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London County Council in the Great War 1914 - 1918

LCC index

RECORD OF WAR SERVICE  - Note : The names of those who died while on active service are marked *

Department of the Comptroller of the Council  (H - P):

Haggith, George Arthur (1916-17): Private, Middlesex and Royal West Kent Regiments ; France 9 months.

Haley, Gordon (1916-19); Lance-Bombardier, R.A.. and Pioneer, Meteorological Observer. R.E.

Hall, Percy Henry (1914-19); Lieutenant, 15th Battalion London Regiment, 4th Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers and Machine Gun Corps ; France 13 months.

Hampshire, George William (1915-19); Leading Aircraftsman, R.F.C, and R.A.F. ; France 11 months.

Handford, Oliver James (1914-18); rifleman, 12th Battalion London Regiment ; France 11 months.

Hanson, Harold Ernest (1915-19); Mentioned in despatches ; Quartermaster-Sergeant, East Kent Regiment

Harding, Reginald (1915-19) ; Lieutenant, R.A.O.C.

Hare, Albert (1914-19) ; Private, 15th Battalion London Regiment and Sapper, R.E. (Signal Service) ; France 3 years 5 months.

Hare, Robert Percy (1915-19) ; Leading Victualling Assistant, R.N. ; Mediterranean 12 months. North Russia 12 months, and North Sea Fleet.

Harman, Roland James (1916-19) ; Lieutenant, R.G.A. ; France 1 year 8 months.

Harris, Thomas William (1915-16); Private, 15th Battalion London Regiment

Hart, John (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. , Egypt and Italy 2 years 2 months.

Hawkins, Thomas (1914-19) : Corporal, 7th Battalion London Regiment, and Lieutenant (Acting Adjutant), 3rd and 7th Battalions, Suffolk
Regiment ; France 2 years. Prisoner of War (Germany) 12 months.

Hazeldine, Alfred George (1916-19); Corporal, 5th and 21st Battalions Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment, and 2/6th Battalion Durham Light Infantry ; France 8 months.

Heald, Ernest (1916-19) : Signalman, R.N.V R. ; Mediterranean 2 years.

Hedger, George Arthur Wellesley (1915-20) ; Private. R.A.M.C. ; Mesopotamia 8 months, India 15 months.

Hefford, Frank (1915-19); Corporal 7th Battalion Middlesex Regiment ; Sec-Lieutenant, 3rd Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment : France 9 months.

Hennings, Lionel Brian (1914-19) ; Sec.-Lieutenant, 2/15th Battalion London Regiment, 6th Battalion Essex Regiment and Cadet School, Cairo : France 5 months, Salonica 8 months, Egypt 11 months, Palestine and Syria 13 months.

*Heskett, John (1915-18) ; Private, Roval Fusiliers ; France 2 years 3 months ; Killed in action, 14th October, 1918.

Hicks, Ernest John (1914-19); Regimental Sergeant-Major, 15th and 31st Battalions London Regiment

Hill. Axel Charles Fischer (1914-19); Sergeant, R.E. (Signal Service) ; France 17 months.

Hill. Charles Percy (1916-19) ; Lieutenant, R. G. A.

Hilling, Edward (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, A.P.O., Highland Light Infantry and R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Salonica 12 months, Constantinople 9 months.

Hills, Charles Frank Clare (1914-19) ; Private, 19th Battalion London Regiment ; France 13 months, Salonica 7 months, Egypt and Palestine 15 months.

Hobbs, Alfred Cecil (1916-19) ; Qualified Signalman, R.N.V.R. ; China Station 2 years 6 months.

Hockley, Joseph Thomas (1915-19) ; Private (acting Corpora)), R.A.M.C. ; France 6 months, Italy 9 months.

Holman, Ernest Albert (1916-19) ; Bombardier, R.G.A. ; France 9 months.

Hopley, Charles William (1917-19) ; Corporal, East Surrey Regiment ; Lance-Sergeant, A.P.C.

Horsier, William Edward (1915-19) ; Writer (2nd Class), R.N.

Hoskin, Herbert Joseph (1915-19) ; Private, 15th Battalion London Regiment ; France 17 months. Prisoner of war 10 months.

Howard, Frederick Percival (1916-19) ; Lance-Corporal, 3rd Battalion East Surrey Regiment

Howell, Tom (1916-19) ; Rifleman, 6th Battalion London Regiment, Sec-Lieutenant, R.G.A. ; France.

Hurley, Robert Cowan (1915-16) ; Private, 3/4th Battalion London Regiment and 101st Provisional Battalion

Idle, Allan Duncan (1914-19) ; Sapper, 23rd Battalion London Regiment and R.E. ; France and Germany 4 months.

Ingle, Henry Sergeant (1914-19) ; Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, 2/4th Battalion Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry ; France 2 years 11 months.

