris, Henry Bolton (1918-19) ; Air Mechanic, R.A.F.
Harris, Henry James (1916-19) ; Able Seaman, R.N.V.R.
Harris, Henry Thomas (1917-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.F.
Harris, Herbert (1915-19) ; Sergeant, Liverpool Regiment.
*Harris, Herbert Cecil (1914-16) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Captain, R.W. Kent
Regiment; France 13 months ; Killed in action, 3rd July, 1916.
Harris, Pinkus (1917) ; Rifleman, King's R. Rifle Corps.
Harris, Percy Gerrard (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years.
Harris, Walter William (1915-19) ; Air Mechanic (1st Class), R.A.F. ; France 3
years 1 month.
Harrison, Arthur William (1916-19) ; Bombardier, R.G.A. and R.F.A. ; France 1
year 9 months.
Harrow, Percy Avery (1916-19) ; Private, Middlesex Regiment and Lancashire
Fusiliers ; France 6 months. Prisoner of war 8 months.
*Hart, Albert Richard (1914-17) ; Lance-Corporal, Middlesex Regiment ; Gibraltar
4 months, France 1 year 9 months ; Killed in action, 23rd February, 1917.
* Hart, Ernest (1914-15); Sergeant, Norlolk Regiment ; France 5 months ; Killed
in action, 10th October, 1915.
Hart, William Percy (1915-19) : mentioned in despatches ; Staff-Sergcant,
R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years 9 months.
Hart, William Samuel (1914-19) ; Acting Quartermaster-Sergeant, London Regiment
; France 4 years 2 months.
Hartshorn, James (1910-19) ; Bombardier, R.G.A. and R.F.A. ; France 1 year 9
*Haselden, Edgar Adolphus (1914-16); Captain, W. Yorkshire Rgt. ; France 2
months ; Died of wounds, 9th July, 1916.
Haslam, Walter Truman (1916-19) ; Sapper, R.E.
Hasler, Douglas William (1915-19); Private, R.A.M.C ; France 2 years 11 months.
* Hatcher, Edward William (1911-16); Lance-Corporal, London Regiment ; France 10
months ; Missing, 1st July, 1916.
Hathaway, J. L. (1914-19) ; Sec-LieutenauL, Hampshire Regiment ; France 11
* Hattam, Harold Colin (1915-17); Lieutenant, Sullolk Regiment; France 3 months
; Killed in action, 26th September, 1917.
Hatten, Ernest Walter (1915-19) ; Corporal, London Regiment ; France 9 months,
Salonica months, Palestine 12 months.
* Hatton, Frederick James (1915-18); Corpora), R.F.A. ; France 2 years 1 month ;
Killed in action, 4th April, 1918.
Hatton, Sydney Frank (1914-19); Sergeant, County of London Yeomanry ; Egypt 8
months, Sinai 8 months, Salonica 8 months, Palestine 15 months.
* Haward, Alfred Edward (1916); Private, London Regiment ; France 4 months ;
Killed in action, 8th October, 1916.
Haward, Reginald Walter (1910-19); Sergeant, R.A.F.
Hawes, Arthur George (1914-17); Regimental Quartermaster- Sergeant, London
Hawkes, Ernest Warren (1914-17); Staff-Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 16 months.
Hawkes, William George Warren (1915—19) ; M.S.M. ; Acting
Quartermaster-Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 3 years 7 months.
Hawkins, Eric Arnold (1916-19) ; Rifleman, London Regiment ; Salonica and
Macedonia 9 months, Egypt 1 month, Palestine 14 months, France 8 months.
Hawkins, Harold William (1915-16) ; Sergeant, R.W. Surrey Rgt. and Army
Gymnastic Staff.
Hawkins, Leonard (1915-19) ; Flying Officer, R.A.F. ; Egypt 3 years.
Hawkins, Philip Albert (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.F.A. ; France 2 years 11 months.
Hawkins, Reginald Henry (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 6 months.