Inkersole, Harry Theodore (1916-19) ; Paymaster Lieutenant, R.N.R., H.M.S. Royal Oak, Grand Fleet.

Jackson, Arthur (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, 18th Battalion Royal Fusiliers and R.A.F. ; France 10 months.

Jackson, Leonard Scott (1917-19) ; Private, R.G.A. and 125th Labour Co. ; France 1 year 11 months.

* Jewers, William Francis (1917-18) ; Rifleman, 10th Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps ; France 10 months ; Killed in action, 23rd March, 1918.

Johns, Samuel (1917-19) ; Paymaster Lieutenant, R.N.R. ; Various active service ships. West Coast of Africa 15 months.

* Johnson, Douglas (1915-16); Rifleman, 15th Battalion London Regiment; Died, 5th August, 1916.

* Johnson, Harry Clifford (1915-18) ; Corporal, Loyal North Lancashire Rgt. ; France 2 years 9 months ; Killed in action, 22nd October, 1918.

Johnson, John William (1914-16) ; Sergeant, M.M.P. ; France 11 months.

Johnson, William Russell (1914-19); Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant, 63rd Battalion Royal West Surrey Regiment

Johnstone, Sidney (1914-16 and 1917) ; Private, 16th Battalion London Regiment ; France 1 year 10 months.

Jones, Edward Hugh (1914-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, Royal Welch Fusiliers ; France 3 years 2 months.

Joyce, Joseph Edwin (1916-19) ; Rifleman, King's Royal Rifle Corps and 4th Battalion Rifle Brigade ; Salonica 1 year 7 months.

Keeler, George (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, 15th Battalion London Regiment, 3rd Battalion Durham Light Infantry, attached 2nd Battalion Cheshire
Regiment ; France 3 months, Salonica 18 months.

Kidd, Sidney Cecil (1914-19) ; Signaller, 2/9th and 2/10th Battalions Middlesex Regiment, and R.F..A. ; Gallipoli 4 months, Egypt and Palestine 3 years 2 months.

Kingett, Henry Frederick (1915-19) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 12 months, Salonica 6 months, Palestine 18 months.

Kirkman, Alfred Henry (1915-19) ; M.S.M. ; Company Sergeant-Major, 9th and 21st Lancers, Intelligence Corps and lOth Battalion Royal Fusiliers ; France 2 years 7 months.

Kirton, Frederick John (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.S.C. (M.T.).

Lakey, Stanley Ernest (1916-19) ; Aircraftsman (1st Class), R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. ; East Africa 7 months.

Langford, William Henry (1916-19) ; Private, Royal Fusiliers.

Layen, Luther Edward (1916-19); M.S.M., Mentioned in despatches ; Acting Staff Sergeant-Major, R.A.S.C. ; Egypt 3 months, Mesopotamia 3 years.

Leonard, Edward (1914-19) ; Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant, 8th and 6th Battalions East Kent Regiment ; France 3 years 6 months.

Levy, Jacob (1918-20) ; Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, 39th Battalion Royal Fusiliers ; Egypt 1 year 7 months.

Lewis, Harold Whittle (1914-19) ; Corporal, 15th Battalion London Regiment ; France 4 months.

Logsdail, Kenneth Wells (1914-19) ; Private, A.P.C, 1st Reserve Garrison Battalion Yorkshire Light Infantry, and 13th Battalion Yorkshire Regiment ; North Russia 10 months.

Logsdon, William James (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.E.

Lucas, George Francis (1915-19) ; Lance-Corporal, Honourable Artillery Company ; France 9 months, Italy 11 months.

* Macartney, Vivian John (1914-15) ; Private, 13th Battalion London Regiment ; France 3 months ; Wounded and missing, 9th May, 1915.

MacKenzie, Alex (1916-19) ; Private, 10th and 13th Battalions Welch Regiment; France 1 year 11 months.

MacMillan, John Ross (1915-19) ; Sergeant, Royal Fusiliers and 36th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers; France 12 months.

Maddocks, Hopkin Thomas (1914-19); M.C. ; Private, Royal Fusiliers, and Lieutenant, Machine Gun Corps ; France 2 years months.

Maggs William (1915-19): Twice mentioned in despatches ; Lieutenant, 2nd County of London Yeomanry, 6th Battalion Essex Regiment, 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry ; France 14 months, Italy 15 months.

Mahood, Samuel (1916-19); Corporal, R.A M.C. ; Italy 5 months.

Maitland, Pelham Douglas (1916-19) ; Corporal, A.P.C.

Malkinson, Charles Herbert (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Sergeant, 19th Battalion London Regiment, Lieutenant, Lincolnshire Regiment and Machine Gun Corps ; France 2 years 7 months.

Manning, Ernest Henry (1916-19) ; Private, 2/15th Battalion London Regiment ; France 10 months, Salonica 5 months, Palestine 12 months.

Mansfield, Ernest (1916-19); Corporal. R.A.S.C.

Marsh, Sydney George (1916-19); Clerk, R.N.A.S., Lieutenant, R.A.F.

Mason, Ernest Joseph (1915-19): Sec-Lieutenant, R.A.S.C. ; Salonica 1 year 11 months, Egypt 12 months.

*Mears, Alfred Edward (1914-15) ; Driver, R.F.A. ; France 2 weeks ; Died, 28th March, 1915.

Messenger, George Augustine (1916-19) ; Clerk (1st Class), R.N.A.S. and R.A.F.

Michell, Albert Francis (1916-19) ; Private, 25th, 7th and 19th Battalions London Regiment ; France 17 months, Prisoner of war 9 months.

Midlane, George Henry (1916-19) : Sergeant, R.A.O.C. France 2 years 8 months.

Moore, Joseph Scott (1915-19) ; Private, Inns of Court O.T.C., and Lieutenant, R.A.O.C.

Moore, Thomas Charles (1914-18) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Corporal, A.P.C, and Flight Cadet, R.A.F. ; France 3 years.

Moss, Albert (1918-19) ; Private, 29th Battalion Royal Fusiliers, 32nd Battalion Middlesex Regiment and R.A.S.C.

Mountifield. Frederick William (1916-19); Battery Quartermaster-Sergeant, R.G.A. ; France 1 year 8 months.

Muncey, Thomas Francis (1914, 1916-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; Mesopotamia 15 months.

Murray, John (1915-19) ; Bombardier, R.H.A. ; India and Mesopotamia 3 years 9 months.

Nash, Herbert James (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; Gibraltar 5 months.

Needham, Frank Allen (1914-19) ; Sec-Lieutenant, 2/2nd County of London Yeomanry, Tank Corps, 3rd Battalion Royal Lancaster Regiment, and R.A.F.; France 16 months.

Newell, George Edward (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.G.A. ; France 10 months.

Nodes, George Leonard (1915-20) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; India and Mesopotamia 2 years 3 months.

* O'Hara, Bernard Patrick (1916-19) ; Paymaster Lieutenant, R.N.R. ; Service at sea ; Died at Malta, 14th October, 1919.

Ottaway, Philip Herbert (1914-20) ; Sergeant, 5th Battalion London Regiment ; France 1 month.

Palmer, Albert Henry Edward (1916) ; Private, London Regiment

* Partridge, Wilfred Issell (1914-17) ; Lieutenant, 10th Battalion Devonshire Regiment ; France 2 months, Salonica and Egypt 16 months ; Missing, believed killed, 24th April, 1917.

*Payne, Henry James (1914-17); Sec-Lieutenant, Royal Sussex Regiment ; France 14 months ; Drowned at sea, 4th May, 1917.

*Pearce, John (1914-15); Rifleman, Rillo Brigade ; France 1 month ; Killed in action, 13th May, 1915.

Pearce, Wilfrid (1916-19) ; Gunner, R.G.A. ; Franco 1 year 11 months, Germany 10 months.

Peck, Arthur Alan (1917-19); Gunner, R.F.A., Aircraftsman (1st Class), R.F.C. and R.A.F.

Peirson, George Frederick (1914-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Sergeant, Wiltshire Regiment, and Lieutenant, R.A.F.; France 2 months.

Pendry, Ernest William (1914-16) ; Private, 15th Battalion London Regiment ; France.

Perring, Douglas Myrton (1915-16) ; Private, 2/5th Battalion Royal West Kent Regiment

*Petherick, John Edward (1914-15); Private, 13th Battalion London Regiment ; France 2 months ; Died of wounds, 17th May, 1915.

Plumbly, Laurence David (1914-19) ; Sergeant, 9th and Private, 7th and 8th Battalions Middlesex Regiment ; France 3 months.

Potter, Arthur (1914-16 and 1916-19) ; Corporal, 15th Battalion London Regiment, 2/lst Battalion Cambridgeshire Regiment and R.E. ; France 18 months.

Potter, Harry Edwin (1916-19) ; Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, 2/6th and 2/7th Battalions Northumberland Fusiliers ; Egypt 9 months, Palestine 18 months.

*Prophet, Cecil (1915-17); Sec-Lieutenant, 10th Battalion London Regiment ; France 10 months ; Killed in action, 9th October, 1917.

Pugh, George Wilfred (1915-19); O.B.E., Medal (3rd Class) for Military Merit (Greek), Mentioned in despatches . Major, R.A.S.C. and R.A.O.C. ; France 2 months, Salonica 1 year 5 months, Athens (Inter-allied Mission) 9 months.

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