Hawksworth, John Herbert (1914-19): M.S.M. ; Sergeant-Major, R.A.M.C. ; France 2
years 1 month.
Hayes, Philip Charles (1916-19); Private, R.W. Surrey Regiment ; France 2 years
4 months.
* Haynes, Henry Hellas (1914-17); Corporal, R.N. Lancashire Regiment ; France 17
months ; Killed in action, 16th June, 1917.
Haynes, Charles Richard i.(1915-19) ; Lieutenant, E. Surrey Regiment ; France 3
Hayward, Albert Henry Dennis (1917-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; Mesopotamia 3 months,
Palestine 1 year.
* Head, Wilfred Arthur (1916) ; Private, London Regiment ; France 3 months ;
Died of wounds, 16th September, 1916.
*Heard, Ernest Henry (1916-18) ; Corporal, London Regiment ; France 13 months ;
Killed in action, 2nd October, 1918.
Heard, John Frederick Leonard (1916-19) : Lieutenant, Honourable Artillery
Company and R.G.A. ; France 2 years.
Heard, Percy Albert (1915-19); Corporal, R.E.
Heather. Edwin (1914-19).
*Heatly, Henry Francis (1914-15) ; Lieutenant, Yorkshire Regiment ; France 5
months; Killed in action, 22nd February, 1915.
Hellicar, George Huntley (1914-19) ; Twice mentioned in despatches ; Captain,
Lancashire Fusiliers ; France 3 years 10 months.
*Helyar, Samuel Ebenezer (1916-17) ; Lance-Corporal, S. Staffordshire Regiment ;
France 6 months ; Killed in action, 27th September, 1917.
Hemingway, John Ford (1914-18) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 8 months.
Henderson, John Robert (1914-19) ; Sergeant-Major, R.F.A. ; France 3 years 11
Henderson, Ralph Bushill (1915-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Acting
Lieutenant-Colonel, R.G.A. ; France.
Henderson, Robert Francis Gurney (1916-19); Sapper, R.E.
Hennessey, Edward Thomas (1916-19) Corporal, R.E.
Hennessey, Hendry Ernest (1918-19) Private, London Regiment
Hennig, Conrad Wilfred (1914-19) Corporal, E. Surrey Regiment and R.E. ; India 1
year, Mesopotamia 1 year.
Hennion, Frederick Joseph (1914-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.O.C.
Henstridge, Charles Leonard (1914-19) ; M.C. ; Captain, Middlesex and London
Regiments : Gibraltar 6 months, Egypt 8 months. France 2 years 9 months.
Herbert, George Charles (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Middlesex Regiment; Mesopotamia 8
months, India 3 years 3 months.
Herbert, Thomas Edwin (1918-19) ; Rifleman, London Regiment
Herbert, William Frank (1914-18); Lieutenant, London Regiment ; France 5 months.
Herrick, Percy Edwin (1916-19) ; Private, London Regiment ; Salonica 5 months,
Egypt and Palestine 14 months, France 5 months.
Herring, Albert Thomas (1916-17) ; Gunner, R.F.A. ; France 6 weeks.
Herring, Victor Roland (1914-17) ; Private;, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire
Light Infantry ; France 3 months.
Hewett, Wallace Horatio (1914-19); Sergeant, London Regiment and Machine Gun
Corps ; France 1 year.
Hewish, Edward Alfred (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.A.F. ; France 2 years 2 months.
Hewitson, Stanley Robert (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C.
Hewitt, Stanley Edward (1914-17); Sec-Lieutenant, Royal Fusiliers; France 1 year
8 monthii.
Hewlett, Alfred Henry (1914-15) ; Rifleman, London Regiment ; France 4 months.
Hewson, George (1917-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.O.C. ; Baghdad.
Hewson, Sidney Thomas (1916-19).
Heyes, Joseph (1914-19) ; Sec-Lieutenant, Essex Regiment ; Gallipoli 4 months,
Egypt 1 year, Palestine 3 months, France 18 months.
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